Religious people seem to have more bias in these debates.

but it is not a necessity for the functions of life.

food, water and shelter are all necessities for sustaining life.

Faith isn't on that list
Many of us believe that the human make-up is body, mind, spirit/soul. Faith is a necessity of the spirit.

See how long faith keeps you alive when you have no water food and shelter.

I can tell you exactly how long that will be

Depending on the environment you can die in as little as 3 hours without shelter

3 days without water and 3 weeks without food.

If I have food shelter and water but no faith I will not die hence faith is not necessary for life
You never read the Bible have you
Religion is personal and those that are religious can't help but inject emotion into the debate. Many take any questioning of their religion or the god they believe in as a personal attack which is why religious discussions tend to devolve
The government is the lefts god. Which is why they are all so unhinged when things don’t go their way.

Like they say, "When someone has nothing to believe in, they'll believe anything."

so your only options are to believe in some god or believe in nothing?

In case you haven't heard, there is only one God.

28 Biblical Passages Which Explicitly Teach There is Only One God

That's your belief.

I mean the Bible is hardly a good source for that since the purpose of the bible is to promote a monotheistic religion.

Did Mohamed, Buddha, Krishna, the Flying Spagetti Monster, etc. ever raise anyone from the dead? Did they heal any sick people? Did they perform any miracles like feeding the multitude, changing water into wine, casting out unclean spirits, causing a storm to be stilled, walking on water, giving the blind sight and the dumb the ability to speak, or many of the other things He did? Were those other so-called "deities" so rejected and hated by the powers that were, that they were killed and rose from the dead after three days?

Was the birth, life, death and resurrection predicted of any of those other "gods" 1,000 years before they were born? The entire Old testament is a prophesy of the coming of the Christ, and those books were written way before the New Testament.
it isn't an analogy.

It's an example of using the word faith as it is defined in the dictionary.

Faith is belief without proof that your beliefs are actually true or not.
The first definition as listed in the dictionary is confidence in a person or thing. I have great confidence.
Faith is belief with no evidence that your belief is in actuality true or not.

You can have faith that Aliens will descend to earth in a mother ship to take you away to planet Gorp.

It doesn't mean they will
I'm not going to wait around for a mother ship. My faith is in what is here Today. Tomorrow. Yesterday. That is why your analogy of fails.

it isn't an analogy.

It's an example of using the word faith as it is defined in the dictionary.

Faith is belief without proof that your beliefs are actually true or not.
You don't need faith, just go outside to see God is real.
I see no purpose in faith.
And that's fine. There are many tools at Home Depot I have no purpose for. Doesn't mean others don't have a purpose for them and put them to good use. I think that may be the difference between you and me. Since you have no purpose for faith, you think I can have no purpose for it, either. Further, I am betting your mind is thinking I use faith in ways that would never cross my own mind.
but it is not a necessity for the functions of life.

food, water and shelter are all necessities for sustaining life.

Faith isn't on that list
Many of us believe that the human make-up is body, mind, spirit/soul. Faith is a necessity of the spirit.

See how long faith keeps you alive when you have no water food and shelter.

I can tell you exactly how long that will be

Depending on the environment you can die in as little as 3 hours without shelter

3 days without water and 3 weeks without food.

If I have food shelter and water but no faith I will not die hence faith is not necessary for life
You never read the Bible have you
Some of it but I find it to be rather fantastical and unbelievable
Religion is personal and those that are religious can't help but inject emotion into the debate. Many take any questioning of their religion or the god they believe in as a personal attack which is why religious discussions tend to devolve
The government is the lefts god. Which is why they are all so unhinged when things don’t go their way.

Like they say, "When someone has nothing to believe in, they'll believe anything."

so your only options are to believe in some god or believe in nothing?

In case you haven't heard, there is only one God.

28 Biblical Passages Which Explicitly Teach There is Only One God

That's your belief.

I mean the Bible is hardly a good source for that since the purpose of the bible is to promote a monotheistic religion.

Did Mohamed, Buddha, Krishna, the Flying Spagetti Monster, etc. ever raise anyone from the dead? Did they heal any sick people? Did they perform any miracles like feeding the multitude, changing water into wine, casting out unclean spirits, causing a storm to be stilled, walking on water, giving the blind sight and the dumb the ability to speak, or many of the other things He did? Were those other so-called "deities" so rejected and hated by the powers that were, that they were killed and rose from the dead after three days?

Was the birth, life, death and resurrection predicted of any of those other "gods" 1,000 years before they were born? The entire Old testament is a prophesy of the coming of the Christ, and those books were written way before the New Testament.

There is no proof any any of those things.

But I did once see a doctor bring a person back to life after his heart stopped for 3 minutes.

But tell me why don't Jews believe that OT came true?

Obviously not everyone believes what you do.

And Buddha never claimed to be anything but a mortal man so you really can't include him in your list of magical beings
I see no purpose in faith.
And that's fine. There are many tools at Home Depot I have no purpose for. Doesn't mean others don't have a purpose for them and put them to good use. I think that may be the difference between you and me. Since you have no purpose for faith, you think I can have no purpose for it, either. Further, I am betting your mind is thinking I use faith in ways that would never cross my own mind.

I never said you don't have a use for it. I said it is not necessary for the functions that support life.
but it is not a necessity for the functions of life.

food, water and shelter are all necessities for sustaining life.

Faith isn't on that list
Many of us believe that the human make-up is body, mind, spirit/soul. Faith is a necessity of the spirit.

See how long faith keeps you alive when you have no water food and shelter.

I can tell you exactly how long that will be

Depending on the environment you can die in as little as 3 hours without shelter

3 days without water and 3 weeks without food.

If I have food shelter and water but no faith I will not die hence faith is not necessary for life
You never read the Bible have you
Some of it but I find it to be rather fantastical and unbelievable
You can argue all you want, that's a good start
Faith is belief with no evidence that your belief is in actuality true or not.

You can have faith that Aliens will descend to earth in a mother ship to take you away to planet Gorp.

It doesn't mean they will
I'm not going to wait around for a mother ship. My faith is in what is here Today. Tomorrow. Yesterday. That is why your analogy of fails.

it isn't an analogy.

It's an example of using the word faith as it is defined in the dictionary.

Faith is belief without proof that your beliefs are actually true or not.
You don't need faith, just go outside to see God is real.

I don't see that when I go outside.

I see much beauty and much ugliness and choose to revel in the beauty and not dwell on the ugliness. I see no need to believe some god is responsible for it.
I see no purpose in faith.
And that's fine. There are many tools at Home Depot I have no purpose for. Doesn't mean others don't have a purpose for them and put them to good use. I think that may be the difference between you and me. Since you have no purpose for faith, you think I can have no purpose for it, either. Further, I am betting your mind is thinking I use faith in ways that would never cross my own mind.

I never said you don't have a use for it. I said it is not necessary for the functions that support life.
I can walk out in front of a truck right now, it won't kill me, you know why you can't die before your time when Jesus walks with you
I see no purpose in faith.
And that's fine. There are many tools at Home Depot I have no purpose for. Doesn't mean others don't have a purpose for them and put them to good use. I think that may be the difference between you and me. Since you have no purpose for faith, you think I can have no purpose for it, either. Further, I am betting your mind is thinking I use faith in ways that would never cross my own mind.

I never said you don't have a use for it. I said it is not necessary for the functions that support life.
I can walk out in front of a truck right now, it won't kill me, you know why you can't die before your time when Jesus walks with you
so go ahead and step off a curb in front of a bus and see what happens.
Religion is personal and those that are religious can't help but inject emotion into the debate. Many take any questioning of their religion or the god they believe in as a personal attack which is why religious discussions tend to devolve
The government is the lefts god. Which is why they are all so unhinged when things don’t go their way.

Like they say, "When someone has nothing to believe in, they'll believe anything."

so your only options are to believe in some god or believe in nothing?

In case you haven't heard, there is only one God.

28 Biblical Passages Which Explicitly Teach There is Only One God

That's your belief.

I mean the Bible is hardly a good source for that since the purpose of the bible is to promote a monotheistic religion.

Did Mohamed, Buddha, Krishna, the Flying Spagetti Monster, etc. ever raise anyone from the dead? Did they heal any sick people? Did they perform any miracles like feeding the multitude, changing water into wine, casting out unclean spirits, causing a storm to be stilled, walking on water, giving the blind sight and the dumb the ability to speak, or many of the other things He did? Were those other so-called "deities" so rejected and hated by the powers that were, that they were killed and rose from the dead after three days?

Was the birth, life, death and resurrection predicted of any of those other "gods" 1,000 years before they were born? The entire Old testament is a prophesy of the coming of the Christ, and those books were written way before the New Testament.

There is no proof any any of those things.

But I did once see a doctor bring a person back to life after his heart stopped for 3 minutes.

But tell me why don't Jews believe that OT came true?

Obviously not everyone believes what you do.

And Buddha never claimed to be anything but a mortal man so you really can't include him in your list of magical beings

Of course you see no proof to those things, silly. You've already said that you see no purpose in faith.
The difference is religious people seem to need their religion. If they were confronted with proof that their God isn't real I think a lot of them would be very broken on a spiritual and emotional level.
That which is not physical is not able be proven nor disproven because it is not of the physical realm. The second part is interesting. How many people do you imagine are already broken on a spiritual and emotional level? Are you imagining many of these would be spiritually and emotionally healed if they took up religion? The reason I ask is it seems you already accept there is power in having faith in God? I find that interesting.

Some of my family members were/are atheists; I am married to an atheist. While this is a small sample, there is one thing I notice between family members who are atheists and those who have faith. 'My' atheists have expectations of God and what He can do and those expectations are not met. They tested God and He failed. Think about this for a moment because the Commandment states, You shall not test the Lord your God. It is an interesting Commandment. To me it is a heads up that in seeking God, testing Him is a sure way to fail in finding Him.

People of faith seek God, get to know Him both by what He does do and what He does not do. We have the Bible from ancient times that note people's experiences with God. In modern times we have accounts of near death experiences, experiences with both angels and with God, visions of Mary. What people of faith mostly have is the Spirit working with their own spirit to make the best version of oneself and also be a guide through our personal life.

My advice for those truly interested in God is to seek Him without testing Him. The stories of others' experience (both great and small) are interesting and encouraging. But they don't hold a candle to what one's own story and experiences can be.

I'm not actually an atheist anymore. Somewhere along the line I decided I was being arrogant by having an opinion that God doesn't exist. I don't think religion is necessary for spiritual and emotional harmony, but I do recognize how much it helps a lot of people with that. Some of the seemingly happiest people I've ever met were deeply religious, though I've met some seriously twisted religious people too. I think having rules and guidelines that explain the universe just makes a lot of people a lot more comfortable. From my view it gives them a sense of control over their universe. Order makes more sense to people than chaos.
Religion is personal and those that are religious can't help but inject emotion into the debate. Many take any questioning of their religion or the god they believe in as a personal attack which is why religious discussions tend to devolve
The government is the lefts god. Which is why they are all so unhinged when things don’t go their way.

Like they say, "When someone has nothing to believe in, they'll believe anything."

so your only options are to believe in some god or believe in nothing?

In case you haven't heard, there is only one God.

28 Biblical Passages Which Explicitly Teach There is Only One God

That's your belief.

I mean the Bible is hardly a good source for that since the purpose of the bible is to promote a monotheistic religion.

Did Mohamed, Buddha, Krishna, the Flying Spagetti Monster, etc. ever raise anyone from the dead? Did they heal any sick people? Did they perform any miracles like feeding the multitude, changing water into wine, casting out unclean spirits, causing a storm to be stilled, walking on water, giving the blind sight and the dumb the ability to speak, or many of the other things He did? Were those other so-called "deities" so rejected and hated by the powers that were, that they were killed and rose from the dead after three days?

Was the birth, life, death and resurrection predicted of any of those other "gods" 1,000 years before they were born? The entire Old testament is a prophesy of the coming of the Christ, and those books were written way before the New Testament.

There is no proof any any of those things.

But I did once see a doctor bring a person back to life after his heart stopped for 3 minutes.

But tell me why don't Jews believe that OT came true?

Obviously not everyone believes what you do.

And Buddha never claimed to be anything but a mortal man so you really can't include him in your list of magical beings

Of course you see no proof to those things, silly. You've already said that you see no purpose in faith.

There is no good reason to believe in anything without evidence that it is true.
Faith is belief with no evidence that your belief is in actuality true or not.

You can have faith that Aliens will descend to earth in a mother ship to take you away to planet Gorp.

It doesn't mean they will
I'm not going to wait around for a mother ship. My faith is in what is here Today. Tomorrow. Yesterday. That is why your analogy of fails.

it isn't an analogy.

It's an example of using the word faith as it is defined in the dictionary.

Faith is belief without proof that your beliefs are actually true or not.
You don't need faith, just go outside to see God is real.

I don't see that when I go outside.

I see much beauty and much ugliness and choose to revel in the beauty and not dwell on the ugliness. I see no need to believe some god is responsible for it.
Something's you can't explain the love of a woman, the laughter of a child, people reaching out to you when you need it the most
The difference is religious people seem to need their religion. If they were confronted with proof that their God isn't real I think a lot of them would be very broken on a spiritual and emotional level.
That which is not physical is not able be proven nor disproven because it is not of the physical realm. The second part is interesting. How many people do you imagine are already broken on a spiritual and emotional level? Are you imagining many of these would be spiritually and emotionally healed if they took up religion? The reason I ask is it seems you already accept there is power in having faith in God? I find that interesting.

Some of my family members were/are atheists; I am married to an atheist. While this is a small sample, there is one thing I notice between family members who are atheists and those who have faith. 'My' atheists have expectations of God and what He can do and those expectations are not met. They tested God and He failed. Think about this for a moment because the Commandment states, You shall not test the Lord your God. It is an interesting Commandment. To me it is a heads up that in seeking God, testing Him is a sure way to fail in finding Him.

People of faith seek God, get to know Him both by what He does do and what He does not do. We have the Bible from ancient times that note people's experiences with God. In modern times we have accounts of near death experiences, experiences with both angels and with God, visions of Mary. What people of faith mostly have is the Spirit working with their own spirit to make the best version of oneself and also be a guide through our personal life.

My advice for those truly interested in God is to seek Him without testing Him. The stories of others' experience (both great and small) are interesting and encouraging. But they don't hold a candle to what one's own story and experiences can be.

I'm not actually an atheist anymore. Somewhere along the line I decided I was being arrogant by having an opinion that God doesn't exist. I don't think religion is necessary for spiritual and emotional harmony, but I do recognize how much it helps a lot of people with that. Some of the seemingly happiest people I've ever met were deeply religious, though I've met some seriously twisted religious people too. I think having rules and guidelines that explain the universe just makes a lot of people a lot more comfortable. From my view it gives them a sense of control over their universe. Order makes more sense to people than chaos.

I just think it doesn't matter how we got here and that what we do and how we comport ourselves while we are alive is what really matters.

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