Religion is evil

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Lets try this one more time!!

It's not the Christian religion or other religions that caused wars, and oppresion, and injustice, it was corrupt evil people that CLAIMED to be religious USING religion as a cloak to do horrible things.....If those people were truly faithful to God's teachings they would NEVER have done the evil deeds they did.......There is nothing in the New Testament that tells people to oppress, or kill...there never was!!!!
Bonnie said:
Lets try this one more time!!

Okey dokey.

It's not the Christian religion or other religions that caused wars, and oppresion, and injustice, it was corrupt evil people that CLAIMED to be religious USING religion as a cloak to do horrible things

Ok, but it dosen't help much that the bible portrays god as a jealous, serial killer diety.

.....If those people were truly faithful to God's teachings they would NEVER have done the evil deeds they did.......There is nothing in the New Testament that tells people to oppress, or kill...there never was!!!!

Not in the NT, but the OT is full of absurdities, intolerance, and violence. Your invisible man makes a habit of killing, he even makes Hitler look like an amateur.
kal-el said:
Okey dokey.

Ok, but it dosen't help much that the bible portrays god as a jealous, serial killer diety.

Not in the NT, but the OT is full of absurdities, intolerance, and violence. Your invisible man makes a habit of killing, he even makes Hitler look like an amateur.

Yeah okay if you say so....................
Bonnie said:
Yeah okay if you say so....................

o, so tiring. Do I have to post the verses where god kills? Judging by the bible, I would say satan is the good guy. The only dastardly deed he did was crash a house on Job's friends. And that was with the permission of god.
kal-el said:
o, so tiring. Do I have to post the verses where god kills? Judging by the bible, I would say satan is the good guy. The only dastardly deed he did was crash a house on Job's friends. And that was with the permission of god.

:sleep: :sleep: This has all been debated here before, think what you want..........
kal-el said:
Am I wrong here, or did our President say "god is with us" when he illegally launched his pre-emptive strike on a soverign nation. Uhh, and the terrrorists who skyjacked boeing 747s on 9/11 were shouting "god is great" during their mystical delusions.

Sovereign nation? Iraq? yea, thats all we need to know.
Exposes you as a left wing looney. No matter how many times we prove that statement false, you keep repeating it.
Either you think the ends (ousting PRESIDENT Bush) justifies the means (lying) or you are delusional.
kal-el said:
Am I wrong here, or did our President say "god is with us" when he illegally launched his pre-emptive strike on a soverign nation. Uhh, and the terrrorists who skyjacked boeing 747s on 9/11 were shouting "god is great" during their mystical delusions.

Even IF he did say it, and Im not admitting he did, that doesnt equate to a religous war.

No adult believes in the tooth fairy, so its a bogus comparision.

You cant take a picture of yourself next to gravity, therefore it must not exist.
Bonnie said:
:sleep: :sleep: This has all been debated here before, think what you want..........

It probably was, but I wasn't here then, so it's irrelevant. There's 3 verses (1 Timothy 2:12, 1 Corinthians 11:8-10, and 1 Corinthians 14:34) where god shows intolerance towards females, there's 4 verses (Numbers 31:15-18, Hosea 13:16, Isiah 13:15-16, and Exodus 12:29-30) in which it depicts your "loving" god as a brutal serial killer. What the hell happened to the 6th commandment? I think he makes Osama look like a boy scout!
kal-el said:
Am I forbidden from stating my opinion?.
kal-el said:
Last time I checked this was not a communist country..
Certainly to your dismay.

kal-el said:
Hahahaha, I'll take that as you have no proof, thanks for proving my point..
Pretty weak if thats your "proof"

kal-el said:
O, I'm glad I have your permission..
You're quite welcome! :)

kal-el said:
Now you're being quite the hypocrite. I am willing to bet, that if people were ranting on about how the Tooth Fairy is real, you would get sick and tired of it, because being is as there's no proof, they shouldn't rant about it.
What adults believe in the tooth fairy again?
LuvRPgrl said:
Even IF he did say it, and Im not admitting he did, that doesnt equate to a religous war.

How much closer can you get? If saying "God told me to strike at Saddam" isn't considered a religious command, I don't know what to tell ya.

No adult believes in the tooth fairy, so its a bogus comparision.

Way to jump to conclusions! I am willing to bet that somehwere, there is some adult that believes in the tooth fairy.

You cant take a picture of yourself next to gravity, therefore it must not exist.

Listen nimrod, gravity has been proven to exist. What the hell holds me to the ground? I can't see it, but I know it exists. Why dosen't your sky pixie come down and show everyone he exists, so as to quite all the doubters?
kal-el said:
Are you sure it's not George Bush who's hearing voices? Let me see if I get this, a fictional (I only say fictional because it's a perfectly logical assumption to make considering the lack of evidence) man in the clouds instructs Georgie to strike soveriegn nations. I think he has god confused with satan.

So you think its bizarre to believe in God, but you believe in satan????
hahahahahhahahah bwahahhahahahahhaha
LuvRPgrl said:

Yes??? What I can't voice my opinion. That dosen't seem fair.

Certainly to your dismay.

What? Do you think before you type?

Pretty weak if thats your "proof"

Uhh, the burden of proof is always on the believer, not the doubter, otherwise one could make up all sorts of silly claims. Everything that's accepted must be proven with evidence. Since you seem so adamently defending this entity, try this, show everyone you love god by placing trust in him. Cancel your health coverage, and stop going to the doctor. The next time you get sick, just stick to praying. Be sure to check back with me in a few short weeks!
LuvRPgrl said:
So you think its bizarre to believe in God, but you believe in satan????
hahahahahhahahah bwahahhahahahahhaha

Relax bo-jangles. I do not believe in a red-skinned entity, sitting in a burning abyss, plucking up sinners with a pitchfork. I was simply going on the bible, since that's the only proof of his existence.
kal-el said:
How much closer can you get? If saying "God told me to strike at Saddam" isn't considered a religious command, I don't know what to tell ya.

Way to jump to conclusions! I am willing to bet that somehwere, there is some adult that believes in the tooth fairy.

Listen nimrod, gravity has been proven to exist. What the hell holds me to the ground? I can't see it, but I know it exists. Why dosen't your sky pixie come down and show everyone he exists, so as to quite all the doubters?

Okay el evil superboy...lets get to the point here...why is it exactly that you hate God so much...was there a suicide in your family...were you Christmas Presents under the tree...a accident took someone close to you away? Please explain maybe just maybe God is listening or one of his angels! Ask for forgiveness and it shall be will sleep much better!

***sneaks out***
LuvRPgrl said:
Sovereign nation? Iraq? yea, thats all we need to know.

I would love to see you proove it wasn't. Before we attacked, the Irai people had running water, an employed army, working electricity, and the police could show up to work without having to worry about getting blown up, yea I'd say that's blatant beligerency. Hahahaha

Exposes you as a left wing looney. No matter how many times we prove that statement false, you keep repeating it.

By all means, debunk.

Either you think the ends (ousting PRESIDENT Bush) justifies the means (lying) or you are delusional.

Haha, that's funny. Let me get this right, you believe in an invisable man in the clouds who is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent and you think I'm delusional? Take a look in the mirror or any reflective surface, ok?
archangel said:
Okay el evil superboy...lets get to the point here...why is it exactly that you hate God so much.

First off, prove he exists. It would be awful pointless to worship an entity that was made up, don't you think?

..was there a suicide in your family...were you Christmas Presents under the tree...a accident took someone close to you away?


Please explain maybe just maybe God is listening or one of his angels!

Yea right. Dude, if angels are watching over everyone, why do people die? I guess the angels have the day off?

Ask for forgiveness and it shall be will sleep much better!

Really? Jesus promises rewards in prayer 4 times in the bible. I don't see anyone's prayers being answered? What can we possibly tell an all-knowing entity that it dosen't know already?
kal-el said:
First off, prove he exists. It would be awful pointless to worship an entity that was made up, don't you think?


Yea right. Dude, if angels are watching over everyone, why do people die? I guess the angels have the day off?

Really? Jesus promises rewards in prayer 4 times in the bible. I don't see anyone's prayers being answered? What can we possibly tell an all-knowing entity that it dosen't know already?

Okay Son...What prayer have you made that was not answered...sometimes your prayers are answered yet you fail to see as they are not what you expected...ask away...lets see what happens!

***sneaks out***
kal-el said:
O, I see. I am being forced to supress my opinion. How Christian of you. WWJD??
Yet you dont believe in the Christian Jesus.

kal-el said:
No, your argument of believing in god because a book says so is bullshit. On the same token, one could cite a dc comic to prove Superman exists.?
The creator of Superman openly admits he created superman, and he doesnt exist.

kal-el said:
Correct, I cannot prove he dosen't, but no one can prove he does. So why believe? Dude, you can't claim the existence of god unless you can prove it. Or else wild claims such as the Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, and Wolverine exist, because you say that since I can't prove they don't exist, they have to. You are not making complete sense here.?
Many of us have proof, but its not proof you would accept. I know for a fact things about my house, but if I declare it to you, you might not believe it, and it certainly wouldnt be PROOF to you.

kal-el said:
Nice little opinionated statement there. Did you come up with that all by yourself?
kal-el said:
First off, prove he exists. It would be awful pointless to worship an entity that was made up, don't you think?

Prove that He does not exist. It takes equal Faith to be 100% sure of his non-existence as it takes to believe in his existence.

Yea right. Dude, if angels are watching over everyone, why do people die? I guess the angels have the day off?

What kind of question is that? No human is eternal, only the spirit. If you believe in that religion you believe that you continue after death. The human machine is not what the angels would be protecting, it is the spirit. And each body has a 'time to die' at least according to the Bible. That your time might come in an accident doesn't mean that somebody was sleeping that day.

Plus, the existence of a Deity doesn't necessarily rely on a belief in the Bible.

Really? Jesus promises rewards in prayer 4 times in the bible. I don't see anyone's prayers being answered? What can we possibly tell an all-knowing entity that it dosen't know already?

Cite the Verses with Book and Chapter. Let's read this in context and examine your hypothesis.

For me this is an intellectual argument. I need to know what specific reason you have to urge others to disbelieve? Why is it necessary that all believe as you profess to believe? If it is a mythical creature that they worship, how does it hurt you at all?
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