Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

The fear of death is the single biggest hook for religions.

It doesn't really matter to people how the universe got here and saying a god did it is enough for most believers.

It's the afterlife and the promise of eternal life in bliss that really plays on the fear of death that most people have.

IMO death will be exactly like the state of not being born. When you were born you woke up never having been asleep at death you will go to sleep never to wake up.

A significant part of me (About 65%) believes that we cease to exist after bodily death (To be more exact, biological bodily death). However, there's a part of me that is based on my personal experience with this phenomenon:

That gives me a bit of hope that there is more than just this life.

Unfortunately, some people who interact with this phenomenon, attach silly religious ideas to it, nonetheless, I've confirmed that this is true through my research. These intelligent entities, whatever they actually are, really do exist and interact with us through these radio-sweepers:

These entities toy or play with the religious or "spiritual" types. They play along with the occultists who perform rituals, but I doubt they're actually "devils", they're in my opinion, based on personal experience with these beings, something completely different. I don't know what or who they are, but they exist and that has thrown a wrench in my former Marxist-materialist paradigm. I used to be a hard-nosed atheist-materialist, but all of that went out the window when I began to experience paranormal phenomena when researching these voices. It led to poltergeist activity in my home.

The radio-sweepers are low hanging fruit, amateur phenomena compared to what researchers like these have experienced using regular shortwave radios:

On German national television, the voices coming out of the radio in the television studio were of the children of these mothers. The same exact voice of their son was coming through:

Anabela Cardoso, former head Portuguese diplomat in Japan, is now living in Spain, where she conducts her own research. She used to collaborate with the German scientist and engineer in the videos shown above when they were alive:

Interview with Anabela by Jeff Mishlove:

The Scole Experiments:

This paranormal activity provides me with a bit of hope that all isn't lost at bodily death and that maybe some of me will survive. I remain an agnostic, not knowing for sure if this phenomenon is spiritual. All of this might be ET technology or some type of alien artificial intelligence. Maybe these entities are simply interdimensional beings and their existence has no bearing on what occurs to us after we die. So I don't place much stock in this as far as looking at it as evidence for the afterlife. It does however open the possibility in my mind that perhaps there is life after death. Maybe our biological bodies aren't the only bodies we have.

Those who argue that death is the same condition we were in before we were born, don't factor in the possibility that since they now exist, they may have made some type of impression upon the cosmos, which creates a type of memory or body that survives the biological state. Before I was born nothing of me ever existed, but that's not the case after I was conceived, and have interacted with the world around me for decades.
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there are others - deism, surly the metaphysical forces ...

what's lacking for atheism is the return trip - of course g-nut's like the popcorn theory - just popped into existence, smoking a cigar ...
"There are other" what? You're a deist now? So what? What "just popped into existence"? Metaphysics is "a branch of philosophy" -- Not a god, religion, or lack thereof. Try sanity.

Whatever you might mean by "the return trip" is logically covered by atheism. Here's a list of actual facts regarding atheism generated by Google's AI pulling from various authoritative sources:
Atheism is a lack of belief in the existence of a god or gods. It can also be defined as a rejection of the belief that any deities exist.
The word "atheism" comes from the Greek words a- meaning "without" and theos meaning "god". It was first used in the late 16th century via French.
Atheists do not believe in supernatural beings, including their own souls when they die.
It's possible to be both an atheist and an agnostic. An agnostic is someone who doesn't believe it's possible to know for sure that a god exists. An agnostic atheist doesn't believe but also doesn't think we can ever know whether a god exists.
What do people who speak English mean by "atheism" and "agnosticism"? There ya go. Now argue some more like an alien idiot.
I didn't have any fear of what happens after death because when you're saved, you know you're going to be with God in heaven when you die. What do I have to fear? Nothing.

you have deluded yourself w/ a certainty that does not exist -


the opposite of salvation is what resides in the desert religions their forgeries and fallacies of heavenly personifications from their beginning, judaism and throughout all three of their bibles - who's followers and their impact on garden earth will be poorly perceived if even a heavenly judgement is granted them.
A significant part of me (About 65%) believes that we cease to exist after bodily death (To be more exact, biological bodily death). However, there's a part of me ...

physiology is a metaphysical substance not native to planet earth that has a unique spiritual content that when removed causes the physiology to dissipate into the atmosphere - what is the fate of the spiritual content is unknown ...
"There are other" what? You're a deist now? So what? What "just popped into existence"? Metaphysics is "a branch of philosophy" -- Not a god, religion, or lack thereof. Try sanity.

the metaphysical forces of the universe - is not philosophy, how they created the universe is ... what made g-nut's in not unknown, it drooped from the sky from a passing airliner.
a cheap living for snake oil salesmen.

Seeing your response, Atheist-materialism is apparently your dogmatic religion that has closed your mind to reality. I had a big problem with accepting the reality of the paranormal or "metaphysical"/"supernatural" (As religionists call it), because I was already well settled in my Marxist-Leninist, atheist-materialism. I had come to terms with my own mortality, accepting the finality of bodily death. I no longer thought about "life after death", nor did I even desire it. My attention was completely focused on this life, and my personal aspirations and values revolved around my sociopolitical activism. I drew comfort and strength from my personal purpose and mission, in friendship with other mortals like myself, who shared my interests.

I hated the prospect of having to deal with the so-called "paranormal", ideologically and otherwise. I didn't want to deal with this "crap", because it was behind me, I grew out of it leaving the church as a teenager, and didn't want it back in my life. Unfortunately, reality is what it is, and it doesn't care how we feel.

The dogmatic religionists are mostly wrong when it comes to their claims about God and reality, but they're correct about the paranormal being real. They may not know the details about the "supernatural" to the extent that they boldly claim, but they're right about the existence of invisible beings who interact with this physical world of ours. If you want to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich and ignore that, clinging to your atheist materialism, that's your prerogative, but realize that you're just as dogmatic and close-minded as the Bible-thumpers. You're no better than them when it comes to being rational and sincere in your pursuit of truth.

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Seeing your response, Atheist-materialism is apparently your dogmatic religion that has closed your mind to reality. I had a big problem with accepting the reality of the paranormal or "metaphysical"/"supernatural" (As religionists call it), because I was already well settled in my Marxist-Leninist, atheist-materialism. I had come to terms with my own mortality, accepting the finality of bodily death. I no longer thought about "life after death", nor did I even desire it. My attention was completely focused on this life, and my personal aspirations and values revolved around my sociopolitical activism. I drew comfort and strength from my personal purpose and mission, in friendship with other mortals like myself, who shared my interests.

I hated the prospect of having to deal with the so-called "paranormal", ideologically and otherwise. I didn't want to deal with this "crap", because it was behind me, I grew out of it leaving the church as a teenager, and didn't want it back in my life. Unfortunately, reality is what it is, and it doesn't care how we feel.

The dogmatic religionists are mostly wrong when it comes to their claims about God and reality, but they're correct about the paranormal being real. They may not know the details about the "supernatural" to the extent that they boldly claim, but they're right about the existence of invisible beings who interact with this physical world of ours. If you want to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich and ignore that, clinging to your atheist materialism, that's your prerogative, but realize that you're just as dogmatic and close-minded as the Bible-thumpers. You're no better than them when it comes to being rational and sincere in your pursuit of truth.

Thanks again. Nice presentation of anecdotal "evidence" and boy can you be touchy. Magicians have to work at least to develop their skills. Paranormal pushers? Pffft!
Thanks again. Nice presentation of anecdotal "evidence" and boy can you be touchy. Magicians have to work at least to develop their skills. Paranormal pushers? Pffft!
You could confirm it for yourself as I did. Just get a radio sweeper and you'll start getting responses to your questions. You'll probably also have some poltergeist activity. Practically everyone who uses a radio-sweeper in their home gets poltergeist activity.
You could confirm it for yourself as I did. Just get a radio sweeper and you'll start getting responses to your questions. You'll probably also have some poltergeist activity. Practically everyone who uses a radio-sweeper in their home gets poltergeist activity.

Once I was sitting in a quiet room reading when I heard a faint noise in the other room so I went in to see what paranormal activity was going on, and there was nothing there...Woooo! Scary.👻

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