Religion - Warring on humanity

It seems various religions have a war against humanity going on. Christians slaughter unarmed people at clinics, Muslims slaughter unarmed people at concerts. The Jewish and Muslims in the middle east slaughter each other.

The Hindus seem to leave everyone alone.

Why are the three major religions continually used as justification for killing people. Its because each has a certain amount of power and each wants more of that power.

They are in every sense street gangs fighting over turf. They do drive-bys, they plan assassinations, they terrorize various segments of the human populations around them, they claim territory which has to be defended to the last drop of blood. Whenever one of their members kills someone the membership is quick to defend their actions as 'justified'.

If the gods of these various religions approve of the slaughter of unarmed innocents then these gods need to be tossed on the dung heap and new ones conjured up. The current lineup is the disease, not the cure.

Nothing new.....I'm 81 years old and some of that has been going on all my life. What amazes me is that people can be so serious over an idea. That's all religion is, an idea....a bad idea but an idea:

Bill Maher: Religion is why “people who ‘always acted normal’ drop a baby off to go to a massacre”
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It seems various religions have a war against humanity going on. Christians slaughter unarmed people at clinics, Muslims slaughter unarmed people at concerts. The Jewish and Muslims in the middle east slaughter each other.

The Hindus seem to leave everyone alone.

Why are the three major religions continually used as justification for killing people. Its because each has a certain amount of power and each wants more of that power.

They are in every sense street gangs fighting over turf. They do drive-bys, they plan assassinations, they terrorize various segments of the human populations around them, they claim territory which has to be defended to the last drop of blood. Whenever one of their members kills someone the membership is quick to defend their actions as 'justified'.

If the gods of these various religions approve of the slaughter of unarmed innocents then these gods need to be tossed on the dung heap and new ones conjured up. The current lineup is the disease, not the cure.

Nothing new.....I'm 81 years old and some of that has been going on all my life. What amazes me is that people can be so serious over an idea. That's all religion is, an idea....a bad idea but an idea:

Bill Maher: Religion is why “people who ‘always acted normal’ drop a baby off to go to a massacre”

81 years old? ... hmm ... So what do you say why the religious ideas of Mahatma Gandhi were bad ideas? What were better alternatives?

In order to justify what deserves to be called "anti Christian bigotry" atheists blame religion for wars. Throughout history wars have been fought over natural resources and to collect tribute, On fairly rare occasions religion has justified wars fought for national aggrandizement. The Spaniards converted the Indians they conquered. They were mainly interested in taking the gold of the Aztecs and Incas.

The only wars I can think of that were fought for religion rather than resources were the Crusades. The Crusades were provoked by Muslim interference with Christian pilgrimages to Christian holy sites. I regret the atrocities committed by Christian solders. Those were standard operating procedure at the time. I also regret the anti Jewish pogroms. Otherwise, I think the Crusades were justified,

I have read that during the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century as much as ten percent of the world's population, and thirty percent of the Chinese population was killed. The Mongols were in no way motivated by religion.

Neither were the ancient civilizations of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Macedonians, and the Romans. Even King David had no intention of forcing the Israelite religion on the small number of nations he conquered.

Religion was not a motive in the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, and the two World Wars.

The Nazis and the Communists were motivated by atheist ideologies, not religion.

I have read the major writings of each of the world's great religions.

In the Old Testament war is only commanded to enable the Israelites to conquer and hold onto the fairly small land of Israel. Nothing in the New Testament commands or authorizes war.

The Koran does command war to spread Islam. This is an exception among the writings of the great religions. Even the Koran commands charity for the poor. So does the Bible, far more frequently than it condemns homosexuality.

If one believes in innate human benevolence, one may be inclined to blame the obvious lack of universal human benevolence on an outside force, like religion. I am pessimistic about human nature. I see the religions as forces that encourage people to behave better than they otherwise would,

I cannot prove that Christianity is true. My impression of atheists who feel hostility toward Christianity, instead of indifference, is that they resent the Christian insistence on chastity.
It seems various religions have a war against humanity going on. Christians slaughter unarmed people at clinics, Muslims slaughter unarmed people at concerts. The Jewish and Muslims in the middle east slaughter each other.

The Hindus seem to leave everyone alone.

Why are the three major religions continually used as justification for killing people. Its because each has a certain amount of power and each wants more of that power.

They are in every sense street gangs fighting over turf. They do drive-bys, they plan assassinations, they terrorize various segments of the human populations around them, they claim territory which has to be defended to the last drop of blood. Whenever one of their members kills someone the membership is quick to defend their actions as 'justified'.

If the gods of these various religions approve of the slaughter of unarmed innocents then these gods need to be tossed on the dung heap and new ones conjured up. The current lineup is the disease, not the cure.

Nothing new.....I'm 81 years old and some of that has been going on all my life. What amazes me is that people can be so serious over an idea. That's all religion is, an idea....a bad idea but an idea:

Bill Maher: Religion is why “people who ‘always acted normal’ drop a baby off to go to a massacre”

81 years old? ... hmm ... So what do you say why the religious ideas of Mahatma Gandhi were bad ideas? What were better alternatives?

What about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? He was an ordained minister. In his "I Have a Dream" speech he paraphrased passages from the Old Testament profits of Amos and Isiah. Shortly before his assassination he have a sermon at the Washington Cathedral.
It seems various religions have a war against humanity going on. Christians slaughter unarmed people at clinics, Muslims slaughter unarmed people at concerts. The Jewish and Muslims in the middle east slaughter each other.

The Hindus seem to leave everyone alone.

Why are the three major religions continually used as justification for killing people. Its because each has a certain amount of power and each wants more of that power.

They are in every sense street gangs fighting over turf. They do drive-bys, they plan assassinations, they terrorize various segments of the human populations around them, they claim territory which has to be defended to the last drop of blood. Whenever one of their members kills someone the membership is quick to defend their actions as 'justified'.

If the gods of these various religions approve of the slaughter of unarmed innocents then these gods need to be tossed on the dung heap and new ones conjured up. The current lineup is the disease, not the cure.

Nothing new.....I'm 81 years old and some of that has been going on all my life. What amazes me is that people can be so serious over an idea. That's all religion is, an idea....a bad idea but an idea:

Bill Maher: Religion is why “people who ‘always acted normal’ drop a baby off to go to a massacre”

Yes indeed. Here's a photo of those mean and hateful old Christians waging war on the Texas tornado victims. They'll most probably have to wait inline behind the trucks from the Muslim community and the atheist community to unload:

In order to justify what deserves to be called "anti Christian bigotry" atheists blame religion for wars. Throughout history wars have been fought over natural resources and to collect tribute, On fairly rare occasions religion has justified wars fought for national aggrandizement. The Spaniards converted the Indians they conquered. They were mainly interested in taking the gold of the Aztecs and Incas.

The only wars I can think of that were fought for religion rather than resources were the Crusades. The Crusades were provoked by Muslim interference with Christian pilgrimages to Christian holy sites. I regret the atrocities committed by Christian solders. Those were standard operating procedure at the time. I also regret the anti Jewish pogroms. Otherwise, I think the Crusades were justified,

I have read that during the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century as much as ten percent of the world's population, and thirty percent of the Chinese population was killed. The Mongols were in no way motivated by religion.

Neither were the ancient civilizations of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Macedonians, and the Romans. Even King David had no intention of forcing the Israelite religion on the small number of nations he conquered.

Religion was not a motive in the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, and the two World Wars.

The Nazis and the Communists were motivated by atheist ideologies, not religion.

I have read the major writings of each of the world's great religions.

In the Old Testament war is only commanded to enable the Israelites to conquer and hold onto the fairly small land of Israel. Nothing in the New Testament commands or authorizes war.

The Koran does command war to spread Islam. This is an exception among the writings of the great religions. Even the Koran commands charity for the poor. So does the Bible, far more frequently than it condemns homosexuality.

If one believes in innate human benevolence, one may be inclined to blame the obvious lack of universal human benevolence on an outside force, like religion. I am pessimistic about human nature. I see the religions as forces that encourage people to behave better than they otherwise would,

I cannot prove that Christianity is true. My impression of atheists who feel hostility toward Christianity, instead of indifference, is that they resent the Christian insistence on chastity.
Come on now. Plenty of religious people are bigots. Whether you're religious or not, people have biases. It's human experience.

Atheism isn't the cause of war. Usually, war is about resources, and tribalism. Religion is usually misused in tribal warfare.

Consider Sri Lanka. Tribes dividing up by Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.
In order to justify what deserves to be called "anti Christian bigotry" atheists blame religion for wars. Throughout history wars have been fought over natural resources and to collect tribute, On fairly rare occasions religion has justified wars fought for national aggrandizement. The Spaniards converted the Indians they conquered. They were mainly interested in taking the gold of the Aztecs and Incas.

The only wars I can think of that were fought for religion rather than resources were the Crusades. The Crusades were provoked by Muslim interference with Christian pilgrimages to Christian holy sites. I regret the atrocities committed by Christian solders. Those were standard operating procedure at the time. I also regret the anti Jewish pogroms. Otherwise, I think the Crusades were justified,

I have read that during the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century as much as ten percent of the world's population, and thirty percent of the Chinese population was killed. The Mongols were in no way motivated by religion.

Neither were the ancient civilizations of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Macedonians, and the Romans. Even King David had no intention of forcing the Israelite religion on the small number of nations he conquered.

Religion was not a motive in the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, and the two World Wars.

The Nazis and the Communists were motivated by atheist ideologies, not religion.

I have read the major writings of each of the world's great religions.

In the Old Testament war is only commanded to enable the Israelites to conquer and hold onto the fairly small land of Israel. Nothing in the New Testament commands or authorizes war.

The Koran does command war to spread Islam. This is an exception among the writings of the great religions. Even the Koran commands charity for the poor. So does the Bible, far more frequently than it condemns homosexuality.

If one believes in innate human benevolence, one may be inclined to blame the obvious lack of universal human benevolence on an outside force, like religion. I am pessimistic about human nature. I see the religions as forces that encourage people to behave better than they otherwise would,

I cannot prove that Christianity is true. My impression of atheists who feel hostility toward Christianity, instead of indifference, is that they resent the Christian insistence on chastity.
Come on now. Plenty of religious people are bigots. Whether you're religious or not, people have biases. It's human experience.

Atheism isn't the cause of war. Usually, war is about resources, and tribalism. Religion is usually misused in tribal warfare.

Consider Sri Lanka. Tribes dividing up by Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.

Religion is an idea. People are brought into it by brainwashing. It's been the cause of more wars, death and destruction than political ideas ever have. I don't despise the suckers who have fallen for it but I despise the idea.
The Pedestrian Pidgin

There's a lot of religion-oriented imagery being connected to modern populism iconography about religion-art cross-overs.


I don't think people really get it. Those that shoot up campuses, malls, theaters, etc., are really anarchists. The Bible clearly teaches that government is ordained by GOD to minister to the people. The anarchist hates government and sheep. He wants something to happen and he wants to bring it about HIMSELF.

As a result, the atheist or one who is fighting against GOD, is more likely to want to cause pandemonium. Stalin and Castro had religious leanings. Hitler wanted to be an artist. These men rebelled when what they really wanted for themselves seemed impossible.... They were rejected and then they rebelled. Call it getting even. Call it self importance. Call it narcissism. But don't call it the result of believing in GOD. Call it for what it is REBELLION against GOD's authority.
I cannot prove that Christianity is true. My impression of atheists who feel hostility toward Christianity, instead of indifference, is that they resent the Christian insistence on chastity.

lol...My impression is that unbelievers are just as indifferent to Christian insistence on chastity, as are most people who identify themselves as Christians.

I would think that some Christians make themselves a target of hostility whenever they attempt to usurp places of moral and legal authority over everyone else to change laws and customs to reflect their perverse opinions based solely on their professed belief in the teachings of an ancient book that they do not understand and how well they can act by making the ridiculous assertion that they believe that God diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father with a straight face...
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It is not fair to blame religions for warring on humanity. It's the people, always has been. People use religion for their ends and warp it to suit their wishes. It's a shame but it will probably never stop.
I cannot prove that Christianity is true. My impression of atheists who feel hostility toward Christianity, instead of indifference, is that they resent the Christian insistence on chastity.

lol...My impression is that unbelievers are just as indifferent to Christian insistence on chastity, as are most people who identify themselves as Christians.

I would think that some Christians make themselves a target of hostility whenever they attempt to usurp places of moral and legal authority over everyone else to change laws and customs to reflect their perverse opinions based solely on their professed belief in the teachings of an ancient book that they do not understand and how well they can act by making the ridiculous assertion that they believe that God diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father with a straight face...
The Holy Spirit placed within Mary's womb that seed which would become Christ. There was no sexual activity involved. It is a wonderful thing to understand that God became human to save those who accept Him. GOD knows what it is like to be human. He actually lived among us for a time. CHRIST created Adam and Eve without parents. GOD created a Universe. I really don't understand your lack of comprehension?
The Holy Spirit placed within Mary's womb that seed which would become Christ. There was no sexual activity involved. It is a wonderful thing to understand that God became human to save those who accept Him. GOD knows what it is like to be human. He actually lived among us for a time. CHRIST created Adam and Eve without parents. GOD created a Universe. I really don't understand your lack of comprehension?

Thanks for providing the perfect example of why someone who professes your beliefs should never be in a position of any kind of authority where rational thinking is required. You shouldn't even be allowed to work with children or operate heavy machinery.
Is religion the only institutional reason people kill each other ?

I don't think that is correct.

WWII wasn't started over religion (of which I am aware).

And we would not have been so fast to bail out Kuwait if it were not for OIL.

Seems humans can always find a reason to kill another human.

I think what people don't often understand is that there is the REASON why nations go to war and then there is the JUSTIFICATION they use to convince the people it is necessary and gain public support. Rarely are the two the same. Newton referred to the Crusades earlier as a religious war. Religion was the justification, but it wasn't the reason why those series of wars started. The reason is actually quite complicated but it has more to do with money, controlling trade routes, Muslim incursions against the Byzantines and into southern Europe, etc.

When a leader says to the people "hey lets go to war so we can control these trade routes" he isn't going to get a whole lot of support. But when he says "it's our holy obligation to go to war against these sinners" he will get some support.

Were they wars in the name of religion? Sigh........I guess you could say that they were wars that were justified through religion, but the actual reasons for them were largely financial as most wars are
Religion can be said to be a part of all wars as it separates humans into different religious sects who all hate each other and think everyone else is wrong. So the initial partition of any territory is done along religious lines, like the US, where Christians took the country by force.
Religion can be said to be a part of all wars as it separates humans into different religious sects who all hate each other and think everyone else is wrong. So the initial partition of any territory is done along religious lines, like the US, where Christians took the country by force.

I think that may be overgeneralizing a bit. I don't think religions necessarily hate each other, although some do. Christians and Jews get along just fine. Hindus and Muslims have no love for each other but Jews and Christians have no issue with Hindu. Christianity and Judaism have no issue with Buddhism and in fact one can use Taoism as a way to go about life while practicing Christianity.

Frankly, the only conflict I see is with Islam who pretty much everyone hates, but primarily because Islamic extremism hates pretty much everyone else. Certain religions may disagree, but that doesn't necessarily make them mortal enemies.

As far as Christians taking the US by force...that's not a Christian thing. Atheists took Russia by force, they took China by force, Cambodia, North Korea, the list goes on. Any time land gets conquered it is "taken by force" no matter who is doing the conquering. :lol: It has nothing to do with religious identity and everything to do with the nature of conquest.
Again, where currently do you see atheists picking up assault rifles and murdering people to force their non-belief in a supernatural being on anyone?

Since Atheists don't believe in "supernatural beings" I've removed that parameter of your question.

Here are a few of many examples:






None of these people did it for atheism. You lose again.

Oh........don't be so quick to make that determination. Harris and Klebold apparently asked people if they believed in God and targeted them. In the recent shooting in Oregon (I think....might be a different one) the shooter asked who believed in God. Those who said they did were shot in the head and those that said no were shot in the leg. Seems like there is some religious motivation going on.
You constantly claim shit that isn't proven. The gunman in Oregon asked people what religion they were and if they said Christian he shot them dead. Any other religion, he shot them in the leg. Sounds like he simply hates Organized Christianity. So not an atheist. You lose AGAIN!
As for all those other shooters, there is no mention of them doing it for atheism, so you lose AGAIN!!

What an unbelievably horseshit argument. Most Christians don't kill for Christianity either. So by your standard, if someone kills and they happen to be Christian they are religiously motivated killers and their spiritual beliefs should be taken into account, but if they happen to be atheist then we ignore their spiritual beliefs....even when they bring up spirituality when they are shooting people.

In order to justify what deserves to be called "anti Christian bigotry" atheists blame religion for wars. Throughout history wars have been fought over natural resources and to collect tribute, On fairly rare occasions religion has justified wars fought for national aggrandizement. The Spaniards converted the Indians they conquered. They were mainly interested in taking the gold of the Aztecs and Incas.

The only wars I can think of that were fought for religion rather than resources were the Crusades. The Crusades were provoked by Muslim interference with Christian pilgrimages to Christian holy sites. I regret the atrocities committed by Christian solders. Those were standard operating procedure at the time. I also regret the anti Jewish pogroms. Otherwise, I think the Crusades were justified,

I have read that during the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century as much as ten percent of the world's population, and thirty percent of the Chinese population was killed. The Mongols were in no way motivated by religion.

Neither were the ancient civilizations of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Macedonians, and the Romans. Even King David had no intention of forcing the Israelite religion on the small number of nations he conquered.

Religion was not a motive in the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, and the two World Wars.

The Nazis and the Communists were motivated by atheist ideologies, not religion.

I have read the major writings of each of the world's great religions.

In the Old Testament war is only commanded to enable the Israelites to conquer and hold onto the fairly small land of Israel. Nothing in the New Testament commands or authorizes war.

The Koran does command war to spread Islam. This is an exception among the writings of the great religions. Even the Koran commands charity for the poor. So does the Bible, far more frequently than it condemns homosexuality.

If one believes in innate human benevolence, one may be inclined to blame the obvious lack of universal human benevolence on an outside force, like religion. I am pessimistic about human nature. I see the religions as forces that encourage people to behave better than they otherwise would,

I cannot prove that Christianity is true. My impression of atheists who feel hostility toward Christianity, instead of indifference, is that they resent the Christian insistence on chastity.

BING, BING, BING...WE HAVE A WINNER! Although I would argue that the Crusades were not really about religion either. The Muslims held the southern trade routes but that wasn't too much of a problem for Western Europe because they still had open and friendly trade routes through the Byzantine Empire. But the Byzantines became weak and the Muslims were pushing north and conquering their territory. Had they conquered the Byzantines, the Western European economies and foreign trade would have been completely at the mercy of the Muslims. No way in hell the Popes and western European kings were going to allow themselves to put in that position. But how are you going to get knights and armies to go halfway across the known world at the time to fight for that? Good luck.

So what do you do? You make it about liberating the Holy Lands and you will get a flood of support...especially after you promise a golden ticket to heaven for anyone who participates. Then you will get some action. :lol: But as I said earlier....there is what you use to justify going to war and then there is the actual reason you go to war. I would argue that the Crusades were far less about religion and far more about economics

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