Religious removal of body parts

They don't say they are children, it's why we call them fetuses and fetal homicide laws are wrong. Anti-abortion BS. Now, open a thread and get back to the OP.

Definition of child
plural children play \ˈchil-drən, -dərn\
:an unborn or recently born person:a female infant

(d) In this section, the term ‘unborn child’ means a child in utero, and the term ‘child in utero’ or ‘child, who is in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.’’.
Open a thread. Link it and I will eat your lunch.

My, you don't like having your hypocrisies exposed. Do you.

The links are already there, leftard.
Open a thread. This is my last response unless you get back to the OP or do so,

I don't need your responses to know my point is made. Your hypocrisy is there for all to see.
Hypocrisy would be allowing for the circumcision of fetuses. That's banned as well. Never said you couldn't kill a child. Plenty of good reasons for that.
Definition of child
plural children play \ˈchil-drən, -dərn\
:an unborn or recently born person:a female infant

(d) In this section, the term ‘unborn child’ means a child in utero, and the term ‘child in utero’ or ‘child, who is in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.’’.
Open a thread. Link it and I will eat your lunch.

My, you don't like having your hypocrisies exposed. Do you.

The links are already there, leftard.
Open a thread. This is my last response unless you get back to the OP or do so,

I don't need your responses to know my point is made. Your hypocrisy is there for all to see.
Hypocrisy would be allowing for the circumcision of fetuses. That's banned as well. Never said you couldn't kill a child. Plenty of good reasons for that.

Do children have a right to not be murdered?
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.
How about you "stop trying to figure out" and get a life
Have a life, and proved cutting the genitals of children should be banned.
Oy vey......No is debating that.
Now, try to get that ban past any lower federal court and you'll be laughed back out into the parking garage.
And DO NOT try that female circumcision thing. That is not religious. It is cultural. And that is why it is banned by law in many countries.
Do try oto keep up..
In fact, go back to whatever hobby you had before you decided to come here and bestow upon us your Woodstock era left wing moon bat views.
Referring to you as a non thinker would be a compliment to you
Save it, troll-boi. You are just jerking your tiny thing while I laugh at you.
Open a thread. Link it and I will eat your lunch.

My, you don't like having your hypocrisies exposed. Do you.

The links are already there, leftard.
Open a thread. This is my last response unless you get back to the OP or do so,

I don't need your responses to know my point is made. Your hypocrisy is there for all to see.
Hypocrisy would be allowing for the circumcision of fetuses. That's banned as well. Never said you couldn't kill a child. Plenty of good reasons for that.

Do children have a right to not be murdered?
No, obviously. Happens every day.
My, you don't like having your hypocrisies exposed. Do you.

The links are already there, leftard.
Open a thread. This is my last response unless you get back to the OP or do so,

I don't need your responses to know my point is made. Your hypocrisy is there for all to see.
Hypocrisy would be allowing for the circumcision of fetuses. That's banned as well. Never said you couldn't kill a child. Plenty of good reasons for that.

Do children have a right to not be murdered?
No, obviously. Happens every day.

Do children have a right to not be "mutilated?"

That happens every day too.
You are in need of a religious education. It would not hurt to get some modern medical information either.

Uncircumcised males develop disease easier than circumcised men. Female partners of uncircumcised men develop cervical cancer at a higher rate.
If you cut off the penis entirely that whole issue goes away, but you don't. Think of how safe women would be then? And that's no justification for allowing a religious reason to cut the genitals of a child, of either sex. Did God make a mistake, giving boys a foreskin?
Ok..I have your number.
I am going to make you my new personal cause.
Every time you post bullshit left wing moon bat hack shit, you'll get used to me firing away at you.
I will make you cry.
What's that you said, troll-boi?
First...The proper spelling is "BOY....
Next, put down the vibrator.
Next, stop watching The View. Whoopie is not a reincarnation of Walter Cronkite.
if you were of half the intelligence of a room temperature IQ special ed student, you'd have figured out this is not a good place for you.
Buttttttt...You're a lib, And you'll keep coming back for more. Hoping you'll get the last word. Or be able to leave the room and slam the door.
So, what's next, cupcake?
What other arrows of wit and wisdom do you have in your quiver?
It takes a true atheist to rely on numbers.
And when's the last time there was a great atheist nation?
The Soviet Union, which had control over half the globe. Even the Zionists sucked their cocks.
The Soviet Union a great atheist nation.
You really are a fuck knob.
It was a great atheist nation, Zionist boy.
Well, at least we know what kind of truly sick mind you have.
This from the one who thinks the world would end without 14 million Jews who are only better than others because of circumcision? What a moron you are, Zionist boy.
I know why you love the Soviet Union...
They prevented circumcision.
Never mind that they have oppressed millions in the Eastern Hemisphere.
You're a sad sack of shit.
He's a member of Super Jews, saving the world from the Gentiles who outnumber them 500 times over.
It takes a true atheist to rely on numbers.
And when's the last time there was a great atheist nation?
The Soviet Union, which had control over half the globe. Even the Zionists sucked their cocks.
The Soviet Union a great atheist nation.
You really are a fuck knob.
It was a great atheist nation, Zionist boy.

Soviets killed quite the number of people, and certainly didn't have such a great standard of living in comparison to the West.
So long as they prevented circumcision.
She's your pal.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.
How about you "stop trying to figure out" and get a life
Have a life, and proved cutting the genitals of children should be banned.
Oy vey......No is debating that.
Now, try to get that ban past any lower federal court and you'll be laughed back out into the parking garage.
And DO NOT try that female circumcision thing. That is not religious. It is cultural. And that is why it is banned by law in many countries.
Do try oto keep up..
In fact, go back to whatever hobby you had before you decided to come here and bestow upon us your Woodstock era left wing moon bat views.
Referring to you as a non thinker would be a compliment to you
Save it, troll-boi. You are just jerking your tiny thing while I laugh at you.
Is THAT all you have? Juvenile insults. Stuff heard in middle school?
Keep it up genius.
Look. I'm major league here. Your playing short season rookie ball.
You are in need of a religious education. It would not hurt to get some modern medical information either.

Uncircumcised males develop disease easier than circumcised men. Female partners of uncircumcised men develop cervical cancer at a higher rate.
If you cut off the penis entirely that whole issue goes away, but you don't. Think of how safe women would be then? And that's no justification for allowing a religious reason to cut the genitals of a child, of either sex. Did God make a mistake, giving boys a foreskin?
Ok..I have your number.
I am going to make you my new personal cause.
Every time you post bullshit left wing moon bat hack shit, you'll get used to me firing away at you.
I will make you cry.
What's that you said, troll-boi?
First...The proper spelling is "BOY....
Next, put down the vibrator.
Next, stop watching The View. Whoopie is not a reincarnation of Walter Cronkite.
if you were of half the intelligence of a room temperature IQ special ed student, you'd have figured out this is not a good place for you.
Buttttttt...You're a lib, And you'll keep coming back for more. Hoping you'll get the last word. Or be able to leave the room and slam the door.
So, what's next, cupcake?
What other arrows of wit and wisdom do you have in your quiver?
I am going to consider posting a 4 second video that may get me a time out. But its so appropriate for the newbie.
tell ya what. I'll let you take a look. Go on you tube.
Search "the way of the gun" shut up quote.
Its 4 seconds. But it fits well for our new friend here.
Open a thread. This is my last response unless you get back to the OP or do so,

I don't need your responses to know my point is made. Your hypocrisy is there for all to see.
Hypocrisy would be allowing for the circumcision of fetuses. That's banned as well. Never said you couldn't kill a child. Plenty of good reasons for that.

Do children have a right to not be murdered?
No, obviously. Happens every day.

Do children have a right to not be "mutilated?"

That happens every day too.
Yes, it does.
The Soviet Union, which had control over half the globe. Even the Zionists sucked their cocks.
The Soviet Union a great atheist nation.
You really are a fuck knob.
It was a great atheist nation, Zionist boy.
Well, at least we know what kind of truly sick mind you have.
This from the one who thinks the world would end without 14 million Jews who are only better than others because of circumcision? What a moron you are, Zionist boy.
I know why you love the Soviet Union...
They prevented circumcision.
Never mind that they have oppressed millions in the Eastern Hemisphere.
You're a sad sack of shit.
Neither loved nor hated them. Just an atheist superpower.
"I'm still trying to figure out how you decided that the foreskin God created was a mistake so therefore it's okay to cut it off?

Maybe this will help. If whatever you cut off still allows you to have children, the purpose of the genitals most think, did it actually matter in the first place? Couldn't anything not related to making babies go no harm no foul?"

From another thread.
How about you "stop trying to figure out" and get a life
Have a life, and proved cutting the genitals of children should be banned.
Oy vey......No is debating that.
Now, try to get that ban past any lower federal court and you'll be laughed back out into the parking garage.
And DO NOT try that female circumcision thing. That is not religious. It is cultural. And that is why it is banned by law in many countries.
Do try oto keep up..
In fact, go back to whatever hobby you had before you decided to come here and bestow upon us your Woodstock era left wing moon bat views.
Referring to you as a non thinker would be a compliment to you
Save it, troll-boi. You are just jerking your tiny thing while I laugh at you.
Is THAT all you have? Juvenile insults. Stuff heard in middle school?
Keep it up genius.
Look. I'm major league here. Your playing short season rookie ball.
She will change goal posts soon.
I think it's her IQ.
She's all Jew hate and sees nothing in context.
How about you "stop trying to figure out" and get a life
Have a life, and proved cutting the genitals of children should be banned.
Oy vey......No is debating that.
Now, try to get that ban past any lower federal court and you'll be laughed back out into the parking garage.
And DO NOT try that female circumcision thing. That is not religious. It is cultural. And that is why it is banned by law in many countries.
Do try oto keep up..
In fact, go back to whatever hobby you had before you decided to come here and bestow upon us your Woodstock era left wing moon bat views.
Referring to you as a non thinker would be a compliment to you
Save it, troll-boi. You are just jerking your tiny thing while I laugh at you.
Is THAT all you have? Juvenile insults. Stuff heard in middle school?
Keep it up genius.
Look. I'm major league here. Your playing short season rookie ball.
She will change goal posts soon.
I think it's her IQ.
She's all Jew hate and sees nothing in context.
The context, but not of this thread, Zionist-boy, is Herzl was wrong.
The Soviet Union a great atheist nation.
You really are a fuck knob.
It was a great atheist nation, Zionist boy.
Well, at least we know what kind of truly sick mind you have.
This from the one who thinks the world would end without 14 million Jews who are only better than others because of circumcision? What a moron you are, Zionist boy.
I know why you love the Soviet Union...
They prevented circumcision.
Never mind that they have oppressed millions in the Eastern Hemisphere.
You're a sad sack of shit.
Neither loved nor hated them. Just an atheist superpower.
You must have loved Attila The Hun...Nazi Germany...Pol Pot.
Have a life, and proved cutting the genitals of children should be banned.
Oy vey......No is debating that.
Now, try to get that ban past any lower federal court and you'll be laughed back out into the parking garage.
And DO NOT try that female circumcision thing. That is not religious. It is cultural. And that is why it is banned by law in many countries.
Do try oto keep up..
In fact, go back to whatever hobby you had before you decided to come here and bestow upon us your Woodstock era left wing moon bat views.
Referring to you as a non thinker would be a compliment to you
Save it, troll-boi. You are just jerking your tiny thing while I laugh at you.
Is THAT all you have? Juvenile insults. Stuff heard in middle school?
Keep it up genius.
Look. I'm major league here. Your playing short season rookie ball.
She will change goal posts soon.
I think it's her IQ.
She's all Jew hate and sees nothing in context.
The context, but not of this thread, Zionist-boy, is Herzl was wrong.
Explain, Arab girl.
Oy vey......No is debating that.
Now, try to get that ban past any lower federal court and you'll be laughed back out into the parking garage.
And DO NOT try that female circumcision thing. That is not religious. It is cultural. And that is why it is banned by law in many countries.
Do try oto keep up..
In fact, go back to whatever hobby you had before you decided to come here and bestow upon us your Woodstock era left wing moon bat views.
Referring to you as a non thinker would be a compliment to you
Save it, troll-boi. You are just jerking your tiny thing while I laugh at you.
Is THAT all you have? Juvenile insults. Stuff heard in middle school?
Keep it up genius.
Look. I'm major league here. Your playing short season rookie ball.
She will change goal posts soon.
I think it's her IQ.
She's all Jew hate and sees nothing in context.
The context, but not of this thread, Zionist-boy, is Herzl was wrong.
Explain, Arab girl.
The modern state of Israel should not exist. Only God can bring that forth upon the earth. The anti-Zionist Jews are correct and you are wrong.
It was a great atheist nation, Zionist boy.
Well, at least we know what kind of truly sick mind you have.
This from the one who thinks the world would end without 14 million Jews who are only better than others because of circumcision? What a moron you are, Zionist boy.
I know why you love the Soviet Union...
They prevented circumcision.
Never mind that they have oppressed millions in the Eastern Hemisphere.
You're a sad sack of shit.
Neither loved nor hated them. Just an atheist superpower.
You must have loved Attila The Hun...Nazi Germany...Pol Pot.
Quite effective, Thought Jews admired that?
Save it, troll-boi. You are just jerking your tiny thing while I laugh at you.
Is THAT all you have? Juvenile insults. Stuff heard in middle school?
Keep it up genius.
Look. I'm major league here. Your playing short season rookie ball.
She will change goal posts soon.
I think it's her IQ.
She's all Jew hate and sees nothing in context.
The context, but not of this thread, Zionist-boy, is Herzl was wrong.
Explain, Arab girl.
The modern state of Israel should not exist. Only God can bring that forth upon the earth. The anti-Zionist Jews are correct and you are wrong.
You are as stupid as the NK.
They use a midrash and the condition of that midrash has already been violated by the Goyim.
Well, at least we know what kind of truly sick mind you have.
This from the one who thinks the world would end without 14 million Jews who are only better than others because of circumcision? What a moron you are, Zionist boy.
I know why you love the Soviet Union...
They prevented circumcision.
Never mind that they have oppressed millions in the Eastern Hemisphere.
You're a sad sack of shit.
Neither loved nor hated them. Just an atheist superpower.
You must have loved Attila The Hun...Nazi Germany...Pol Pot.
Quite effective, Thought Jews admired that?
We judge people by character, not nations by their leaders.
I have met many fine Germans.

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