Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

I suspect a number of people in the IRS and others with access to IRS records have checked Romney's returns but are unable to tell anyone officially what they found. But someone with access might have dropped a hint to Reid. In any case this may be hanging over Romney's head like a sword, waiting to drop.
I think you're absolutely right.
I suspect a number of people in the IRS and others with access to IRS records have checked Romney's returns but are unable to tell anyone officially what they found. But someone with access might have dropped a hint to Reid. In any case this may be hanging over Romney's head like a sword, waiting to drop.
I think you're absolutely right.
I hope he is NOT right...because that would be a horrible infringement of privacy for an employee of the IRS to go and tell someone else about ANYONE'S returns....that would be a huge no no in my book....

and yes, I would like to see Romney's returns, but certainly, this should be up to him.

I'd rather believe, this came from a fellow Bain person than to even think the IRS is giving out info that it has no right to give out....
I didn't file income taxes for more than 10 years. I didn't owe any taxes for those 10 years.
Romney can never release his tax records because if he does, he will be unelectable and probably end up in prison.

Do you seriously believe you know more about Mitts returns than say......THE IRS?!?!

That is not the critical question. You should be asking Romney why he refuses to release his returns, which is a perfectly reasonable request for a Presidential candidate. Aren't you curious? Or don't you care? Or is your hatred for the political left so strong you would vote for Penn State's Sandusky if he was running for President?

You need to understand Romney is the archetypal corporatist. Unless you are among the wealthier Americans Romney's interests are opposed to yours. If you are an ordinary American you might be doing just fine now but so were millions of others just a few years ago.

Whatever your motive for supporting Romney I respectfully suggest you spend some time researching the realities of the present economic situation which has been turning against the middle class for the past three decades.
I didn't file income taxes for more than 10 years. I didn't owe any taxes for those 10 years.
Are you a multi-millionaire? If so, how could you possibly not owe any taxes -- or did you manage to evade paying taxes by hiring a proficient tax consultant to research the loopholes?
I suspect a number of people in the IRS and others with access to IRS records have checked Romney's returns but are unable to tell anyone officially what they found. But someone with access might have dropped a hint to Reid. In any case this may be hanging over Romney's head like a sword, waiting to drop.
I think you're absolutely right.
I hope he is NOT right...because that would be a horrible infringement of privacy for an employee of the IRS to go and tell someone else about ANYONE'S returns....that would be a huge no no in my book....

and yes, I would like to see Romney's returns, but certainly, this should be up to him.
Not if he's running for President.

I'd rather believe, this came from a fellow Bain person than to even think the IRS is giving out info that it has no right to give out....
No one is asking the IRS to divulge. The American People are asking Candidate Romney to divulge something we have a right to know. If Romney wishes to retain his financial privacy all he needs to do is step down.
I think you're absolutely right.
I hope he is NOT right...because that would be a horrible infringement of privacy for an employee of the IRS to go and tell someone else about ANYONE'S returns....that would be a huge no no in my book....

and yes, I would like to see Romney's returns, but certainly, this should be up to him.
Not if he's running for President.

I'd rather believe, this came from a fellow Bain person than to even think the IRS is giving out info that it has no right to give out....
No one is asking the IRS to divulge. The American People are asking Candidate Romney to divulge something we have a right to know. If Romney wishes to retain his financial privacy all he needs to do is step down.
I realize ALL of that Mike.....

my point is that some buddy of reid's at the Irs Divulging private information is ABSOLUTELY WRONG to do....and I disagree with the speculation of such or the action of such.
and yes, I would like to see Romney's returns, but certainly, this should be up to him.

I'd rather believe, this came from a fellow Bain person than to even think the IRS is giving out info that it has no right to give out....
Beyond statutory requirements Romney has no reason to respond to the left.
So how stupid and gullible can one get, to run for public office and not file income taxes, hahaha, too funny. If in fact Senator Reid is receiving confidential information from the IRS it's an abuse of power. Now if in fact Romney filed taxes and due to federal tax codes was not liable then so be it, don't get yer panties all in a knot over that one, it's just federal tax code law at work.
So how stupid and gullible can one get, to run for public office and not file income taxes, hahaha, too funny. If in fact Senator Reid is receiving confidential information from the IRS it's an abuse of power. Now if in fact Romney filed taxes and due to federal tax codes was not liable then so be it, don't get yer panties all in a knot over that one, it's just federal tax code law at work.
Which is the point....Federal tax laws, may or may not be equitable if a multi millionaire really gets to pay near zero or zero in income taxes while those in the middle class have to pay every dime of it...

Not something that romney did, because he was not the person writing the laws....but CERTAINLY a point of debate and discussion regarding our tax structure imo.
So how stupid and gullible can one get, to run for public office and not file income taxes, hahaha, too funny. If in fact Senator Reid is receiving confidential information from the IRS it's an abuse of power. Now if in fact Romney filed taxes and due to federal tax codes was not liable then so be it, don't get yer panties all in a knot over that one, it's just federal tax code law at work.
Which is the point....Federal tax laws, may or may not be equitable if a multi millionaire really gets to pay near zero or zero in income taxes while those in the middle class have to pay every dime of it...

Not something that romney did, because he was not the person writing the laws....but CERTAINLY a point of debate and discussion regarding our tax structure imo.

Yeah. I'm sure what Governor Romney did was perfectly legal. I'm not sure it's presidential however. Which is why he's hesitant to release the returns. I'd be the most shocked person on earth if therer was a wiff of illegality.
It sounds like the old " how long have you been beating your wife?" bullshit that Dems are famous for. They are trying to blackmail him into releasing his returns to prove he's not a crook.

It's nonsense. He may not be paying as much as the socialists would like but there is no way he went 10 years (or even 1) paying nothing.

Dirty trick that no one with half a brain would fall for.

Hey Harry - someone I know said someone in the ER said that someone who resembled you came in with a gerbil up his ass. Don't know if it's true but just sayin..
So still no answwer to the hypothetical?

WHAT IF (yeah if) it turns out Romney really didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

Would it make a difference? Wouldn't to me because I can't bring myself to vote for the guy anyway. But what about you?

Any Romney supporter willing to answer honestly. Or are we all just to invested in flame-throwing here?

So what?

Lets say he hasnt....

How is that any different then the Obama appointees.

I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy just like Reid..........
So how stupid and gullible can one get, to run for public office and not file income taxes, hahaha, too funny. If in fact Senator Reid is receiving confidential information from the IRS it's an abuse of power. Now if in fact Romney filed taxes and due to federal tax codes was not liable then so be it, don't get yer panties all in a knot over that one, it's just federal tax code law at work.
Which is the point....Federal tax laws, may or may not be equitable if a multi millionaire really gets to pay near zero or zero in income taxes while those in the middle class have to pay every dime of it...

Not something that romney did, because he was not the person writing the laws....but CERTAINLY a point of debate and discussion regarding our tax structure imo.

To go a step further, lets say you own a company, depreciation, depletion allowances, bad debt write offs, investment tax credits, energy tax credits, interest expense, FIFO adjustments, pension funding expences... are applied as per federal tax codes, it's conceivable that losses and expenses exceed earnings, one would not be liable for federal and state tax assessments on distributions made. Another case is that of extending losses over a given period of time, all are legal, and permissible under the federal and state tax codes. A perfect example is General Electric, and most if not all natural resource based businesses. I understand most on the left fail to grasp this very simple concept because they as a rule don't own businesses, employ people, and can't read a financial statement, nor understand generally accepted accounting practices and tax law.

The issue as to if a person serving in public office did not file or pay taxes, or fails to report income, is another issue, perhaps the Democrats should clean up their own house before slandering others.
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