Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

There is evidence of cultures coming up with and making use of the Golden Rule in ancient history. None of these cultures used the phrase ''Golden Rule,'' but the concept was the same. In ancient Egypt, the rule was laid out in a text called The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant, which said, ''Do for one who may do for you, that you may cause him thus to do.'' The text was originally written between 2040 and 1782 BCE in ancient Egypt's Middle Kingdom. In ancient Greece, several writers described variations on the Golden Rule. Isocrates (not to be confused with Socrates, the philosopher) wrote around 400 BCE, ''Do not do to others that which angers you when they do it to you.''

Confucius was one of several ancient philosophers who described the Golden Rule

A black and white drawing of Confucius, a Chinese man wearing long robes

Zoroaster, the ancient Persian prophet around whom the Zoroastrian religion was based, said, ''That character is best that does not do to another what is not good for itself.'' Some sources also credit ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius with saying, ''What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.'' These are just a few of the most influential examples of the Golden Rule in the ancient world. It is unclear to what extent the ethic of reciprocity became a mainstay of people's ethical practices in each of these times and places.
Quote from Captain Mainwaring --- " You Stupid Boy"

We Germans can be much more stupid than you can even begin to imagine, Russian. So the best is you will leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers the day before yesterday.
Of course, most religious people are NOT violent and are nice people, but most non-religious people are also nice, like myself.
My point is religion is not necessary if you are a "nice" person. It's detrimental if you are seeking objective knowledge.
"Religion is not necessary" is broad-brushing. Nor is it detrimental in seeking knowledge/truth. How was it detrimental to you? Or, do you see yourself as the exception?
There are MANY religions, and most are thousands of years old when few were able to read, and even fewer understood scientific knowledge about the universe that is evident today.
Which religion is best? Why would you choose a religion when its leaders don't understand natural, scientific reality?

Empathy and a golden rule is all one needs to be "ethical".
Religion is not needed at all.

Religion is the bane of humankind.
All 3 Abraham religions are based on mythical stories written by unknown authors. Genesis is BS. God made the first woman from Adam's rib???
All-powerful God took 6 whole days & nights to create "Earth"? Did I get that right?
It appears you take the Bible literally, and because you do, you believe everyone else takes it literally as well. Are you aware that two-thirds do not take it literally? Next, you appear astonished that Bible uses various forms of literature (fables, myths, folklore, just-so stories, legends) to present lessons and truth. Finally, you seem oblivious to the Hebrew language that only uses a few thousand words. "Day" can mean twenty-four hours, but day can also mean an extended period of time. For example, "In my grandfather's day" does not mean my grandfather only lived for twenty-four hours.

Someone recently pointed out that men are made up of xy chromosome and women xx. Look at the y. The lower right "rib" is missing. You might say it was given to another xy chromosome to become xx...

It could be our ancestors have more intelligence than we credit them with, and that we have less than we credit out ourselves having.

Could it be you place no value on religion, and therefore don't bother to seek their wisdom, and interpret lore in a ridiculous manner to your own satisfaction? Do you truly believe the authors were idiots who were not observant of the world around them and that you are more of an expert on their time, history, and cultures than they were?

And, No! :) I do not want you to adopt a religion--far from it. Just to have a little more respect for people who do have faith.
Carry on with your basic English course.
Get your class teacher to help you understand my posts which are admittedly too advanced for you .
Glad I was able to teach you something about basic Logic and specifically Tautologies .

Be brave . Don't give up .

Sure, Russian.
"Religion is not necessary" is broad-brushing. Nor is it detrimental in seeking knowledge/truth. How was it detrimental to you? Or, do you see yourself as the exception?
Actually not.

Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man; man created the moral and ethical principles which are hidden behind the façade of religious dogma.

Humans are perfectly capable of living moral, ethical lives absent religion; indeed, religion often prevents individuals from being moral and ethical the consequent of religious dogma that perpetuates ignorance, fear, racism, bigotry, and hate.
My post said it all. You got pegged
First of all it was your post but not your text and second what means "pegged". ¿"Angenagelt"?

Makes absolutelly not any sense now ... or is this a "humorful" allusion that Jesus Christ had been a criminal - executed from you on a cross?
First of all it was your post but not your text and second what means "pegged". ¿"Angenagelt"?

Makes absolutelly not any sense now ... or is this a "humorful" allusion that Jesus Christ had been a criminal - executed from you on a cross?
The whole point of Christianity is that eternal suffering is the punishment for anybody who questions God's infinite love. Believe or die. Well fuck that shit.
... Genesis is BS. God made the first woman from Adam's rib??? ...

My very short explanation, superintelligence without time to think first: A rib is part of your breathing system. Replace "rib" with breath and understand that Adam got once the godly breath then you could for example say - if you would be ready to believe in god - "Eves spirit was made in identity with Adams spirit".

The whole point of Christianity is that eternal suffering is the punishment for anybody who questions God's infinite love. Believe or die. Well fuck that shit.

And what do you expect from me to say to you now? ... What was her name? And why did she not like to marry you? And is it not a pitty that she had been right to do so? ...


I have my mountain before my eyes
It's there, at all times
I go up it all the time
And feel small
I ask myself what drives me
To go further and further up
Is it the applause at the top
That tells me that I am valuable
I give myself a moment
And can see the child in me
Whose greatest fear has always been
To stand alone in life


I open my eyes
And see so many like me
Everyone goes up his mountain
And wants to feel that he is valuable
I open my eyes
And see as many as you and me
Everyone goes up their mountain
And wants to feel that he is not alone

I think about my life
Today I can see many things more clearly
I only ever had the summit in mind
And missed so much on my way there
Constantly searching
For recognition and applause
Only then did my life have any value
And only then did I believe in myself

I give myself a moment
And can see the child in me
Whose greatest fear was always
To stand alone in life


I open my eyes
And see so many like me
Everyone goes up his mountain
And wants to feel that he is valuable
I open my eyes
And see as many as you and me
Everyone goes up their mountain
And wants to feel that he is not alone

I give myself a moment
And can see the child in me
Whose greatest wish was always
Not to walk the path through life alone

As of today, I want to change many things and take action
See my mountain and my path
I don't just want to be happy at the summit
But also on my way there


We open our eyes
And see so many like you and me
Everyone goes up his mountain
And wants to feel that he is valuable
We open our eyes
And see as many as you and me
Everyone goes up their mountain
And wants to feel
That he is not alone
Last edited:
And what do you expect from me to say to you now? ... What was her name? And why did she not like to marry you? And is it not a pitty that she had been right to do so? ...

I have my mountain before my eyes
It's there, at all times
I go up it all the time
And feel small
I ask myself what drives me
To go further and further up
Is it the applause at the top
That tells me that I am valuable
I give myself a moment
And can see the child in me
Whose greatest fear has always been
To stand alone in life


I open my eyes
And see so many like me
Everyone goes up his mountain
And wants to feel that he is valuable
I open my eyes
And see as many as you and me
Everyone goes up their mountain
And wants to feel that he is not alone

I think about my life
Today I can see many things more clearly
I only ever had the summit in mind
And missed so much on my way there
Constantly searching
For recognition and applause
Only then did my life have any value
And only then did I believe in myself

I give myself a moment
And can see the child in me
Whose greatest fear was always
To stand alone in life


I open my eyes
And see so many like me
Everyone goes up his mountain
And wants to feel that he is valuable
I open my eyes

And see as many as you and me
Everyone goes up their mountain
And wants to feel that he is not alone

I give myself a moment
And can see the child in me
Whose greatest wish was always
Not to walk the path through life alone
As of today, I want to change many things and take action
See my mountain and my path
I don't just want to be happy at the summit
But also on my way there


We open our eyes
And see so many like you and me
Everyone goes up his mountain
And wants to feel that he is valuable
We open our eyes
And see as many as you and me
Everyone goes up their mountain
And wants to feel that
That he is not alone

There is no need for you to say anything. I summed up Christianity in a few short sentences that you can't refute.
the golden rule has always existed - whatever is religion for most is - day to day.
That doesn't hold up in history.

that is religion, which has never held a high esteem throughout history ...


those people, christians live with the knowledge of the golden rule and use both to a standard they chose than the proper application of both - and throughout history those radicals have always been supported by the majority of their congregations of the respective religions - desert religions of self interest rather than the heavens.

as believing the person they prefer who claims a burning bush than those others with the same claim. the true jesus.

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