Release the FRANKEN

That doesn't say what you said, My Blue Heaven.
So. What you are saying is... He pays his debts like he pays his taxes.

He doesn't.

A salary isn't a "debt", oh my alluringly azure amour.
What salary? He was half a million in the hole.


What you said, my seriously cerulean seabreeze, was: he "had to pay Air America to broadcast his show"

I still await a link.

I mean, not even David Sanborn is desperate enough to buy his airtime.

The link you did link only spoke of how AirAmerica "bankrolled" him --- meaning they paid him, which is how employer-employee relationships usually work.

Not that it quotes or links any sources to what it says, but then again it is an opinion blog. You know that right?
Salary you say???

Air America Stiffs Al Franken

Again --- another link that says the talent was not getting the salary he was due.

Again -- a salary is not a "debt"; it's a payment.
The fact that you're suggesting that Hillary, or her proxies, should attempt to further demean this election season to trading insults with the reality TV star you've inflicted on the Republican Party, shows how little you care about the issues of this campaign.

Hillary has been running on the issues, as has Bernie. Republicans all decided to climb down into the mud pit with Drumpf. I expect that Hillary will continue to stress the importance of electing someone who knows what they're doing, for President, by staying on message and on the issues.

Drumpf hasn't articulated one useable idea, that is one that doesn't break international law, or the Geneva Convention, or simple human decency. All he has is insults and bluster.
Yes have Al Franken who's biggest qualification to being elected to the Senate was the fact he had been on SNL tell people Trump doesn't have what it takes to be President I'm sure that will go over well. And this response is from someone who is neither a supporter of or fan of Donald Trump.
Franken has been twice elected to the Senate by the great people of Minnesota. Trump has never won an election at any level

More important, Franken can see the humor in Trumps childlike taunts and namecalling and make Trump pay
Yes have Al Franken who's biggest qualification to being elected to the Senate was the fact he had been on SNL tell people Trump doesn't have what it takes to be President I'm sure that will go over well. And this response is from someone who is neither a supporter of or fan of Donald Trump.
Franken has been twice elected to the Senate by the great people of Minnesota. Trump has never won an election at any level

More important, Franken can see the humor in Trumps childlike taunts and namecalling and make Trump pay
As I told another poster that stuff doesn't work with Trump everytime someone has tried it he turned it to his advantage if the left wants to go down that path so be it your just helping Trump.
Yes have Al Franken who's biggest qualification to being elected to the Senate was the fact he had been on SNL tell people Trump doesn't have what it takes to be President I'm sure that will go over well. And this response is from someone who is neither a supporter of or fan of Donald Trump.
Franken has been twice elected to the Senate by the great people of Minnesota. Trump has never won an election at any level

More important, Franken can see the humor in Trumps childlike taunts and namecalling and make Trump pay

Franken beat the guy who also lost to Jesse Ventura. FYI
If your going to suggest having a Senator tell people being a reality tv star does not qualify you to hold public office

Whoa dood.

Number one --- who even suggested that?

Number two --- there's a world of difference between a Senator and a President. The latter is an executive, the former, a representative. How hard do you think it is to pass a message on --- "my constituents say this"?

Don't morph my words into what they never were. You'll regret it.
So. What you are saying is... He pays his debts like he pays his taxes.

He doesn't.

A salary isn't a "debt", oh my alluringly azure amour.
What salary? He was half a million in the hole.


What you said, my seriously cerulean seabreeze, was: he "had to pay Air America to broadcast his show"

I still await a link.

I mean, not even David Sanborn is desperate enough to buy his airtime.

The link you did link only spoke of how AirAmerica "bankrolled" him --- meaning they paid him, which is how employer-employee relationships usually work.

Not that it quotes or links any sources to what it says, but then again it is an opinion blog. You know that right?
Salary you say???

Air America Stiffs Al Franken

Again --- another link that says the talent was not getting the salary he was due.

Again -- a salary is not a "debt"; it's a payment.
Yes have Al Franken who's biggest qualification to being elected to the Senate was the fact he had been on SNL tell people Trump doesn't have what it takes to be President I'm sure that will go over well. And this response is from someone who is neither a supporter of or fan of Donald Trump.
Franken has been twice elected to the Senate by the great people of Minnesota. Trump has never won an election at any level

More important, Franken can see the humor in Trumps childlike taunts and namecalling and make Trump pay
Being elected twice is not evidence of talent/competence, as Obama was also elected twice. Obviously electing someone twice is not evidence of voter intelligence either - people voted Obama into office twice.
So. What you are saying is... He pays his debts like he pays his taxes.

He doesn't.

A salary isn't a "debt", oh my alluringly azure amour.
What salary? He was half a million in the hole.


What you said, my seriously cerulean seabreeze, was: he "had to pay Air America to broadcast his show"

I still await a link.

I mean, not even David Sanborn is desperate enough to buy his airtime.

The link you did link only spoke of how AirAmerica "bankrolled" him --- meaning they paid him, which is how employer-employee relationships usually work.

Not that it quotes or links any sources to what it says, but then again it is an opinion blog. You know that right?
Salary you say???

Air America Stiffs Al Franken

Again --- another link that says the talent was not getting the salary he was due.

Again -- a salary is not a "debt"; it's a payment.
Loans are not salaries.
Yes have Al Franken who's biggest qualification to being elected to the Senate was the fact he had been on SNL tell people Trump doesn't have what it takes to be President I'm sure that will go over well. And this response is from someone who is neither a supporter of or fan of Donald Trump.
Franken has been twice elected to the Senate by the great people of Minnesota. Trump has never won an election at any level

More important, Franken can see the humor in Trumps childlike taunts and namecalling and make Trump pay
When Franken is In or out of his diapers?
A salary isn't a "debt", oh my alluringly azure amour.
What salary? He was half a million in the hole.


What you said, my seriously cerulean seabreeze, was: he "had to pay Air America to broadcast his show"

I still await a link.

I mean, not even David Sanborn is desperate enough to buy his airtime.

The link you did link only spoke of how AirAmerica "bankrolled" him --- meaning they paid him, which is how employer-employee relationships usually work.

Not that it quotes or links any sources to what it says, but then again it is an opinion blog. You know that right?
Salary you say???

Air America Stiffs Al Franken

Again --- another link that says the talent was not getting the salary he was due.

Again -- a salary is not a "debt"; it's a payment.
Yes have Al Franken who's biggest qualification to being elected to the Senate was the fact he had been on SNL tell people Trump doesn't have what it takes to be President I'm sure that will go over well. And this response is from someone who is neither a supporter of or fan of Donald Trump.
Franken has been twice elected to the Senate by the great people of Minnesota. Trump has never won an election at any level

More important, Franken can see the humor in Trumps childlike taunts and namecalling and make Trump pay
Being elected twice is not evidence of talent/competence, as Obama was also elected twice. Obviously electing someone twice is not evidence of voter intelligence either - people voted Obama into office twice.
Sour Grapes make the best whine

Those wh do not vote like I want cannot be intelligent.
Time for Democrats to unleash their strongest anti-Trump weapon

Liz Warren has been going toe to toe with Trump in her Twitter attacks and she holds her own but Democrats need to unleash Al Franken

Who better to deal with the absurdity that is Trump than a professional comedy writer. Who better to reply to the child like names and taunts? Franken made a career of mocking those who are pompous hypocrites.....he is perfect for Trump

Release the Franken!

Wow. Trump is scaring the crap out of all you progressives ain't he!:laugh::laugh::laugh: I warned you hillary fluffers that Bernie was the only one who had a chance to beat Trump if he got the nomination. but nooooo, you just had to keep supporting that lying fraud. I hate the fact that Bernie isn't going to be the nominee, but I am going to laugh my ass off if Trump wipes the floor with it is looking to happen.
"keep supporting that lying fraud."


she's the real deal true blue to her longstanding ideals and you just can't stand it that she's going to be president.

and I am going to laugh my ass off!
After law school, Hillary didn’t join a big law firm in Washington or New York. Instead, she went to work for the Children’s Defense Fund, going door-to-door in New Bedford, Massachusetts, gathering stories about the lack of schooling for children with disabilities. These testimonials contributed to the passage of historic legislation that required the state to provide quality education for students with disabilities.


This commitment to public service and fighting for others—especially children and families—has stayed with her throughout her life.

After serving as a lawyer for the congressional committee investigating President Nixon, she moved to Arkansas where she taught law and ran legal clinics representing disenfranchised people. She co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, one of the state’s first child advocacy groups.

As first lady, Hillary tenaciously led the fight to reform our health care system so that all families would have access to the care they need at affordable prices. When the insurance companies and other special interests defeated that effort, Hillary didn’t give up. She worked with Republicans and Democrats to help create the successful Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides health coverage to more than 8 million children and has helped cut the uninsured rate for children in half.


Hillary's story
Time for Democrats to unleash their strongest anti-Trump weapon

Liz Warren has been going toe to toe with Trump in her Twitter attacks and she holds her own but Democrats need to unleash Al Franken

Who better to deal with the absurdity that is Trump than a professional comedy writer. Who better to reply to the child like names and taunts? Franken made a career of mocking those who are pompous hypocrites.....he is perfect for Trump

Release the Franken!

Wow. Trump is scaring the crap out of all you progressives ain't he!:laugh::laugh::laugh: I warned you hillary fluffers that Bernie was the only one who had a chance to beat Trump if he got the nomination. but nooooo, you just had to keep supporting that lying fraud. I hate the fact that Bernie isn't going to be the nominee, but I am going to laugh my ass off if Trump wipes the floor with it is looking to happen.
Franken would drive Trump nuts <content>

Westwall is still on permaban
"keep supporting that lying fraud."


she's the real deal true blue to her longstanding ideals and you just can't stand it that she's going to be president.

and I am going to laugh my ass off!

It is baffling to me that anyone can truly believe any of these candidates are honest and trustworthy. On either side. You want to believe so badly that you just dismiss all the shit she has pulled. All you have to do to convince yourself is day that the right is out to get her. Sad. Delusional.

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