Religion - Warring on humanity

I'm also not aware of anyone who is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. You're invited to provide examples, a few may exist but any honest person would admit that such an opinion is not widespread.

Is that clear enough?

It's widespread here at USMB. You can't swing your mouse without someone here saying it. And it certainly seems to be the widespread belief of the crazy base of the GOP.

I've NEVER heard anyone on the right claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
Again, where currently do you see atheists picking up assault rifles and murdering people to force their non-belief in a supernatural being on anyone?

Since Atheists don't believe in "supernatural beings" I've removed that parameter of your question.

Here are a few of many examples:






None of these people did it for atheism. You lose again.

Sure they did! Why else would people exhibit pure evil if not for religious reasons? They weren't Muslims or Christians. What you're wanting to do is give all Atheists as pass on their behaviors, sounds like. Let's hold religion accountable for their followers doing crazy shit but when it's an Atheist or Agnostic... meh, they were just "troubled" or "disturbed." That's bullshit.

And what about the recent school shooting where the perps literally asked people if they believed in God before executing them/ Were they not acting out of their Atheistic beliefs?
You constantly claim shit that isn't proven. The gunman in Oregon asked people what religion they were and if they said Christian he shot them dead. Any other religion, he shot them in the leg. Sounds like he simply hates Organized Christianity. So not an atheist. You lose AGAIN!
As for all those other shooters, there is no mention of them doing it for atheism, so you lose AGAIN!!
The thing that gets me the most when Atheist scum start whining and moaning about all the death caused by Religion is the utter failure to recognize the enormous benevolence and selfless sacrifices made BY religion to help those in need. Billions upon billions of people would have died due to neglect if not for organizations like the Salvation Army and Mormon's Helping Hands. I am a sponsor for World Missions Outreach, they are feeding nearly 25,000 people a day in Central America who would starve to death without their help. Medicine brought to Africa by Christian outreach programs. On and on and on... it's an enormous asset to millions of people around the world... but it gets ZERO credit from morons who spew anti-religious HATE with every breath. The good FAR outweighs the bad, especially with the Christian-based religious groups.
"World Mission Outreach's heart's desire is to reach the people of Nicaragua by meeting their spiritual and physical needs. WMO focus is on alleviating poverty through education & providing daily nutritional necessities. "
It's a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the word of Christ. Now we know who you really are.
I'm also not aware of anyone who is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. You're invited to provide examples, a few may exist but any honest person would admit that such an opinion is not widespread.

Is that clear enough?

It's widespread here at USMB. You can't swing your mouse without someone here saying it. And it certainly seems to be the widespread belief of the crazy base of the GOP.

I've NEVER heard anyone on the right claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
Just ask the GOP.
I'm also not aware of anyone who is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. You're invited to provide examples, a few may exist but any honest person would admit that such an opinion is not widespread.

Is that clear enough?

It's widespread here at USMB. You can't swing your mouse without someone here saying it. And it certainly seems to be the widespread belief of the crazy base of the GOP.

I've NEVER heard anyone on the right claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
Just ask the GOP.
No, maybe you could actually provide examples instead.
I'm also not aware of anyone who is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. You're invited to provide examples, a few may exist but any honest person would admit that such an opinion is not widespread.

Is that clear enough?

It's widespread here at USMB. You can't swing your mouse without someone here saying it. And it certainly seems to be the widespread belief of the crazy base of the GOP.

I've NEVER heard anyone on the right claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
Just ask the GOP.
No, maybe you could actually provide examples instead.
All the GOP candidates wanted to stop Syrian immigration, lumping all Muslims together. And lumping the Christians in with them as well!
I'm also not aware of anyone who is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. You're invited to provide examples, a few may exist but any honest person would admit that such an opinion is not widespread.

Is that clear enough?

It's widespread here at USMB. You can't swing your mouse without someone here saying it. And it certainly seems to be the widespread belief of the crazy base of the GOP.

I've NEVER heard anyone on the right claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
Just ask the GOP.
No, maybe you could actually provide examples instead.
All the GOP candidates wanted to stop Syrian immigration, lumping all Muslims together. And lumping the Christians in with them as well!
Please provide examples of anyone saying that all Muslims are terrorists. That's what you commented on.

I keep hearing this, so no doubt there must be about a zillion examples of this.

Or is it possible that this is just a nasty straw man argument by people who are deflecting for the PC-protected religion?

Go ahead.
It's widespread here at USMB. You can't swing your mouse without someone here saying it. And it certainly seems to be the widespread belief of the crazy base of the GOP.

I've NEVER heard anyone on the right claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
Just ask the GOP.
No, maybe you could actually provide examples instead.
All the GOP candidates wanted to stop Syrian immigration, lumping all Muslims together. And lumping the Christians in with them as well!
Please provide examples of anyone saying that all Muslims are terrorists. That's what you commented on.

I keep hearing this, so no doubt there must be about a zillion examples of this.

Or is it possible that this is just a nasty straw man argument by people who are deflecting for the PC-protected religion?

Go ahead.
They didn't want to stop immigration because they were selling flowers. Fool.
I've NEVER heard anyone on the right claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists.
Just ask the GOP.
No, maybe you could actually provide examples instead.
All the GOP candidates wanted to stop Syrian immigration, lumping all Muslims together. And lumping the Christians in with them as well!
Please provide examples of anyone saying that all Muslims are terrorists. That's what you commented on.

I keep hearing this, so no doubt there must be about a zillion examples of this.

Or is it possible that this is just a nasty straw man argument by people who are deflecting for the PC-protected religion?

Go ahead.
They didn't want to stop immigration because they were selling flowers. Fool.
Ah, name-calling, but no examples.

You can't even back up your own words.

As I thought, thanks.
Just ask the GOP.
No, maybe you could actually provide examples instead.
All the GOP candidates wanted to stop Syrian immigration, lumping all Muslims together. And lumping the Christians in with them as well!
Please provide examples of anyone saying that all Muslims are terrorists. That's what you commented on.

I keep hearing this, so no doubt there must be about a zillion examples of this.

Or is it possible that this is just a nasty straw man argument by people who are deflecting for the PC-protected religion?

Go ahead.
They didn't want to stop immigration because they were selling flowers. Fool.
Ah, name-calling, but no examples.

You can't even back up your own words.

As I thought, thanks.
Google it, you'll see.
"World Mission Outreach's heart's desire is to reach the people of Nicaragua by meeting their spiritual and physical needs. WMO focus is on alleviating poverty through education & providing daily nutritional necessities. "
It's a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the word of Christ. Now we know who you really are.

Yes, I support those "evil" Christians who are feeding the hungry. When my mother was still alive, I attended church services with her on Easter. I've sung Christmas carols, I've even said the blessing at Thanksgiving. This doesn't seem to bother me at all... My head didn't explode, my skin didn't fall off, I didn't suddenly turn into a scripture-reciting zombie or anything.

Must have something to do with me being a spiritual human being and not a godless piece of shit like you? :dunno:
"World Mission Outreach's heart's desire is to reach the people of Nicaragua by meeting their spiritual and physical needs. WMO focus is on alleviating poverty through education & providing daily nutritional necessities. "
It's a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the word of Christ. Now we know who you really are.

Yes, I support those "evil" Christians who are feeding the hungry. When my mother was still alive, I attended church services with her on Easter. I've sung Christmas carols, I've even said the blessing at Thanksgiving. This doesn't seem to bother me at all... My head didn't explode, my skin didn't fall off, I didn't suddenly turn into a scripture-reciting zombie or anything.

Must have something to do with me being a spiritual human being and not a godless piece of shit like you? :dunno:
Your last sentence sound's real spiritual, LOL.
Your last sentence sound's real spiritual, LOL.

And this is a typical response from godless pieces of shit. They want to somehow use the religious beliefs of others against them. I don't have religious beliefs. My God doesn't judge me or punish me for calling you a godless piece of shit. So you can't "guilt trip" me like you might be able to do with a Christian. Spirituality and Christianity are two different things.
"World Mission Outreach's heart's desire is to reach the people of Nicaragua by meeting their spiritual and physical needs. WMO focus is on alleviating poverty through education & providing daily nutritional necessities. "
It's a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the word of Christ. Now we know who you really are.

Yes, I support those "evil" Christians who are feeding the hungry. When my mother was still alive, I attended church services with her on Easter. I've sung Christmas carols, I've even said the blessing at Thanksgiving. This doesn't seem to bother me at all... My head didn't explode, my skin didn't fall off, I didn't suddenly turn into a scripture-reciting zombie or anything.

Must have something to do with me being a spiritual human being and not a godless piece of shit like you? :dunno:
You're spiritual my ass! :lol:

Yo jus' doin' what yo mama done tol' ya. :lmao:
Your last sentence sound's real spiritual, LOL.

And this is a typical response from godless pieces of shit. They want to somehow use the religious beliefs of others against them. I don't have religious beliefs. My God doesn't judge me or punish me for calling you a godless piece of shit. So you can't "guilt trip" me like you might be able to do with a Christian. Spirituality and Christianity are two different things.
"...I don't have religious beliefs. My God doesn't..." :lol:
"godless pieces of shit" sounds so "christ-like", so holy.
It seems various religions have a war against humanity going on. Christians slaughter unarmed people at clinics ...

What for heavens sake do you speak about? A policemen who died in Colerado Springs was an evangelical pastor too. He died by defending also the lifes of people from the organisation "planned parenthood" - an organisation what hurts in lots of cases in very violent and ugly ways the god given natural human rights by legally killing unborn human beings.

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I can't name a single atheist or agnostic, or atheist or agnostic group that I am scared would bring weapons to an event and start killing people.]

atheist = "not to believe 'to believe that god is not existing' but to 'know' god is not existing"
agnostic= "not to be able to know wether god exists or not"
christian= "to believe what no one is able to know and to trust in god".

All the whackjobs in the world killing unarmed innocents are religious fucksticks.

In France french citizens murdered french citizens as short time ago. Similiar is the sitiuation of the american shooters - the married couple what massmurdered lots of people a short time ago. About 30000 Daesh in Syria and Iraq come from the western world. "Self-reflection" seems to be far away from your form to think.

Own it. And it isn't Hindus doing the killing either. The three major religions are constantly killing people.

And because atoms are nearly empty and full of space everyone is able to go through every wall. Since 2000 years lived Christians in Syria and the Iraq. Some of them spoke still the aramaic language of Jesus. Now they can exist not any longer there.

[You know, because each is a religion of peace and love.

The Islam is the religion of peace. The christian religion is the religion of love. And the ideology of the USA is the english empire and the philosophy of wrong pragmatisms ("Right or wrong, my country", "Right or wrong, my company", "Right or wrong, my political party" ...). Since more than 200 years now the english speaking world supports the islamic state of the Wahabits in Saudi Arabia ("Right or wrong, my oil"). So whatelse than movements like the IS or Bookom Haram and other absurde pseudoreligions expects the english speaking world? Geronimo for example had not to do a lot with the cultures and spirituality of red indians. His wounded soul was a result of the civilisation of the western world.

And be clear, they are killing UNARMED INNOCENTS.

Not so in Germany. All policemen in Germany needed together in the years 2011 85 shots to defend the lifes of about 85 million people against criminals. And more than 50% of this shots were only warnings.

They are all too cowardly to fight someone that shoots back.

Typical sentence from a "hero".

Instead they surprise people at a concert, or at a women's clinic. They always target people that are defenseless.

The coward's first choice.

The world will not die because idiots with or without uniforms kill each other. We will die out because of wrong priorities. Weapons are nearly unimportant. The best is to throw most weapons in a scrap press.

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I find it utterly fascinating that religious people always defend their religion with "we've killed less than the other guy".

What a rousing endorsement of your entire belief system.

I don't have any problem to kill you or anyone else in the world. I don't do so because it's not in the will of god to do so. So your problem seems to be thankful to god who protects you even if he's not existing, if your belief is correct and my belief is wrong.

Religion is delusion. Communism was an idea. A bad idea, but an idea nonetheless. Collectivizing agriculture killed people in Communist countries, as well as mass trials and Gulags, not forced industrialization. I'm sure the people killed didn't care whether they were killed by religion or a bad idea.

Communism was a bad idea and fascism was a bad idea, and we fought them both and won.

Fascism is the idea of create a strong state with strong laws. Nazism is fascism + darwinism. And Capitalism creates rich and poor people only on reasons of incalculable chaotic processes and not on any other reason. And "you" (=the english and american empire) fought and wan against all cultures in America and Africa, the osman empire, the austrian empire, the german empire, the russian empire and Japan, India and China. But the anglican state church is nevertheless one of the most unimportant christian churches in the world. It's indeed astonishing how poor the anglo-american world is although it wasted all over the world the sovereignity of so many important cultures.

Religion in and of itself is not dangerous. Mix religion and poverty though, and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Communism was a good idea. It's the idea to make the world to a better place - to create a heaven on earth. Lots of such good ideas are existing - but it seems (on reasons no one knows exactly) all this ideas create always only hells. If someone likes to help others he should perhaps not try to start to become an abstrahot. It's better always to start in a very concrete situation and to try to help very concrete.

In a materialistic way to think our brain is by the way only a simulator of reality. Best greetings from Plato: You don't see a tree if you see a tree. You see only the relations of some electrochemical processes on the skin of your nervs, so you are only able to see a shadow of the reality. The mediator of this electrochemical powers is light. So to try to see this real reality behind the reality of the own shadows is perhaps a good way to find spirituality and god.

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