Reid objects to vote on Obama fiscal cliff plan

The dishonest Titles of a thread people have to make up..

Wait. First you said it was CNN propaganda. Now, it's me.

Which is it, and how are either the story or my title incorrect?

you both are, deal with it
we had this same stupid titled posted yesterday when it came off Hufferpost

He really did fillibuster his own bill, so the one who is being dishonest? T'is Stephanie.
Did McConnell technically filibuster? Or was his request/objection labelled filibustering?
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^more nonsense from the local semi-retard

She has an MPA. That sounds a lot like another useless degree, the MBA, except it is for people that are greedy for government instead of money. Neither one of them are going to cure any diseases, help us understand the way the universe works, or figure out a way to get us to the stars.

Want to tell me how me understanding that makes me dumber than the people who waste their time getting degrees in fields about business and government?

ANY Harvard degree is "useful" to the person who obtained it. I know this might be news to you but most people don't go to college for the betterment of humankind ... they go to improve their own situation.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Tell that to the PhDs in Museum Studies or French Literature who are flipping burgers at McDonalds.
She has an MPA. That sounds a lot like another useless degree, the MBA, except it is for people that are greedy for government instead of money. Neither one of them are going to cure any diseases, help us understand the way the universe works, or figure out a way to get us to the stars.

Want to tell me how me understanding that makes me dumber than the people who waste their time getting degrees in fields about business and government?

ANY Harvard degree is "useful" to the person who obtained it. I know this might be news to you but most people don't go to college for the betterment of humankind ... they go to improve their own situation.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Tell that to the PhDs in Museum Studies or French Literature who are flipping burgers at McDonalds.

You have an examples of that? Especially with ones from Harvard.
They may not be doing what they went to college for, but you know a lot of people with PHds from Harvard flipping burgers?
ANY Harvard degree is "useful" to the person who obtained it. I know this might be news to you but most people don't go to college for the betterment of humankind ... they go to improve their own situation.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Tell that to the PhDs in Museum Studies or French Literature who are flipping burgers at McDonalds.

You have an examples of that? Especially with ones from Harvard.
They may not be doing what they went to college for, but you know a lot of people with PHds from Harvard flipping burgers?

The student loan default rate jumped from 9% to 11% last quarter, my guess is a lot of those PhDs from Harvard can't get a job flipping burgers.

Tell that to the PhDs in Museum Studies or French Literature who are flipping burgers at McDonalds.

You have an examples of that? Especially with ones from Harvard.
They may not be doing what they went to college for, but you know a lot of people with PHds from Harvard flipping burgers?

The student loan default rate jumped from 9% to 11% last quarter, my guess is a lot of those PhDs from Harvard can't get a job flipping burgers.

The new boondogle higher education.......It already isnt worth the cost.
If Matthew says it, then you know it's BS

Can we really spend trillions of dollars growing the lower class? Can we afford it. Prove to me how this won't collapse this nation like Greece.

Prove to me how it's beneficial to the economy and the country to let millions of poor people, veterans, seniors and anyone who has already paid into the system, fall through the safety net.

You can't.

Tell that to the PhDs in Museum Studies or French Literature who are flipping burgers at McDonalds.

You have an examples of that? Especially with ones from Harvard.
They may not be doing what they went to college for, but you know a lot of people with PHds from Harvard flipping burgers?

The student loan default rate jumped from 9% to 11% last quarter, my guess is a lot of those PhDs from Harvard can't get a job flipping burgers.


In other words, no, you've been caught barking out of your ass yet again.
You're excused and can add all you want,
Where do spending bills originate from? The House.
I provided the links, now it's up to you to do the work.
It would be helpful if you read what the bill was about to begin with :D

More proof democrats know nothing about the country and how it works.
You have no idea how funny that is, seeing the link she provided has absolutely NOTHING to do with this stunt pulled by McConnell.

Conservatives are so messed up.
Yeah what about benghazi and four Americans died....azzhole.
You have an examples of that? Especially with ones from Harvard.
They may not be doing what they went to college for, but you know a lot of people with PHds from Harvard flipping burgers?

The student loan default rate jumped from 9% to 11% last quarter, my guess is a lot of those PhDs from Harvard can't get a job flipping burgers.


In other words, no, you've been caught barking out of your ass yet again.

Maybe you should keep flipping burgers with your brain dead response but I bet you collect food stamps and sit on your ass responding at a 3rd grade level to justify your existance.

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