Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery

Ame®icano;1791471 said:
You know, criticizing someone of the other party for their involvement in white supremacist group decades ago (which, before you accuse me of a double standard, I have, both here and elsewhere, called for Byrd's resignation over this very issue) takes a lot of balls when your party has had an active white supremacist as it's leader in the Senate in the past decade and one of your leading 2012 contenders is also an active member of a white supremacist group.

It's also pretty ballsy to bitch about being compared to supporters of slavery, then turn right around and call the same guy a Nazi.

My party?

Yes, your party. And don't even try this cutesy little game where you try to claim you're not a Republican.

I don't have a party and I don't give a shit about any.

I would like you to explain to me, does disagreeing with one side makes me agreeing with other side?
Don't doubt that Americano is a GOP hypocrite.

And now, I am a topic of this thread?

Liberal moron.

Some of you liberals can't see the forest for the trees, can you? The point of this post is not whether democrats or republicans did or didn't support slavery at the time of the Civil War or any other fact check. The point is, as predicted, Harry Reid broke out the race card. He did what every liberal does, playied the blame game. Is anyone surprised he didn't go back even further then the Civil War?

That's how you liberals do politics. You propose a bill, then start slinging mud. They know that most of their bills are crap, so they even start slinging mud before you introduce the bill. How freakin' embarrassed you folks should be letting that mealymouthed weasel speak for you.

Pure example, JakeStarkey... no real argument, so he point finger on me. Poor folie.
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Here... a pattern? Harry Reid implies radio host is racist for tying Fannie Mae Exec to Obama...

Listen what the host said: "Now I am a racist even you brought up the race card!"

Ame®icano;1794428 said:
Ame®icano;1791471 said:
My party?

Yes, your party. And don't even try this cutesy little game where you try to claim you're not a Republican.

I don't have a party and I don't give a shit about any.

I would like you to explain to me, does disagreeing with one side makes me agreeing with other side?

Polk, projecting.......again.
Americano denies his Republicanism (he calls it 'name calling', very funny), and wants to lamblast good solid moderate Republicans, such as myself, who know full well that folks like Americano etc were the reason for our defeat last year and will be the same next year, unless we can get these albatrosses off the party neck and thrown overboard.
The reactionary wingnuts are moonbatting around. They so desparately wish that they say in their talking points and mutual reinforcement were only true. But they know it's not. And they know tha historic health care reform is going to pass, they are whistling past the graveyard. This is too funny!
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The reactionary wingnuts are moonbatting around. They so desparately wish that they say in their talking points and mutual reinforcement were only true. But they know it's not. And they know tha historic health care reform is going to pass, they are whistling past the graveyard. This is too funny!

It's historic only because Dems are pushig for it.

Of course, whatever comes from Republican counterparts is not historic, or Dems are taking credit for it. Reality conflicts with the left wing ideology and we can have none of that!

Since we're talking about "historic moments", here is one...

History reveals that it was Mr. Reid’s Party that opposed the emancipation of slaves and the Republican Party that was the vanguard of freedom. A brief review of history will record the Republican President Abraham Lincoln abolishing slavery and the Republican Caucus voting in a larger percentage for Civil Rights legislation than their Democratic counterparts. It is quite evident Mr. Reid has not read a history book or the bill he wants to force through. - Isaac Hayes, nominee for Congress in IL-2

Any questions?
Americano, thinking Americans have answered your questions and comments.

Because you can't or won't get it, I have two words for you: tuff luck.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took his GOP-blasting rhetoric to a new level Monday, comparing Republicans who oppose health care reform to lawmakers who clung to the institution of slavery more than a century ago.

The Nevada Democrat, in a sweeping set of accusations on the Senate floor, also compared health care foes to those who opposed women's suffrage and the civil rights movement -- even though it was Sen. Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat, who unsuccessfully tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and it was Republicans who led the charge against slavery.

Senate Republicans on Monday called Reid's comments "offensive" and "unbelievable."

But Reid argued that Republicans are using the same stalling tactics employed in the pre-Civil War era.

"Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is, 'slow down, stop everything, let's start over.' If you think you've heard these same excuses before, you're right," Reid said Monday. "When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said 'slow down, it's too early, things aren't bad enough.'"

He continued: "When women spoke up for the right to speak up, they wanted to vote, some insisted they simply, slow down, there will be a better day to do that, today isn't quite right.

"When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today."

That seemed to be a reference to Thurmond's famous 1957 filibuster -- the late senator switched parties several years later.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said Reid's remarks were over the top. - Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery

Reid is a nazi asshole! and that's putting it mildly.

President Lincoln was a Republican and freed the slaves, a little know historical fact that I imagine many libs don't know as they are historically challenged.:lol:

You don't really believe that the Confederate Party of today, um, I mean the Republican Party of today would be anti slavery? Right? If you are, you're delusional. Republicans are anti black, anti gay, anti education. The only things they are pro are tax cuts for the the rich and higher premiums for insurance companies. Oh, and war and torture, don't forget those. They want the president to fail.
Maple, AL was not abolitionist. Go study his career and tell us why he was anti-slavery. What you will learn his not going to jive with your minimal comprehension of American history.
And over the Christmas holidays, the GOP house members are taking a galleon across the Atlantic to conduct raids up and down the Niger delta...
I was thinking we should accuse those who are for pushing this healthcare through of being guys who fuck chickens while wearing fox costumes in smelly chicken coups. However, it would probably enhance their status among the base......

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