Religion and/or Politics?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.While government school has gone to great efforts to turn out secular individuals who are neither aware of the religious origins of both Western Civilization, and of this nation as well, yet they do read works by Mark Twain, in which theology is discussed.

You might recall this repartee between Huck Finn and Jim: “We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lie on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made, or only just happened."

And that is the most basic of queries about the existence of God.

2. Which brings to mind this, from Arthur Conan Doyle:
‘Napoleon's question to the atheistic professors on the starry night as he voyaged to Egypt: "Who was it, gentlemen, who made these stars?" has never been answered. To say that the Universe was made by immutable laws only put the question one degree further back as to who made the laws. I did not, of course, believe in an anthropomorphic God, but I believed then, as I believe now, in an intelligent Force behind all the operations of Nature--a force so infinitely complex and great that my finite brain could get no further than its existence.” The New Revelation, by Arthur Conan Doyle; Chapter I: The Search Page 1

And that probably applies to most people.

Similarly, the Big Bang origin of the universe required energy. And Newton stated that mass and energy are interchangeable, but that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But something must have created the energy, at what we might call ‘the beginning.’

3. And that brings into focus, as well, a defining doctrine of Progressive/Leftist thought: the claim that human nature is changeable, malleable, and that it is their political guidance and governance that can alter human nature.

But…if God created man, on what basis can Marxism, Progressivism, Leftism, claim to be able to change man's nature?

“This much, however, is clear: a nation such as ours, steeped in and shaped by Biblical religion, cannot comfortably accommodate a politics that takes its bearings from the proposition that human nature is a malleable product of social forces, and that improving human nature, perhaps unto perfection, is a proper purpose of politics.

Biblical religion is concerned with asserting and defending the dignity of the individual. Biblical religion teaches that individual dignity is linked to individual responsibility and moral agency.

Therefore, Biblical religion should be wary of the consequences of government untethered from the limited (and limiting) purpose of securing natural rights.” George Will, "The Conservative Sensibility," p. 459

Astounding that a nation such as ours, birthed in religion and for which the most quoted source of our memorializing documents was the Bible, has leaders of the dominant party, a coterie of socialists and progressives.

Quite a job government schooling has done.
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
Is God in the constitution??

1. Our nation was born in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence, which posits God-given natural rights.

2. The Constitution works out how the plan in the Declaration shall be put into effect.

3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus.

I hope that helped.
I have never found any who claim a knowledge of history to have any knowledge if they haven't read Tocqueville....and I'll bet nary a Liberal has.

4. Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, drove a stake through the heart of Communism, Progressivism, and every pretense that claims human nature changeable through their ministrations.

What, he wrote, would Leftism do?

“….it would degrade men without tormenting them…That power is absolute, minute, regular … After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp, and fashioned them at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community.

It covers the surface of society with a net-work of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd.

The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided: men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting: such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to be nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.” Democracy In America Alexis De Tocqueville

A clear and accurate recitation of what we see in Liberals/Progressives/Democrats today.

Amazingly prescient.
Similarly, the Big Bang origin of the universe required energy. And Newton stated that mass and energy are interchangeable, but that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But something must have created the energy, at what we might call ‘the beginning.’
A very weak 'God of the gap' argument. I'm content to say we just don't know everything.

3. And that brings into focus, as well, a defining doctrine of Progressive/Leftist thought: the claim that human nature is changeable, malleable, and that it is their political guidance and governance that can alter human nature.

But…if God created man, on what basis can Marxism, Progressivism, Leftism, claim to be able to change man's nature?
You seem to have no problem telling others what they believe, me I can only speak for myself. Human nature is not malleable and we cannot alter human nature. Human culture, on the other hand, is ever-changing. We have to be taught what and who to hate and fear and it is our culture that teaches us that. I've seen tremendous changes in my short lifetime, for example how we view Blacks and Gays is very different from when I was young. My children have grown up in a very different culture than mine and have no issues with either Blacks or Gays. Their natures, however, are just the same as everyone else's around the world and throughout time.
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
It's because of nonsensical copy&paste OPs.
Is God in the constitution??

1. Our nation was born in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence, which posits God-given natural rights.

2. The Constitution works out how the plan in the Declaration shall be put into effect.

3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus.

I hope that helped.

Nothing you post helps.

"3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus."

No it does not. You just make shit up .
Similarly, the Big Bang origin of the universe required energy. And Newton stated that mass and energy are interchangeable, but that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But something must have created the energy, at what we might call ‘the beginning.’
A very weak 'God of the gap' argument. I'm content to say we just don't know everything.

3. And that brings into focus, as well, a defining doctrine of Progressive/Leftist thought: the claim that human nature is changeable, malleable, and that it is their political guidance and governance that can alter human nature.

But…if God created man, on what basis can Marxism, Progressivism, Leftism, claim to be able to change man's nature?
You seem to have no problem telling others what they believe, me I can only speak for myself. Human nature is not malleable and we cannot alter human nature. Human culture, on the other hand, is ever-changing. We have to be taught what and who to hate and fear and it is our culture that teaches us that. I've seen tremendous changes in my short lifetime, for example how we view Blacks and Gays is very different from when I was young. My children have grown up in a very different culture than mine and have no issues with either Blacks or Gays. Their natures, however, are just the same as everyone else's around the world and throughout time.

"I'm content to say we just don't know everything."

In your case, 'anything.'
Is God in the constitution??

1. Our nation was born in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence, which posits God-given natural rights.

2. The Constitution works out how the plan in the Declaration shall be put into effect.

3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus.

I hope that helped.

Nothing you post helps.

"3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus."

No it does not. You just make shit up .

What would you like to bet?

Try and eschew the vulgarity.
There are stars, therefore there must be God

PC logic
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
In case you have not noticed, I am not on a side. You pigeon hole anybody that has an idea other than yours.
Your questions make zero sense. As far as I can tell, it's all about inflating your already outsized ego.
You are the equivalent of a middle school math brat with a big mouth that has no understanding of humanity.
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
In case you have not noticed, I am not on a side. You pigeon hole anybody that has an idea other than yours.
Your questions make zero sense. As far as I can tell, it's all about inflating your already outsized ego.
You are the equivalent of a middle school math brat with a big mouth that has no understanding of humanity.

"3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus."

No it does not. You just make s**t up ."

Let's continue with the proof that I am never wrong.

What would you like to bet?

Try and eschew the vulgarity.
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
In case you have not noticed, I am not on a side. You pigeon hole anybody that has an idea other than yours.
Your questions make zero sense. As far as I can tell, it's all about inflating your already outsized ego.
You are the equivalent of a middle school math brat with a big mouth that has no understanding of humanity.

"3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus."

No it does not. You just make s**t up ."

Let's continue with the proof that I am never wrong.

What would you like to bet?

Try and eschew the vulgarity.

Prove that the constitution mentions "Jesus".
5. Should we give up the Judeo-Christian faith that was responsible for the founding of this nation, that led to its the agenda of Progressivism/Liberalism requires????

What if we do….did?

To see the handwriting on the wall, one need only view the continent.

“Europe is now experiencing a widespread waning of the religious impulse, and the results are not attractive.

…when a majority of the people….when they decide that the universe is merely the result of a cosmic sneeze with no transcendent meaning, when they conclude that therefore life should be filed to overflowing with distractions and comforts and entertainments to assuage the boredom, then they may become susceptible to the excitements of politics that promise ersatz meaning an spurious salvation from the human condition without the comfort of belief in transcendence.

…twentieth-century fanaticisms the political consequences of felt meaninglessness.”
George Will, “The Conservative Sensibility,” P. 461-462

Ignorant cowards being produced by government school by the ton are equivalent to the 60s bunch who would rather “Red Than Dead!”….until Reagan proved we need be neither.
Similarly, the Big Bang origin of the universe required energy. And Newton stated that mass and energy are interchangeable, but that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But something must have created the energy, at what we might call ‘the beginning.’
A very weak 'God of the gap' argument. I'm content to say we just don't know everything.

3. And that brings into focus, as well, a defining doctrine of Progressive/Leftist thought: the claim that human nature is changeable, malleable, and that it is their political guidance and governance that can alter human nature.

But…if God created man, on what basis can Marxism, Progressivism, Leftism, claim to be able to change man's nature?
You seem to have no problem telling others what they believe, me I can only speak for myself. Human nature is not malleable and we cannot alter human nature. Human culture, on the other hand, is ever-changing. We have to be taught what and who to hate and fear and it is our culture that teaches us that. I've seen tremendous changes in my short lifetime, for example how we view Blacks and Gays is very different from when I was young. My children have grown up in a very different culture than mine and have no issues with either Blacks or Gays. Their natures, however, are just the same as everyone else's around the world and throughout time.

"I'm content to say we just don't know everything."

In your case, 'anything.'
:offtopic: and :lame2:
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
In case you have not noticed, I am not on a side. You pigeon hole anybody that has an idea other than yours.
Your questions make zero sense. As far as I can tell, it's all about inflating your already outsized ego.
You are the equivalent of a middle school math brat with a big mouth that has no understanding of humanity.

"3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus."

No it does not. You just make s**t up ."

Let's continue with the proof that I am never wrong.

What would you like to bet?

Try and eschew the vulgarity.

Prove that the constitution mentions "Jesus".

A pity you never read the Constitution, as now you will be left with egg on our face.

On the other is an improvement.

Article Seven....

Article VII

The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

Go. Washington—Presidt.

And deputy from Virginia

And another one bites the dust.
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
In case you have not noticed, I am not on a side. You pigeon hole anybody that has an idea other than yours.
Your questions make zero sense. As far as I can tell, it's all about inflating your already outsized ego.
You are the equivalent of a middle school math brat with a big mouth that has no understanding of humanity.

It is certainly an endearing picture of you slinking away from your claim that I made up the reference to Jesus in the Constitution.

Right now you’re probably trying to brush something off your face…you didn’t realize it was the floor.
Posit. PC is a dummy.

Astounding how your side is never capable of a cogent, creative, educated response to material you are unhappy with....i.e., the truth.

Did you begin this earthly journey in said sad condition, or is this the result of government schooling?

Work on that question....take your time.
In case you have not noticed, I am not on a side. You pigeon hole anybody that has an idea other than yours.
Your questions make zero sense. As far as I can tell, it's all about inflating your already outsized ego.
You are the equivalent of a middle school math brat with a big mouth that has no understanding of humanity.

"3. And the Constitution has a clear and specific reference to Jesus."

No it does not. You just make s**t up ."

Let's continue with the proof that I am never wrong.

What would you like to bet?

Try and eschew the vulgarity.

Prove that the constitution mentions "Jesus".

A pity you never read the Constitution, as now you will be left with egg on our face.

On the other is an improvement.

Article Seven....

Article VII

The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

Go. Washington—Presidt.

And deputy from Virginia

And another one bites the dust.

Sorry shows how hard up you are, that is not part of the Constitution.

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