Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

God is no thing. Not God is nothing.

whether what you believe is true or not, the heavens are responsible for life whether your god exists or the polytheistic is irrelevant - jesus, your religion was a thing.
whether what you believe is true or not, the heavens are responsible for life whether your god exists or the polytheistic is irrelevant - jesus, your religion was a thing.
The Trinity isn't. It is no thing. It is incorporeal. It's a relationship to be entered into. It's not a mystery to be solved.
But I am, and the benefits are amazing. Just because you can't process it doesn't mean others can't.

Yeah only because you need external validation so you make up imaginary "relationships" I bet you were one of those guys who had a girlfriend in Canada while you were in HS too.
Yeah only because you need external validation so you make up imaginary "relationships" I bet you were one of those guys who had a girlfriend in Canada while you were in HS too.
I don't need your approval. I've chosen the better portion and it won't be taken from me.
I don't need your approval. I've chosen the better portion and it won't be taken from me.
Better than what?

You need to claim victory even with your religion.

It's really kind of sad
Just stating reality. I'm happy with my choice. I don't believe you are happy with your choice. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I always get the feeling Blues wants to be talked out of his atheism.
Thinking that the human race will adhere to the Golden Rule is absurd

In case you had not noticed, the man who gave us the Golden Rule was nailed to a cross.

Humanity needs saved, and only God can do the saving.

Clearly, the history of man should show you that man, left to his own devices, will destroy himself.
The golden rule is universal, dummy.
The golden rule is universal, dummy.
Indeed. To me it seems self-evident regarding things like the wheel, all of mathematics, and relativity; the golden rule sits waiting to be discovered and rediscovered. Timeless and profound. However, unlike religious belief ("Faith"), the golden rule does not favor wealth, power, or any establishment (including religious). It favors healthy social engagement. Certainly not so much here, but among those who really need to get along just to survive or subsist. We evolved from fairly doomed, hunter-gathering troglodytes because we learned how to give enough of a shit about one another to settle down and enter into more stable, mutually beneficial forms of relationship. Then we farmed, bred like rabbits, and all went straight to hell.
Indeed. To me it seems self-evident regarding things like the wheel, all of mathematics, and relativity; the golden rule sits waiting to be discovered and rediscovered. Timeless and profound. However, unlike religious belief ("Faith"), the golden rule does not favor wealth, power, or any establishment (including religious). It favors healthy social engagement. Certainly not so much here, but among those who really need to get along just to survive or subsist. We evolved from fairly doomed, hunter-gathering troglodytes because we learned how to give enough of a shit about one another to settle down and enter into more stable, mutually beneficial forms of relationship. Then we farmed, bred like rabbits, and all went straight to hell.
So by your logic the need to get along just to survive or subsist is what doomed us. Brilliant.

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