Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

It appears you take the Bible literally, and because you do, you believe everyone else takes it literally as well. Are you aware that two-thirds do not take it literally? Next, you appear astonished that Bible uses various forms of literature (fables, myths, folklore, just-so stories, legends) to present lessons and truth. Finally, you seem oblivious to the Hebrew language that only uses a few thousand words. "Day" can mean twenty-four hours, but day can also mean an extended period of time. For example, "In my grandfather's day" does not mean my grandfather only lived for twenty-four hours.

Someone recently pointed out that men are made up of xy chromosome and women xx. Look at the y. The lower right "rib" is missing. You might say it was given to another xy chromosome to become xx...

It could be our ancestors have more intelligence than we credit them with, and that we have less than we credit out ourselves having.

Could it be you place no value on religion, and therefore don't bother to seek their wisdom, and interpret lore in a ridiculous manner to your own satisfaction? Do you truly believe the authors were idiots who were not observant of the world around them and that you are more of an expert on their time, history, and cultures than they were?

And, No! :) I do not want you to adopt a religion--far from it. Just to have a little more respect for people who do have faith.
I am an independent thinker and enjoy observing others think for themselves ... rationally. I respect CRITICAL thinking. However, my bottom line in social life is: "Do whatever makes YOU happy ... as long as others don't get hurt physically or significantly inconvenienced" or something similar.
Who attends church/synagoge/temple to hear about how nature works? Never once heard a homily about this. What church did you attend?
In my university days decades ago, I attended various churches & religious groups to explore what they were about & if they were helpful to me or others. Although they could be helpful to others, I saw no value for myself intellectually.
You can find good and bad in all human endeavors. To choose only the bad in anecdotal evidence and ignore all the rest of more than 2000 years of history is disingenuous at best, evil at worst.

never once since the 1st century or ever have either of the 3 desert religions been forces of good on the macro level from their association w/ monarchical rule to colonization of the unaware - but were directly responsible throughout the ages ...


to persecute and victimize the innocent using their false heavenly personifications to do so.

- the lies of moses and their false commandments as the religions of servitude and denial.
I am an independent thinker and enjoy observing others think for themselves ... rationally. I respect CRITICAL thinking. However, my bottom line in social life is: "Do whatever makes YOU happy ... as long as others don't get hurt physically or significantly inconvenienced" or something similar.
No one should confuse "independent thinking" with taking the opposite point of view. That is not thinking at all, it is taking the contrary position of another's independent thoughts. Being contrary is a trait of most two-year-olds.

I wouldn't recommend happiness as one's primary goal in life, although it might have worked when we were two.

Truly, I don't mean to come across as snarky, when I am merely puzzled by your philosophy.
In my university days decades ago, I attended various churches & religious groups to explore what they were about & if they were helpful to me or others. Although they could be helpful to others, I saw no value for myself intellectually.
What were you looking for intellectually? And why did you think you could find it studying religious behaviors and philosophies? Seriously. Growing up we had a set of Encyclopedias and a Bible. When I wanted fact-knowledge, I read an Encyclopedia. When I wanted wisdom-knowledge, I found some books of the Bible helpful. That is, as long as I stayed away from Solomon. As a kid, I pretty much thought he did some mighty stupid and foolish things despite the praise being heaped on him for being wise about who had the right to a specific baby.
It is an entirely different perspective. Do you truly believe this is what God wants for you?

What are you thinking you must believe? And what stands in the way of your believing?
huh? I don't wanna believe, I wanna know. Your preoccupation with the next world shows an inability to cope with this one.
huh? I don't wanna believe, I wanna know. Your preoccupation with the next world shows an inability to cope with this one.
I have no preoccupation with the next world. What makes you think I do? The next world takes care of itself. My interest and "preoccupation" is totally in the present. What about you? Are you trying to find someone preoccupied with life after death? If so, I'm not that person. And I wonder at your own preoccupation with discussing it.
I have no preoccupation with the next world. What makes you think I do? The next world takes care of itself. My interest and "preoccupation" is totally in the present. What about you? Are you trying to find someone preoccupied with life after death? If so, I'm not that person. And I wonder at your own preoccupation with discussing it.
I read what you post here
I read what you post here
Then you should know Rapture, End Times, and Life after death are of little interest to me. My wish is to help people understand Old Testament scriptures better than they do, and that God is no villain.
I was thinking of A "golden rule" that would be ideal if we can teach that to EVERYONE. Obviously, many individuals lack simple ethics for various reasons like greed & egocentricism, like Putin, etc. That why police & military are necessary.
You really don't need to teach it. People innately understand, which is why all will answer to God for not following their conscience.

As Socrates once said, who predated Christ, "One should never do wrong in return, nor mistreat any man, no matter how one has been mistreated by him"

We all know the Golden Rule, yet we all break the Golden Rule at some point despite this. That is because we are fighting darker forces more powerful than we are, which is why we need God to break our chains and set us free.
You really don't need to teach it. People innately understand, which is why all will answer to God for not following their conscience.

As Socrates once said, who predated Christ, "One should never do wrong in return, nor mistreat any man, no matter how one has been mistreated by him"

We all know the Golden Rule, yet we all break the Golden Rule at some point despite this. That is because we are fighting darker forces more powerful than we are, which is why we need God to break our chains and set us free.
Explain this teaching

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never once since the 1st century or ever have either of the 3 desert religions been forces of good on the macro level from their association w/ monarchical rule to colonization of the unaware - but were directly responsible throughout the ages ...

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to persecute and victimize the innocent using their false heavenly personifications to do so.

- the lies of moses and their false commandments as the religions of servitude and denial.
You're dead wrong but do have a pleasant afternoon.
Someone who identifies as Christian. Like you
Identifying is now the same as being one? Got It, not criteria needs to be met in your world? What about a person that identifies as police officer, does that make him a police officer? What if a person identifies that he is an NBA player, does that automatically put him in the NBA?

Please explain.
Identifying is now the same as being one? Got It, not criteria needs to be met in your world? What about a person that identifies as police officer, does that make him a police officer? What if a person identifies that he is an NBA player, does that automatically put him in the NBA?

Please explain.
If someone tells me he/she accepted Jesus as their lord and savior I say he/she identifies as Christian
If someone tells me he/she accepted Jesus as their lord and savior I say he/she identifies as Christian
But just identifying as a Christian does not make one a Christian according to Jesus. I know lots of people that identify as Christians but it means nothing without works of faith.

I have never studied to be a doctor but I now identify as a doctor, does that make me a doctor?
Then you should know Rapture, End Times, and Life after death are of little interest to me. My wish is to help people understand Old Testament scriptures better than they do, and that God is no villain.

at least you are not a jew, next up christianity ... save yourself.
Valid scientific methods are based on verifiable evidence.

A wrong sentence which shows a lack of knowledge in epistemology. Nothing is verifiable - everything is always only falsifyable. And as long as something is not falsified it is true. Example: A scientific paradigma says: "Everywhere in the whole universe exist the same natural laws." This paradigma is not uncontroversial - specially because of theories about the early expansion (inflation) of the universe. But we never found anything what is falsifying this paradigma. And as long as it is not falsified it is true.

Religion is not;

Eh? What do you understand when you use the word "religion"? I am a catholic Christian. Which "methods" should I use in your view to the world for to be what I am?

it is based on "faith" or "I want to believe that or my family/culture wants me to believe that". Thus, we have different religions across different countries, but one scientific community across the world.

Why do you think exists "one scientific community" across the world? Because of evolution and the survival of the fittest? Nonsense! The one scientific community of the world is basing on the Christian idea that god is truth so only one common truth is existing. In science this means if two scientists who know nothing from each other and work in totally different sectors - so they have nearly not any common base - and both make two theories which exclude each other then something is wrong because it exists only one truth. Anything has to do with anything. Everything is in interaction.

By the way: Happy New Year 2024 AD.

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When I refer to only "empathy", I mean both cognitive AND emotional empathy.

No idea what you speak about now. Do you speak about a biological, a psychological, a cultural or social phenomenon? How to learn what you call "empathy"? Is everyone able to learn this? What are the positive and what are the negative aspects? What is the difference to the old simple word "compassion"?

A sadist or psychopath may only have "cognitive empathy". Such a person is often egocentric while manipulating others.

Egocentrism (individualism, profit motives) is the standard "philosophy" (ideology) of the "modern" unchristian world.
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