Regarding Those Crying Hillary Teenagers.Have They Been To Cuba,Venezuela,Greece?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:cow: When we all saw the footage of her crying crowds, a few anchors sobbing, that girl who said "I am gonna F----ing Kill Myself", and other vids/photos of teens sobbing over the expected landslide of Hillary, makes some of us wonder. Do these babies have any idea what her and Bernies policies were going to do to our economy within two or less years?
Over half the country was in sheer fear of a President Hillary after seeing what a Democrat run nation did to Venezuela. Trump supporters saw what happened to Greece. Greece is a perfect example of what would of happened under either Hillary or Bernie.
And what about those nations building nuclear bombs? Do the crying teenagers have any idea what Iran/Korea are up to?
do these teenagers know that there really is no difference between Hillary and Castro? do they know what happened in Benghazi?
America has in the last fifty years managed to produce two generations of H.G. Wells' split species prediction. Hordes of useless, ignorant simpering Eloi capable of producing nothing beyond urine and feces, and cities full of predatory Morlock thugs who simply rape and kill and drain any assets available.

The main difference from Wells being our Morlocks are not the least bit industrious.
:cow: When we all saw the footage of her crying crowds, a few anchors sobbing, that girl who said "I am gonna F----ing Kill Myself", and other vids/photos of teens sobbing over the expected landslide of Hillary, makes some of us wonder. Do these babies have any idea what her and Bernies policies were going to do to our economy within two or less years?
Over half the country was in sheer fear of a President Hillary after seeing what a Democrat run nation did to Venezuela. Trump supporters saw what happened to Greece. Greece is a perfect example of what would of happened under either Hillary or Bernie.
And what about those nations building nuclear bombs? Do the crying teenagers have any idea what Iran/Korea are up to?

So you are up to date on the IMF then?
Enough of them don't get out of the basement. They can't point to any of those countries on a map.

Enough of them don't get out of the basement. They can't point to any of those countries on a map.
we should put some of them on "are you dumber than a fifth grader" that would be fun/entertaining to watch being they dont know anything !!!
we should put some of them on "are you dumber than a fifth grader" that would be fun/entertaining to watch being they dont know anything !!!

We should be ridiculing the hell out of these bed wetters.

In fact I think the term bed wetter is starting to stick to moonbats. I was listening to Rush today and he made several references to bed wetting while discussing the insipid responses from the left to Trump's election.

We should be on the offensive. Use Alinsky rule #5 against their asses and make it shameful to be a sniveling liberal puke. The trend of being a jabbering sheep will go away, and people will make informed choices so they won't look stupid.

we should put some of them on "are you dumber than a fifth grader" that would be fun/entertaining to watch being they dont know anything !!!

We should be ridiculing the hell out of these bed wetters.

In fact I think the term bed wetter is starting to stick to moonbats. I was listening to Rush today and he made several references to bed wetting while discussing the insipid responses from the left to Trump's election.

We should be on the offensive. Use Alinsky rule #5 against their asses and make it shameful to be a sniveling liberal puke. The trend of being a jabbering sheep will go away, and people will make informed choices so they won't look stupid.

maybe they all need to get their first jobs at McDonalds to see what us adults had to go thru before we moved on to bigger and better things
maybe they all need to get their first jobs at McDonalds to see what us adults had to go thru before we moved on to bigger and better things

Some of them have jobs but piss and moan because they don't make $30K/Yr.

  1. Try getting a simple fuckin drive thru order right and you might be worth the $15K
  2. Find a career that commands a higher wage because you've learned the skills to be competent at it.
  3. Don't breed until you can afford to on your own.

No one says this shit to their faces though. They don't want their food shit on or cars firebombed.


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