Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

The whole point of Christianity is that eternal suffering is the punishment for anybody who questions God's infinite love. Believe or die. Well fuck that shit.
That's not the point of Christianity at all. Quite the opposite. It's about living. You don't seem like a person at peace.
I am an independent thinker and enjoy observing others think for themselves ... rationally. I respect CRITICAL thinking. However, my bottom line in social life is: "Do whatever makes YOU happy ... as long as others don't get hurt physically or significantly inconvenienced" or something similar.
So it would be fair to say that for you life is about the satisfaction of material needs and primitive instincts?
Why would you not recommend happiness as a primary goal in life?
Because we were made for more.

But you are free to pursue fame, fortune, power and pleasure. Of course, none of those will satisfy you either. Because you were made for more.
You just quoted VFA's actual words. Why not just address them honestly?
She is. She's asking him a sincere question. A fair question. One that is designed to bring him to his incongruity.

If all life is is the consumption of material goods and satisfaction of primitive impulses (aka happiness), then why is everyone destined to die?

Happiness is actually quite important but not in this bastardized version. Happiness isn't the goal, it's the artifact of a well lived life which is not the carefree consumption of material goods and satisfaction of primitive impulses that materialists make it out to be.
You actually can't prove what you're saying about non-Christians.

Ask one what he thinks about abortion or euthanasia, for example.
That's it right there. Treating people well is a lot more than saying hello or buying them a drink. Rare is the atheist who believes sex outside of marriage and abortion are immoral.
There are MANY religions, and most are thousands of years old when few were able to read, and even fewer understood scientific knowledge about the universe that is evident today.
Which religion is best? Why would you choose a religion when its leaders don't understand natural, scientific reality?

Empathy and a golden rule is all one needs to be "ethical".
When I first saw the title of this thread, I said BS and moved on

But then I remembered that most people are not Catholic and weren't even raised half-ass Catholic

In any case, you are as WRONG as can be. My own life history is a PRIME example

No, I'm not going to give you details about my personal life, especially from the distant past. I am a totally different person today because of Christ and HIS Church.

You can criticize religion in general and certain ones in particular all you want. Have at it. But you don't know what we Catholics know.

And as closed minded as most non-Catholics are, looks like you never will

very sad

Thinking that the human race will adhere to the Golden Rule is absurd

In case you had not noticed, the man who gave us the Golden Rule was nailed to a cross.

Humanity needs saved, and only God can do the saving.

Clearly, the history of man should show you that man, left to his own devices, will destroy himself.
which is why we pray the rosary

given to us by Jesus's awesome Mother, whom He gave to all of us (through St John) while on the Cross
If you are an atheist, why on earth would you donate a dime to alleviate the suffering of someone who is totally outside your orbit?

The "Golden Rule" applies to those with whom you come into contact. It's nice enough. But what about those with whom you never have and never will come into contact?
The whole point of Christianity is that eternal suffering is the punishment for anybody who questions God's infinite love. Believe or die. Well fuck that shit.

Wow... you are so FAR FAR beyond where Jesus is...

I am not criticizing, just commenting based on what I know about Christ and His Church (my experiences therewith)

I pray for you

and for all who are far from Him.

I used to be there. I was so lost... didn't know where to look for Him-- even AFTER I had read the entire New T and HAD ACCEPTED HIM. That alone does not work long term.
We need His Church...

We cannot just do the mental assent thing and expect that we will be in Christ as we should... just not going to happen
Wow... you are so FAR FAR beyond where Jesus is...

I am not criticizing, just commenting based on what I know about Christ and His Church (my experiences therewith)

I pray for you

and for all who are far from Him.

I used to be there. I was so lost... didn't know where to look for Him-- even AFTER I had read the entire New T and HAD ACCEPTED HIM. That alone does not work long term.
We need His Church...

We cannot just do the mental assent thing and expect that we will be in Christ as we should... just not going to happen
I reject your Christ.
There are MANY religions, and most are thousands of years old when few were able to read, and even fewer understood scientific knowledge about the universe that is evident today.
Which religion is best? Why would you choose a religion when its leaders don't understand natural, scientific reality?

Empathy and a golden rule is all one needs to be "ethical".
Except RIGHT AWAY that is not acting according to the Golden Rule to God Himself.
That doesn't hold up in history.
Most people I've met in life who say such things are either not very smart ,not very educated,or just insensitive people.They denigrate learning and intelligence. They think that they are still children and if they give Dad an ugly tie but they 'mean well' that Dad should jump up and down for joy. But get this --- these people complain and even get violent if you do what they "think'' you shouldn't do. Triggers,vocabulary, and talk of morality and they get mad.

No , we have MINDS and wills. Without a mind the will is --- as they say -- The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The Golden Rule requires an informed truth-loving wise MIND or it nothing. Many many years ago I read it in the Biblea and it has proved one of the most central truths of my whole life
Religion is a crutch
You might as well say that education is a crutch, and indeed it can be when it is manipulated to indoctrinate with what authority wants you to think and believe and punishes any who question or challenge that doctrine,. They call it 'education' but it is more accurately indoctrination/brainwashing/mind control intended to keep the people ignorant and obedient.

Religion that calls it sin to question or challenge its doctrines, most especially when it punishes those who question or challenge its doctrines can be just as bad and is also intended by the authorities to control the people and keep them obedient and compliant with the requests (actually demands) from the religious order.

With that in mind there is also excellent education and religious groups/organizations that encourage students think critically, question, evaluate, use reason and logic to come to conclusions.
You might as well say that education is a crutch, and indeed it can be when it is manipulated to indoctrinate with what authority wants you to think and believe and punishes any who question or challenge that doctrine,. They call it 'education' but it is more accurately indoctrination/brainwashing/mind control intended to keep the people ignorant and obedient.

Religion that calls it sin to question or challenge its doctrines, most especially when it punishes those who question or challenge its doctrines can be just as bad and is also intended by the authorities to control the people and keep them obedient and compliant with the requests (actually demands) from the religious order.
Indoctrination Meme.PNG

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