Relax Democrats: Things are looking brighter.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Democrats, the election of 2016 was a grim one, no doubt about it. But let's face facts here, Hillary Clinton was a weak and flawed candidate who deserved to lose, but things are looking brighter, I promise. If Hillary had won, she would have been paralyzed by a hostile Congress who would surely have blocked her every move. Now that Trump won we have a very different situation:

* President Trump and his staff are the focus of multiple investigations regarding collusion with Russia in rigging our election and, financial crimes. Donald Trump's angry tweets about these investigations only give more ammunition to prosecutors, and his political opponents.

* The GOP, despite controlling both houses of Congress and the White House can't seem to agree on much. Healthcare, Tax reform, the budget, infrastructure, and the national debt remain at a standstill nearly 6 months into this administration...and the voting public is not happy about it.

* With Donald Trump's approval rating stabilized at 35-40%, he has little leverage with Congress, Republicans who oppose pending legislation will simply continue to do so

* With the GOP controlling Congress and the White House, Republicans who seek to blame Democrats for their lack of progress is gaining little or no traction with independent and swing voters, who expect the GOP to deliver on their many lofty promises.

* The GOP's health plan is far less popular with the voting public than Obamacare, and passing a GOP drafted health plan that gives so many lavish tax breaks to the rich would be political suicide.

* Donald Trump's overly friendly attitude with Russia, and his hostile attitude with America's traditional allies has angered even some Republicans, who don't view Russia as a friend.

So relax Democrats, just dispose of Hillary, and the next 2 elections look pretty bright for you.
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Democrats, the election of 2016 was a grim one, no doubt about it. But let's face facts here, Hillary Clinton was a weak and flawed candidate who deserved to lose, but things are looking brighter, I promise. If Hillary had won, she would have been paralyzed by a hostile Congress who would surely have blocked her every move. Now that Trump won we have a very different situation:

* President Trump and his staff are the focus of multiple investigations regarding collusion with Russia regarding our election and, financial crimes. Donald Trump's angry tweets about these investigations only give more ammunition to prosecutors, and his political opponents.

* The GOP, despite controlling both houses of Congress and the White House can't seem to agree on much. Healthcare, Tax reform, the budget, infrastructure, and the national debt remain at a standstill nearly 6 months into this administration...and the voting public is not happy about it.

* With Donald Trump's approval rating stabilized at 35-40%, he has little leverage with Congress, Republicans who oppose pending legislation will simply continue to do so

* With the GOP controlling Congress and the White House, Republicans who seek to blame Democrats for their lack of progress is gaining little or no traction with independent and swing voters, who expect the GOP to deliver on their many lofty promises.

* The GOP's health plan is far less popular with the voting public than Obamacare, and passing a GOP drafted health plan that gives so many lavish tax breaks to the rich would be political suicide.

* Donald Trump's overly friendly attitude with Russia, and his hostile attitude with America's traditional allies has angered even some Republicans, who don't view Russia as a friend.

So relax Democrats, just dispose of Hillary, and the next 2 elections look pretty bright for you.
Nah the democratic party is a corrupt cesspool of criminality that needs to be completely gutted. Throw all your bums out and you just might have a chance unless of course you vote for Hillary where there is zero chance.
The demoquacks have nowhere to go but up...literally.

Decimated doesn't begin to cover it
The demoquacks have nowhere to go but up...literally.

Decimated doesn't begin to cover it

The funniest thing is how so many leftardz still act like they think they are still relevant. Part of me hopes they keep it up until the midterms.
Democrats, the election of 2016 was a grim one, no doubt about it. But let's face facts here, Hillary Clinton was a weak and flawed candidate who deserved to lose, but things are looking brighter, I promise. If Hillary had won, she would have been paralyzed by a hostile Congress who would surely have blocked her every move. Now that Trump won we have a very different situation:

* President Trump and his staff are the focus of multiple investigations regarding collusion with Russia in rigging our election and, financial crimes. Donald Trump's angry tweets about these investigations only give more ammunition to prosecutors, and his political opponents.

* The GOP, despite controlling both houses of Congress and the White House can't seem to agree on much. Healthcare, Tax reform, the budget, infrastructure, and the national debt remain at a standstill nearly 6 months into this administration...and the voting public is not happy about it.

* With Donald Trump's approval rating stabilized at 35-40%, he has little leverage with Congress, Republicans who oppose pending legislation will simply continue to do so

* With the GOP controlling Congress and the White House, Republicans who seek to blame Democrats for their lack of progress is gaining little or no traction with independent and swing voters, who expect the GOP to deliver on their many lofty promises.

* The GOP's health plan is far less popular with the voting public than Obamacare, and passing a GOP drafted health plan that gives so many lavish tax breaks to the rich would be political suicide.

* Donald Trump's overly friendly attitude with Russia, and his hostile attitude with America's traditional allies has angered even some Republicans, who don't view Russia as a friend.

So relax Democrats, just dispose of Hillary, and the next 2 elections look pretty bright for you.

Democrats, the election of 2016 was a grim one, no doubt about it. But let's face facts here, Hillary Clinton was a weak and flawed candidate who deserved to lose, but things are looking brighter, I promise. If Hillary had won, she would have been paralyzed by a hostile Congress who would surely have blocked her every move. Now that Trump won we have a very different situation:

* President Trump and his staff are the focus of multiple investigations regarding collusion with Russia in rigging our election and, financial crimes. Donald Trump's angry tweets about these investigations only give more ammunition to prosecutors, and his political opponents.

* The GOP, despite controlling both houses of Congress and the White House can't seem to agree on much. Healthcare, Tax reform, the budget, infrastructure, and the national debt remain at a standstill nearly 6 months into this administration...and the voting public is not happy about it.

* With Donald Trump's approval rating stabilized at 35-40%, he has little leverage with Congress, Republicans who oppose pending legislation will simply continue to do so

* With the GOP controlling Congress and the White House, Republicans who seek to blame Democrats for their lack of progress is gaining little or no traction with independent and swing voters, who expect the GOP to deliver on their many lofty promises.

* The GOP's health plan is far less popular with the voting public than Obamacare, and passing a GOP drafted health plan that gives so many lavish tax breaks to the rich would be political suicide.

* Donald Trump's overly friendly attitude with Russia, and his hostile attitude with America's traditional allies has angered even some Republicans, who don't view Russia as a friend.

So relax Democrats, just dispose of Hillary, and the next 2 elections look pretty bright for you.

When your at rock bottom there really is nowhere to go but up. That said if the Democrats continue with the identity politics and insulting and talking down to people who have different views than them they may see the same thing in 2018 and 2020 they did in 2016.
Lemme see if I got this right:

Democrats, the election of 2016 was a grim one, no doubt about it. But let's face facts here, Hillary Clinton was a weak and flawed candidate who deserved to lose.

I agree. Hillary was the candidate of death, and she would have gone nowhere, but things looking up? You still haven't a candidate that looks any better! Every leader of the DNC is pushing 80 and only concerned with holding THEIR power!

President Trump and his staff are the focus of multiple investigations regarding collusion with Russia in rigging our election and, financial crimes. Donald Trump's angry tweets about these investigations only give more ammunition to prosecutors, and his political opponents.

Multiple investigations created out of nothing but vacuous allegation with never any substance to them found after a year's intensive searching! Russia rigged the elections? BULL CRAP. Show me ANY evidence of that! Financial crimes? You are full of crap. Angry tweets? I haven't seen any anger in them, only AMUSEMENT. Ammunition to prosecutors? Now you really have cracked. "Yes, Your Honor. The Defendant DID Tweet!" And as far as his political opponents, they'd be all over him no matter what. They have been losing that battle in case you haven't noticed.

The GOP, despite controlling both houses of Congress and the White House can't seem to agree on much. Healthcare, Tax reform, the budget, infrastructure, and the national debt remain at a standstill nearly 6 months into this administration...and the voting public is not happy about it.

I'll give you we want to see the healthcare passed. But that is the MESS you left us with. A problem with no good solution that will make everyone happy. So what's your claim, that the GOP actually thinks for itself rather than march in lockstep like a bunch of sheep? We have a HANDFUL of people who are not yet satisfied with the healthcare bill. Tax reform follows that and hasn't even been started yet. We just passed a budget, Trump has been fixing infrastructure left and right, in real ways, not the bullshit "shovel-ready" jobs Obama claimed. T hat's your good news?

[/QUOTE]With Donald Trump's approval rating stabilized at 35-40%, he has little leverage with Congress, Republicans who oppose pending legislation will simply continue to do so[/QUOTE]

Dream on. For one thing, his approval has been around 45%. Pretty good considering a hostile liberal media that is 97% NEGATIVE and lies about everything. And poll ratings have nothing to do with getting legislation passed. But you go right on thinking so.

With the GOP controlling Congress and the White House, Republicans who seek to blame Democrats for their lack of progress is gaining little or no traction with independent and swing voters, who expect the GOP to deliver on their many lofty promises.

Keep dreaming. The economy is doing great. More fiction fed you from your Lefty Sources.

The GOP's health plan is far less popular with the voting public than Obamacare, and passing a GOP drafted health plan that gives so many lavish tax breaks to the rich would be political suicide.

You do real good at blowing smoke up your own ass. How can the two healthcare bills be compared when Obama lied up and down about his, and the current one is still in transition?

Donald Trump's overly friendly attitude with Russia, and his hostile attitude with America's traditional allies has angered even some Republicans, who don't view Russia as a friend.

Now you are just making me sorry I wasted time with you. Your head is so far up your ass your brain is starved for oxygen. Overly friendly attitude? Have you been in a coma the past 8 years while Hillary and Obama practically SUCKED THEIR ASS? Hostility toward allies? GOOD GOD MAN, that was the legacy of Obama during his entire terms! Trump is fixing them and things could not be much better. Don't forget, he is also renegotiating things better for us left and right! You honestly are either a cracked up filthy liar or you are living about 88 miles west of Hooterville.

So relax Democrats, just dispose of Hillary, and the next 2 elections look pretty bright for you.

That is right. Just relax. Don't change a thing. You guys are on TOP OF THE WORLD. Never mind you just lost 4 out of 5 special elections that you BUST A NUT trying to flip at ANY COST and lost anyway. You just keep telling yourself that every loss has its silver lining, I can't wait to see you coughing up blood next year when what little is left of the Democratic Party falls right through the floor!
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When your at rock bottom there really is nowhere to go but up. That said if the Democrats continue with the identity politics and insulting and talking down to people who have different views than them they may see the same thing in 2018 and 2020 they did in 2016.
The worst thing I can't stand about the left is their sense of entitlement believing they know what's best and they are the only ones who should rule. If that's their mindset, they should move to some dictatorship country then. I mean look how long conservatives had to wait, sit on their hands, and practically put tape over their mouths to keep from whining about all of the damage Obama did which was extensive to say the least. For all intents and purposes he tossed America into a fire pit that we'll be lucky to ever climb back out of.
Your premise might hold water...if the Democrats were replacing their ancient and corrupt leadership with new blood and new ideas. It's still Pelosi and Shumer running things in Congress. It's still the same old gang of far left politicians running the DNC. You can't get Hillary to go away. She'd throw her mother, Bill and Chelsea under a bus if it meant getting the White House. You think she's done? Dream on.
Hoping for the worst is a pretty shitty political strategy.

Trump is in office partially because so many people who pretend to represent the Democratic party are simply so repellent.

PC, Identity Politics and hating America all tend to turn people off.

Maybe start there, that may be enough.

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