Registration of firearms leads to confiscation

Actually, responsible citizens do not drink and drive

The law on the other hand is only aimed at the lawless

This gun grabbing ploy is aimed at the honest, responsible gun owners
So how many drunk drivers do you think respect drunk driving laws. Using your logic, we should just eliminate those laws
What will happen if the directions of the NYPD are not followed?
Your thread premise is a lie and most on the dishonest right are liars – particularly when it comes to the regulation of firearms.

You’ve provided no evidence that the registration of firearms results in ‘confiscation’ – that’s a lie.

Firearms in New York City are not being ‘confiscated’ – that’s another lie.

The letter included in your link (a source just as unreliable and dishonest as are conservatives) clearly states that gunowners are at liberty to relocate their firearms to another venue, retaining both possession and ownership of their firearms.

And in contempt of these facts, you continue to propagate your ridiculous lies and slippery slope fallacies.
Your thread premise is a lie and most on the dishonest right are liars – particularly when it comes to the regulation of firearms.

You’ve provided no evidence that the registration of firearms results in ‘confiscation’ – that’s a lie.

Firearms in New York City are not being ‘confiscated’ – that’s another lie.

The letter included in your link (a source just as unreliable and dishonest as are conservatives) clearly states that gunowners are at liberty to relocate their firearms to another venue, retaining both possession and ownership of their firearms.

And in contempt of these facts, you continue to propagate your ridiculous lies and slippery slope fallacies.
What will happen if the directions of the NYPD are not followed?
Why are you afraid to answer my questions?

How would requiring gun registration make us safer?

And, if it's not to make us safer, what's the benefit of requiring registration?
Obviously New York thinks it makes their citizens safer, and they have the legal right to impose it. They didn't even ask my opinion.
Obviously New York thinks it makes their citizens safer, and they have the legal right to impose it. They didn't even ask my opinion.

What a clumsy, cowardly dodge.

Clearly, you're too stupid to formulate an answer to the question, and you're too big a coward to simply admit that...
I planned on using my garden for community activitites involving children and the elderly and disabled and now those plans have changed. I'm staying under the radar with my gardening AND with my canning activities.
Your intention to help neighbors in need was of pure motive. Please don’t let political corrupted leftists sway your personal decisions to do good in any way! Keep the good fight OPJQ! Your proactive stance is a positive because your eyes and mind are fully opened to the political spewings of those who claim to have good intentions on paper but have collective socialism as the end game plan.

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