Religion is evil

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kal-el said:
Why could his father follow the UN, but dumbass can't?

Perhaps because "dumbass" isn't so dumb after all, and can recognize the U.N. - in a way his father couldn't - for the provably worthless "entity" IT is.
manu1959 said:
he didn't say it but you know what he meant....i think you are hearing voices

Are you sure it's not George Bush who's hearing voices? Let me see if I get this, a fictional (I only say fictional because it's a perfectly logical assumption to make considering the lack of evidence) man in the clouds instructs Georgie to strike soveriegn nations. I think he has god confused with satan.

which nation was attacked illegally?

Are you seriously asking this? You might have been born at night, but were you born last night? I believe the answer you are looking for should be obvious, but being is you rode the short bus to school i'll spell it out I-R-A-Q.
musicman said:
Perhaps because "dumbass" isn't so dumb after all, and can recognize the U.N. - in a way his father couldn't - for the provably worthless "entity" IT is.

Yea, hahaha, he was going to follow the UN, that is until France and China threatend not to vote on war. Hence, George Bush waged it unilaterally then.
kal-el said:
Am I forbidden from stating my opinion? Last time I checked this was not a communist country.

Did I say you could not? With the freedom to express your opinion comes the consequences thereof ..... I'm going to express mine.

Hahahaha, I'll take that as you have no proof, thanks for proving my point.

I have not proven your point, and your argument in this regard is quite childish.

O, I'm glad I have your permission.

Stating I don't care what you believe in has nothing to do with whether or not you have "permission."

Now you're being quite the hypocrite. I am willing to bet, that if people were ranting on about how the Tooth Fairy is real, you would get sick and tired of it, because being is as there's no proof, they shouldn't rant about it.

You are incorrect. I would not venture into the "Tooth Fairy Forum" if I was sick and tired of it.

Your argument that because there is no "proof" of God, He doesn't exist is bullshit. You cannot prove he does not, nor can you offer conclusive proof/evidence of any alternate theory. In other words, my theory's as good as yours, and yours is not better just because it's yours.
kal-el said:
Yea, hahaha, he was going to follow the UN, that is until France and China threatend not to vote on war. Hence, George Bush waged it unilaterally then.

Consider for a moment the glorious possibility that he was going to defend U.S. interests regardless of what the U.N. did, and invited that cowardly, thieving gang of maggots to FOLLOW us.
kal-el said:
He might not have uttered that exact same thing, but the themre is the same. It's a scary thing to know the President of the US believes he talks to an entity(that there's no proof for) and has the power to drop a nuke.

Uhh, listen up Einstein. In attacking a nation that did not attack us, George Bush broke international law. I guess the UN charter means nothing, it's only important when he sees fit. George Bush 1 did the right thing, Iraq was actively invding another country, yet he didn't topple Saddam, as per what the UN sanctioned. Why could his father follow the UN, but dumbass can't?

You would be incorrect. A cease-fire existed between the US and Iraq subject to Saddam complying with UN mandates. In this agreement, it is expressly stated that ANY noncompliance on Saddam's part could result in resumption of hostilites.

It is documented fact that Saddam violated UN mandates every time he got the urge. No law was broken.
musicman said:
Perhaps because "dumbass" isn't so dumb after all, and can recognize the U.N. - in a way his father couldn't - for the provably worthless "entity" IT is.

It's simpler than that. In order to gain an airlfield in Saudi Arabia and unrestricted use of Arab airspace, not to mention the support of Syria and Saudi Arabia, the UAE ... in other words the Arab world .... Bush had to promise only to remove Saddam and his army from Kuwait.

He kept his word. For which he was ridiculed by the left until the day his son invaded Iraq. No suddenly he was "smart." :wtf:
GunnyL said:
You are incorrect. I would not venture into the "Tooth Fairy Forum" if I was sick and tired of it.

O, I see. I am being forced to supress my opinion. How Christian of you. WWJD?

Your argument that because there is no "proof" of God, He doesn't exist is bullshit.

No, your argument of believing in god because a book says so is bullshit. On the same token, one could cite a dc comic to prove Superman exists.

You cannot prove he does not, nor can you offer conclusive proof/evidence of any alternate theory.

Correct, I cannot prove he dosen't, but no one can prove he does. So why believe? Dude, you can't claim the existence of god unless you can prove it. Or else wild claims such as the Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, and Wolverine exist, because you say that since I can't prove they don't exist, they have to. You are not making complete sense here.

In other words, my theory's as good as yours, and yours is not better just because it's yours.

Nice little opinionated statement there. Did you come up with that all by yourself?
GunnyL said:
It's simpler than that. In order to gain an airlfield in Saudi Arabia and unrestricted use of Arab airspace, not to mention the support of Syria and Saudi Arabia, the UAE ... in other words the Arab world .... Bush had to promise only to remove Saddam and his army from Kuwait.

He kept his word. For which he was ridiculed by the left until the day his son invaded Iraq.

That he was, Gunny. But, then, little stumbling blocks like "truth' and "consistency" have never swayed the Democrats from their only honest, bedrock principle - political expediency.

That's why I'm always amazed when a liberal has the gall to ridicule George H.W. for "read my lips". Talk about Democrat treachery in microcosm!
GunnyL said:
You would be incorrect. A cease-fire existed between the US and Iraq subject to Saddam complying with UN mandates. In this agreement, it is expressly stated that ANY noncompliance on Saddam's part could result in resumption of hostilites.

It is documented fact that Saddam violated UN mandates every time he got the urge. No law was broken.

Right, we were enforcing security council resolutions, got ya. I guess violating the articles of the UN Charter are considered "enforcement."
kal-el said:
Right, we were enforcing security council resolutions, got ya. I guess violating the articles of the UN Charter are considered "enforcement."

So, which article did GW violate - "Thou shalt not put teeth in any U.N. resolution"?
kal-el said:
Of course not, but that's 1 thing Superman and "God" have in common- there both characters in a book.

And who or what exactly is supposed to be a giant sky ape??
kal-el said:
Uhh, that is article 24 lad. It cleary prohibits the use of force except when the Security Council had determined that there was a breach of a resolution, and that all diplomatic means had been exausted first.

Ah, yes - "all diplomatic means". You mean Wolf Blitzer with his thumb up his ass. And, I guess that includes Kofi, the French, the Germans, and the Russians getting sufficiently fat from "Oil-for-Food". Or the Russians spiriting WMDs out of Iraq a heartbeat ahead of inspectors. I thank God that George Bush was man enough to defend American interests in spite of that international gang of whores.
kal-el said:
O, I see. I am being forced to supress my opinion. How Christian of you. WWJD?

Are you always this dishonest? I stated what I would do in response to your post. Common sense to me.

The truth is, you WANT to start shit, and with nothing more than "prove it" as your answer to anything.

No, your argument of believing in god because a book says so is bullshit. On the same token, one could cite a dc comic to prove Superman exists.

I haven't made an argument for believeing in God. Pretty damned simple, ain't it?

Correct, I cannot prove he dosen't, but no one can prove he does. So why believe? Dude, you can't claim the existence of god unless you can prove it. Or else wild claims such as the Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, and Wolverine exist, because you say that since I can't prove they don't exist, they have to. You are not making complete sense here.

Your comic book argument is what doesn't make sense here. It is proven fact that comic book characters are the creations of comic book artists -- they CLAIM creating them; therefore, the fact they do not exist is established.

No such evidence exists for the Bible and/or God, or NO ONE would believe in them.

Nice little opinionated statement there. Did you come up with that all by yourself?

It's a statement of fact. Simple as that.
musicman said:
Ah, yes - "all diplomatic means". You mean Wolf Blitzer with his thumb up his ass. And, I guess that includes Kofi, the French, the Germans, and the Russians getting sufficiently fat from "Oil-for-Food". Or the Russians spiriting WMDs out of Iraq a heartbeat ahead of inspectors. I thank God that George Bush was man enough to defend American interests in spite of that international gang of whores.

Hey MM don't get too nuts over this one, he lists his interests as "getting laid"........... Not too much there to begin with :cof:
Bonnie said:
Hey MM don't get too nuts over this one, he lists his interests as "getting laid"........... Not too much there to begin with :cof:

Just some kid who obviously reads too many comic books and too much liberal propaganda.
Bonnie said:
Hey MM don't get too nuts over this one, he lists his interests as "getting laid"........... Not too much there to begin with :cof:

LOL - liberals ARE getting laid - they just don't know it!
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