Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

What is true for one is, in fact, often true for another. Fill in the blank. In the same way, respect for atheism matters as much as respect for belief/faith in God--and vice-versa.
Ah, set theory, intersectionality, mutual exclusivity, etc. I linked the definition under "circular reasoning" anticipating just such a response. Did you even bother reading ("studying") it? "Religion" would not be conflated with "Ethics" at the top of the page if genuine concern for "respect" existed here.
"circular reasoning" aka, "playing games" aka, Meriweather's favorite pastime.
Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone begins with what they are trying to end with. It is also known as "begging the question".
{Unwritten premise: "Because I say so."}
What is true for one is, in fact, often true for another.
I have Faith so My God Rules and all of yours suck. Because I say so.
Fill in the blank.
Goddidit? You bet. Because I say so.
Apples are often oranges? Yep. Because I say so.
In the same way,
Because I say so.
--and vice-versa.
Yep. Oranges are often apples. Because I say so.
Because I say so.
The point I missed getting across was, Don't stay in the circle. Jump out of it, go beyond it, break it. "I say so" is a single perspective, a single opinion, and most kids come to disregard and dismiss it at a young age.

Take an interest on gathering everyone's perspectives on everything from how to mop floors to religious beliefs/non-beliefs--and best yet, share your own perspectives in your own way. It's a great radiant, flamboyant kaleidoscope, all these different perspectives.
The best proof of God are the great lives of those who most believe and embrace God. Canonized saints are the very best example of this. These people are of gentle humble nature, filled with compassion and love for those they live among, while accomplishing amazing out-of-this-world feats, despite their humility and, often, poverty. And these people are universally revered for their goodness. This is common to all saints I can think of.

Who are the irreligious counterparts to these canonized saints? I can't think of one.
The point I missed getting across was, Don't stay in the circle. Jump out of it, go beyond it, break it. "I say so" is a single perspective, a single opinion, and most kids come to disregard and dismiss it at a young age.

Take an interest on gathering everyone's perspectives on everything from how to mop floors to religious beliefs/non-beliefs--and best yet, share your own perspectives in your own way. It's a great radiant, flamboyant kaleidoscope, all these different perspectives.
Sounds great. You may have just outdone yourself. A wishful self-portrait worthy of almost any decent human. If only it resembled its author.. Such a shame that online forum history is so easily searched. That one's self-promotion can be checked against their historical performance. That dictionaries (not to mention Bibles) are so readily consulted for actual word meanings and etymologies when others begin making up their own (shit). Oh, and let's not neglect fallacious logic.

But congratulations! Boy howdy, do you still manage to patronize like a champ.

Well, sorry. That's all time's willing to allow me for the moment. But take heart, I'm confident you'll soon be mopping the proverbial floors with kid's perspectives "at a young age" when you finally do grow up.
The evidence is creation. Nothing circular about that.
"Because I say so."

What do you mean by "evidence" and "creation"? Who knows? Are you a "Creationist"? Perhaps examining this, from your perspective, will, at long last, reveal to you why smart, logical, science-minded people tend to avoid you like the plague..
"Because I say so."

What do you mean by "evidence" and "creation"? Who knows? Are you a "Creationist"? Perhaps examining this, from your perspective, will, at long last, reveal to you why smart, logical, science-minded people tend to avoid you like the plague..
If you created something I could use what you created as evidence to learn things about you. You think the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce intelligence is happenstance. I say the evidence tells us it was an intentional act.

I don't find you to be smart, logical or science minded. I find you to be arrogant, dumb and illogical.
You mean besides being born into this world and resurrecting himself?

I usually don't like to engage in discussions on multiple gods because there aren't multiple gods. There are multiple perceptions of God. But I decided to make an exception for you.

then for you they came from somewhere else ...

how then does that correspond to your - popcorn theory - from nothing.
But not God.

People who don’t believe in God have no fail safe limits on their behavior.

from the heavens that created life - your deviance is hard wired to eventually disappear, worshiping a book of forgeries and fallacies - than the spoken golden rule, religion of antiquity.
What is true for one is, in fact, often true for another. Fill in the blank. In the same way, respect for atheism matters as much as respect for belief/faith in God--and vice-versa.

m hasn't a clue ...


the vice versa seems, miraculously always to escape her its true significance.
How does it not?

how does what - not. from nothing is nothing.

the everpresent metaphysical (forces) responsible for cyclical bb, the boomerang theory embraces has always been - the heavenly origin of life.

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