Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

What do the Dems offer them besides persecution?

Sorry, the party of "Bake that cake, peasant" isn't going to win over these people.

No, I don’t expect it would. I wouldn’t expect them as a group to endorse the Democrats.

However if your loyalty is to God (make me laugh harder), your loyalty is to her/him (or just “him” in their case). You don’t compromise that and give your loyalty to someone who doesn’t share your values.

As for the Politics of the situation, lets say Joe Biden is the nominee. You’re stating—correctly—that the Christian Conservatives will support someone who has had multiple affairs over Biden who TTBOOK, never had any.

Biden supports policies harmful to their interests.

You are confusing supporting someone politically with endorsing their behavior.

Trump may violate the rules they live by, but to them his soul is his issue,and thus they know God will judge him as he sees fit.

But what he doesn't do it try to ruin them for their belief structure.


Just a quick question…

If it comes out that Mara-Lard-Ass paid for some abortions when he was spilling his baby batter, should that change anything as far as Christian Conservatives go?

Theoretically it might.

But again, where would the Evangelicals go in 2020 when its Trump against some Dem who supports abortion outright, and would support federal legislation similar to the law passed in New York.

Is the strategy here to win over Evangelicals, or make them stay home in November 2020?


So, theoretically if a doctor who performed abortions on a thousand women were to be the GOP nominee one day, the Christian Conservatives would support that doctor over a Democrat based on the Party platforms?


As for where Evangelicals should go….you can always with hold your support instead of feeling obligated to give it to someone who isn’t worthy.

And let the party dedicated to your demise win the election....

The issue for them is which party would be more likely to try and force them to live their lives in a way against their own morals.

And that party is the Democrats.
No, I don’t expect it would. I wouldn’t expect them as a group to endorse the Democrats.

However if your loyalty is to God (make me laugh harder), your loyalty is to her/him (or just “him” in their case). You don’t compromise that and give your loyalty to someone who doesn’t share your values.

As for the Politics of the situation, lets say Joe Biden is the nominee. You’re stating—correctly—that the Christian Conservatives will support someone who has had multiple affairs over Biden who TTBOOK, never had any.

Biden supports policies harmful to their interests.

You are confusing supporting someone politically with endorsing their behavior.

Trump may violate the rules they live by, but to them his soul is his issue,and thus they know God will judge him as he sees fit.

But what he doesn't do it try to ruin them for their belief structure.


Just a quick question…

If it comes out that Mara-Lard-Ass paid for some abortions when he was spilling his baby batter, should that change anything as far as Christian Conservatives go?

Theoretically it might.

But again, where would the Evangelicals go in 2020 when its Trump against some Dem who supports abortion outright, and would support federal legislation similar to the law passed in New York.

Is the strategy here to win over Evangelicals, or make them stay home in November 2020?


So, theoretically if a doctor who performed abortions on a thousand women were to be the GOP nominee one day, the Christian Conservatives would support that doctor over a Democrat based on the Party platforms?


As for where Evangelicals should go….you can always with hold your support instead of feeling obligated to give it to someone who isn’t worthy.

And let the party dedicated to your demise win the election....

The issue for them is which party would be more likely to try and force them to live their lives in a way against their own morals.

And that party is the Democrats.


Good stuff there. LOL

Again, it underscores why I’m very comfortable with my leaving of the Organized Religion scam.
Biden supports policies harmful to their interests.

You are confusing supporting someone politically with endorsing their behavior.

Trump may violate the rules they live by, but to them his soul is his issue,and thus they know God will judge him as he sees fit.

But what he doesn't do it try to ruin them for their belief structure.


Just a quick question…

If it comes out that Mara-Lard-Ass paid for some abortions when he was spilling his baby batter, should that change anything as far as Christian Conservatives go?

Theoretically it might.

But again, where would the Evangelicals go in 2020 when its Trump against some Dem who supports abortion outright, and would support federal legislation similar to the law passed in New York.

Is the strategy here to win over Evangelicals, or make them stay home in November 2020?


So, theoretically if a doctor who performed abortions on a thousand women were to be the GOP nominee one day, the Christian Conservatives would support that doctor over a Democrat based on the Party platforms?


As for where Evangelicals should go….you can always with hold your support instead of feeling obligated to give it to someone who isn’t worthy.

And let the party dedicated to your demise win the election....

The issue for them is which party would be more likely to try and force them to live their lives in a way against their own morals.

And that party is the Democrats.


Good stuff there. LOL

Again, it underscores why I’m very comfortable with my leaving of the Organized Religion scam.

Like ex-smokers, people who leave religion are usually the most zealous bigots against those who still practice it.

"I can't understand them, so I must destroy them, fuh fuh fuh"
meat is meat. you are trying to create distinctions that suit your fascist force desires, but it doesn't fly.

It's not cake#34 that's the problem. again they are not refusing point of sale services. They are against having to endorse something they do not support, and by custom making something for said ceremony, they see themselves as endorsing it.

It doesn't matter the law in these cases, because the use of government force to deny free exercise, in this case, is unconstitutional.

You dodged the question. Couple A orders wedding cake #34 and is provided service. Couple B orders cake #34 and is denied service because they are interracial. Legal in all 50 states yes or no?

I. Don't care. if it's legal or not.

It's a violation of free exercise if religion is involved and it's a contracted service that is non timely, non nessasary, and not point of sale.

No, it really isn't. A business isn't a religion. Thanks for your opinion on it, but that's all it is, your opinion. The interpretation by the SCOTUS is very different.
A business is not a citizen and does not have religious rights
If it wants to close on Sunday or any other day, they are entitled. If they want to discriminate they must follow the law

A person still retains constitutional rights even if they want to sell something. Nice strawman attempt, but fail.

So Churches can be forced to perform Same sex wedding ceremonies?
A church is not a business knucklehead

A person can hate any group he wants. But once he opens a business, that BUSINESS must comply with local laws
You dodged the question. Couple A orders wedding cake #34 and is provided service. Couple B orders cake #34 and is denied service because they are interracial. Legal in all 50 states yes or no?

I. Don't care. if it's legal or not.

It's a violation of free exercise if religion is involved and it's a contracted service that is non timely, non nessasary, and not point of sale.

No, it really isn't. A business isn't a religion. Thanks for your opinion on it, but that's all it is, your opinion. The interpretation by the SCOTUS is very different.
A business is not a citizen and does not have religious rights
If it wants to close on Sunday or any other day, they are entitled. If they want to discriminate they must follow the law

A person still retains constitutional rights even if they want to sell something. Nice strawman attempt, but fail.

So Churches can be forced to perform Same sex wedding ceremonies?
A church is not a business knucklehead

A person can hate any group he wants. But once he opens a business, that BUSINESS must comply with local laws

Why does a person automatically lose their constitutional rights when they try to sell something?

Why is free exercise limited only to Churches (in your opinion).

Just a quick question…

If it comes out that Mara-Lard-Ass paid for some abortions when he was spilling his baby batter, should that change anything as far as Christian Conservatives go?

Theoretically it might.

But again, where would the Evangelicals go in 2020 when its Trump against some Dem who supports abortion outright, and would support federal legislation similar to the law passed in New York.

Is the strategy here to win over Evangelicals, or make them stay home in November 2020?


So, theoretically if a doctor who performed abortions on a thousand women were to be the GOP nominee one day, the Christian Conservatives would support that doctor over a Democrat based on the Party platforms?


As for where Evangelicals should go….you can always with hold your support instead of feeling obligated to give it to someone who isn’t worthy.

And let the party dedicated to your demise win the election....

The issue for them is which party would be more likely to try and force them to live their lives in a way against their own morals.

And that party is the Democrats.


Good stuff there. LOL

Again, it underscores why I’m very comfortable with my leaving of the Organized Religion scam.

Like ex-smokers, people who leave religion are usually the most zealous bigots against those who still practice it.

"I can't understand them, so I must destroy them, fuh fuh fuh"
Read the Religion board and show me threads started by atheists to attack Christians

I will show you multiple threads of Christians attacking atheists
Theoretically it might.

But again, where would the Evangelicals go in 2020 when its Trump against some Dem who supports abortion outright, and would support federal legislation similar to the law passed in New York.

Is the strategy here to win over Evangelicals, or make them stay home in November 2020?


So, theoretically if a doctor who performed abortions on a thousand women were to be the GOP nominee one day, the Christian Conservatives would support that doctor over a Democrat based on the Party platforms?


As for where Evangelicals should go….you can always with hold your support instead of feeling obligated to give it to someone who isn’t worthy.

And let the party dedicated to your demise win the election....

The issue for them is which party would be more likely to try and force them to live their lives in a way against their own morals.

And that party is the Democrats.


Good stuff there. LOL

Again, it underscores why I’m very comfortable with my leaving of the Organized Religion scam.

Like ex-smokers, people who leave religion are usually the most zealous bigots against those who still practice it.

"I can't understand them, so I must destroy them, fuh fuh fuh"
Read the Religion board and show me threads started by atheists to attack Christians

I will show you multiple threads of Christians attacking atheists

You just have to read posts by JoeB, you don't have to go thread searching.

Any time you hear people using the "magic sky pixie" line, that's attacking someone's religion.
The underlying motivation for the anti-abortion movement is malice. We regularly see on USMB posters spewing hatred toward women who exercise their sexuality as free agents, and these scumbags want unwanted pregnancy to remain as a punishment. It is a very deep-seated hatred of female sexuality that has been around for a very long time.Unexplained, but always present.

So-called "conservatives" live in a world of guns and bombs, and care nothing for children, families, as so eloquently explained by Dragonlady in #132. These are the same people who separate families.They also do not give a damn about those who die by violence every day unless they die by the hands of an "illegal".

I think the anti-abortion movement is also spurred on by racists who don't care about non-whites, but want more white babies even if they have to force the issue.

The creators of the anti-abortion movement did not do so for any religious reason, but they knew that they could gather a group of followers who are easily manipulated by emotional appeals.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

You left out "Pretend". You left out Muslims, Hindus, etc as they will not support Trump.

A true Christian would not stand for the lying, disregard fir marriage, cheating, lying, bigotry, hate, greed, stealing of children, opulence, and Trump's overall amorality.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

You left out "Pretend". You left out Muslims, Hindus, etc as they will not support Trump.

A true Christian would not stand for the lying, disregard fir marriage, cheating, lying, bigotry, hate, greed, stealing of children, opulence, and Trump's overall amorality.

You don't get to decide who is a "True" Christian.
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?
I think you should get a freakin brain. There is no infanticide. You are either lying or stupid.

Gay people are God/s children, why do you want to discriminate against them?

Sexual Promiscuity? A Trump supporter obviously has not problem with that one.

Seems to me, taking away access to birth control & then crying about sexual responsibility is really hypocritical.

Which party backs corporate greed???? Which party demands workers get $7/hr while CEO's get billions?

We have a separation of church & state. If a Church starts a businsss then it follows the same rules. Quit using religion to sanctify bigotry & hate. anmd if your church ewasnts to be political, then rthey can paty fucking tazxers.


You are a hate spewing bigoted POS and certainly no Christian
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

You left out "Pretend". You left out Muslims, Hindus, etc as they will not support Trump.

A true Christian would not stand for the lying, disregard fir marriage, cheating, lying, bigotry, hate, greed, stealing of children, opulence, and Trump's overall amorality.

You don't get to decide who is a "True" Christian.

I'm not. I am comparing what is said in the teachings of Jesus with the hate spewing, bigoted, poor bashing, pretend Christians like you & your ilk.

If you were at the Sermon on the Mount, you bew running ion circles, screaming "OMG OMG OMG Socialism". Republicans are so far from Christianity that it is laughable.
I. Don't care. if it's legal or not.

It's a violation of free exercise if religion is involved and it's a contracted service that is non timely, non nessasary, and not point of sale.

No, it really isn't. A business isn't a religion. Thanks for your opinion on it, but that's all it is, your opinion. The interpretation by the SCOTUS is very different.
A business is not a citizen and does not have religious rights
If it wants to close on Sunday or any other day, they are entitled. If they want to discriminate they must follow the law

A person still retains constitutional rights even if they want to sell something. Nice strawman attempt, but fail.

So Churches can be forced to perform Same sex wedding ceremonies?
A church is not a business knucklehead

A person can hate any group he wants. But once he opens a business, that BUSINESS must comply with local laws

Why does a person automatically lose their constitutional rights when they try to sell something?

Why is free exercise limited only to Churches (in your opinion).
When we tore down your "Whites Only" signs you racist bigoted assfuck.
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?
I think you should get a freakin brain. There is no infanticide. You are either lying or stupid.

Gay people are God/s children, why do you want to discriminate against them?

Sexual Promiscuity? A Trump supporter obviously has not problem with that one.

Seems to me, taking away access to birth control & then crying about sexual responsibility is really hypocritical.

Which party backs corporate greed???? Which party demands workers get $7/hr while CEO's get billions?

We have a separation of church & state. If a Church starts a businsss then it follows the same rules. Quit using religion to sanctify bigotry & hate. anmd if your church ewasnts to be political, then rthey can paty fucking tazxers.


You are a hate spewing bigoted POS and certainly no Christian
you act as if any 1 issue is enough to not support someone.

it's entirely possible to disagree with someone AND still support them. why do you have to apply binary thinking to every situation?
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Voting for a thrice-married, twice divorced man known for extramarital affairs, cavorting with Playboy models, vulgar talk, and an itchy Twitter trigger finger — to say nothing of the accusations of racism and sexual harassment or worse against Trump — certainly opens socially conservative Christians up to charges of hypocrisy. It also arguably makes it harder to reach other Americans, including young people, with their religious missions, or work with fellow Christians in communities of color.

But these consequences pale in comparison to voting for a party that stands opposed to the issues nearest to conservative Christians' hearts. As conservative Christian commentator Erick Erickson put it, the Democratic Party "offers me no home and is deeply hostile to people of faith. The president has shown himself to not share my faith convictions any more than the other side, but the president has shown he is willing to defend my faith convictions and is supportive of them."

Erickson didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but announced earlier this month that he plans to do so in 2020. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee was one of the most steadfast "Never Trump" social conservatives. He too has said he will endorse Trump in 2020.

Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

You left out "Pretend". You left out Muslims, Hindus, etc as they will not support Trump.

A true Christian would not stand for the lying, disregard fir marriage, cheating, lying, bigotry, hate, greed, stealing of children, opulence, and Trump's overall amorality.

You don't get to decide who is a "True" Christian.

I'm not. I am comparing what is said in the teachings of Jesus with the hate spewing, bigoted, poor bashing, pretend Christians like you & your ilk.

If you were at the Sermon on the Mount, you bew running ion circles, screaming "OMG OMG OMG Socialism". Republicans are so far from Christianity that it is laughable.

I am a lapsed Catholic at best. What I am not is a political hack like you that wants to force everyone to act, be and think like you OR ELSE.

Now go suck some government dick like a good little progressive lemming.
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?
I think you should get a freakin brain. There is no infanticide. You are either lying or stupid.

Gay people are God/s children, why do you want to discriminate against them?

Sexual Promiscuity? A Trump supporter obviously has not problem with that one.

Seems to me, taking away access to birth control & then crying about sexual responsibility is really hypocritical.

Which party backs corporate greed???? Which party demands workers get $7/hr while CEO's get billions?

We have a separation of church & state. If a Church starts a businsss then it follows the same rules. Quit using religion to sanctify bigotry & hate. anmd if your church ewasnts to be political, then rthey can paty fucking tazxers.


You are a hate spewing bigoted POS and certainly no Christian
you act as if any 1 issue is enough to not support someone.

it's entirely possible to disagree with someone AND still support them. why do you have to apply binary thinking to every situation?

Because it suits his worldview, in particular it supports his desire to marginalize anyone who thinks differently than he does.
No, it really isn't. A business isn't a religion. Thanks for your opinion on it, but that's all it is, your opinion. The interpretation by the SCOTUS is very different.
A business is not a citizen and does not have religious rights
If it wants to close on Sunday or any other day, they are entitled. If they want to discriminate they must follow the law

A person still retains constitutional rights even if they want to sell something. Nice strawman attempt, but fail.

So Churches can be forced to perform Same sex wedding ceremonies?
A church is not a business knucklehead

A person can hate any group he wants. But once he opens a business, that BUSINESS must comply with local laws

Why does a person automatically lose their constitutional rights when they try to sell something?

Why is free exercise limited only to Churches (in your opinion).
When we tore down your "Whites Only" signs you racist bigoted assfuck.

The religious basis for segregation was flawed and really just a justification for something that was done for economic reasons.

The religious prohibition on homosexual acts is far more explicit in all of the major religious texts.
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?
I think you should get a freakin brain. There is no infanticide. You are either lying or stupid.

Gay people are God/s children, why do you want to discriminate against them?

Sexual Promiscuity? A Trump supporter obviously has not problem with that one.

Seems to me, taking away access to birth control & then crying about sexual responsibility is really hypocritical.

Which party backs corporate greed???? Which party demands workers get $7/hr while CEO's get billions?

We have a separation of church & state. If a Church starts a businsss then it follows the same rules. Quit using religion to sanctify bigotry & hate. anmd if your church ewasnts to be political, then rthey can paty fucking tazxers.


You are a hate spewing bigoted POS and certainly no Christian
you act as if any 1 issue is enough to not support someone.

it's entirely possible to disagree with someone AND still support them. why do you have to apply binary thinking to every situation?

Because it suits his worldview, in particular it supports his desire to marginalize anyone who thinks differently than he does.
yea, i know. i'm just calling him on it. pretty sick and tired of people who seem to think if you support someone, you agree with them 100%.

no one - NO ONE - does that. yet here he is thinking he's being clever, not just stupid.
Actually, I think Conservative Christians should all embrace the party that sanctions infanticide, and gay marriage, promotes sloth, envy, sexual promiscuity, reproductive irresponsibility, and greed, abhors traditional marriage and sexuality, and is openly antagonistic to traditional religious institutions, demanding that they accept their perverted world view or lose their tax-exempt status.

Don't you?
I think you should get a freakin brain. There is no infanticide. You are either lying or stupid.

Gay people are God/s children, why do you want to discriminate against them?

Sexual Promiscuity? A Trump supporter obviously has not problem with that one.

Seems to me, taking away access to birth control & then crying about sexual responsibility is really hypocritical.

Which party backs corporate greed???? Which party demands workers get $7/hr while CEO's get billions?

We have a separation of church & state. If a Church starts a businsss then it follows the same rules. Quit using religion to sanctify bigotry & hate. anmd if your church ewasnts to be political, then rthey can paty fucking tazxers.


You are a hate spewing bigoted POS and certainly no Christian
you act as if any 1 issue is enough to not support someone.

it's entirely possible to disagree with someone AND still support them. why do you have to apply binary thinking to every situation?

Because it suits his worldview, in particular it supports his desire to marginalize anyone who thinks differently than he does.
yea, i know. i'm just calling him on it. pretty sick and tired of people who seem to think if you support someone, you agree with them 100%.

no one - NO ONE - does that. yet here he is thinking he's being clever, not just stupid.
Ummmmmm. Because you never post about it?????

Here's your chance. Tells us what you don't like about Trump.
A business is not a citizen and does not have religious rights
If it wants to close on Sunday or any other day, they are entitled. If they want to discriminate they must follow the law

A person still retains constitutional rights even if they want to sell something. Nice strawman attempt, but fail.

So Churches can be forced to perform Same sex wedding ceremonies?
A church is not a business knucklehead

A person can hate any group he wants. But once he opens a business, that BUSINESS must comply with local laws

Why does a person automatically lose their constitutional rights when they try to sell something?

Why is free exercise limited only to Churches (in your opinion).
When we tore down your "Whites Only" signs you racist bigoted assfuck.

The religious basis for segregation was flawed and really just a justification for something that was done for economic reasons.

The religious prohibition on homosexual acts is far more explicit in all of the major religious texts.

Where outside of the Old Testament. What did Jesus say about homosexuality?

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