Reid objects to vote on Obama fiscal cliff plan

It's called politics, it goes on all the time. Remember when Obama submitted a budget proposal and not one democrat congressman voted for it? Obama submitted it knowing it wouldn't get any votes, it was just a political I said, it goes on all the time.
That's exactly what that was, a game. It's the same gimmick, charade, theater, game - whatever you want to call it, yes, that was pulled earlier in the year when they introduce sham budget bills they knew would get no support, because of the way they tinkered it. You know, the ones pubbies like to laugh at and say LOOK! Even the democrats wouldn't vote for it.

That because it was crafted just so pubbies could say that. And dutifully, they did.

I addressed that gimmick back in September:

And now bouys and gulls, we'll show you what really happened:

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-Idiot) put forth an Alternative Budget that was based on Obama's 2013 budget proposal (Note Meister, it was NOT Obama that submitted that bill)

Mulvaney wiped out all the specifics, and only used the top line numbers. Basically an empty budget. No one would vote for a budget presented as such - and of course they didn't.

It's only purpose was to capture that headline you see people nyuk nyuking right now. That wasn't "Obama's" budget, that was a trick.

Even your most basic sense of "smell test" should tell you that.

It was a ploy to capture exactly the type of emotional response you got right here. Congratulations, you guys fell for it.

0-414 vote: House clobbers budget proposal based on Obama's 2013 plan - The Hill's Floor Action

It's only complicated to people who listen to propaganda porkers and Freedomworks fudgers.

It's just the way they wanted to "complicate" it.

And sure as flies on shit, the game-playing GOP is pulling the same tricks again, just a different version.Yes, I agree though, both sides do it. The GOP has perfected it to an Art form.

So what? Are you seriously contending it doesn't go on with BOTH parties, depending on who's in the position to do so?

you stupid or something?
What BILL number were Senators supposed to be voting on?

Could some one answer this? Any one?

Didn't you watch the video? McConnell was introducing a rider to the Russia trade bill that would have given the Democrats a chance to stand behind Obama. If the Democrats had a problem with it there, he was willing to tack it onto another bill, or even put it up as a stand alone bill. Can you think of any reason the Democrats would not come out in unanimous support of the leader of their party?

why would they vote on something that wasnt even real? That everyone knows wasn't real. Why would anyone waste their time in doing so?
It would seem turkey neck did this so people like you would come on here and create the exact OP Windbag did,.
Mitch McConnell Filibusters His Own Bill To Avoid Debt Default | TPMDC :clap2::laugh2:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wanted to prove on Thursday that Democrats don’t have the votes to weaken Congress’ authority on the debt limit. Instead they called his bluff, and he ended up filibustering his own bill.

The legislation, modeled on a proposal McConnell offered last year as a “last-choice option” to avert a U.S. debt default, would permit the president to unilaterally lift the debt ceiling unless Congress mustered a two-thirds majority to stop him. President Obama has championed the idea.

McConnell brought up the legislation Thursday morning. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) initially objected, seemingly proving the Republican leader’s point that it cannot pass the Senate. But then Reid ran it by his members and, in the afternoon, agreed to hold that same vote. This time it was McConnell who objected.

“The Republican leader objects to his own idea,” Reid declared on the floor. “So I guess we have a filibuster of his own bill.”

McConnell claimed he never agreed to hold a simple majority vote on the bill.

“What we’re talking about here is a perpetual debt ceiling grant in effect to the president. Matters of this level of controversy always require 60 votes,” the GOP leader said.

When are people going to learn to read their own links? This has nothing to do with this thread, yet idiots keep posting it.
You are wrong. Reid was asking for an immediate vote on McConnell's request. McConnell then jumped up and filibustered his own request.


Yesterday, McConnell asked for an immediate vote to give Obama unilateral authority to raise the debt ceiling on his own. McConnell was guessing that the Democrats would not go for it.

He failed. Today, Reid called his bluff and then it turns out it was McConnell who was caught with his dick in his hands.

He filibustered his own proposal. :lol:

Hoisted by his own petard.


Sorry, ed already posted a link where it clearly stated that what Reid called for was a vote on an old proposal to give the president control of the debt ceiling, not Obama's proposal. Feel free to keep deluding yourself into thinking you are smarter than the average tulip, just don't expect the universe to pay any attention.

Actually you both are wrong, McConnell brought it up in the morning, Reid initially objected. Then later on after discussing it with democrats called for a vote and then McConnell objected.

Ed agrees with you, so if he is wrong, so are you.
I sincerely hope McConnell loses his Senate seat to Ashley Judd in 2014. It's real possibility...

Ashley Judd?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Chief, put the glue down and do not operate anything that moves...
Ms. Judd has a masters degree from Harvard. She's smart.

That sounds impressive until you find out she got a Master's of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. If she were really smart she wouldn't have wasted her money on a degree that is useless.
Ashley Judd?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Chief, put the glue down and do not operate anything that moves...
Ms. Judd has a masters degree from Harvard. She's smart.

That sounds impressive until you find out she got a Master's of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. If she were really smart she wouldn't have wasted her money on a degree that is useless.

^more nonsense from the local semi-retard
Ms. Judd has a masters degree from Harvard. She's smart.

That sounds impressive until you find out she got a Master's of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. If she were really smart she wouldn't have wasted her money on a degree that is useless.

^more nonsense from the local semi-retard

She has an MPA. That sounds a lot like another useless degree, the MBA, except it is for people that are greedy for government instead of money. Neither one of them are going to cure any diseases, help us understand the way the universe works, or figure out a way to get us to the stars.

Want to tell me how me understanding that makes me dumber than the people who waste their time getting degrees in fields about business and government?
That sounds impressive until you find out she got a Master's of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. If she were really smart she wouldn't have wasted her money on a degree that is useless.

^more nonsense from the local semi-retard

She has an MPA. That sounds a lot like another useless degree, the MBA, except it is for people that are greedy for government instead of money. Neither one of them are going to cure any diseases, help us understand the way the universe works, or figure out a way to get us to the stars.

Want to tell me how me understanding that makes me dumber than the people who waste their time getting degrees in fields about business and government?

ANY Harvard degree is "useful" to the person who obtained it. I know this might be news to you but most people don't go to college for the betterment of humankind ... they go to improve their own situation.

You really are one dumb fuck.
good ole Cnn(commie news network)...cranking out the propaganda as usual

you can go to the daily kos and get this kind of crap reporting
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