Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery

Look goofball, I didn't doubt what figures you used, and my contention was not with that. It was that liberals of today wouldn't have done it, and I stand by that. I just looked at the ARRA list, and I have to laugh at that.

Yeah, you did doubt the figures I used. "Even if those were the figures" implies that those are not, in fact, the figures.

I didn't know that you had the ability to read my mind. :cuckoo:
I still stand my contention about liberals, and not only that, but I stand by my contention that your a goofball.

and I concur with your findings Miester!
Harry Reid is an idiot. Most opponents in Congress are Republicans. Last I checked, it was the Democrats who fough to keep slavery alive and well. As well is was mostly Democrats who fought against the CRA of 1964.

Harry Reid needs to brush up on some simple history. Better yet, he needs to keep that ignorant yap of his shut.
"When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today." -Senator Harry Reid (D)

^Edited to Clarify it wasn't Willow who said that, instead that Douche from Nevada! ;)

Why is Reid Talking Shit about the Senior DemocRAT from West BY GOD Virgina, Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK)?...

MeThinks he has Spoken Highly of that Fillibusterer of Civil Rights for Blacks before?...

Reid is an Idiot.



If this were Reversed, the "Free Press" would have Trent Lotted Reid...

And to be Lotted is to have the Media Fixate on you for Weeks for a Minor Comment at Roast while they Ignore an Abjectly RACIST Comment by the Sr. Member of the other Party.



Still, he's not accusing or even implying anyone is 'racist'. I think y'all do protesteth to mucheth LOL

I wouldn't Excuse someone on the Right for Making that "Comparison"...

It was Fucking Shameless and Historically Ignorant, Considering it was HIS Party that was Responsible in his Analogy.

He's a Tool, and the Race Card is Fucking Irrelevant in this Debate...

Unless you are a Dishonest and Patently Racist DemocRAT like that Stain is.


We have been trying to get health care reform since 1912 and the current batch of Borgs in the RNC say let's not rush it.

Their approach to change in healthcare is very similar to those who opposed what Reid was talking about. Hell, they even have a book out on how to stall any progress on the vote.

If the foo shits, wear it.:lol:

Being middle class today and voting republican, is like being a chicken and voting for Col Sanders. They are owned by the the big pharma and insurance companies and really don't give a shit for the middle class.

This is the same shit they spewed about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Give them hell Harry:clap2:
We have been trying to get health care reform since 1912 and the current batch of Borgs in the RNC say let's not rush it.

Their approach to change in healthcare is very similar to those who opposed what Reid was talking about. Hell, they even have a book out on how to stall any progress on the vote.

If the foo shits, wear it.:lol:

Being middle class today and voting republican, is like being a chicken and voting for Col Sanders. They are owned by the the big pharma and insurance companies and really don't give a shit for the middle class.

This is the same shit they spewed about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Give them hell Harry:clap2:

oh bullshit, did you hear about the deal the demons cut with big Pharma to play along? Do your research before you try to bullshit the troops.
We have been trying to get health care reform since 1912 and the current batch of Borgs in the RNC say let's not rush it.

Their approach to change in healthcare is very similar to those who opposed what Reid was talking about. Hell, they even have a book out on how to stall any progress on the vote.

If the foo shits, wear it.:lol:

Being middle class today and voting republican, is like being a chicken and voting for Col Sanders. They are owned by the the big pharma and insurance companies and really don't give a shit for the middle class.

This is the same shit they spewed about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Give them hell Harry:clap2:

"They" are owned by ...George Soros. Get off your pedestel Rayboy.
Is Reid too fucking stupid to know that Democrats were and are the biggest supporters of slavery?
The United Nations, generally opposed by the RNC, didn't abolish slavery worldwide until 1955. The United Nations was a creation of liberal Democrats, Franklin Delano Roosevelt president.

Republicans do support the concept of a Lincoln presidency, however. Lincoln set in motion the slaughter of 750,000 White People. The Democrats have generally been opposed to the Party of Lincoln, and even during the Civil War. The problem with the Lincoln election, itself, was that the pro-slavery vote was split, and the Abolitionists were perceived to be the driving force of any Lincoln Administration.

Even Lincoln knew that the popular vote was pro-slavery, however: And carefully avoided any concept of Abolition in the famous, First Innaugural, Ranblings On Of Abraham Lincoln.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(What would anyone guess, about anyone fabled, who had the verbose aversion to the concept, "87?"
We don't read, "87 years ago, White, Protestant, Males originated the United States of America!" In fact, even now. . . .The Republicans are among us! The concept, "72," he seems to have understood. Anyone can compare and contrast. The bigger things got, the less clear he became! He was not out, notice, to get too engaged with historical rights of property on the planet!)
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And what, if anything, does that have to do with this particular topic, pillz-e?
Like the private health care industry: too costly, poor affordability, and hurdles to accessibility. That you are going to pay your fair to others' health care in America is just, proper, and right. And I am laughing at you, dude.
Harry Reid is an idiot. Most opponents in Congress are Republicans. Last I checked, it was the Democrats who fough to keep slavery alive and well. As well is was mostly Democrats who fought against the CRA of 1964.

Harry Reid needs to brush up on some simple history. Better yet, he needs to keep that ignorant yap of his shut.

I swear, your historical ignorance knows no bounds. The major dividing line was between the South and the rest of the nation when voting on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and within any given region, Republicans were most strongly opposed.
"When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today." -Senator Harry Reid (D)

^Edited to Clarify it wasn't Willow who said that, instead that Douche from Nevada! ;)

Why is Reid Talking Shit about the Senior DemocRAT from West BY GOD Virgina, Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK)?...

MeThinks he has Spoken Highly of that Fillibusterer of Civil Rights for Blacks before?...

Reid is an Idiot.



If this were Reversed, the "Free Press" would have Trent Lotted Reid...

And to be Lotted is to have the Media Fixate on you for Weeks for a Minor Comment at Roast while they Ignore an Abjectly RACIST Comment by the Sr. Member of the other Party.



It wasn't a minor comment and it wasn't at a roast. He praised segregation and it also came out in the process that he was active member of a white supremacist group.
Trent Lott deserved what happened to him. You support that type of nonsense early in your career and then flatter a racist toid, you deserve getting hammered. "Lotted" is vernacular for "righteously hammered for being a racist idiot".

Pubs, three words for you: get over it!

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