Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

So WHAT!!!!????

Even if it is true do you really think these GOPer hacks are going to care?

They will just call it "being a smart businessman".

Lying...cheating the NEW "Good American"... doncha know?????

Guess you know all the Dem talking points.'s all a fabrication. The IRS already has his returns.....he just hasn't given them the right to release them to the public.

Harry Reid says some stupid shit........and this is right up there with "I can smell the tourists".

I don't talk to "dems". Maybe they just know MY talking points!!! Did ya ever think of THAT???

You're still an idiot.

Like I've repeated several times.......the IRS has Romney's returns.

You can bet they'd be on him like a cheap suit if there was anything illegal going on.
No evidence, no proof, n o name, just an anonymous supposed source. meanwhile We know for a fact he paid his taxes since he released returns in 2008 as well. But you play the " lets pretend " game.

How did you feel about the REAL tax cheats, the democrats that Obama nominated for high office that actually did not pay their taxes? Or was that different?

Can you state for a fact that Romney didn't take IRS amnesty for an offshore account?

Can you state for a fact that he did? Oh, wait that would be innocent until proven guilty, you aren't to keen on that.

No,i can't state for a fact that he did. Do you know why I can't?
really? where did you get that info from? he released his tax returns back to the year 2000.

In 2008, when he was actually running for president, not demonizing every business owner in America, he released 2 years of returns. People that want Romney to release 10 think that the rest of the world is too stupid to remember what happened 4 years ago, but we are not that stupid. The simple fact is that Obama did not release 10 years of returns until after Romney had the nomination sewed up, so his demands that Romney do so are not worth squat to me.

Feel free to prove me wrong by point to any reference to Obama's 2000-2006 returns before March of this year.
sorry kiddo, in March of 2008 he released his tax returns for 2000-2006
PolitiFact | DNC says presidential candidates usually release tax returns but Romney won't
2008 Tax returns were an issue in the 2008 primary campaign. Sen. Barack Obama went first, releasing returns dating back to 2000 in March 2008. Sen. Hillary Clinton waited until April to release tax records dating back to 2000 for herself and former President Bill Clinton. Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., also released tax returns during the primary, but Joe Biden didn’t release his returns until September, when Obama selected him as a running mate. John Edwards did not release tax returns, though he had released a decade of returns in September 2004, when he became John Kerry’s running mate.

so I am asking you again, WHERE did you get your info that Obama did not release his tax returns from 2000 onward? One of the right wing rags, blogs??? the main stream media?

Well, whoever it was that told you that lie that you believed, should be vetted carefully from here on out imo.

He likes to lie and make shit up a lot.
Can you state for a fact that Romney didn't take IRS amnesty for an offshore account?

Can you state for a fact that he did? Oh, wait that would be innocent until proven guilty, you aren't to keen on that.

No,i can't state for a fact that he did. Do you know why I can't?

Because he is entitled to his right to privacy like every other American and chooses not to reveal his taxes past two years, the same level Obama was held to in 2008.
You say he could erase it tomorrow but as you pointed Obama released his birth certificate it didn't end that silliness.This election is not about who pays what in taxes to quote Joe Biden from the 2008 election it is about one three letter word jobs if it translates into Presidential is irrelevant he has fulfilled all the legal requirements and then some if that is not good enough for some then work to change the law as to what candidates are required to release.

It's about a lot of things. Tax policies are central...are you actually saying they are not? Obama wants to raise taxes on those making 250K+ and, well, we're not sure where Governor Romney is this week.

As for erasing it; I'll point out again that nobody pays attention to Donald Trump unless he's throwing his money around. Sheriff Joe is seen as a clown. They are rightly lampooned for their idiotic views. The same would happen to anyone in the public arena who would keep on with the subject.

Like it or not it is an issue. One that will only continue to be brought up. Case in point, if you can take this board as a barometer of public opinion; how many birther threads get a sniff any more? Very few. But you're right, birthers are still out there...

Makes me chuckle that you all allow that to persist unopposed.
You still claim tax policy is central ok lets check that by starting a thread and list five or ten key issues and see where Romney's tax returns fit.

We have had threads about them...they ran their course. There was a lot of discussion.

The subject of taxes is in play...would you not agree? Will the election hinge on it? Gee, I hope not. But...I just have to laugh here because apparently I'm not being clear...the longer there are threads like this and watercooler chatter; in no way does it help the governor. Because it's all a plus for the President who wants to cut taxes for those making less than $250K a year; the Senate has passed the measure and the GOP house won't consider it.

This is a strategy of the Democrats. And the genius is that there is no downside to this for them. None whatsoever.
Can you state for a fact that he did? Oh, wait that would be innocent until proven guilty, you aren't to keen on that.

No,i can't state for a fact that he did. Do you know why I can't?

Because he is entitled to his right to privacy like every other American and chooses not to reveal his taxes past two years, the same level Obama was held to in 2008.

Scroll back to care's link about what Obama released in 2008 and stop spreading lies.
Can you state for a fact that he did? Oh, wait that would be innocent until proven guilty, you aren't to keen on that.

No,i can't state for a fact that he did. Do you know why I can't?

Because he is entitled to his right to privacy like every other American and chooses not to reveal his taxes past two years, the same level Obama was held to in 2008.

What did george romney disclose back in the day? What did he have to say about releasing one year of returns?
It don't matter if it's true or not, just look at this thread and all the arguing. Reid knows, I know, everybody knows that Romney filed and paid taxes, all Reid had to do is make the accusation and all hell breaks loose. If I was Romney, I would hire a lawyer and sue Reid and President Obama for slander. Romney don't even have to do anything, just let the lawyer go to town on these guys. He might as well since President Obama and Democrats are nothing but a bunch of liars, cheats and just bad people.

This just shows that Democrats, Liberals, Socialists and Communists are a bunch of liars and will do anything to destroy the United States of America.

I can't wait until all these guys are out of office. It's going to be hard for a long time on us, but it has to be done to fix the damage that President Obama has caused.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

And Harry Reid is a credible non-partisan source? Get the fuck outta here.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

Reid is an idiot. Romney has paid taxes. Has Reid ever released any of his tax returns? How many years has he been cheating? Half of Obama's cabinet cheated on taxes or failed to pay them. Hysterical that they now have the nerve to accuse someone else - without a shred of proof - of doing what they do.

dems in 08' - obama doesn't have to release anything for unsubstantiated claims

dems in 12' - romney has to release everything for unsubstantiated claims
No,i can't state for a fact that he did. Do you know why I can't?

Because he is entitled to his right to privacy like every other American and chooses not to reveal his taxes past two years, the same level Obama was held to in 2008.

What did george romney disclose back in the day? What did he have to say about releasing one year of returns?

so obama should release his grades....right?
Because he is entitled to his right to privacy like every other American and chooses not to reveal his taxes past two years, the same level Obama was held to in 2008.

What did george romney disclose back in the day? What did he have to say about releasing one year of returns?

so obama should release his grades....right?

What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?
What did george romney disclose back in the day? What did he have to say about releasing one year of returns?

so obama should release his grades....right?

What do his grades have to do with romney's taxes? Has romney released his own college records?

you liberals were clamoring for bush to release his why shouldn't obama? i believe there were many pubs asking for them...and obama never did.

and you support that. but you don't support romney.

take off the hack goggles A15

dems in 08' - obama doesn't have to release anything for unsubstantiated claims

dems in 12' - romney has to release everything for unsubstantiated claims

Yeah, karma is a bitch.

did romney call for obama to release his BC?

Not sure. He took an endorsement, appeared with, and is apparently taking funding/support from the world's most prominent birther however. So that is at least some endorsement of the crazy, racist, brazenly moronic stance that some republicans have taken.

The Governor is a better man than that. He didn't need the money, the endorsement, or the affiliation.
Yeah, karma is a bitch.

did romney call for obama to release his BC?

Not sure. He took an endorsement, appeared with, and is apparently taking funding/support from the world's most prominent birther however. So that is at least some endorsement of the crazy, racist, brazenly moronic stance that some republicans have taken.

The Governor is a better man than that. He didn't need the money, the endorsement, or the affiliation.

so every supporter of obama, you also hold obama to their standards? right?

fact is...karma has nothing to do with this. it has everything to do with hyperpartisan bullshit that infects the US. both sides engage in this. for their guy, bad, for the other good.

if this hadn't been such a big issue in just the last election, i could understand, but it was the same issue and you liberals were claiming up and down that obama doesn't have to answer every claim out there. now....romney does.

it is stupid.
did romney call for obama to release his BC?

Not sure. He took an endorsement, appeared with, and is apparently taking funding/support from the world's most prominent birther however. So that is at least some endorsement of the crazy, racist, brazenly moronic stance that some republicans have taken.

The Governor is a better man than that. He didn't need the money, the endorsement, or the affiliation.

so every supporter of obama, you also hold obama to their standards? right?

fact is...karma has nothing to do with this. it has everything to do with hyperpartisan bullshit that infects the US. both sides engage in this. for their guy, bad, for the other good.

if this hadn't been such a big issue in just the last election, i could understand, but it was the same issue and you liberals were claiming up and down that obama doesn't have to answer every claim out there. now....romney does.

it is stupid.

Karma definitely had something to do with it. All of the questions about the BC were totally without warrant but it did set the tone for the debate in the country. The GOP can't say this is out of bounds when those questions were brought up and continue to be brought up along with Obama's religion as well.

As for whether or not Romney has to answer....the longer he waits the more of story it becomes. If he's comfortable with it then he's doing the right thing. If he's going to complain; well, he's been set up by his affiliates in the GOP.

Yes, I started a thread saying just how stupid:

We need to remember this about the tax records. It will not change, in all likelihood who Governor Romney is unless he has some very deep and very dark secrets. If it is revealed that he was funding Al Queda, I guarantee you that the most surprised people on earth will be Obama, Axelrod, Chris and myself.

At worst this only presents a political problem for the governor. He's running for office so politics matter and the longer he waits, the worse it's going to be for him. However, his refusal to release them is not going to change one substantive thing you know about Romney unless there is a very dark side that hasn't been revealed yet.
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