Religion of Antiquity

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- the cataclysmic event set down by the heavens against the sinners of that time who without a few remaining not of a sinning nature would have with those deaths inherited garden earth, as a conclusion to the journey granted a&e at their request to control their own destiny, self determination for remission from which they left - paradise ... the heavens chose to give humanity a 2nd chance.

the heavenly parable in triumph, for the conclusion and final judgement rendered for humanity.

what jesus taught and those that gave their lives in the 1st century - liberation theology, self determination the heavenly religion of antiquity as their guide.

What is the name of the person that passed this oral tradition down to you?
To explain: "metaphysical"

It means nothing, since it can mean anything. It explains nothing, it provides no useful predictions, and its presence or lack thereof doesn't have any effect on the explanations of how anything happens.

so untrue ...

physiology is itself a metaphysical, physical substance not native to planet earth and will dissolve into the atmosphere when its unique metaphysical, non physical spiritual content is removed - the physiology can not exist without ...

whether the spiritual content can exist without its physiology is questionable and perhaps the true driving force of evolutionary progression.
so untrue ...

physiology is itself a metaphysical, physical substance not native to planet earth and will dissolve into the atmosphere when its unique metaphysical, non physical spiritual content is removed - the physiology can not exist without ...

whether the spiritual content can exist without its physiology is questionable and perhaps the true driving force of evolutionary progression.

What is the name of the person who passed on the oral tradition of the Religion of Antiquity?

(Insert parent’s name) (insert former coworker’s name) (insert missionary’s name)

Stop ignoring my question. You do see my question. Ignoring it just verifies that you made this religion up.
so untrue ...

physiology is itself a metaphysical, physical substance not native to planet earth and will dissolve into the atmosphere when its unique metaphysical, non physical spiritual content is removed - the physiology can not exist without ...

whether the spiritual content can exist without its physiology is questionable and perhaps the true driving force of evolutionary progression.
It is meaningless nonsense. It explains nothing. It yields no useful predictions. It can never be falsified. It's just a way of admitting you don't know something and then making up any silly thing you like in order to pretend you DO know something.
It is meaningless nonsense. It explains nothing. It yields no useful predictions. It can never be falsified. It's just a way of admitting you don't know something and then making up any silly thing you like in order to pretend you DO know something.

the metaphysical, physical physiology that appears on planet earth ....

physiology is itself a metaphysical, physical substance not native to planet earth and will dissolve into the atmosphere when its unique metaphysical, non physical spiritual content is removed - the physiology can not exist without ...

not only explains itself through observation - alone, offers boundless possibilities for the predictions of countless future events. including its origin and that of the unique spiritual content required for physiology's existence.
Stop ignoring my question.

no one is ignoring your question ...

you are a known quantity, someone who continued reading without the appropriate reservation the christian bible or any of the desert religions books of forgeries and fallacies to discover latter the void you have wittingly allowed yourself to fall into. with regret and in search of an escape from the darkness.
Does anybody here like the religion of antiquity from the 1st century?

It is much better than those 4th Century forgeries. Let's do a quick comparison.

1st century = Only 7 words
4th century = tens of thousands of words stolen

1st century = does not like messiah based religions
4th century = is dependent on a messiah

1st century = it is good
4th century = it is bad

1st century = has 300 extra years of history
4th century = has a much more vast history but is based upon lies so the history doesn't count

1st century = endorsed by Breezewood
4th century = not endorsed by Breezewood
Your mistake? Assuming that God (the creator) requires an endorsement from any man (the created). Why do you assume that subjective propaganda will have any effect upon directing the actions of the Creator? :huh1:

"The God who made the world (Jesus Christ -- Col. 1:16, the 3rd member of the eternal Godhead -- Col. 1:19) and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man (even imagined temples), nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." -- Acts 17:24-25.

Do you demand attention? Then prove your ad hominem charges via presenting the Word of God by Book, Chapter and Verse in a demonstration that God requires any endorsement from any man. :deal:

Creative Writing 101 proves nothing. Who made you POPE: God's representative on earth? :th_spinspin: One magalomaniac narcissist per world is enough. ;)
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no one is ignoring your question ...

you are a known quantity, someone who continued reading without the appropriate reservation the christian bible or any of the desert religions books of forgeries and fallacies to discover latter the void you have wittingly allowed yourself to fall into. with regret and in search of an escape from the darkness.

What is the name of the person that passed on the oral tradition of the religion of antiquity?
What is the name of the person that passed on the oral tradition of the religion of antiquity?

how many ...


there were more than one ... besides jesus.

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