Religion - Warring on humanity

One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.
"All Muslims". Your words. Not mine.

It's impossible to have a serious conversation about this when red herrings are used.

We either confront this with honesty or with PC.

Oh, so when you call out "one religion ", you don't mean Muslims who follow Islam. Okay, which "one religion" are your words referring to?
One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.

Polls have shown that large percentages of Muslims support Sharia, Jihad and Isis. These savages wouldn't be doing what they do if they didn't get a lot of support and approval from the communities they live in.

No polls don't show that. A flawed poll did.

New Poll on American Muslims' Views is Deeply Flawed

CSP’s survey was a non-probability based, opt-in online survey, administered by the conservative group, the Polling Company/Woman Trend, a small Washington-based agency that has collaborated with CSP on other occasions to produce surveys about Islam and Muslims. (We learned this after reaching out to the Polling Company to get more details about their methodology, which wasn’t released to the public when Gaffney began promoting the survey’s findings.)

According to the body that sets ethical standards for polling, the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), opt-in surveys cannot be considered representative of the intended population, in this case Muslims. The AAPOR says that in these cases, “the pollster has no idea who is responding to the question” and that these kind of “polls do not have such a ‘grounded statistical tie’ to the population.”
One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.
"All Muslims". Your words. Not mine.

It's impossible to have a serious conversation about this when red herrings are used.

We either confront this with honesty or with PC.

Oh, so when you call out "one religion ", you don't mean Muslims who follow Islam. Okay, which "one religion" are your words referring to?
As everyone knows (but I'll answer anyway), the religion of Islam includes a group known as "Jihadists".

This group includes people like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and any number of other groups who have declared, and are carrying out, as we speak, war against the West.

This war includes terrorist attacks, beheadings, various slaughters, cheering on fellow Jihadists, and plans for much more.

So to review, not all Muslims are members of this group, but largely, this group's foundation is in Islam.

Therefore if we think this through a bit, saying that all Muslims are terrorists would be incorrect.

I'm also not aware of anyone who is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. You're invited to provide examples, a few may exist but any honest person would admit that such an opinion is not widespread.

Is that clear enough?
Is religion the only institutional reason people kill each other ?

I don't think that is correct.

WWII wasn't started over religion (of which I am aware).

And we would not have been so fast to bail out Kuwait if it were not for OIL.

Seems humans can always find a reason to kill another human.
One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.

Polls have shown that large percentages of Muslims support Sharia, Jihad and Isis. These savages wouldn't be doing what they do if they didn't get a lot of support and approval from the communities they live in.

No polls don't show that. A flawed poll did.

New Poll on American Muslims' Views is Deeply Flawed

CSP’s survey was a non-probability based, opt-in online survey, administered by the conservative group, the Polling Company/Woman Trend, a small Washington-based agency that has collaborated with CSP on other occasions to produce surveys about Islam and Muslims. (We learned this after reaching out to the Polling Company to get more details about their methodology, which wasn’t released to the public when Gaffney began promoting the survey’s findings.)

According to the body that sets ethical standards for polling, the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), opt-in surveys cannot be considered representative of the intended population, in this case Muslims. The AAPOR says that in these cases, “the pollster has no idea who is responding to the question” and that these kind of “polls do not have such a ‘grounded statistical tie’ to the population.”

Who said anything about American Muslims? However, significant percentages of that group also support Sharia, Jihad and ISIS.
One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.

Polls have shown that large percentages of Muslims support Sharia, Jihad and Isis. These savages wouldn't be doing what they do if they didn't get a lot of support and approval from the communities they live in.

No polls don't show that. A flawed poll did.

New Poll on American Muslims' Views is Deeply Flawed

CSP’s survey was a non-probability based, opt-in online survey, administered by the conservative group, the Polling Company/Woman Trend, a small Washington-based agency that has collaborated with CSP on other occasions to produce surveys about Islam and Muslims. (We learned this after reaching out to the Polling Company to get more details about their methodology, which wasn’t released to the public when Gaffney began promoting the survey’s findings.)

According to the body that sets ethical standards for polling, the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), opt-in surveys cannot be considered representative of the intended population, in this case Muslims. The AAPOR says that in these cases, “the pollster has no idea who is responding to the question” and that these kind of “polls do not have such a ‘grounded statistical tie’ to the population.”


So 13% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing is sometimes justified. Only 78% say it's never justified. I wonder what the remaining 9% believe.
That old chestnut huh? The deaths in Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao Zedong's People's Republic of China were not done in the name of atheism.
Always funny to watch atheists squirm away from responsibility.

Atheism is a central element of Marxism/Leninism. If it wasn't Communist regimes would have made an accommodation with religion rather than persecution and even mass killing of religious folk.

Some quotes:

“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (Karl Marx)

“Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism.” (attributed to Vladimir I. Lenin)

“Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.” (V.I. Lenin)

“Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth, and God from Heaven!” (early Soviet slogan)

The official journal of the Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences published a government directive Atheistic Education in the School as a resource on how to separate God from human society. The opening paragraph is revealing: “The Soviet school, as an instrument for the Communist education of the rising generation, can, as a matter of principle, take up no other attitude towards religion than one of irreconcilable opposition; for Communist education has as its philosophical basis Marxism, and Marxism is irreconcilably hostile to religion. ‘Marxism is materialism,’ says V. I. Lenin; ‘as such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion as the materialism of the Encyclopedaists of the eighteenth century or the materialism of Feuerbach.’”

“The World has never before known a godlessness as organized, militarized and tenaciously malevolent as that preached by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin and at the heart of their psychology, HATRED OF GOD is the principle driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

For example, many of the deaths in Mao's China were due to rapid forced industrialization of a primarily agricultural society (Great Leap Forward). Many of the deaths under Stalin's regime are attributable to the same thing.
What nonsense! Other societies have made the transition without millions of dead.

The Four Horsemen or New Atheists such as Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens are not representative of all atheists.
They seem to be all but worshipped by pimply atheist fanatics on he internet.

I read an article today about some atheist trying to give a talk at some school in London, getting screamed at by a buncha muslims. The security guard initially maintained that because the screamers were students, the atheist just had to cope.
People get really angry when you challenge their religious belief system. Was he giving a lecture on atheism or just a known non-believer? Do you have a link? It sounds like an interesting story. I would like to read it.
That old chestnut huh? The deaths in Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao Zedong's People's Republic of China were not done in the name of atheism.
Always funny to watch atheists squirm away from responsibility.

Atheism is a central element of Marxism/Leninism. If it wasn't Communist regimes would have made an accommodation with religion rather than persecution and even mass killing of religious folk.

Some quotes:

“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (Karl Marx)

“Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism.” (attributed to Vladimir I. Lenin)

“Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.” (V.I. Lenin)

“Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth, and God from Heaven!” (early Soviet slogan)

The official journal of the Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences published a government directive Atheistic Education in the School as a resource on how to separate God from human society. The opening paragraph is revealing: “The Soviet school, as an instrument for the Communist education of the rising generation, can, as a matter of principle, take up no other attitude towards religion than one of irreconcilable opposition; for Communist education has as its philosophical basis Marxism, and Marxism is irreconcilably hostile to religion. ‘Marxism is materialism,’ says V. I. Lenin; ‘as such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion as the materialism of the Encyclopedaists of the eighteenth century or the materialism of Feuerbach.’”

“The World has never before known a godlessness as organized, militarized and tenaciously malevolent as that preached by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin and at the heart of their psychology, HATRED OF GOD is the principle driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

For example, many of the deaths in Mao's China were due to rapid forced industrialization of a primarily agricultural society (Great Leap Forward). Many of the deaths under Stalin's regime are attributable to the same thing.
What nonsense! Other societies have made the transition without millions of dead.

The Four Horsemen or New Atheists such as Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens are not representative of all atheists.
They seem to be all but worshipped by pimply atheist fanatics on he internet.

I read an article today about some atheist trying to give a talk at some school in London, getting screamed at by a buncha muslims. The security guard initially maintained that because the screamers were students, the atheist just had to cope.
People get really angry when you challenge their religious belief system. Was he giving a lecture on atheism or just a known non-believer? Do you have a link? It sounds like an interesting story. I would like to read it.
I'll see if I can find popped up on my Fb. If you Google it you'll probably find it....
Christians have their belief system challenged every day, and rarely do you see them threatening speakers on campuses.

God bless this man! I love his boldness, his purity and his passion! I love the fact that throughout all that mockery and abuse and attempts to intimidate him - he refused to bow down to that satanic attack! I wish to God all Christians had such boldness! I pray 10 million blessings upon this mans head! In Jesus Name! I praise God for this testimony! God bless you, KG, for posting this video! I will cherish this testimony forever. I am copying it and saving it. Thank you!

God bless this man! I love his boldness, his purity and his passion! I love the fact that throughout all that mockery and abuse and attempts to intimidate him - he refused to bow down to that satanic attack! I wish to God all Christians had such boldness! I pray 10 million blessings upon this mans head! In Jesus Name! I praise God for this testimony! God bless you, KG, for posting this video! I will cherish this testimony forever. I am copying it and saving it. Thank you!

I love him too.
I can't name a single atheist or agnostic, or atheist or agnostic group that I am scared would bring weapons to an event and start killing people.

All the whackjobs in the world killing unarmed innocents are religious fucksticks.

Nearly all of them are Moslems. All the Jews want is a small sliver of land on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Let them have it, and settle the Palestinians elsewhere.
Again, where currently do you see atheists picking up assault rifles and murdering people to force their non-belief in a supernatural being on anyone?

Since Atheists don't believe in "supernatural beings" I've removed that parameter of your question.

Here are a few of many examples:






Again, where currently do you see atheists picking up assault rifles and murdering people to force their non-belief in a supernatural being on anyone?

Since Atheists don't believe in "supernatural beings" I've removed that parameter of your question.

Here are a few of many examples:






None of these people did it for atheism. You lose again.
I'm also not aware of anyone who is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. You're invited to provide examples, a few may exist but any honest person would admit that such an opinion is not widespread.

Is that clear enough?

It's widespread here at USMB. You can't swing your mouse without someone here saying it. And it certainly seems to be the widespread belief of the crazy base of the GOP.
Again, where currently do you see atheists picking up assault rifles and murdering people to force their non-belief in a supernatural being on anyone?

Since Atheists don't believe in "supernatural beings" I've removed that parameter of your question.

Here are a few of many examples:






None of these people did it for atheism. You lose again.

Sure they did! Why else would people exhibit pure evil if not for religious reasons? They weren't Muslims or Christians. What you're wanting to do is give all Atheists as pass on their behaviors, sounds like. Let's hold religion accountable for their followers doing crazy shit but when it's an Atheist or Agnostic... meh, they were just "troubled" or "disturbed." That's bullshit.

And what about the recent school shooting where the perps literally asked people if they believed in God before executing them/ Were they not acting out of their Atheistic beliefs?
The thing that gets me the most when Atheist scum start whining and moaning about all the death caused by Religion is the utter failure to recognize the enormous benevolence and selfless sacrifices made BY religion to help those in need. Billions upon billions of people would have died due to neglect if not for organizations like the Salvation Army and Mormon's Helping Hands. I am a sponsor for World Missions Outreach, they are feeding nearly 25,000 people a day in Central America who would starve to death without their help. Medicine brought to Africa by Christian outreach programs. On and on and on... it's an enormous asset to millions of people around the world... but it gets ZERO credit from morons who spew anti-religious HATE with every breath. The good FAR outweighs the bad, especially with the Christian-based religious groups.

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