Religious people seem to have more bias in these debates.

It's pretty ironic, but in their last moment on earth, most every atheist will more than likely either beg God for one more breath of air, or beg Him for forgiveness.

Even this one probably did...

Madalyn Murray O'Hair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

If this was true it would just lend credibility to the idea that religion is fueled by fear of death and the unknown.

Very few true Christians I've known are afraid of dying.
They have only replaced their fear of death with fear of Hell. Not an improvement.
Not all religions have a hell as a part of their faith.
The difference is religious people seem to need their religion. If they were confronted with proof that their God isn't real I think a lot of them would be very broken on a spiritual and emotional level.
That which is not physical is not able be proven nor disproven because it is not of the physical realm. The second part is interesting. How many people do you imagine are already broken on a spiritual and emotional level? Are you imagining many of these would be spiritually and emotionally healed if they took up religion? The reason I ask is it seems you already accept there is power in having faith in God? I find that interesting.

Some of my family members were/are atheists; I am married to an atheist. While this is a small sample, there is one thing I notice between family members who are atheists and those who have faith. 'My' atheists have expectations of God and what He can do and those expectations are not met. They tested God and He failed. Think about this for a moment because the Commandment states, You shall not test the Lord your God. It is an interesting Commandment. To me it is a heads up that in seeking God, testing Him is a sure way to fail in finding Him.

People of faith seek God, get to know Him both by what He does do and what He does not do. We have the Bible from ancient times that note people's experiences with God. In modern times we have accounts of near death experiences, experiences with both angels and with God, visions of Mary. What people of faith mostly have is the Spirit working with their own spirit to make the best version of oneself and also be a guide through our personal life.

My advice for those truly interested in God is to seek Him without testing Him. The stories of others' experience (both great and small) are interesting and encouraging. But they don't hold a candle to what one's own story and experiences can be.
As we know, religion is rarely a choice. People rarely apply very hard standards to their religious beliefs. They tend to be cultural (i.e., you grew up in a social environment that preferred one belief over another.
What does this have to do with anything? The same can be said about food, dress, and housing. Just as faith can be different, all these can be different as well, but we all eat, most of us dress, and we all make a habitat of something, somewhere. "Other people have their faith" is like observing "Other people have their food." What else should be expected?
I'm sure the other side has its own bias too, but I think it's different. The difference is religious people seem to need their religion. If they were confronted with proof that their God isn't real I think a lot of them would be very broken on a spiritual and emotional level. Conversely I think if agnostics and atheists were confronted with proof that God is real it would have a different kind of impact. I think many atheists would be salty over being wrong, but I don't think it would destroy them in the same way. The purpose in their universe doesn't hinge on God in the same way. Personally, as an agnostic that was formally an atheist, I'd be thrilled to find out God really exists. It would simplify the universe and bring me a lot of comfort, which is probably what religion does for the religious.

Why does it matter? I think religious people, because they need this more, will bend and go to any length to avoid absorbing the kind of scrutiny that would make them question their God. They are by far the more desperate and stubborn ones in this debate. It's not about logic and facts for them. They need this, so you're never going to change their minds.
Not being a stanch religious person I think you are missing the true nature of religion. Religion is about faith in one’s beliefs. The do not seek solid proof, their proof is in their belief. The same cannot be said by the atheist because they have a religious belief that god does not exist but argue because it is based on faith it does not exist. That my friends is the definition of faith. We just worship at different altars.
Consolation for the certainty of death for themselves and everyone they love. They cannot cope with the possibility that their parents and grandparents no longer exist in any meaningful form. Never underestimate how much these people fear death. For this reason I am loath to attack anyone's personal faith. I keep all my criticism on the point where faith intersects politics.

I am terrified of death. In a way I envy them for that comfort.
If your terrified of death then just believe
Which gods should I believe in? I'm value shopping. The Islamic gods don't give me carnal rewards like they do men so they're out.
I personally like to study them all and agree in totality with none. I take what I think is best from each and have my own personal relationship with my maker. One must not just rely on books the unabridged Bible is all around you it is the universe you are standing in. Whether christ was the messiah or not he gave some pretty good advice. The best advice was all things in moderation. He said all things, note he did not add except religion.
As we know, religion is rarely a choice. People rarely apply very hard standards to their religious beliefs. They tend to be cultural (i.e., you grew up in a social environment that preferred one belief over another.
What does this have to do with anything? The same can be said about food, dress, and housing. Just as faith can be different, all these can be different as well, but we all eat, most of us dress, and we all make a habitat of something, somewhere. "Other people have their faith" is like observing "Other people have their food." What else should be expected?
except food and shelter are necessities of life so the comparison to religion is a poor one.

The fact is most people follow the same religion as their family does but religion unlike food and shelter is not a necessity
What Is Critical Race Theory? Context Behind Trump's Attack | Time

I say there is racisms in all our institutions, and among many white people as evidenced by white supremacists and also by tramp insurrectionists of the capital , afraid the minorities are taking over.
CRT is taking socially binding norms and turning them into pathologies. Today there is racism in the institutions but it is aimed at whites because the marxists took them over just as they planned. When you say WS is bad and must be replaced it is nothing more than a con game to change the system of government.
except food and shelter are necessities of life so the comparison to religion is a poor one.
The recipes for the food you grew up with are not a necessity, food itself is the necessity. The same with faith. The worship you grew up with is not the necessity; faith itself that is the necessity.
Consolation for the certainty of death for themselves and everyone they love. They cannot cope with the possibility that their parents and grandparents no longer exist in any meaningful form. Never underestimate how much these people fear death. For this reason I am loath to attack anyone's personal faith. I keep all my criticism on the point where faith intersects politics.

So you don't fear death?
except food and shelter are necessities of life so the comparison to religion is a poor one.
The recipes for the food you grew up with are not a necessity, food itself is the necessity. The same with faith. The worship you grew up with is not the necessity; faith itself that is the necessity.
faith is not a necessity.

and a person who is hungry will pretty much eat whatever you put in front of him it had nothing to do with what he ate growing up.
CRT is taking socially binding norms and turning them into pathologies. Today there is racism in the institutions but it is aimed at whites because the marxists took them over just as they planned. When you say WS is bad and must be replaced it is nothing more than a con game to change the system of government.
A popular saying in government today is to "Follow the science." Science tells us there is no scientific or genetic basis for race. It seems that government should be telling us there is no race, therefore they must drop all their Critical Race Theories, and if any supremacy exists, there is no race to attribute it. This has been known for years, so why is the government so slow to announce, "There are no races!" ? If they were to do this, think of all the committees and meetings that are no longer needed. That's the biggest plus right there.
The government is the lefts god. Which is why they are all so unhinged when things don’t go their way.

Republicans don't actually want to reduce spending.
Spending on what, elected Republicans in the federal government or regular republicans? Republicans in state legislatures and local districts tend to be fiscally conservative because they can't print money. I think what BlueGin means is that leftist look to government to fix everything and conservatives are much more stay out of my life.
Not only that but they expect you to confirm to their religious Dogma or you are to be shunned from society.
you mean like excommunication?
You see it all over social media. The mob contacts your employer,banking institutions, business associates etc to get your livelihood taken away. See Keri Smith explain the knitting wars for starters and then listen to progressives in media and big tech for what they advocate.

Your crazy. Just because you belong to the Tramp cult, you think everyone belongs to a cult. Most of us have adequate minds that don't need to belong to a cult.
CRT / SJW culture is a cult. Complete with rituals and punishment for non believers.
I'm sure the other side has its own bias too, but I think it's different. The difference is religious people seem to need their religion. If they were confronted with proof that their God isn't real I think a lot of them would be very broken on a spiritual and emotional level. Conversely I think if agnostics and atheists were confronted with proof that God is real it would have a different kind of impact. I think many atheists would be salty over being wrong, but I don't think it would destroy them in the same way. The purpose in their universe doesn't hinge on God in the same way. Personally, as an agnostic that was formally an atheist, I'd be thrilled to find out God really exists. It would simplify the universe and bring me a lot of comfort, which is probably what religion does for the religious.

Why does it matter? I think religious people, because they need this more, will bend and go to any length to avoid absorbing the kind of scrutiny that would make them question their God. They are by far the more desperate and stubborn ones in this debate. It's not about logic and facts for them. They need this, so you're never going to change their minds.
It is not possible to prove God exists or doesn't exist.
The state of Prophecy causes one to lose all physical and mental control as God is in control.
Try looking at the sun and see how that works out for you.
The government is the lefts god. Which is why they are all so unhinged when things don’t go their way.

Republicans don't actually want to reduce spending.
Spending on what, elected Republicans in the federal government or regular republicans? Republicans in state legislatures and local districts tend to be fiscally conservative because they can't print money. I think what BlueGin means is that leftist look to government to fix everything and conservatives are much more stay out of my life.
Not only that but they expect you to confirm to their religious Dogma or you are to be shunned from society.
you mean like excommunication?
You see it all over social media. The mob contacts your employer,banking institutions, business associates etc to get your livelihood taken away. See Keri Smith explain the knitting wars for starters and then listen to progressives in media and big tech for what they advocate.

Your crazy. Just because you belong to the Tramp cult, you think everyone belongs to a cult. Most of us have adequate minds that don't need to belong to a cult.
CRT / SJW culture is a cult. Complete with rituals and punishment for non believers.
Imagine having to sit through a class like this.
The government is the lefts god. Which is why they are all so unhinged when things don’t go their way.

Republicans don't actually want to reduce spending.
Spending on what, elected Republicans in the federal government or regular republicans? Republicans in state legislatures and local districts tend to be fiscally conservative because they can't print money. I think what BlueGin means is that leftist look to government to fix everything and conservatives are much more stay out of my life.
Not only that but they expect you to confirm to their religious Dogma or you are to be shunned from society.
you mean like excommunication?
You see it all over social media. The mob contacts your employer,banking institutions, business associates etc to get your livelihood taken away. See Keri Smith explain the knitting wars for starters and then listen to progressives in media and big tech for what they advocate.

Your crazy. Just because you belong to the Tramp cult, you think everyone belongs to a cult. Most of us have adequate minds that don't need to belong to a cult.
CRT / SJW culture is a cult. Complete with rituals and punishment for non believers.
Imagine having to sit through a class like this.
Damn that Stacey Abrams!
Doesn't being a member of Congress pay enough?!
except food and shelter are necessities of life so the comparison to religion is a poor one.
The recipes for the food you grew up with are not a necessity, food itself is the necessity. The same with faith. The worship you grew up with is not the necessity; faith itself that is the necessity.
faith is not a necessity.

and a person who is hungry will pretty much eat whatever you put in front of him it had nothing to do with what he ate growing up.
Even atheists have faith. They put their faith in believing there is no higher power.

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