Registration of firearms leads to confiscation

Well, seeing as fully automatic machine guns are hardly readily available to the general public, requiring them to be registered would be nothing more than a liberal feel-good measure which would accomplish nothing.


Now you're just being stupid.

How would requiring gun registration make anyone safer?
Fully automatic machine guns were readily available before regulation, and would still be readily available without regulation. Removing fully automatic machine guns from the street did make us safer.
They're unconstitutional

States have the right to regulate firearms.

The Constitution of The United States of America.

Amendment X

The Powers Not Delegated To the United States By The Constitution, Nor Prohibited By ItTo The States, Are Reserved To The States Respectively, Or To The People.

The State of New York has the right, under the Constitution to regulate firearms. The statement made by the OP regarding the Constitutionality of the New York State Law is factaully incorrect...I.E.- A LIE.
Obviously you didn’t bother to read the letter, either, in your reckless, irresponsible rush to propagate your lie.

From the letter:

“Alternatively, you may bring your firearm(s) to another location where you are lawfully allowed to possess and store it.”

Or you did read the letter and decided to ignore the facts and post a lie anyway, typical of the dishonest, reprehensible right.

No firearms are being ‘confiscated’ – the registration of firearms does not result in ‘confiscation’ – the thread premise is a lie; this is just more lies and demagoguery about guns from the right.
“Alternatively, you may bring your firearm(s) to another location where you are lawfully allowed to possess and store it.”

such as?

Safety depot box in a bank?

Trunk of your car?

gun safe in your closet?

somewhere else you can't get your hands on it in an emergency?
Interesting. And now they're trying to get folks to register something else. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................

Whoa. CCP knows this thoroughly as well that government entities controlling the food lines control the world. The world has the means and sources to feed entire populations living below poverty rate, but fail to do so because there is no profit in distribution.

Registering personal gardens, sold under the printed statements about “helping communities”. Are these privately owned gardens being listed publicly upon registration? No thanks to collectivism registration that enables slackers to take advantage of hard working proactive folks! Listing your address with what your garden produces? Uh, no. Any type of USDA registration should be restricted to the farmers who sign up to produce food for government affiliates.

Many leftists dream of doing the bare minimum for themselves while relying on a working subset to provide for them. Piss off! lol I account for my recent USMB evolution that has occurred over the past 6 months from the result of interactions I’ve had with various leftists on this board. Word salad professional amateurs do not help the Democrat party, yet they claim to be representatives of the party. If I were a traditional Democrat I’d be doing something about that at least on a small scale level.
The federal government didn't lose the right to regulate abortion. It just chose to not exercize it at this time. Removal of overriding federal guidelines is currently allowing states to do as they will. At some time, I believe the federal government will reassert it's supremacy and override all the current state laws. No new authority was granted to the states. They are just taking advantage of a temporary lack of federal guidance.

Congress has the authority to pass legislation to protect citizens’ rights – such as the right to privacy.

Codifying the right to privacy in Federal law would invalidate state laws ‘banning’ abortion.
If you KNEW that a government effort to confiscate firearms would lead to tens of thousands of deaths in that process, would you still think it was the correct move?
WHY would the government want to confiscate personal firearms?

We need them to form well regulated militias

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