Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

As usual, Reid is talking out of his ass. You can bet your bottom dollar that if there was a problem with Romney's taxes, the IRS would react and it would be all over the national news.

Reid said sources told him Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years - not that Romney broke any laws.
As usual, Reid is talking out of his ass. You can bet your bottom dollar that if there was a problem with Romney's taxes, the IRS would react and it would be all over the national news.
Nobody said that Willard did anything illegal, just that he didn't pay any taxes because of an army of tax lawyers.
Since this has been all over the place for a few days, it's surprising that Mitt hasn't denied it.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

I have a strong feeling that the taxes Romney HAS paid, has funded a hundred times more entitilements, than Reid. He should to be praising Romney. :eusa_whistle:
This is hilarious coming from the Romney camp...

Romney Adviser To Harry Reid: 'Have You No Decency, Sir?'

Love the quote from Reid:

"So, the word’s out that he hasn’t paid any taxes for 10 years. Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn’t,” Reid said in a Senate floor speech Thursday. “We already know from one partial tax return that he gave us, he has money hidden in Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and a Swiss banking account. Mitt Romney makes more money in a single day than the average middle-class family makes in two years or more.”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

I have a strong feeling that the taxes Romney HAS paid, has funded a hundred times more entitilements, than Reid. He should to be praising Romney. :eusa_whistle:

Not sure what you said but I think I know what you meant. I agree. Reid is a piece of crap for going there. But it does put the governor on the button. He either has to check, call, or raise.

Personally, if I were Romney and I tithed as much as he has done...I wouldn't be releasing my tax returns; I'd be publishing them! He's a good and decent man. His actions make it look otherwise.

It also allows people to make hilarious videos like this:

Mitt Dancing Around The Issues Volume I - YouTube

****Not kidding. When I posted this first about 20 minutes ago, the hit count was in the low 90's. Now it's over 100,000 hits.
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As usual, Reid is talking out of his ass. You can bet your bottom dollar that if there was a problem with Romney's taxes, the IRS would react and it would be all over the national news.
Nobody said that Willard did anything illegal, just that he didn't pay any taxes because of an army of tax lawyers.

And assets in off-shore tax havens.

I read on one bloggers website that someone phoned him up and told him Harry Reid had sex with underage sheep.

Now the blogger admitted he had no proof and posted that he wasn't certain if the allegation was true and refused to give the name of the person.

Really credible right?

Now according to Lib logic it's up to Harry Reid to prove that he's NOT a sheep fucker.
Reid said he doesn't have to prove his allegation against Romney.Fair is fair right Libs.
I think we need to get an independent investigator to look into both charges.
Let's get to the bottom of both these claims. :D
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

I say you didn't pay taxes for 10 years....

see how that works?

and I say reid hasn't paid either......:eusa_shhh:
Dingy Harry said that eh ? That begs the question, what did Nancy Pelosi have to say about it ???

Inquiring imbeciles want to know..................
As usual, Reid is talking out of his ass. You can bet your bottom dollar that if there was a problem with Romney's taxes, the IRS would react and it would be all over the national news.

Reid said sources told him Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years - not that Romney broke any laws.

then whats the point jethro?
I read on one bloggers website that someone phoned him up and told him Harry Reid had sex with underage sheep.

Now the blogger admitted he had no proof and posted that he wasn't certain if the allegation was true and refused to give the name of the person.

Really credible right?

Now according to Lib logic it's up to Harry Reid to prove that he's NOT a sheep fucker.
Reid said he doesn't have to prove his allegation against Romney.Fair is fair right Libs.
I think we need to get an independent investigator to look into both charges.
Let's get to the bottom of both these claims. :D

Or he could just deny that the claim was true. Mr. Etch-A-Sketch hasn't even done that, in spite of it hurting him politically. I wonder why?
Harry Reid sucks dicks in the Circus Circus casino on weekends, it was written on a napkin in a Las Vegas Denny's.

Now Reid needs to prove he doesn't suck dicks in Las Vegas casinos....
As usual, Reid is talking out of his ass. You can bet your bottom dollar that if there was a problem with Romney's taxes, the IRS would react and it would be all over the national news.

Reid said sources told him Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years - not that Romney broke any laws.

then whats the point jethro?

Simple. That Mitt may have used gimmicks such as off-shore companies and accounts to avoid paying his fair share. If he payed a lower percentage of taxes than I pay, I'd be pretty pissed if he used creative accounting to do so. But the meme has been set, and Mittens hasn't denied it. Let the people take from it what they will, but those are the facts.
Oh, FOXNews today said a DC writer asked all Reps and Senators to release their tax documents for just 1 year.....Harry Reid said "No."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

Reid needs to stop deflecting. I am confident Romney has funded thousands more dependent's entitlements, than Reid could ever afford to. `Sides, it isn't working with the independents. They "get" this president and Reid and their tactics.
At some point are we going to get to the issues that concern us all?
Or are we gonna spend the time we have left going through this Bullshit!
I know why Obama want to keep the focus off his Presidency and I don't
blame him but we need to discuss the real issues not the crap.

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