Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist

Written on Thursday, April 18, 2013
by J. Matt Barber

Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence. – Psalm 73:6
“Gay pride” necessitates anti-Christian hate. It must. “Gay marriage” and other “sexual orientation”-based laws do violence to freedom and truth. They are the hammer with which the postmodern left intends to bludgeon bloody religious liberty and the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.

According to the unequivocal moral precepts of the Judeo-Christian tradition – explicit throughout both the Old and New Testaments – homosexual behavior is sin. Sin is evil. Homosexual behavior is the central, defining characteristic of so-called “gay marriage.” Therefore, “gay marriage” is evil. Christians are obligated to avoid sin – to “do no evil.”
I know; it’s not popular to speak such simple truths in today’s politically correct world. But I’m not out to win a popularity contest.


Recently, one of Ms. Stutzman’s frequent homosexual customers requested that she provide flower arrangements for his same-sex “wedding.” She politely declined, saying that her Christian conscience and “relationship with Jesus Christ” prevented her from any involvement with counter-Christian “same-sex marriage.” She was, quite simply, a Christian being Christian. The two hugged and parted ways.

Unfortunately, in our ever-”progressive” culture, being Christian has fast become a most dangerous proposition. As each homofascist demand is checked from liberals’ sin-centric wish list, it only gets worse.


To homosexuals I say this: Yes, you are equal in God’s eyes. You are loved. These things are true, not because of your homosexual lifestyle, but, rather, they are true in spite of it.
Most homosexuals know intuitively, I think, that their lifestyle is unnatural and immoral and that the oxymoronic notion of “same-sex marriage” is a silly farce. Thus, they must force others to affirm both their self-destructive lifestyle and their mock “marriages” under penalty of law. They must physically compel everyone to engage their “emperor’s new clothes” delusion, so they can feel better about bad behavior.

Well, my friend, making everyone else “call evil good and good evil” won’t fill that dark void in your soul. Only repentance and redemption through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can do that.
When we give deviant sexual conduct preferred status in law, Christian morality becomes illegal. If you think government-recognized “gay marriage” is harmless to society, you’re playing the fool. It places the Christian sexual ethic and free exercise of religion in direct conflict with law. It’s my sense that many liberty-minded people are finally coming awake to this disturbing reality.


Albert Einstein once said, “Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.”

He was right.

Barronelle Stutzman followed this advice and – though she currently faces government persecution for her choice – she has also become an accidental hero. Pray for her. I know God will surely bless her faithfulness.

Still, know this: If you are a Christian in today’s America, you too will almost certainly find yourself with a similar decision to make. When man’s law violates God’s law, you will have to choose which to obey. Choosing God can mean persecution.
I’ve made my choice.
How will you choose?

Read more: Religious Freedom & ?Gay Marriage? Cannot Coexist - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update
You are such a hater. You'd be happier if you'd just let it go and leave people to live their own lives.

Typical liberal
from the old bat...:eek:
Allowing gays to marry does not force Christians to change any of their beliefs. They can still practice their religion and get married as usual. No Christian will be forced to enter into a gay marriage against their will. This post is nonsense.
Allowing gays to marry does not force Christians to change any of their beliefs. They can still practice their religion and get married as usual. No Christian will be forced to enter into a gay marriage against their will. This post is nonsense.

Marriage is one of the holiest of Chrstian rituals. It has a spiritual dimension. If gays had any common decency or religious tolerance they wouldn't insist on calling calling their unions marriage. Instead, they forge ahead with their onslaught against Christianity.

The OP is correct.
According to the unequivocal moral precepts of the Judeo-Christian tradition – explicit throughout both the Old and New Testaments – homosexual behavior is sin. Sin is evil. Homosexual behavior is the central, defining characteristic of so-called “gay marriage.” Therefore, “gay marriage” is evil. Christians are obligated to avoid sin – to “do no evil.”

Then by all means do NOT marry a member of your same gender.
Allowing gays to marry does not force Christians to change any of their beliefs. They can still practice their religion and get married as usual. No Christian will be forced to enter into a gay marriage against their will. This post is nonsense.

Marriage is one of the holiest of Chrstian rituals. It has a spiritual dimension. If gays had any common decency or religious tolerance they wouldn't insist on calling calling their unions marriage. Instead, they forge ahead with their onslaught against Christianity.

The OP is correct.
Legalizing same-sex marriage does absolutely nothing to Christianity. Nobody is forcing Christians to recognize gay marriages as valid according to their religion, and nobody is forcing priests to perform religious marriage ceremonies with gay couples. Gay couples will simply exist along side of heterosexual couples. You have a right to call relationships what you want--you have no right to dictate what other people call their relationships.
What you seem to be arguing is that unless you can impose your religion upon me, you don't have religious freedom. So what does that say for my religious freedom?
You are such a hater. You'd be happier if you'd just let it go and leave people to live their own lives.

I don't see hate at all. As a Christian, I am often faced with people who do not accept Creationism, Noah's Flood, Jesus Christ, etc... We disagree, but they do not hate me or even hate the ideology. They simply disagree. Why cannot homosexuals simply accept that what they find as fulfilling might be seen as not worthy of marriage by others and move on.
You are such a hater. You'd be happier if you'd just let it go and leave people to live their own lives.

I don't see hate at all. As a Christian, I am often faced with people who do not accept Creationism, Noah's Flood, Jesus Christ, etc... We disagree, but they do not hate me or even hate the ideology. They simply disagree. Why cannot homosexuals simply accept that what they find as fulfilling might be seen as not worthy of marriage by others and move on.

This would be an argument if you were prohibited from expressing your beliefs. Then, if you objected, I could say why don't you just accept that your beliefs are not seen as worthy by others and just move on.

We come back to my prior question. If your idea of religious freedom is imposing your beliefs upon me, what does that say about my religious freedom. Why can't you simply accept that your objections are not seen as worthy by others and just move on?
Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist

Written on Thursday, April 18, 2013
by J. Matt Barber

Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence. – Psalm 73:6
“Gay pride” necessitates anti-Christian hate. It must. “Gay marriage” and other “sexual orientation”-based laws do violence to freedom and truth. They are the hammer with which the postmodern left intends to bludgeon bloody religious liberty and the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.

According to the unequivocal moral precepts of the Judeo-Christian tradition – explicit throughout both the Old and New Testaments – homosexual behavior is sin. Sin is evil. Homosexual behavior is the central, defining characteristic of so-called “gay marriage.” Therefore, “gay marriage” is evil. Christians are obligated to avoid sin – to “do no evil.”
I know; it’s not popular to speak such simple truths in today’s politically correct world. But I’m not out to win a popularity contest.


Recently, one of Ms. Stutzman’s frequent homosexual customers requested that she provide flower arrangements for his same-sex “wedding.” She politely declined, saying that her Christian conscience and “relationship with Jesus Christ” prevented her from any involvement with counter-Christian “same-sex marriage.” She was, quite simply, a Christian being Christian. The two hugged and parted ways.

Unfortunately, in our ever-”progressive” culture, being Christian has fast become a most dangerous proposition. As each homofascist demand is checked from liberals’ sin-centric wish list, it only gets worse.


To homosexuals I say this: Yes, you are equal in God’s eyes. You are loved. These things are true, not because of your homosexual lifestyle, but, rather, they are true in spite of it.
Most homosexuals know intuitively, I think, that their lifestyle is unnatural and immoral and that the oxymoronic notion of “same-sex marriage” is a silly farce. Thus, they must force others to affirm both their self-destructive lifestyle and their mock “marriages” under penalty of law. They must physically compel everyone to engage their “emperor’s new clothes” delusion, so they can feel better about bad behavior.

Well, my friend, making everyone else “call evil good and good evil” won’t fill that dark void in your soul. Only repentance and redemption through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can do that.
When we give deviant sexual conduct preferred status in law, Christian morality becomes illegal. If you think government-recognized “gay marriage” is harmless to society, you’re playing the fool. It places the Christian sexual ethic and free exercise of religion in direct conflict with law. It’s my sense that many liberty-minded people are finally coming awake to this disturbing reality.


Albert Einstein once said, “Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.”

He was right.

Barronelle Stutzman followed this advice and – though she currently faces government persecution for her choice – she has also become an accidental hero. Pray for her. I know God will surely bless her faithfulness.

Still, know this: If you are a Christian in today’s America, you too will almost certainly find yourself with a similar decision to make. When man’s law violates God’s law, you will have to choose which to obey. Choosing God can mean persecution.
I’ve made my choice.
How will you choose?

Read more: Religious Freedom & ?Gay Marriage? Cannot Coexist - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Gay marriage incompatible with religious freedom

By Erick Erickson

The United States Supreme Court has concluded oral arguments on California's Proposition 8.

In this morning's briefing for, I noted that gay marriage and religious freedom are incompatible. The gay rights movement must drive from the town square those who disagree and must punish and silence those who refuse to surrender their belief that marriage is between a man and woman.

Many people howled in protest over email this morning, denying the incompatibility. The irony is that many howling against me will not be on the side of the church and Christian when the fight comes.

But the fight is already here.


Read more: Gay marriage incompatible with religious freedom | Fox News
Gay marriage incompatible with religious freedom

By Erick Erickson

The United States Supreme Court has concluded oral arguments on California's Proposition 8.

In this morning's briefing for, I noted that gay marriage and religious freedom are incompatible. The gay rights movement must drive from the town square those who disagree and must punish and silence those who refuse to surrender their belief that marriage is between a man and woman.

Many people howled in protest over email this morning, denying the incompatibility. The irony is that many howling against me will not be on the side of the church and Christian when the fight comes.

But the fight is already here.


Read more: Gay marriage incompatible with religious freedom | Fox News

Keep your religion out of our secular laws...ok?
Allowing gays to marry does not force Christians to change any of their beliefs. They can still practice their religion and get married as usual. No Christian will be forced to enter into a gay marriage against their will. This post is nonsense.

Marriage is one of the holiest of Chrstian rituals. It has a spiritual dimension. If gays had any common decency or religious tolerance they wouldn't insist on calling calling their unions marriage. Instead, they forge ahead with their onslaught against Christianity.

The OP is correct.

Marriage is a contract recognized by the state and conveying a certain legal status on the parties involved. The religious marriage ritual does not belong exclusively to Christianity. Jews, Hindus, Muslims, etc also have their own religious marriage ceremonies. Are you claiming that those religions are "intolerant" because they "insist on calling their unions marriage" too?
Allowing gays to marry does not force Christians to change any of their beliefs. They can still practice their religion and get married as usual. No Christian will be forced to enter into a gay marriage against their will. This post is nonsense.

Marriage is one of the holiest of Chrstian rituals. It has a spiritual dimension. If gays had any common decency or religious tolerance they wouldn't insist on calling calling their unions marriage. Instead, they forge ahead with their onslaught against Christianity.

The OP is correct.

Marriage is a contract recognized by the state and conveying a certain legal status on the parties involved. The religious marriage ritual does not belong exclusively to Christianity. Jews, Hindus, Muslims, etc also have their own religious marriage ceremonies. Are you claiming that those religions are "intolerant" because they "insist on calling their unions marriage" too?

Religious Freedom & ‘Gay Marriage’ Cannot Coexist

Sure it can.

It already is in a number of states in this great nation of ours.

Someobody needs to wake up the author of this pointless drivel

The problem isn't Same-sex Civil Marriage laws as that is between the couple and the government.

The problem is Public Accommodation laws that deprive private business the ability to determine to serve or not serve customers based race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc.

The solution? Amend Public Accommodation laws to only apply to government entities, let private businesses make their own decisions.

Under those conditions Same-sex Civil Marriage and Religious Freedom can co-exist quite nicely.


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