Religious Leaders Are Finally Recognizing Trump As A False Idol

I stand back this quote, you don't need to go to the hosp if unvaccinated.


We're healthier than you are. How many shots did you get, Penny? I'm guessing at least four.

Good luck with your immune system and cancer. And especially your cardiovascular system.
Sodomites and you have no place but he'll unless you repent

The woman who was eager to keep all the unvaccinated out of hospitals? They could "die at home"?

Does the same go now that all the vaccinated are dying Penny? Can we ban YOU from hospitals?

Did you have all five shots?

Yikes if you did
Read Ezekiel 16
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I back this quote, you don't need to go to the hosp if unvaccinated, die at home.

I'd like to know why, Penny. Because we did not submit to the govt like you did?

Is this the adult life you imagined for yourself? Barring people from health care because they're not bootlickers like you?

You were for barring unvaccinated Americans from care in hospitals. You said they could, and I quote, "Die at home".

Should we say the same now that the vaccinated are dying in droves?
If they don't want vaccination, die at home.
Read Ezekiel 16

Penny do you know how many people I personally know who were in remission from cancer, whose cancer has returned? People who beat cancer 10, 15 years ago, now with what they call "turbo-cancer". Because the spike proteins just keep producing and producing. They destroy your immune system, which you know, fights off CANCER.

When the hospitals are full of you four times vaccinated folks dying from cancer, can we just tell you to die at home, we don't care?

Do you like that Penny? You stand by that in reverse?
If they don't want vaccination, die at home.

So you just admit to being a soulless ghoul.

But we knew that.

You are really the only person for whom I can say: you deserve every bit of ramification from the shots. Most people don't, even people who harassed others. But someone like you, who "stands by" her assertion to have others "die at home"?
Yep. Whatever it does to you. Deserved.
So you just admit to being a soulless ghoul.

But we knew that.

You are really the only person for whom I can say: you deserve every bit of ramification from the shots. Most people don't, even people who harassed others. But someone like you, who "stands by" her assertion to have others "die at home"?
Yep. Whatever it does to you. Deserved.
In another thread, someone asked if anyone has even encountered "demons"

This is what it looks like. Intentionally misquoting scripture, and wishing death to the innocent
In an essay sent to The Washington Post earlier this month, Mike Evans, a former member of the evangelical advisory board, said he would not vote for Trump again and recalled how he once left a Trump rally “in tears because I saw Bible believers glorifying Donald Trump like he was an idol.”


“Donald Trump can’t save America. He can’t even save himself. He used us to win the White House. We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us, Evans wrote. “I cannot do that anymore.”

How many times have I said it? Willfully blind.

Evangelicals were a big part of Trump's base.

They knew what Trump was all along.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."
American Christianity is one of the many things that awful person has profoundly damaged.

They sold their souls for him. And then later for others, like Herschel Walker.

Their reputation was bad enough, before. Now it's far worse. Everything he touches...
American Christianity is one of the many things that awful person has profoundly damaged.

They sold their souls for him. And then later for others, like Herschel Walker.

Their reputation was bad enough, before. Now it's far worse. Everything he touches...
Look at all the he Democrats discussing Christianity 😂
It means 12 Republicans have consciences. And art and do not blindly vote on the party line just because it's the party line right or wrong.

No, it means there might be 12 Repubs that know it is not the Govt's place to legislate morality.

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