Religious Tolerance: Church kicks whole family out for supporting their gay daughter

As in you were 100% wrong but refused to admit it.

LOL, this really means a lot to you doesn't it? I posted quickly from my phone in the middle of the day on a break. I later clarified what I meant. That hasn't changed. Churches and or clergy have never nor will they ever be forced to marry a couple.

You said something that was wrong. You claim that a clarification of your post, which effectively contradicts what you wrote, clears it up. Is your name Edwards?

No I didn't. Plasma was talking about churches being sued into marrying people. The context was clear even before my clarifying statements. You're just being an ass to be an ass. I guess you think it works as a debate style.

Churches will never be forced to marry a couple in the US.
I'll give you a better hint, they never rejected them.

As church leaders. Why did the Mormons suddenly change their mind in 1978? It wasn't because of legislation...

Churches will adapt or die.

It wasn't sudden either, but keep lying, it makes you side look intelligent and thoughtful.

I Believe; that Satan has a hold of you

I Believe; that the Lord, God, has sent me here

And I Believe; that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people!

You can be a Mormon

A Mormon who just believes!


The Mormons caved to public pressure...just like churches will with "the gheys"...
As church leaders. Why did the Mormons suddenly change their mind in 1978? It wasn't because of legislation...

Churches will adapt or die.

It wasn't sudden either, but keep lying, it makes you side look intelligent and thoughtful.

I Believe; that Satan has a hold of you

I Believe; that the Lord, God, has sent me here

And I Believe; that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people!

You can be a Mormon

A Mormon who just believes!


The Mormons caved to public pressure...just like churches will with "the gheys"...

I get my history from history texts, not Broadway plays. The history books tell me that the Mormon Church has always been in favor of civil rights for blacks, and that they condemned slavery. If you weren't full of hate you wouldn't have a problem admitting that.
Even to a atheist, there is something off- kilter with homosexuality. Intellectually, morally, abstractly it's no one's business and it shouldn’t matter. But it does. Big time…My question would be: WHY is Homosexuality an issue NOW? Who is making IT an ISSUE and WHY now?
It wasn't sudden either, but keep lying, it makes you side look intelligent and thoughtful.

I Believe; that Satan has a hold of you

I Believe; that the Lord, God, has sent me here

And I Believe; that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people!

You can be a Mormon

A Mormon who just believes!


The Mormons caved to public pressure...just like churches will with "the gheys"...

I get my history from history texts, not Broadway plays. The history books tell me that the Mormon Church has always been in favor of civil rights for blacks, and that they condemned slavery. If you weren't full of hate you wouldn't have a problem admitting that.

And still they didn't allow black leaders until they caved to public pressure...which is my point no matter how you try to distract from it with meaningless drivel.

Churches will do the same with gays.
Even to a atheist, there is something off- kilter with homosexuality. Intellectually, morally, abstractly it's no one's business and it shouldn’t matter. But it does. Big time…My question would be: WHY is Homosexuality an issue NOW? Who is making IT an ISSUE and WHY now?

So, when would be the best time in your estimation for gays to fight for their equality? Got a date and time in mind?

Why not now?
When I was in high school integration had just started. Before that the black elementary and high school were on the other side of town. We would play their teams in sports and always win because their coaching, support, field, training and equipment was "separate but equal", yeah right, it was inferior.
And when we would go to the Dairy Queen to hang out the blacks would always wait until the whites got served and then they would get in line. Wrong but just the way things were. They knew their "place" and remained silent.
Then we were integrated and the first day of practice in 9th grade was weird. Not a one of them made a sound in the locker room after equipment draw. After a week of conditioning we started practice, I was on the JV that year. Within another week the talent level pecking order was established! You can not fool anyone with that. We knew and the rest is history. By my senior year arrived we were one and there were only a few that would not accept them, only one starter on the entire team. When we went to Dairy Queen we would let them get in FRONT OF THE DAMN LINE, to make our statement. These are our team mates, they are going to get their ice cream FIRST.
And it spread to the entire school, deep south. Half the parents did not like it but we did it.
Gay folks these days are the new *******, folks want them to remain silent and know their place.
Ain't happening folks. Us old straight folks that crossed the lines many a year ago are lined up to fight for them. Get used to it.
Gay folks these days are the new *******, folks want them to remain silent and know their place.
Ain't happening folks. Us old straight folks that crossed the lines many a year ago are lined up to fight for them. Get used to it.
Speak for yourself.........

I was also in the forefront during that era and fought for equality of black people in my school and team.

But comparing the black struggle for racial equality with the gays demanding that fudge packing be considered normal is demeaning to black people. .. :cool:
Even to a atheist, there is something off- kilter with homosexuality. Intellectually, morally, abstractly it's no one's business and it shouldn’t matter. But it does. Big time…My question would be: WHY is Homosexuality an issue NOW? Who is making IT an ISSUE and WHY now?

If we don't uphold each other's rights on a daily basis we lose our own. We have an obligation to others to ensure that they have the same rights that we do. We don't get to decide that the denial of someone else's rights can continue until it is convenient to ourselves to address it. We the People must stand up for the rights of others whenever and wherever it happens. And yes, even more so when it is something that we personally might not agree with. I stood up for the rights of racists to speak out even though what they were saying was abhorrent to me personally. I have stood up for the rights of Muslims to be free from discrimination and to practice their religion in peace. Their rights are no different to mine. Gays have the same rights as everyone else. I will stand up for their rights here and now and keep on doing so until they have full equality nationwide. That is my duty to all Americans regardless of their race, gender, creed or sexual orientation. And yes, like you, Mary, I too am an Atheist.
Gay folks these days are the new *******, folks want them to remain silent and know their place.
Ain't happening folks. Us old straight folks that crossed the lines many a year ago are lined up to fight for them. Get used to it.
Speak for yourself.........

I was also in the forefront during that era and fought for equality of black people in my school and team.

But comparing the black struggle for racial equality with the gays demanding that fudge packing be considered normal is demeaning to black people. .. :cool:

Sunni, had lunch with a former team mate of mine last week. He is a Sunni Muslim just like you.
And he disagrees with me just like you do.
But he does not call it the derogatory names like you do. His brother is gay, his mother is still Christian and his family is from rural Georgia and many of them discriminate against him because he is a Muslim. Most all blacks that I know in rural areas of Georgia do not care for you Muslim folk. I have no problems with you Muslims. We ate one of my favorite restaurants last week, a fish place near the Atlanta air port!
I fight discrimination against you folks and all folks. Many despise Muslims now, I don't.
Same as gay folks.
Gay folks these days are the new *******, folks want them to remain silent and know their place.
Ain't happening folks. Us old straight folks that crossed the lines many a year ago are lined up to fight for them. Get used to it.
Speak for yourself.........

I was also in the forefront during that era and fought for equality of black people in my school and team.

But comparing the black struggle for racial equality with the gays demanding that fudge packing be considered normal is demeaning to black people. .. :cool:

Sunni, had lunch with a former team mate of mine last week. He is a Sunni Muslim just like you.
And he disagrees with me just like you do.
But he does not call it the derogatory names like you do. His brother is gay, his mother is still Christian and his family is from rural Georgia and many of them discriminate against him because he is a Muslim. Most all blacks that I know in rural areas of Georgia do not care for you Muslim folk. I have no problems with you Muslims. We ate one of my favorite restaurants last week, a fish place near the Atlanta air port!
I fight discrimination against you folks and all folks. Many despise Muslims now, I don't.
Same as gay folks.

From my own experience every family has at least one gay relative even if they refuse to acknowledge them. Thanks for fighting against discrimination of all kinds.
I Believe; that Satan has a hold of you

I Believe; that the Lord, God, has sent me here

And I Believe; that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people!

You can be a Mormon

A Mormon who just believes!


The Mormons caved to public pressure...just like churches will with "the gheys"...

I get my history from history texts, not Broadway plays. The history books tell me that the Mormon Church has always been in favor of civil rights for blacks, and that they condemned slavery. If you weren't full of hate you wouldn't have a problem admitting that.

And still they didn't allow black leaders until they caved to public pressure...which is my point no matter how you try to distract from it with meaningless drivel.

Churches will do the same with gays.

The fact that the church had debated allowing blacks into the priesthood since Joseph Smith first said it was impossible proves they caved to public pressure?

No wonder you think lying, getting caught, and then denying you said something makes you right, you live in an alternate universe.
When I was in high school integration had just started. Before that the black elementary and high school were on the other side of town. We would play their teams in sports and always win because their coaching, support, field, training and equipment was "separate but equal", yeah right, it was inferior.
And when we would go to the Dairy Queen to hang out the blacks would always wait until the whites got served and then they would get in line. Wrong but just the way things were. They knew their "place" and remained silent.
Then we were integrated and the first day of practice in 9th grade was weird. Not a one of them made a sound in the locker room after equipment draw. After a week of conditioning we started practice, I was on the JV that year. Within another week the talent level pecking order was established! You can not fool anyone with that. We knew and the rest is history. By my senior year arrived we were one and there were only a few that would not accept them, only one starter on the entire team. When we went to Dairy Queen we would let them get in FRONT OF THE DAMN LINE, to make our statement. These are our team mates, they are going to get their ice cream FIRST.
And it spread to the entire school, deep south. Half the parents did not like it but we did it.
Gay folks these days are the new *******, folks want them to remain silent and know their place.
Ain't happening folks. Us old straight folks that crossed the lines many a year ago are lined up to fight for them. Get used to it.

Your bigotry is showing again.

The conditions you are talking about were enforced by threat of violence by the government. Until you accept that, and stop demanding that the government once again use threat of violence to enforce your views on others, you will remain no better than any other member of the KKK.
Even to a atheist, there is something off- kilter with homosexuality. Intellectually, morally, abstractly it's no one's business and it shouldn’t matter. But it does. Big time…My question would be: WHY is Homosexuality an issue NOW? Who is making IT an ISSUE and WHY now?

If we don't uphold each other's rights on a daily basis we lose our own. We have an obligation to others to ensure that they have the same rights that we do. We don't get to decide that the denial of someone else's rights can continue until it is convenient to ourselves to address it. We the People must stand up for the rights of others whenever and wherever it happens. And yes, even more so when it is something that we personally might not agree with. I stood up for the rights of racists to speak out even though what they were saying was abhorrent to me personally. I have stood up for the rights of Muslims to be free from discrimination and to practice their religion in peace. Their rights are no different to mine. Gays have the same rights as everyone else. I will stand up for their rights here and now and keep on doing so until they have full equality nationwide. That is my duty to all Americans regardless of their race, gender, creed or sexual orientation. And yes, like you, Mary, I too am an Atheist.

You cannot uphold rights by having the government take away rights.If you truly believed in rights you would oppose the inherent violence used by the government to accomplish anything, and you would work to end it. Until you do that, you are lying to yourself, and no different than the KKK.
I get my history from history texts, not Broadway plays. The history books tell me that the Mormon Church has always been in favor of civil rights for blacks, and that they condemned slavery. If you weren't full of hate you wouldn't have a problem admitting that.

And still they didn't allow black leaders until they caved to public pressure...which is my point no matter how you try to distract from it with meaningless drivel.

Churches will do the same with gays.

The fact that the church had debated allowing blacks into the priesthood since Joseph Smith first said it was impossible proves they caved to public pressure?

No wonder you think lying, getting caught, and then denying you said something makes you right, you live in an alternate universe.

And still they weren't allowed until 1978. They changed because of public pressure just like churches will with gays.
And still they didn't allow black leaders until they caved to public pressure...which is my point no matter how you try to distract from it with meaningless drivel.

Churches will do the same with gays.

The fact that the church had debated allowing blacks into the priesthood since Joseph Smith first said it was impossible proves they caved to public pressure?

No wonder you think lying, getting caught, and then denying you said something makes you right, you live in an alternate universe.

And still they weren't allowed until 1978. They changed because of public pressure just like churches will with gays.

I think Mormons have a lot to answer for over the years, but this isn't one of them. Get over your delusional hatred.
When I was in high school integration had just started. Before that the black elementary and high school were on the other side of town. We would play their teams in sports and always win because their coaching, support, field, training and equipment was "separate but equal", yeah right, it was inferior.
And when we would go to the Dairy Queen to hang out the blacks would always wait until the whites got served and then they would get in line. Wrong but just the way things were. They knew their "place" and remained silent.
Then we were integrated and the first day of practice in 9th grade was weird. Not a one of them made a sound in the locker room after equipment draw. After a week of conditioning we started practice, I was on the JV that year. Within another week the talent level pecking order was established! You can not fool anyone with that. We knew and the rest is history. By my senior year arrived we were one and there were only a few that would not accept them, only one starter on the entire team. When we went to Dairy Queen we would let them get in FRONT OF THE DAMN LINE, to make our statement. These are our team mates, they are going to get their ice cream FIRST.
And it spread to the entire school, deep south. Half the parents did not like it but we did it.
Gay folks these days are the new *******, folks want them to remain silent and know their place.
Ain't happening folks. Us old straight folks that crossed the lines many a year ago are lined up to fight for them. Get used to it.

Your bigotry is showing again.

The conditions you are talking about were enforced by threat of violence by the government. Until you accept that, and stop demanding that the government once again use threat of violence to enforce your views on others, you will remain no better than any other member of the KKK.

If I am a bigot for a life time of fighting for the rights of everyone in your eyes then I am one damn proud bigot.
You are talking out of your ass again.
My father went into southern high schools in the 60s that refused to allow blacks to take the SAT. He worked for the College Entrance Examination Board. They told the principals of those high schools in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi that if blacks could not take the SAT then NO ONE would be allowed to take it. Many a KKK rally happened outside the high schools Dad was in all over the south.
Look it up.
I grew up hearing "****** lover" all through middle and high school because of what our family believed in and did.
We walked the walk, you talk the talk. Add in my Quaker background with the Terhunes, Minards and Walkers we have 350 years of fighting persecution in this country.
You have a Windbag, nothing else.
Even to a atheist, there is something off- kilter with homosexuality. Intellectually, morally, abstractly it's no one's business and it shouldn’t matter. But it does. Big time…My question would be: WHY is Homosexuality an issue NOW? Who is making IT an ISSUE and WHY now?

If we don't uphold each other's rights on a daily basis we lose our own. We have an obligation to others to ensure that they have the same rights that we do. We don't get to decide that the denial of someone else's rights can continue until it is convenient to ourselves to address it. We the People must stand up for the rights of others whenever and wherever it happens. And yes, even more so when it is something that we personally might not agree with. I stood up for the rights of racists to speak out even though what they were saying was abhorrent to me personally. I have stood up for the rights of Muslims to be free from discrimination and to practice their religion in peace. Their rights are no different to mine. Gays have the same rights as everyone else. I will stand up for their rights here and now and keep on doing so until they have full equality nationwide. That is my duty to all Americans regardless of their race, gender, creed or sexual orientation. And yes, like you, Mary, I too am an Atheist.

You cannot uphold rights by having the government take away rights.If you truly believed in rights you would oppose the inherent violence used by the government to accomplish anything, and you would work to end it. Until you do that, you are lying to yourself, and no different than the KKK.

Violence, what violence?
When I was in high school integration had just started. Before that the black elementary and high school were on the other side of town. We would play their teams in sports and always win because their coaching, support, field, training and equipment was "separate but equal", yeah right, it was inferior.
And when we would go to the Dairy Queen to hang out the blacks would always wait until the whites got served and then they would get in line. Wrong but just the way things were. They knew their "place" and remained silent.
Then we were integrated and the first day of practice in 9th grade was weird. Not a one of them made a sound in the locker room after equipment draw. After a week of conditioning we started practice, I was on the JV that year. Within another week the talent level pecking order was established! You can not fool anyone with that. We knew and the rest is history. By my senior year arrived we were one and there were only a few that would not accept them, only one starter on the entire team. When we went to Dairy Queen we would let them get in FRONT OF THE DAMN LINE, to make our statement. These are our team mates, they are going to get their ice cream FIRST.
And it spread to the entire school, deep south. Half the parents did not like it but we did it.
Gay folks these days are the new *******, folks want them to remain silent and know their place.
Ain't happening folks. Us old straight folks that crossed the lines many a year ago are lined up to fight for them. Get used to it.

Your bigotry is showing again.

The conditions you are talking about were enforced by threat of violence by the government. Until you accept that, and stop demanding that the government once again use threat of violence to enforce your views on others, you will remain no better than any other member of the KKK.

If I am a bigot for a life time of fighting for the rights of everyone in your eyes then I am one damn proud bigot.
You are talking out of your ass again.
My father went into southern high schools in the 60s that refused to allow blacks to take the SAT. He worked for the College Entrance Examination Board. They told the principals of those high schools in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi that if blacks could not take the SAT then NO ONE would be allowed to take it. Many a KKK rally happened outside the high schools Dad was in all over the south.
Look it up.
I grew up hearing "****** lover" all through middle and high school because of what our family believed in and did.
We walked the walk, you talk the talk. Add in my Quaker background with the Terhunes, Minards and Walkers we have 350 years of fighting persecution in this country.
You have a Windbag, nothing else.

I don't care about your fake family history, what I care about is the fact that you constantly use the threat of violence to target people who disagree with you. Until you stop using the government to get your way, you are the KKK. If you don't like that, stop using violence.
If we don't uphold each other's rights on a daily basis we lose our own. We have an obligation to others to ensure that they have the same rights that we do. We don't get to decide that the denial of someone else's rights can continue until it is convenient to ourselves to address it. We the People must stand up for the rights of others whenever and wherever it happens. And yes, even more so when it is something that we personally might not agree with. I stood up for the rights of racists to speak out even though what they were saying was abhorrent to me personally. I have stood up for the rights of Muslims to be free from discrimination and to practice their religion in peace. Their rights are no different to mine. Gays have the same rights as everyone else. I will stand up for their rights here and now and keep on doing so until they have full equality nationwide. That is my duty to all Americans regardless of their race, gender, creed or sexual orientation. And yes, like you, Mary, I too am an Atheist.

You cannot uphold rights by having the government take away rights.If you truly believed in rights you would oppose the inherent violence used by the government to accomplish anything, and you would work to end it. Until you do that, you are lying to yourself, and no different than the KKK.

Violence, what violence?

Let me guess, you think armed men showing up and telling other people that disagree with you to do what you want isn't violent.

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