Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.
The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

deal with it, and thank every democrat you see. ya hear?
The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

deal with it, and thank every democrat you see. ya hear?

It's not like Democrats are the only ones to blame here. Republicans are every bit as guilty of brinksmanship and bending/breaking the rules. Both parties have overstayed their welcome and must be replaced with a modern interpretation of politics.
All these people saying "elections have consequences" seem way too glib about how Reid said in 2008 that the nuclear option would not happen while he was leader of the senate.

The consequences people need to learn about are not to vote for Democrats because Democrats willfully break promises, then lie about the broken promises, and then break promises some more when they start feeling the heat from being such wretchedly dishonest "leaders".

Not to mention that at the beginning of this year, Reid and McConnell made a deal to change the filibuster rules with the understanding that the nuclear option wouldn't be considered. Reid got almost all he wanted, and STILL welshed on the deal. Reid won't be able to negotiate anything with anyone in the future.

Yea....McConnell kinda agreed he would reduce the number of GOP did that one work out?
All these people saying "elections have consequences" seem way too glib about how Reid said in 2008 that the nuclear option would not happen while he was leader of the senate.

The consequences people need to learn about are not to vote for Democrats because Democrats willfully break promises, then lie about the broken promises, and then break promises some more when they start feeling the heat from being such wretchedly dishonest "leaders".

Not to mention that at the beginning of this year, Reid and McConnell made a deal to change the filibuster rules with the understanding that the nuclear option wouldn't be considered. Reid got almost all he wanted, and STILL welshed on the deal. Reid won't be able to negotiate anything with anyone in the future.

Yea....McConnell kinda agreed he would reduce the number of GOP did that one work out?

Pretty much the same way his clean CR deal with the Boehner worked out...the GOP went back on their word.
The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

deal with it, and thank every democrat you see. ya hear?

It's not like Democrats are the only ones to blame here. Republicans are every bit as guilty of brinksmanship and bending/breaking the rules. Both parties have overstayed their welcome and must be replaced with a modern interpretation of politics.

Oh! I'd really hate to see what that is gonna look like. Can you give us a description?
The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

deal with it, and thank every democrat you see. ya hear?

Oh, indeed. G-d forbid that the majority should rule! Pshaw!! Who ever heard of that?!?
Not to mention that at the beginning of this year, Reid and McConnell made a deal to change the filibuster rules with the understanding that the nuclear option wouldn't be considered. Reid got almost all he wanted, and STILL welshed on the deal. Reid won't be able to negotiate anything with anyone in the future.

Yea....McConnell kinda agreed he would reduce the number of GOP did that one work out?

Pretty much the same way his clean CR deal with the Boehner worked out...the GOP went back on their word.

The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

That's a quite common sentiment of those in the party out of power. Funny I never hear any Republicans complain in the last 2 years that our country is going off the cliff because the House passes bills by a simple majority.
It's not like Democrats are the only ones to blame here. Republicans are every bit as guilty of brinksmanship and bending/breaking the rules. Both parties have overstayed their welcome and must be replaced with a modern interpretation of politics.

The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

I couldn't agree more. Our political system has hit a brick wall, and I don't see how this noxious environment is going to improve. When we can pass major legislation with a simple majority, something has clearly gone wrong somewhere. We have narcissistic politicians running things, people whose top priority is nothing more than fundraising and re-election.

Worse, both parties refuse to look in the mirror while pointing the finger at the other side. The ship is sinking and the deck hands are blaming each other.

You may disagree with this, but I think we'd see REAL "change" with the following:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment - Make both ridiculous parties justify their taxing and spending agendas.

2. Publicly-funded elections - Money has far more than polluted politics, it has poisoned politics.

3. Strict, short term limits - Does anyone think these "leaders" would behave the way they do if they were not worried about fundraising and re-election?

Take the power out of the hands of those who abuse it the most. Or we can just keeping bending over and taking it.

My weekly rant!


deal with it, and thank every democrat you see. ya hear?

It's not like Democrats are the only ones to blame here. Republicans are every bit as guilty of brinksmanship and bending/breaking the rules. Both parties have overstayed their welcome and must be replaced with a modern interpretation of politics.

Oh! I'd really hate to see what that is gonna look like. Can you give us a description?

Long story short: A modern political party wouldn't chain itself to the idea of left vs right. Everyone is stuck with the parties our great grandparents (or grandparents for you geezers) founded. While these archaic parties were founded to discuss the issues of the times, the times have changed. The issues have not.

A more 3 dimensional approach should be taken in politics, where more than two solutions can be posed to every answer. Parties should be as diverse as the opinions on this forum. A modern approach would actually utilize the media available for disseminating information. It's easier to progress through issues if more people are educated with facts. Instead of the sound bytes so touted by the cable news stations that everyone watches.
Long story short: A modern political party wouldn't chain itself to the idea of left vs right. Everyone is stuck with the parties our great grandparents (or grandparents for you geezers) founded. While these archaic parties were founded to discuss the issues of the times, the times have changed. The issues have not.

A more 3 dimensional approach should be taken in politics, where more than two solutions can be posed to every answer. Parties should be as diverse as the opinions on this forum. A modern approach would actually utilize the media available for disseminating information. It's easier to progress through issues if more people are educated with facts. Instead of the sound bytes so touted by the cable news stations that everyone watches.

Long Story Shorter:
Get rid of political parties ... Marginalize Conservatives and Progressive Liberals ... And hand the process over to the fence riding dingbats with no principles who reside in the middle waiting for the wind to blow.
I believe you are a bit to optimistic in your projections regarding the realignment Shawn ... The idea that people should vote using facts, when they get more using idiocy ... Is completely ignoring the difference between "should" and "will".

Long story short: A modern political party wouldn't chain itself to the idea of left vs right. Everyone is stuck with the parties our great grandparents (or grandparents for you geezers) founded. While these archaic parties were founded to discuss the issues of the times, the times have changed. The issues have not.

A more 3 dimensional approach should be taken in politics, where more than two solutions can be posed to every answer. Parties should be as diverse as the opinions on this forum. A modern approach would actually utilize the media available for disseminating information. It's easier to progress through issues if more people are educated with facts. Instead of the sound bytes so touted by the cable news stations that everyone watches.

Long Story Shorter:

Get rid of political parties ... Marginalize Conservatives and Progressive Liberals ... And hand the process over to the fence riding dingbats with no principles who reside in the middle waiting for the wind to blow.

I believe you are a bit to optimistic in your projections regarding the realignment Shawn ... The idea that people should vote using facts, when they get more using idiocy ... Is completely ignoring the difference between "should" and "will".


I disagree with your fence riders remark. We are only called fence riders because we refuse to be caught in either extreme. I believe that more solutions could be achieved in a timely manner if more "fence riders" formed their own parties based on the principles we do have. I could outline mine, but that would be tldr on this thread.

I agree with your second argument. I am optimistic, probably too optimistic for political reform. All we need to do is promote facts, instead of rhetoric.
It's not like Democrats are the only ones to blame here. Republicans are every bit as guilty of brinksmanship and bending/breaking the rules. Both parties have overstayed their welcome and must be replaced with a modern interpretation of politics.

The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

I couldn't agree more. Our political system has hit a brick wall, and I don't see how this noxious environment is going to improve. When we can pass major legislation with a simple majority, something has clearly gone wrong somewhere. We have narcissistic politicians running things, people whose top priority is nothing more than fundraising and re-election.

Worse, both parties refuse to look in the mirror while pointing the finger at the other side. The ship is sinking and the deck hands are blaming each other.

You may disagree with this, but I think we'd see REAL "change" with the following:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment - Make both ridiculous parties justify their taxing and spending agendas.

2. Publicly-funded elections - Money has far more than polluted politics, it has poisoned politics.

3. Strict, short term limits - Does anyone think these "leaders" would behave the way they do if they were not worried about fundraising and re-election?

Take the power out of the hands of those who abuse it the most. Or we can just keeping bending over and taking it.

My weekly rant!



You have three VERY good ideas there, I like all three of them.
I disagree with your fence riders remark. We are only called fence riders because we refuse to be caught in either extreme. I believe that more solutions could be achieved in a timely manner if more "fence riders" formed their own parties based on the principles we do have. I could outline mine, but that would be tldr on this thread.

I agree with your second argument. I am optimistic, probably too optimistic for political reform. All we need to do is promote facts, instead of rhetoric.

That is not what I said at all ... I said they are fence riders with no principles waiting for the wind to blow.
Because you agree with it ... But like your terminology and sugar coating better ... Doesn't really speak to any difference in what we said ... People are driven or restricted by principles ... Or don't have any.
There isn't really a need to agree with the second comment ... Because if people would be doing what they should be doing ... Then we wouldn't have problems fence riders would need to fix.

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I disagree with your fence riders remark. We are only called fence riders because we refuse to be caught in either extreme. I believe that more solutions could be achieved in a timely manner if more "fence riders" formed their own parties based on the principles we do have. I could outline mine, but that would be tldr on this thread.

I agree with your second argument. I am optimistic, probably too optimistic for political reform. All we need to do is promote facts, instead of rhetoric.

That is not what I said at all ... I said they are fence riders with no principles waiting for the wind to blow.

Because you agree with it ... But like your terminology and sugar coating better ... Doesn't really speak to any difference in what we said ... People are driven or restricted by principles ... Or don't have any.

There isn't really a need to agree with the second comment ... Because if people would be doing what they should be doing ... Then we wouldn't have problems fence riders would need to fix.


Your representation of people who disagree with the main parties is the same as the media rhetoric portrayed by the left right commentators they employ. Just because we have more than one idea that disagrees with your principles doesn't mean we don't have our own.
Your representation of people who disagree with the main parties is the same as the media rhetoric portrayed by the left right commentators they employ. Just because we have more than one idea that disagrees with your principles doesn't mean we don't have our own.

That is the difference Shawn ... I am a real Conservative ... And the difference in your principles and mine are plain enough to see.
My principles don't require you to do anything ... Because I understand that I can accomplish what should be done without your telling me what it is.

If people did what they should do ... Then everything from poverty to wealth inequity wouldn't be a problem.
I do what I can to fix those problems around me and through what I do and how I conduct my business ... Doing what I should do.
For you to suggest that people won't do what they should do ... And therefor require solutions that involve fixing problems created by their lack of an ability to do what they should do ... By them voting the way they should vote ... Just further proves my point.

It's not like Democrats are the only ones to blame here. Republicans are every bit as guilty of brinksmanship and bending/breaking the rules. Both parties have overstayed their welcome and must be replaced with a modern interpretation of politics.

The future of politics is looking very bleak to me. We are preparing ourselves for that final jump off the cliff into a swan dive of partisan politics based on the majority. Laws are going to be implemented, drastically changed, and abolished due to party lines battling over who wins the draw.

I couldn't agree more. Our political system has hit a brick wall, and I don't see how this noxious environment is going to improve. When we can pass major legislation with a simple majority, something has clearly gone wrong somewhere. We have narcissistic politicians running things, people whose top priority is nothing more than fundraising and re-election.

Worse, both parties refuse to look in the mirror while pointing the finger at the other side. The ship is sinking and the deck hands are blaming each other.

You may disagree with this, but I think we'd see REAL "change" with the following:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment - Make both ridiculous parties justify their taxing and spending agendas.

2. Publicly-funded elections - Money has far more than polluted politics, it has poisoned politics.

3. Strict, short term limits - Does anyone think these "leaders" would behave the way they do if they were not worried about fundraising and re-election?

Take the power out of the hands of those who abuse it the most. Or we can just keeping bending over and taking it.

My weekly rant!



You have three VERY good ideas there, I like all three of them.
It's too bad SCOTUS has ruled Term Limits Unconstitutional.

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