Religion - Warring on humanity

Religion is delusion. Communism was an idea. A bad idea, but an idea nonetheless. Collectivizing agriculture killed people in Communist countries, as well as mass trials and Gulags, not forced industrialization. I'm sure the people killed didn't care whether they were killed by religion or a bad idea.

Communism was a bad idea and fascism was a bad idea, and we fought them both and won. Religion in and of itself is not dangerous. Mix religion and poverty though, and you've got a recipe for disaster.
blame white people for all those deaths since Nazi Germany and Stalin Russia were all white people
Communist dictators like Mengistu, Mao, and Pol Pot were nonwhite.
Damn so whites and yellows are the most violent genocidal maniacs?! That's terrible!
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go before he matches whitey.

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud. :rofl:
It seems various religions have a war against humanity going on. Christians slaughter unarmed people at clinics, Muslims slaughter unarmed people at concerts. The Jewish and Muslims in the middle east slaughter each other.

The Hindus seem to leave everyone alone.

Why are the three major religions continually used as justification for killing people. Its because each has a certain amount of power and each wants more of that power.

They are in every sense street gangs fighting over turf. They do drive-bys, they plan assassinations, they terrorize various segments of the human populations around them, they claim territory which has to be defended to the last drop of blood. Whenever one of their members kills someone the membership is quick to defend their actions as 'justified'.

If the gods of these various religions approve of the slaughter of unarmed innocents then these gods need to be tossed on the dung heap and new ones conjured up. The current lineup is the disease, not the cure.
And sky daddy is no where to be seen

baby jesus.png

Actual daily news headline
One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.
blame white people for all those deaths since Nazi Germany and Stalin Russia were all white people
Communist dictators like Mengistu, Mao, and Pol Pot were nonwhite.
Damn so whites and yellows are the most violent genocidal maniacs?! That's terrible!
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go
So you change the subject instead of admitting your ignorance. lol

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud.
How did the facts I presented about Mengistu prove your point?
One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.
"All Muslims". Your words. Not mine.

It's impossible to have a serious conversation about this when red herrings are used.

We either confront this with honesty or with PC.
I find it utterly fascinating that religious people always defend their religion with "we've killed less than the other guy".

What a rousing endorsement of your entire belief system.
That old chestnut huh? The deaths in Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao Zedong's People's Republic of China were not done in the name of atheism.
Always funny to watch atheists squirm away from responsibility.

Atheism is a central element of Marxism/Leninism. If it wasn't Communist regimes would have made an accommodation with religion rather than persecution and even mass killing of religious folk.

Some quotes:

“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (Karl Marx)

“Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism.” (attributed to Vladimir I. Lenin)

“Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.” (V.I. Lenin)

“Let us drive out the Capitalists from the earth, and God from Heaven!” (early Soviet slogan)

The official journal of the Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences published a government directive Atheistic Education in the School as a resource on how to separate God from human society. The opening paragraph is revealing: “The Soviet school, as an instrument for the Communist education of the rising generation, can, as a matter of principle, take up no other attitude towards religion than one of irreconcilable opposition; for Communist education has as its philosophical basis Marxism, and Marxism is irreconcilably hostile to religion. ‘Marxism is materialism,’ says V. I. Lenin; ‘as such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion as the materialism of the Encyclopedaists of the eighteenth century or the materialism of Feuerbach.’”

“The World has never before known a godlessness as organized, militarized and tenaciously malevolent as that preached by Marxism. Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin and at the heart of their psychology, HATRED OF GOD is the principle driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

For example, many of the deaths in Mao's China were due to rapid forced industrialization of a primarily agricultural society (Great Leap Forward). Many of the deaths under Stalin's regime are attributable to the same thing.
What nonsense! Other societies have made the transition without millions of dead.

The Four Horsemen or New Atheists such as Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens are not representative of all atheists.
They seem to be all but worshipped by pimply atheist fanatics on he internet.

I read an article today about some atheist trying to give a talk at some school in London, getting screamed at by a buncha muslims. The security guard initially maintained that because the screamers were students, the atheist just had to cope.
I find it utterly fascinating that religious people always defend their religion with "we've killed less than the other guy".

What a rousing endorsement of your entire belief system.
It's simply a reaction to the lie that "Christians are JUST AS BAD AND JUST AS DANGEROUS as muslims!"

Quit telling that lie, we'll quit responding with the evidence that proves you're lying.
blame white people for all those deaths since Nazi Germany and Stalin Russia were all white people
Communist dictators like Mengistu, Mao, and Pol Pot were nonwhite.
Damn so whites and yellows are the most violent genocidal maniacs?! That's terrible!
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go
So you change the subject instead of admitting your ignorance. lol

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud.
How did the facts I presented about Mengistu prove your point?
Other races mass murders = bad

White race mass murders = probably atheism/not that bad
Communist dictators like Mengistu, Mao, and Pol Pot were nonwhite.
Damn so whites and yellows are the most violent genocidal maniacs?! That's terrible!
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go
So you change the subject instead of admitting your ignorance. lol

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud.
How did the facts I presented about Mengistu prove your point?
Other races mass murders = bad

White race mass murders = probably atheism/not that bad

Its a conundrum their heads won't allow. To a conservative, everything the are and believe has to be good and pure as snowflakes so they'll twist any fact to fit that paradigm. It is delusion of course, adults accept the good and try to fix or live with the bad. They don't lie about it or try to hide it. That is what children do.
Communist dictators like Mengistu, Mao, and Pol Pot were nonwhite.
Damn so whites and yellows are the most violent genocidal maniacs?! That's terrible!
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go
So you change the subject instead of admitting your ignorance. lol

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud.
How did the facts I presented about Mengistu prove your point?
Other races mass murders = bad

White race mass murders = probably atheism/not that bad
Some atheists do try to cover up or diminish the crimes of white atheists. In fact you and a few others on this thread have done just that. You guys must be racists.


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Damn so whites and yellows are the most violent genocidal maniacs?! That's terrible!
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go
So you change the subject instead of admitting your ignorance. lol

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud.
How did the facts I presented about Mengistu prove your point?
Other races mass murders = bad

White race mass murders = probably atheism/not that bad

Its a conundrum their heads won't allow. To a conservative, everything the are and believe has to be good and pure as snowflakes so they'll twist any fact to fit that paradigm. It is delusion of course, adults accept the good and try to fix or live with the bad. They don't lie about it or try to hide it. That is what children do.
Don't you see your simplistic stereotypes about those you disagree with are just as bad?
I find it utterly fascinating that religious people always defend their religion with "we've killed less than the other guy".

What a rousing endorsement of your entire belief system.

Surrender the Isaac Newton avatar. For one, he was a hugely devout Christian and was quite obvious about it. For two, the way you argue, virtually everything that you type is as asinine as a temperamental 6th grader.

You are determined to make Christianity evil by calling it “religion.” Occultism is a religion, too. Are we responsible for those religions that hate Christianity? Then do not associate us with what Islamic terrorists do and I will not link you to atheist despots who murdered millions of their own and removed Christianity from their people. That must be your utopia?

Christianity civilized a barbaric Europe. Christianity brought the world health care, hospitals, universities and basic education. Christianity sacrificed many of its own to defend the defenseless being attacked by godless monsters. Quit being so selective about our sins only and ignoring the enormous good of this faith.

You need to come to terms with reality instead of your gigantic head and ego which is making a clown out of you.
One religion is clearly standing out as more dangerous today. Right now. Clearly.

As long as some continue to equate it with other religions, they are doing nothing but deflecting for it.

1.6 Billion people are Muslim. That's Billion with a B. You want to condemn an entire religion for the beliefs and actions of a small minority?

Alienating and disparaging all Muslims because of the actions of the extremists is doing EXACTLY what those extremist want.

Polls have shown that large percentages of Muslims support Sharia, Jihad and Isis. These savages wouldn't be doing what they do if they didn't get a lot of support and approval from the communities they live in.
Damn so whites and yellows are the most violent genocidal maniacs?! That's terrible!
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go
So you change the subject instead of admitting your ignorance. lol

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud.
How did the facts I presented about Mengistu prove your point?
Other races mass murders = bad

White race mass murders = probably atheism/not that bad

Its a conundrum their heads won't allow. To a conservative, everything the are and believe has to be good and pure as snowflakes so they'll twist any fact to fit that paradigm. It is delusion of course, adults accept the good and try to fix or live with the bad. They don't lie about it or try to hide it. That is what children do.

Lefties don't try to fix the bad. They accommodate it.
Don't be so stupid. Mengistu was an African.
He's got several tens of millions to go
So you change the subject instead of admitting your ignorance. lol

Lol good job proving my initial post there bud.
How did the facts I presented about Mengistu prove your point?
Other races mass murders = bad

White race mass murders = probably atheism/not that bad

Its a conundrum their heads won't allow. To a conservative, everything the are and believe has to be good and pure as snowflakes so they'll twist any fact to fit that paradigm. It is delusion of course, adults accept the good and try to fix or live with the bad. They don't lie about it or try to hide it. That is what children do.
Don't you see your simplistic stereotypes about those you disagree with are just as bad?
I find it utterly fascinating that religious people always defend their religion with "we've killed less than the other guy".

What a rousing endorsement of your entire belief system.

Surrender the Isaac Newton avatar. For one, he was a hugely devout Christian and was quite obvious about it. For two, the way you argue, virtually everything that you type is as asinine as a temperamental 6th grader.

You are determined to make Christianity evil by calling it “religion.” Occultism is a religion, too. Are we responsible for those religions that hate Christianity? Then do not associate us with what Islamic terrorists do and I will not link you to atheist despots who murdered millions of their own and removed Christianity from their people. That must be your utopia?

Christianity civilized a barbaric Europe. Christianity brought the world health care, hospitals, universities and basic education. Christianity sacrificed many of its own to defend the defenseless being attacked by godless monsters. Quit being so selective about our sins only and ignoring the enormous good of this faith.

You need to come to terms with reality instead of your gigantic head and ego which is making a clown out of you.

Relax Newman.

There have been many religious people that have done good, where exactly did I say I don't believe that? You got overheated because apparently your religion was 'under attack' in your eyes so you over-assumed. Relax. Christianity has produced some good works. And some barbaric works. You can't separate the two which is what every Christian wants to do.

And yes my point is religion gives people cover to all sorts of evil shite to their fellow man. Burning of people at the stake, crushing them by piling stones on them, outright slaughter during the Crusades. Murdering clients and doctors of abortion clinics.

Again, where currently do you see atheists picking up assault rifles and murdering people to force their non-belief in a supernatural being on anyone?

Your ox has been gored and you don't like it. If we have a 5 year stretch starting today where no Christian kills anyone because 'they aren't following 'god'', I'll have a second look. And by the way that goes for all religions.

I'm not going to hold my breath.

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