Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

so obama should release his grades....right?

What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?

you liberals were clamoring for bush to release his why shouldn't obama? i believe there were many pubs asking for them...and obama never did.

and you support that. but you don't support romney.

take off the hack goggles A15

Nice punt. Try again.

What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?

Btw I am getting a kick out of you trying to cry hypocrisy over taxes while at the same time using bush/college records example conveniently forgetting that those on the fought against releasing them.

Face it romney has come up short here and it is going to dog him this whole election and until he releases his own record you don't have a leg to stand on asking obama for his.
What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?

you liberals were clamoring for bush to release his why shouldn't obama? i believe there were many pubs asking for them...and obama never did.

and you support that. but you don't support romney.

take off the hack goggles A15

Nice punt. Try again.

What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?

Btw I am getting a kick out of you trying to cry hypocrisy over taxes while at the same time using bush/college records example conveniently forgetting that those on the fought against releasing them.

Face it romney has come up short here and it is going to dog him this whole election and until he releases his own record you don't have a leg to stand on asking obama for his.

the hypocrisy is on both sides. you included. what his grades have to do with information you're claiming must be shown, vs. information you claim doesn't need to be shown.

how is it you stood for the proposition obama doesn't have to release his grades, bc etc....but now....romney has to release his tax returns, especially in light of some anonymous claim? care to answer your contradiction?
Not sure. He took an endorsement, appeared with, and is apparently taking funding/support from the world's most prominent birther however. So that is at least some endorsement of the crazy, racist, brazenly moronic stance that some republicans have taken.

The Governor is a better man than that. He didn't need the money, the endorsement, or the affiliation.

so every supporter of obama, you also hold obama to their standards? right?

fact is...karma has nothing to do with this. it has everything to do with hyperpartisan bullshit that infects the US. both sides engage in this. for their guy, bad, for the other good.

if this hadn't been such a big issue in just the last election, i could understand, but it was the same issue and you liberals were claiming up and down that obama doesn't have to answer every claim out there. now....romney does.

it is stupid.

Karma definitely had something to do with it. All of the questions about the BC were totally without warrant but it did set the tone for the debate in the country. The GOP can't say this is out of bounds when those questions were brought up and continue to be brought up along with Obama's religion as well.

As for whether or not Romney has to answer....the longer he waits the more of story it becomes. If he's comfortable with it then he's doing the right thing. If he's going to complain; well, he's been set up by his affiliates in the GOP.

Yes, I started a thread saying just how stupid:

We need to remember this about the tax records. It will not change, in all likelihood who Governor Romney is unless he has some very deep and very dark secrets. If it is revealed that he was funding Al Queda, I guarantee you that the most surprised people on earth will be Obama, Axelrod, Chris and myself.

At worst this only presents a political problem for the governor. He's running for office so politics matter and the longer he waits, the worse it's going to be for him. However, his refusal to release them is not going to change one substantive thing you know about Romney unless there is a very dark side that hasn't been revealed yet.

hilarious....obama claims had no merit....but an anonymous source has merit.

thanks for the laughs.
you liberals were clamoring for bush to release his why shouldn't obama? i believe there were many pubs asking for them...and obama never did.

and you support that. but you don't support romney.

take off the hack goggles A15

Nice punt. Try again.

What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?

Btw I am getting a kick out of you trying to cry hypocrisy over taxes while at the same time using bush/college records example conveniently forgetting that those on the fought against releasing them.

Face it romney has come up short here and it is going to dog him this whole election and until he releases his own record you don't have a leg to stand on asking obama for his.

the hypocrisy is on both sides. you included. what his grades have to do with information you're claiming must be shown, vs. information you claim doesn't need to be shown.

how is it you stood for the proposition obama doesn't have to release his grades, bc etc....but now....romney has to release his tax returns, especially in light of some anonymous claim? care to answer your contradiction?

There is no contradiction. Obama has released 12 years of returns all that its being asked is that romney does the same. Until Romney releases his own records there is no parity between the requests.
Nice punt. Try again.

What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?

Btw I am getting a kick out of you trying to cry hypocrisy over taxes while at the same time using bush/college records example conveniently forgetting that those on the fought against releasing them.

Face it romney has come up short here and it is going to dog him this whole election and until he releases his own record you don't have a leg to stand on asking obama for his.

the hypocrisy is on both sides. you included. what his grades have to do with information you're claiming must be shown, vs. information you claim doesn't need to be shown.

how is it you stood for the proposition obama doesn't have to release his grades, bc etc....but now....romney has to release his tax returns, especially in light of some anonymous claim? care to answer your contradiction?

There is no contradiction. Obama has released 12 years of returns all that its being asked is that romney does the same. Until Romney releases his own records there is no parity between the requests.

Very true; especially since taxes and tax policy is such a central issue this Fall.
Can you state for a fact that he did? Oh, wait that would be innocent until proven guilty, you aren't to keen on that.

No,i can't state for a fact that he did. Do you know why I can't?

Because he is entitled to his right to privacy like every other American and chooses not to reveal his taxes past two years, the same level Obama was held to in 2008.
obama released his tax returns for each year from the year 2000 forward in march of 2008.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online
Willard can clear it all up by releasing tax returns like his father did.
He can't. It will also show that his IRS audit was because he was pardoned during the 2009 IRS amnesty program that let Swiss bank account holders bring their money back to the U.S. with no penalties.

How will it look for someone who received amnesty for defrauding the U.S. government trying to get elected to now run the U.S. government?
Romney should sure Harry Reid and the IRS/FBI should finally arrest Reid for illegal activities going back decades using his Govt position to steal Federal land which he parlayed into millions for himself and his friends.
Unelectable, probably. Prison, not likely. He has enough money to pacify the IRS criminal division, which is the the name of the game. The rich can play games with their tax obligation because if they get caught they can avoid prosecution by paying up, plus fines.

I'm curious. Do you not see, or realize, what you're saying? The left is calling for him to release his last 10 years of tax returns which are required by the IRS. So if the IRS has his tax returns and hasn't said anything, one would assume he hasn't done anything against the law there. If he was breaking the law and he paid the IRS off: more reason to vote the current regime out for employing a corrupt IRS that collects bribes from greedy millionaire assholes, no?
What you need to understand is it's quite possible for a multi-millionaire businessman to pay zero taxes by hiring a skilled tax lawyer/accountant to exploit all the possible loopholes. This ability is made possible by legislation via our corrupted Congress in the form of tax laws which are beyond comprehension by the ordinary person.

I suspect this is the situation Romney wishes to conceal. I'm sure his tax history is perfectly "legal." But if the public is made aware of the bottom line his chances of being elected President will dissolve.

How do you suppose Exxon/Mobil paid zero taxes in 2010?

In case you still don't understand how they do it try to understand that excessive wealth is excessive power -- which is why we need to put an end to accumulation of excessive wealth in America.
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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

IRS link or you, Harry Reid and Obama eat a dick........
Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.

Do you seriously believe you know more about Mitts returns than say......THE IRS?!?!

Harry as well as you are pathetic

Indeed. And why I asked why the FBI/IRS isn't on this demanding records from Dingy Harry Reid?

This is quite serious.
I suspect a number of people in the IRS and others with access to IRS records have checked Romney's returns but are unable to tell anyone officially what they found. But someone with access might have dropped a hint to Reid. In any case this may be hanging over Romney's head like a sword, waiting to drop.

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