Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

Both of my parents were devout Christians and treated everyone with respect. My former business partner was a devout Baptist who was a total con man who manipulated people for whatever he could get, including me.

I hope you lost only your respect for liars and betrayers and not your respect for god.

I know many others since I was raised by Christian parents.

Many others are doing what? Lying and betraying? From which people do you not expect this?
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I hope you lost only your respect for liars and betrayers and not your respect for god.

Many others are doing what? Lying and betraying? From which people do you not expect this?
What liars and betrayers? Betrayers of what? You must be a foreigner, I think you have a comprehension problem with English. I answered your question honestly.
What liars and betrayers? Betrayers of what? You must be a foreigner, I think you have a comprehension problem with English. I answered your question honestly.

I'm a German. The "devout Baptist" - your former business partner - was a liar and betrayer - or howelse was he able "to manipulate"? ... Ah got it. Wrong word. Not betrayer - although he betrayed god - but I liked to say "fraudster". "Liar and fraudster". Or howelse was he able "to manipulate"?
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I'm a German. The "devout Baptist" - your former business partner - was a liar and betrayer - or howelse was he able "to manipulate"? ... Ah got it. Wrong word. Not betrayer - although he betrayed god - but I liked to say "fraudster". "Liar and fraudster". Or howelse was he able "to manipulate"?
Be careful you might get banned if you're too strong with your critique of their religious fantasies. We unbelievers have to walk on eggs here. These religious folks are hypersensitive to any real criticism of their superstitions and mythology.
Be careful you might get banned if you're too strong with your critique of their religious fantasies. We unbelievers have to walk on eggs here. These religious folks are hypersensitive to any real criticism of their superstitions and mythology.
"Fantasies." The power of words is awesome and immediately sets a tenor, and introduces oneself. Most of the discussions among people of faith--any faith--center around the realities of behavior and philosophies upon which religions are centered. These shape our lives and as such we take a sober approach to them.

A single word--such as fantasies--introduces ridicule, disgust, and contempt into holy places in our lives. Consider the places of value in one's own life, and someone finding that interior place within--and kicking you in the gut.

Here, people may bring challenges, discussions, disagreements, and investigations without having to walk on eggs. Instead, vigor and enthusiasm invite all into something that resembles an energetic line dance where eggs don't stand a chance. :)
Be careful you might get banned if you're too strong with your critique of their religious fantasies. We unbelievers have to walk on eggs here. These religious folks are hypersensitive to any real criticism of their superstitions and mythology.
Um, actually zaangalewa is a religious wacko.
just put the traitors, pugs in mental institutions to rehabilitate them or give them all lobotomies for their own good and that of a civil society.

But I am at peace and happy too. I get to experience life with all of the ups and downs as God intended.
No you aren't

if you were you wouldn't be so defensive about your religion.

And you're always worried about winning the religion competition.

You need external validation and it's a little sad
"Fantasies." The power of words is awesome and immediately sets a tenor, and introduces oneself. Most of the discussions among people of faith--any faith--center around the realities of behavior and philosophies upon which religions are centered. These shape our lives and as such we take a sober approach to them.

A single word--such as fantasies--introduces ridicule, disgust, and contempt into holy places in our lives. Consider the places of value in one's own life, and someone finding that interior place within--and kicking you in the gut.

Here, people may bring challenges, discussions, disagreements, and investigations without having to walk on eggs. Instead, vigor and enthusiasm invite all into something that resembles an energetic line dance where eggs don't stand a chance. :)
I will use the word fantasies and mythology because that's what your beliefs are and I'm not here to comfort you. Religion, especially the Abrahamic religions are like highly destructive, lethal mental, and emotional viruses that lead to a myriad of perpetual catastrophes, weighing down and undermining humanity's evolution. It's time for human beings to grow out of these mythological, superstitious religions, that enslave them, retarding their development, and impeding their growth into a more rewarding, civilized, life-centered, and affirming, scientific way of thinking. We must grow out of these ancient mythological mental memes and viruses or mankind will become extinct.
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Be careful


you might get banned if you're too strong with your critique of their religious fantasies.

What for heavens sake do you speak about?

We unbelievers

I am a Christian on my own. And you seem to prefer to be a believer in atheism and to follow brainwashed nonsense-doctrines on your own.

have to walk on eggs here. These religious folks are hypersensitive to any real criticism of their superstitions and mythology.

Yeah - some people are indeed a little hypersensitive because Nazis and Commies murdered in masses people who did not believe in them. Many think people who need it to force others to believe in their bullshit should not be taken serios. ... Whatever. ... Do you like to know what you never understood in case of the Christian religion? Do you have any concrete question about something in this context what you really like to know?


Through the sound hole in the guitar belly,
I can see him and hear
the songs he sings.
I smell that pungent whiff
of schnapps and see through the pipe smoke
how devoutly he drinks.
Listen to what he tells my wife,
hear how she laughs and asks questions,
and hear how he lies.
See how he plays with the children,
hold shells to their ears,
talks about Rumpelstiltskin.
How did this man get here?
What keeps him here, what does he want?
the one who sings my songs,
the one who drinks my schnapps,
makes my wife laugh,
gives my children shells

He could also be Lohengrin
pull onto the stage in a boat
- his belly full of the sound of Wagner -,
stand at a bar in Flanders,
look through the schnapps glass at the pier
- on the oilskins salt and seaweed -,

with long-stemmed girls
sitting by fireplaces than the man
who makes nostrils quiver,
as a priest and doctor in Hindustan,
who can also play the organ,
vaccinate children against the plague.
He could do all that,
on whom all eyes now rest,

the one who sings my songs,
the one who drinks my schnapps,
makes my wife laugh,
gives my children shells

He sings and chats, laughs and smokes,
He drinks and drinks and sucks and sucks,
His mouth never gets enough.
His tongue burns, dipped in liquor,
the glass he needs per hour,
he empties in one go.
When he talks to other women,
he only looks at their faces,
rarely looks deeper.
He lies that Rumpelstiltskin does not lie
under children's beds at night,
talks about good fairies.
A neat, well-groomed man,
who wears a tie and a white shirt,

the one who sings my songs,
the one who drinks my schnapps,
makes my wife laugh,
gives my children shells

What if he suddenly doesn't like it anymore?
when he smashes his instrument
and shouts commands out loud?
He doesn't stick his tongue in the shot glass,
he sticks it out at everyone,
to anyone whose nose displeases him?
How, when he forgets all shame,
and lets himself be dragged to the railway embankment,
chasing gypsy women?
Tells the children how it's right,
that Rumpelstiltskin eats children
and gnaws on the bedpost at night?
Don't trust him too much, be careful.
Even if he laughs so cosily,

the one who sings my songs,
the one who drinks my schnapps,
makes my wife laugh,
gives my children shells
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What for heavens sake do you speak about?

I am a Christian on my own. And you seem to prefer to be a believer in atheism and to follow brainwashed nonsense-doctrines on your own.

Yeah - some people are indeed a little hypersensitive because Nazis and Commies murdered in masses people who did not believe in them. Many think people who need it to force others to believe in their bullshit should not be taken serios. ... Whatever. ... Do you like to know what you never understood in case of the Christian religion? Do you have any concrete question about something in this context what you really like to know?


Through the sound hole in the guitar belly,
I can see him and hear
the songs he sings.
I smell that pungent whiff
of schnapps and see through the pipe smoke
how devoutly he drinks.
Listen to what he tells my wife,
hear how she laughs and asks questions,
and hear how he lies.
See how he plays with the children,
hold shells to their ears,
talks about Rumpelstiltskin.
How did this man get here?
What keeps him here, what does he want?
the one who sings my songs,
the one who drinks my schnapps,
makes my wife laugh,
gives my children shells?

He could also be Lohengrin
pull onto the stage in a boat
- his belly full of the sound of Wagner -,
stand at a bar in Flanders,
look through the schnapps glass at the pier
- on the oilskins salt and seaweed -,
with long-stemmed girls
with long-stemmed girls by fireplaces
who makes nostrils quiver,
as a priest and doctor in Hindustan,
who can also play the organ,
vaccinate children against the plague.
He could do all that,
on whom all eyes now rest,
the one who sings my songs...

He sings and chats, laughs and smokes,
He drinks and drinks and sucks and sucks,
His mouth never gets enough.
His tongue burns, dipped in liquor,
the glass he needs per hour,
he empties in one go.
When he talks to other women,
he only looks at their faces,
rarely looks deeper.
He lies that Rumpelstiltskin does not lie
lies under children's beds at night,
talks about good fairies.
A neat, well-groomed man,
who wears a tie and a white shirt,
the one who sings my songs...

What if he suddenly doesn't like it anymore?
when he smashes his instrument
and shouts commands out loud?
He doesn't stick his tongue in the shot glass,
he sticks it out at everyone,
to anyone whose nose displeases him?
How, when he forgets all shame,
and lets himself be dragged to the railway embankment,
chasing gypsy women?
Tells the children how it's right,
that Rumpelstiltskin eats children
and gnaws on the bedpost at night?
Don't trust him too much, be careful.
Even if he laughs so cosily,
the one who sings my songs...

There you go again, with your silly body-count rhetoric. The Nazis weren't atheists and the communists were and fought the Nazis. They won WW2 for the Allies and freed us from the fascists. Capitalist imperialism (What you love and defend) is ten times more lethal than Soviet communism.

Is this a thread on religion or socioeconomics and politics? You must be desperate and mentally challenged, feeling the need to steer the discourse into the historical conflict between capitalist imperialism and socialism. That's another thread. If you want to resort to cheap body-count polemics know that as a defender of capitalism and Christianity, you have a mountain of rotting corpses under your bloody feet, so spare me and everyone else your hypocritical virtue signaling. You have no moral high ground whatsoever upon which to stand and point your crooked finger at anyone.

Lastly, I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic. I don't even identify as an "atheist-agnostic", because I feel atheism implies an affirmative stance on the question of God's existence. My position is "I don't know", if there is or isn't a God or life after death. I don't say God doesn't exist or there's no life after death, likewise, I don't affirm that there is. I simply don't know and I affirm that there's no way to know, due to the nature of the reality we exist in. I disagree with the theists and the atheists with their affirmative statements on the existence of a God or gods.

There might be ETs that are so advanced technologically and otherwise that they are for all intents and purposes, godlike beings or gods. I wouldn't be surprised by that, but they would be living and functioning within the laws of physics.
There you go again, with your silly body-count rhetoric. The Nazis weren't atheists

They were atheists. Their mystic experiments followed only the idea to create an own new pagan religion for idiots.

and the communists were and fought the Nazis

Yes and no. Many Reds converted to Nazis and later many Nazis converted to Reds.

. They won WW2 for the Allies and freed us from the fascists.

Not really. Germany has currently very big problems with new Nazis who had been educated under the "anti fascist protective wall" in the former GDR. Russia integrated a short time ago masses of Russian Nazi mercenaries into the Red army.

Capitalist imperialism (What you love and defend) is ten times more lethal than Soviet communism.

The Soviet leader Mao - who deflowered a girl every day - murdered up to 100 million Chinese. The mass murderer Stalin murdered up to 20 million Russians. And it existed much more red monsters in all qualities of a montrous behavior.

Is this a thread on religion or socioeconomics and politics? You must be desperate and mentally challenged, feeling the need to steer the discourse into the historical conflict between capitalist imperialism and socialism.

Did I say anything about capitalism or socialism?

That's another thread. If you want to resort to cheap body-count polemics know that as a defender of capitalism and Christianity, you have a mountain of rotting corpses under your bloody feet, so spare me and everyone else your hypocritical virtue signaling. You have no moral high ground whatsoever upon which to stand and point your crooked finger at anyone.

Lastly, I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic.

Nosense. You do not believe in god you believe in atheism.

I don't even identify as an "atheist-agnostic", because I feel atheism implies an affirmative stance on the question of God's existence.

You got it.

My position is "I don't know", if there is or isn't a God or life after death. I don't say God doesn't exist or there's no life after death, likewise, I don't affirm that there is. I simply don't know and I affirm that there's no way to know, due to the nature of the reality we exist in. I disagree with the theists and the atheists with their affirmative statements on the existence of a God or gods.

Then you do not understand - and you also do not really try to understand - what you try to speak about. God created existence.

There might be ETs that are so advanced technologically and otherwise that they are for all intents and purposes, godlike beings or gods.

What a nonsense.

I wouldn't be surprised by that, but they would be living and functioning within the laws of physics.

But wherein are functioning "the laws of physcis"? Why exists such a bullshit? Who made it? Why? ...
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There are MANY religions, and most are thousands of years old when few were able to read, and even fewer understood scientific knowledge about the universe that is evident today.
Which religion is best? Why would you choose a religion when its leaders don't understand natural, scientific reality?

Empathy and a golden rule is all one needs to be "ethical".
The US tried that and now they mutilate the genitals of children, chase Jews into attics during Left wing protests of the Zionist state, tell people they no longer know what a woman is, and that men can have babies.

Yea, that did not work so well.
They were atheists. Their mystic experiments followed only the idea to create an own new pagan religion for idiots.

Yes and no. Many Reds converted to Nazis and later many Nazis converted to Reds.

Not really. Germany has currently very big problems with new Nazis who had been educated under the "anti fascist protective wall" in the former GDR. Russia integrated a short time ago masses of Russian Nazi mercenaries into the Red army.

The Soviet leader Mao - who deflowered a girl every day - murdered up to 100 million Chinese. The mass murderer Stalin murdered up to 20 million Russians. And it existed much more red monsters in all qualities of a montrous behavior.

Did I say anything about capitalism or socialism?

Nosense. You do not believe in god you believe in atheism.

You got it.

Then you do not understand - and you also do not really try to understand - what you try to speak about. God created existence.

What a nonsense.

But wherein are functioning "the laws of physcis"? Why exists such a bullshit? Who made it? Why? ...

They were atheists. Their mystic experiments followed only the idea to create an own new pagan religion for idiots.

You just contradicted yourself. You claim they were atheists, then in the same breath admit they were trying to restore the ancient European pagan Germanic religion. One's position on the existence of a deity was no one's business and had no bearing on their membership status in the National Socialist Party. That wasn't the case in the Soviet Union. The German Nazis were non-Marxist socialists whereas the Soviets were Marxist-Leninists and hence atheistic, if not hostile, towards organized religion. You couldn't be religious and a member of the Soviet Community Party. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

Yes and no. Many Reds converted to Nazis and later many Nazis converted to Reds.

In your fantasy world perhaps, "many communists" became Nazis and Nazis Marxist-Leninists. You're quite confused and misinformed.

Not really. Germany has currently very big problems with new Nazis who had been educated under the "anti-fascist protective wall" in the former GDR. Russia integrated a short time ago masses of Russian Nazi mercenaries into the Red army.

That's more silliness from your keyboard. The fact that there are a few white supremacist groups in Germany and Russia who idolize Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich, doesn't imply that the Soviets didn't destroy the Nazi State and win the war. Your opinion that a rag-tag gang of skin-head white supremacists equates to Hitler's Third Reich is ridiculous and not worth anyone's time and effort to debate.

The Soviet leader Mao....

Mao wasn't a Soviet and had some very serious disagreements with Soviet Russia and the way they implemented socialism.

....who deflowered a girl every day....

Get your mind out of the gutter. What evidence do you have that Mao was raping anyone?

...murdered up to 100 million Chinese.

There isn't a shred of evidence that Mao murdered 100 million Chinese, much less innocent Chinese. In war people die, even millions, but there's no evidence that Mao systematically set out to murder people. You're just spewing cheap, Western anti-Communist propaganda.

....The mass murderer Stalin murdered up to 20 million Russians.

More BS..

And it existed much more red monsters in all qualities of a montrous behavior.

You're suffering from a strong, hypocritical delusion being that your beloved capitalism is the one that has through imperialism murdered more people than any other ideology. The capitalist pursuit of profits has led empires to commit the most heinous crimes against humanity, so stop pretending that you have the moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked finger at anyone.

You're unable to discuss theology or religion in this religious thread so all you have left is to resort to cheap political rhetoric against socialists. Your religious beliefs are apparently indefensible.

Did I say anything about capitalism or socialism?

Duh, yes you did. You mentioned the German National Socialists and the Soviet Union (ak.a. USSR - Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics). You're the one spewing the silly Cold War propaganda and BS on this thread, because you're unwilling and unable to defend your silly religious mythology. As far as capitalism, I mentioned it to remind you that you're morally bankrupt when it comes to body-count arguments. Your sacred capitalism has murdered hundreds of millions of people in pursuit of profits and natural resources, hence you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point fingers. Give it a break.

Nosense. You do not believe in god you believe in atheism.

You're telling me what I believe with respect to the existence of God? I'm an agnostic, not an atheist. I don't make an affirmative statement against the possible existence of God, nor do I affirm God's existence. I simply don't know hence I'm an agnostic. Look up the definition of agnostic vs atheist online, they're not the same. Atheism is an active, affirmative stance against the existence of God, and again, I don't take such a "strong" or perhaps I should say, "pretentious" position about whether God exists or not.

Then you do not understand - and you also do not really try to understand - what you try to speak about. God created existence.

Maybe, maybe not, we simply don't know yet. Moreover, as far as the existence of your biblical, Christian deity, there is zero evidence for that. You, nor any other Christian have ever presented any conclusive evidence that your religious version of a deity exists.

What a nonsense.

Are you asserting that It's nonsense to suggest that in a universe with trillions of galaxies and countless stars and planets, there might be intelligent beings who are millions of times more advanced than we are scientifically and otherwise? No, you're the one who is making nonsensical claims and objections, not me. Practically all scientists agree with me, that the likelihood of there being intelligent life on other planets is extremely high. Some scientists even suggest that there can be life in other dimensions as well. What's to say that these lifeforms can't travel here or interact with us from wherever they are?

It's people like yourself who are nonsensical and ridiculous, denying the obvious. You're forced to pretend that the UAPs and the idea of ETs are absurd because they completely dismantle your ancient Christian mythology. If advanced ETs exist that undermines your silly, immoral (anti-human) religious beliefs.

But wherein are functioning "the laws of physcis"? Why exists such a bullshit? Who made it? Why? ...

That's English? Re-ask the question in English.
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