Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

Reid is incredibly Unethical, and Irresponsible for making such and accusation and attributing it to an Unknown Source with no possible way to Prove or Disprove it.

I assure you if someone was making completely unfounded, "I am not saying, but someone else did" Accusations against Obama the left would rightly be saying it's Bogus and should be ignored.

Just another Shining Example of the Lefts Extreme Hypocrisy.
Reid did not say Romney broke any law, did he?

Oh, wait, whatever Reid wishes were doesn't have to be against the law. He can just tap Obama to presidentially edict it into being. :rolleyes:
I think Harry Reid paid 3 male prostitutes $50.00 each and paid a farmer $100.00 for the use of a mule the other day. This can be the only reason why hes gone into the business of slander and not telling the truth. I don't have any evidence though so you can think either way if it's true or not.

EDIT: The crazy part about Reid is that there are people out there who believe him and will fight to the death over what he says.
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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online


Gotta love the FOX News "I'm not saying but people are saying" tactics getting played on Romney.

Yeah, this is pretty much a right wing tactic. I am not saying Obama was born in kenya, but many people claim his birth certificate has never been presented, and it is false, but you make up your own mind based on what you want to believe.

I am not saying that obamacare will destroy small business by requiring them to pay for health insurance for their employees despite it clearly exempting 96 percent of small businesses from it's requirement of large corporations to do so, but it is clear that it will make it so hard for small businesses to pay for health insurance that no one will ever be able to start a small business again according to the crazy drunk bum....we mean Rush, that all businesses will fail because of obamacare.

It is wrong to do, but if it is going to be a tactic I am not saying that Romney is a mexican national because his parents forfeited their american citizenship in order to practice polygamy as per their mormon heritage in mexico, but history says it.
That's a hearsay accusation with no evidence. It's not credible that Romney could be trading tens of millions of dollars every year for a decade, and not pay any taxes. These trades generate tax documents that are sent to the IRS. Romney would file just to reduce the tax bill that the IRS would send him, if he didn't file.

It shows you how dirty the Democrats are willing to be to try to beat Romney. It's not enough to say that Romney paid less in taxes than the middle-class.

Prove it with some tax returns. If he has nothing to hide then it should be easy to show Reid is making shit up and deserves scorn for his lies. Think about it, if he released his tax returns he could slam a popular democrat, and put to rest those nasty claims he is hiding something. It is a win win for an honest man with nothing to hide, too bad Romney is neither honest or not hiding anything.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online


Gotta love the FOX News "I'm not saying but people are saying" tactics getting played on Romney.

Yeah, this is pretty much a right wing tactic. I am not saying Obama was born in kenya, but many people claim his birth certificate has never been presented, and it is false, but you make up your own mind based on what you want to believe.

I am not saying that obamacare will destroy small business by requiring them to pay for health insurance for their employees despite it clearly exempting 96 percent of small businesses from it's requirement of large corporations to do so, but it is clear that it will make it so hard for small businesses to pay for health insurance that no one will ever be able to start a small business again according to the crazy drunk bum....we mean Rush, that all businesses will fail because of obamacare.

It is wrong to do, but if it is going to be a tactic I am not saying that Romney is a mexican national because his parents forfeited their american citizenship in order to practice polygamy as per their mormon heritage in mexico, but history says it.

FOX played the CON paranoia to the hilt, it was FOX that proclaimed only FOX news unbiased and all other media "liberal". Then FOX broadcasts complex stories in three sentence soundbites, and devotes most of the "news" time to entertainment reports. The dull witted applaud because its simple.*

*Actual recommendation from a regular FOX viewer, hardcore right wing atheist also.
Romney told ABC News he didn't know if he paid less than 15% on his taxes over the last 12 years.

What a liar.

I would be really surprised a guy who is that obsessed with money doesn't know EXACTLY what percentage he paid every year...

He has so much, a mere 15% of each year's earnings is a pittance to him.

Course that's only capital gains.

Then there's property taxes, sales taxes, governmental fees, excise-tax, bank fees, transaction fees, and every other expense that goes in to running a home, and several businesses.

Whenever I fill out my taxes I usually get about 50 pages. Mitt Romney has hundreds of pages on his tax returns.
Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.

It really stings that Romney is so much more successful than you are doesn't it?:lol:
Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.

There's one problem with that........the IRS already knows what he paid. He doesn't have to release anything to them. If he hadn't.....don't you think they would have audited him by now?

Obama has control of the IRS you know. :badgrin:
Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.

It really stings that Romney is so much more successful than you are doesn't it?:lol:
what does that have to do with releasing his tax returns? He should just release them, and be done with badly could they really hurt him? I think the ''cover up'' looks worse than whatever romney is hiding, will turn out to be.... I personally don't think Romney has anything to hide but it looks like Romney disagrees with me!

Gotta love the FOX News "I'm not saying but people are saying" tactics getting played on Romney.

Yeah, this is pretty much a right wing tactic. I am not saying Obama was born in kenya, but many people claim his birth certificate has never been presented, and it is false, but you make up your own mind based on what you want to believe.

I am not saying that obamacare will destroy small business by requiring them to pay for health insurance for their employees despite it clearly exempting 96 percent of small businesses from it's requirement of large corporations to do so, but it is clear that it will make it so hard for small businesses to pay for health insurance that no one will ever be able to start a small business again according to the crazy drunk bum....we mean Rush, that all businesses will fail because of obamacare.

It is wrong to do, but if it is going to be a tactic I am not saying that Romney is a mexican national because his parents forfeited their american citizenship in order to practice polygamy as per their mormon heritage in mexico, but history says it.

FOX played the CON paranoia to the hilt, it was FOX that proclaimed only FOX news unbiased and all other media "liberal". Then FOX broadcasts complex stories in three sentence soundbites, and devotes most of the "news" time to entertainment reports. The dull witted applaud because its simple.*

*Actual recommendation from a regular FOX viewer, hardcore right wing atheist also.

You replace Entertaniment with gay and you have MSNBC.....And tell me which broadcasts you like?
Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.

It really stings that Romney is so much more successful than you are doesn't it?:lol:
what does that have to do with releasing his tax returns? He should just release them, and be done with badly could they really hurt him? I think the ''cover up'' looks worse than whatever romney is hiding, will turn out to be.... I personally don't think Romney has anything to hide but it looks like Romney disagrees with me!

He released the Returns he was required to release in March. To release more knowing the disdain the Left has for him, and their desire to scrutinize him and use his own success to attack him would be completely foolish. Here's an idea... Rather than worry about what kind of ammunition the Left can get to attack Romney, how about running some Ads explaining all of the successes and accomplishments Obama has made while in office in the last four years? Or is that asking too much?

Gotta love the FOX News "I'm not saying but people are saying" tactics getting played on Romney.

Yeah, this is pretty much a right wing tactic. I am not saying Obama was born in kenya, but many people claim his birth certificate has never been presented, and it is false, but you make up your own mind based on what you want to believe.

I am not saying that obamacare will destroy small business by requiring them to pay for health insurance for their employees despite it clearly exempting 96 percent of small businesses from it's requirement of large corporations to do so, but it is clear that it will make it so hard for small businesses to pay for health insurance that no one will ever be able to start a small business again according to the crazy drunk bum....we mean Rush, that all businesses will fail because of obamacare.

It is wrong to do, but if it is going to be a tactic I am not saying that Romney is a mexican national because his parents forfeited their american citizenship in order to practice polygamy as per their mormon heritage in mexico, but history says it.

FOX played the CON paranoia to the hilt, it was FOX that proclaimed only FOX news unbiased and all other media "liberal". Then FOX broadcasts complex stories in three sentence soundbites, and devotes most of the "news" time to entertainment reports. The dull witted applaud because its simple.*

*Actual recommendation from a regular FOX viewer, hardcore right wing atheist also.

Like many things I hate, I may not agree with them, but i would sure as hell invest in their entertainment strategy. I am the same way with boy bands, female entertainers who rely on being sexy or a freak show to make money, jack black, will farrel, adam sandler, reality TV shows, Lost, popular retarded anime titles about orange clad loud ninjas, and many other things that gain popularity through the LCD.

Fox news may not be accurate, but they do now how to sell news. About the only people i think will ever beat them in that area are the hispanic news programs, and that is because of their prolific use of large breasted women in their really boring media. Seriously, using racheal maddow is so stupid. She has the body of justin beiber. Who the hell put her on the air? Was the lesbian and pedo demographic that important?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

So WHAT!!!!????

Even if it is true do you really think these GOPer hacks are going to care?

They will just call it "being a smart businessman".

Lying...cheating the NEW "Good American"... doncha know?????
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

So WHAT!!!!????

Even if it is true do you really think these GOPer hacks are going to care?

They will just call it "being a smart businessman".

Lying...cheating the NEW "Good American"... doncha know?????

It really hurts your arguement when you're hypocritical...see liberals use all the same loopholes and they're the ones bitching about wa wa wa
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

So WHAT!!!!????

Even if it is true do you really think these GOPer hacks are going to care?

They will just call it "being a smart businessman".

Lying...cheating the NEW "Good American"... doncha know?????

Guess you know all the Dem talking points.'s all a fabrication. The IRS already has his returns.....he just hasn't given them the right to release them to the public.

Harry Reid says some stupid shit........and this is right up there with "I can smell the tourists".
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

So WHAT!!!!????

Even if it is true do you really think these GOPer hacks are going to care?

They will just call it "being a smart businessman".

Lying...cheating the NEW "Good American"... doncha know?????

Guess you know all the Dem talking points.'s all a fabrication. The IRS already has his returns.....he just hasn't given them the right to release them to the public.

Harry Reid says some stupid shit........and this is right up there with "I can smell the tourists".

I don't talk to "dems". Maybe they just know MY talking points!!! Did ya ever think of THAT???
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

Reid just made every bullshit meter in the world go off the scale.
Well, I'm glad that YOU have never done it but undoubtedly you've heard others on the right do just that. As for 15 years...that would be a good way to shut the critics up.

I started a thread about his tax records. Unless he's got a deep dark secret somewhere, I doubt you'll find out anything about Governor Romney you don't already know:

Well, again, he could erase it tomorrow....

Also in this day and age of "who pays what" and tax policy; it certainly is fair game. If the election were over grazing rights, maybe not but it is a central issue in this election.

As for doesn't always translate into presidential. For example, an argument could be made; If he legally didn't pay a dime in can he ask others to pay anything?

You say he could erase it tomorrow but as you pointed Obama released his birth certificate it didn't end that silliness.This election is not about who pays what in taxes to quote Joe Biden from the 2008 election it is about one three letter word jobs if it translates into Presidential is irrelevant he has fulfilled all the legal requirements and then some if that is not good enough for some then work to change the law as to what candidates are required to release.

It's about a lot of things. Tax policies are central...are you actually saying they are not? Obama wants to raise taxes on those making 250K+ and, well, we're not sure where Governor Romney is this week.

As for erasing it; I'll point out again that nobody pays attention to Donald Trump unless he's throwing his money around. Sheriff Joe is seen as a clown. They are rightly lampooned for their idiotic views. The same would happen to anyone in the public arena who would keep on with the subject.

Like it or not it is an issue. One that will only continue to be brought up. Case in point, if you can take this board as a barometer of public opinion; how many birther threads get a sniff any more? Very few. But you're right, birthers are still out there...

Makes me chuckle that you all allow that to persist unopposed.
You still claim tax policy is central ok lets check that by starting a thread and list five or ten key issues and see where Romney's tax returns fit.

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