Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

I think you're absolutely right.
I hope he is NOT right...because that would be a horrible infringement of privacy for an employee of the IRS to go and tell someone else about ANYONE'S returns....that would be a huge no no in my book....

and yes, I would like to see Romney's returns, but certainly, this should be up to him.
Not if he's running for President.

I'd rather believe, this came from a fellow Bain person than to even think the IRS is giving out info that it has no right to give out....
No one is asking the IRS to divulge. The American People are asking Candidate Romney to divulge something we have a right to know. If Romney wishes to retain his financial privacy all he needs to do is step down.

Begging your pardon Mike, but since when did "we have a RIGHT to know" about ANYONE'S taxes? you have NO RIGHT to ANYONE'S tax returns, and to claim you do points out only that you are an IGNORANT HACK.

If you think I'm wrong, please show us the law that gives us this 'right'.
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) didn't back down Wednesday from his accusation, made in an interview with The Huffington Post, that he heard that Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for a decade.

"I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination," he told Nevada reporters on a conference call, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. "I have had a number of people tell me that." He declined to name his source.

"I don't think the burden should be on me," he said. "The burden should be on him. He's the one I've alleged has not paid any taxes. Why didn't he release his tax returns?"

More: Harry Reid Doubles Down On Romney Tax Charge
So how stupid and gullible can one get, to run for public office and not file income taxes, hahaha, too funny. If in fact Senator Reid is receiving confidential information from the IRS it's an abuse of power. Now if in fact Romney filed taxes and due to federal tax codes was not liable then so be it, don't get yer panties all in a knot over that one, it's just federal tax code law at work.
Which is the point....Federal tax laws, may or may not be equitable if a multi millionaire really gets to pay near zero or zero in income taxes while those in the middle class have to pay every dime of it...

Not something that romney did, because he was not the person writing the laws....but CERTAINLY a point of debate and discussion regarding our tax structure imo.

So equalize tax rates on every dollar earned without exception... make all income the same... eliminate loopholes.. and make sure no citizen is exempt from federal income tax unless that person truly has zero dollars income

problem solved
Mini stroke, mini brain. That's our Harry Reid...

This is a strategy of the Democrats. And the genius is that there is no downside to this for them. None whatsoever.

No downside? Reid is accusing Romney of not paying taxes for 10 years. What happens if that accusation turns out to be false? There will be screams from the GOP side (and probably from the Dem side as well) of the Senate for Reid to either step down as Senate Majority Leader or resign as a US Senator. And Romney get's labelled a victim of political bullshit and his numbers go up.
“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain,” Reid told HuffPo. “But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look?”

How hilarious is this? He makes a very serious accusation, then he goes on to say he doesn't know if it's true or not. You would think you'd want to make sure it was true before you went to the media with it.

Poor Harry. I would not want to be in his shoes when this blows up in his face.
“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain,” Reid told HuffPo. “But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look?”

How hilarious is this? He makes a very serious accusation, then he goes on to say he doesn't know if it's true or not. You would think you'd want to make sure it was true before you went to the media with it.

Poor Harry. I would not want to be in his shoes when this blows up in his face.

And HE is taken to task for the DEALS he got in his district...and HE is a [say it with me...MORMON]...and one Libs aren't arfraid of for some reason...:eusa_whistle:
This is a strategy of the Democrats. And the genius is that there is no downside to this for them. None whatsoever.

No downside? Reid is accusing Romney of not paying taxes for 10 years. What happens if that accusation turns out to be false? There will be screams from the GOP side (and probably from the Dem side as well) of the Senate for Reid to either step down as Senate Majority Leader or resign as a US Senator. And Romney get's labelled a victim of political bullshit and his numbers go up.
You're right.

If it turns out to be false Romney's popularity will rise significantly -- and Reid's will plummet proportionally. So we may rest assured Reid is well aware of the potential consequences and is not stupid enough to lay such a trap for himself. He apparently knows something.
“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain,” Reid told HuffPo. “But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look?”

How hilarious is this? He makes a very serious accusation, then he goes on to say he doesn't know if it's true or not. You would think you'd want to make sure it was true before you went to the media with it.

Poor Harry. I would not want to be in his shoes when this blows up in his face.
"When?" Don't you mean if? If not, why not? Do you know something? If so, tell us what it is.
This is a strategy of the Democrats. And the genius is that there is no downside to this for them. None whatsoever.

No downside? Reid is accusing Romney of not paying taxes for 10 years. What happens if that accusation turns out to be false? There will be screams from the GOP side (and probably from the Dem side as well) of the Senate for Reid to either step down as Senate Majority Leader or resign as a US Senator. And Romney get's labelled a victim of political bullshit and his numbers go up.
You're right.

If it turns out to be false Romney's popularity will rise significantly -- and Reid's will plummet proportionally. So we may rest assured Reid is well aware of the potential consequences and is not stupid enough to lay such a trap for himself. He apparently knows something.

No Reid isn't. HE is in position of power and is protected.

REID is a CRIMINAL that needs to answer.
At this moment Romney knows if Reid is right or wrong, and would Reid say it, if he didn't think he was right? It was a major challenge.
If Romney paid a fair amount of taxes this would be a great opportunity for Romney to really hurt Reid. Show his income taxes prove Reid wrong and Romney's honesty factor goes sky high, and Republicans maybe gain another seat in the Senate.
The problem for Romney if he lets this thing gain traction and Romney didn't pay or paid little it could be a major campaign issue.
What would you do if you were Romney?
He has nothing to gain. If he only paid 20 million out of 100 million, they'd say he didn't pay enough. If he paid 50 million out of 100 million they'd say he's too rich.

I wouldn't do it. Only a moron would believe Reid and we know who the morons will vote for no matter what. Normal people are more concerned about the country.
This is a strategy of the Democrats. And the genius is that there is no downside to this for them. None whatsoever.

No downside? Reid is accusing Romney of not paying taxes for 10 years. What happens if that accusation turns out to be false? There will be screams from the GOP side (and probably from the Dem side as well) of the Senate for Reid to either step down as Senate Majority Leader or resign as a US Senator. And Romney get's labelled a victim of political bullshit and his numbers go up.
You're right.

If it turns out to be false Romney's popularity will rise significantly -- and Reid's will plummet proportionally. So we may rest assured Reid is well aware of the potential consequences and is not stupid enough to lay such a trap for himself. He apparently knows something.

One good thing for Reid, his popularity or trust in him can't fall very far.
As usual, Reid is talking out of his ass. You can bet your bottom dollar that if there was a problem with Romney's taxes, the IRS would react and it would be all over the national news.

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