Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

Better than the portion you have chosen.
You have no clue what I have chosen.

It is sad that you have to claim you win everything that you know everything it really highlights your insecurities
Atheists follow a golden rule?

How about satanists?

howabout -


the crucifiers ...
You have no clue what I have chosen.

It is sad that you have to claim you win everything that you know everything it really highlights your insecurities
But I do know what you have chosen. You have chosen to criticize the beliefs of others.
But I do know what you have chosen. You have chosen to criticize the beliefs of others.
And so have you.

Your way is better than any other way remember? Your god is the only way remember?

All I ever did was say they aren't the only way.
And so have you.

Your way is better than any other way remember? Your god is the only way remember?

All I ever did was say they aren't the only way.
Not sure how you made that leap in logic. I merely said I have chosen the better portion and it won't be taken away from me.
Not sure how you made that leap in logic. I merely said I have chosen the better portion and it won't be taken away from me.

Better that what?

There you go again claiming your way is the better way

Better than any other way
But I do know what you have chosen. You have chosen to criticize the beliefs of others.
He has strong opinions which are not well thought out. Which is the reason he does the things he does. It's not so much that he believes what he believes is correct as it is that he believes he can't be wrong. Which is the exact opposite of the approach I take and why my positions are well thought out. I'm constantly challenging my beliefs before I ever discuss them with others.
I respectfully disagree. I know Christians who do not treat other people very well at all.

Do you know anyone of them concrete or do you know all of them only abstract because of this standard cliche?

And there are many non-Christians who are ethical, moral and empathetic to others.

Muslim men with 4 wifes are ethical, moral and empathetic to others. But if all Muslims are doing so then 75% of all Muslim men have to live without wife.

This is an example for a difference between "the golden rule" and "the categorical imperative" from Immanuel Kant (="Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.") The categorical imperative not needs empathy but a feeling for justice. In this case the additional formula: "All human beings are equal in the eyes of god".
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Do you know anyone of them concrete or do you know all of them only abstract because of this standard cliche?
Both of my parents were devout Christians and treated everyone with respect. My former business partner was a devout Baptist who was a total con man who manipulated people for whatever he could get, including me. I know many others since I was raised by Christian parents.
Your choices.
You don't have a fucking clue what my choices are.

And I don't have to crow how my choices are the best unlike you.

And I certainly don't defend an institution that protects pedophiles
There are MANY religions, and most are thousands of years old when few were able to read, and even fewer understood scientific knowledge about the universe that is evident today.
Which religion is best? Why would you choose a religion when its leaders don't understand natural, scientific reality?

Empathy and a golden rule is all one needs to be "ethical".
I agree, that empathy and the golden rule are really all we need to coexist peacefully with others and flourish as a species. Everything else is just dressing or the whipping cream at the top. The core substance of a sustainable, successful civilization is empathy and civility.

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