Remdesivir is showing promise as a COVID-19 treatment.........

So why isn't this headline news and why isn't every pharma co. ramping up for mass production? Could it be they like keeping us locked up?

Remdesivir: Covid-19 patients recovering quickly after getting experimental drug
By Maggie Fox, CNN 1 day ago

Covid-19 patients who are getting an experimental drug called remdesivir have been recovering quickly, with most going home in days, STAT News reported Thursday after it obtained a video of a conversation about the trial.

The patients taking part in a clinical trial of the drug have all had severe respiratory symptoms and fever, but were able to leave the hospital after less than a week of treatment, STAT quoted the doctor leading the trial as saying.

"The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We've only had two patients perish," Dr. Kathleen Mullane, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Chicago who is leading the clinical trial, said in the video.

Mullane did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CNN.

The University of Chicago said Mullane's comments constituted partial information.

It's a trial. There's also no control group information either so we don't know how the group that didn't get the drug fared. Even if it is 100% certified as safe and effective tomorrow, the patent belongs to Gilead. You think they're going to just share it to let other companies manufacture it in the name of "ramping up"? It's a small sample size. Not even close to being conclusive.
Who wants to be in the control group that DOES NOT get the new drug?

I have an idea

administer it to trump voters and let libs be the control group

Got nothing to do with it. We don't know the results of giving nothing. Therefore, nothing to compare the results of the drug against. Basic clinical trial knowledge.
For something of this magnitude that threatens to crash the economy and send people into starvation, the government should buy the patents from Gilead or seize them in a taking if they won't sell. Then begin a program of mass production. If the science proves it safe and effective.

It has to go into trial first. Then it has to be manufactured.

The government taking the patent would be a horrible idea. It would likely take longer to manufacture, and would discourage drug development over the long run. Even if it were deemed safe and efficacious today, it wouldn't be available for mass production until the end of the year.

What matters is a vaccine. That won't be ready for mass production until the second half of next year.
The vast majority of those who get infected with this virus have only mild illnesses, from which they recover quickly, if they develop any illness at all, which many do not.

In fact, as testing is expanding, we're learning that there are a lot more people, than previously assumed, who are already infected, and who have not become at all ill from it.

So how do we know that any of the patients who took this drug weren't going to recover just as fast without it?

Because they were in the hospital. When you go into the hospital, it is much more serious.
Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer By JANA WINTER AND SHARON WEINBERGER
Preliminary results from government lab experiments show that the coronavirus does not survive long in high temperatures and high humidity, and is quickly destroyed by sunlight, providing evidence fromcontrolled tests of what scientists believed — but had not yet proved — to be true.
A briefing on the preliminary results, marked for official use only and obtained by Yahoo News, offers hope that summertime may offer conditions less hospitable for the virus, though experts caution it will by no means eliminate, or even necessarily decrease, new cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The results, however, do add an important piece of knowledge that the White House’s science advisers have been seeking as they scramble to respond to the spreading pandemic.

Yes, As it does with most COVID diseases.
Of course Democrats tell us that the best thing to fight COVID-19 is more national debt spending, people closing down their nation, tyranny at all levels, and balling up and hiding under our beds. They haven’t destroyed the economy yet. Almost...hang on just a LITTLE bit longer!
Let's see what happens.

I know that a lot of doctors swear by Hydrochloroquine and a Z-pack and have shown great results. But because Trump recommended it the deranged left are determined to poo-poo its success. Crazy......

Personally, I am getting plenty of exercise, fresh air, and as much sunshine vitamin D as I can.
I drink a gallon of milk a week and milk is fortified with Vitamin D. Thank goodness I'm not lactose intolerant.
They have a pill for that ! Scrip only. Your insurance card please."Doc--I need to refer you to a specialist ! "
All effective treatments are welcome to my mind, but lets not allow TDS to forego adequate options available TODAY.
Let's see what happens. I know that a lot of doctors swear by Hydrochloroquine and a Z-pack and have shown great results. But because Trump recommended it the deranged left are determined to poo-poo its success. Crazy...... Personally, I am getting plenty of exercise, fresh air, and as much sunshine vitamin D as I can.
Some doctors are also getting arrested. Having a president without a medical degree touting a drug that most doctors DON'T see as a "miracle" seems to be getting the greedy among them in trouble.

Feds charge doctor who cited Trump to push hydroxychloroquine 'miracle cure'
Trump never claimed it was a "miracle cure". There are noted virologists who have had great success with it.

Full peer reviewed study has been released by Didier Raoult MD, PhD…. After 6 days 100% of patients treated with HCQ + Azithromycin were virologically cured

No. But he implied that it was. And now, the initial results are proving mixed. Doctors are trying to figure out the correct dosages they can give people without stopping their hearts. Probably pretty important to know when you're treating an infected patient. This is why you have clinical trials, research, and data gathering for months, sometimes even years. So the "cure" doesn't become worse than the disease.
Let's see what happens.

I know that a lot of doctors swear by Hydrochloroquine and a Z-pack and have shown great results. But because Trump recommended it the deranged left are determined to poo-poo its success. Crazy......

Personally, I am getting plenty of exercise, fresh air, and as much sunshine vitamin D as I can.

There are some doctors that are using hydrocholorquine and z packs to treat the disease, but they are having troubles getting the dosage to where it fights the virus, but doesn't stop your heart.

This new drug has far fewer complications to go along with it, and they aren't planning on using it unless a person is admitted to the hospital.

Fewer side effects means it's a better drug by the way.
It's way too early to proclaim this new drug has "far fewer complications" than hydroxychloroquine which has about a 40 year history of use with extremely low risk. You and other Trump haters just want to dismiss this highly effective treatment because it is associated with Trump. Why would anyone want to dismiss ANY treatment that is proving very effective with very little in the way of negative side effects?
Let's see what happens.

I know that a lot of doctors swear by Hydrochloroquine and a Z-pack and have shown great results. But because Trump recommended it the deranged left are determined to poo-poo its success. Crazy......

Personally, I am getting plenty of exercise, fresh air, and as much sunshine vitamin D as I can.

There are some doctors that are using hydrocholorquine and z packs to treat the disease, but they are having troubles getting the dosage to where it fights the virus, but doesn't stop your heart.

This new drug has far fewer complications to go along with it, and they aren't planning on using it unless a person is admitted to the hospital.

Fewer side effects means it's a better drug by the way.
It's way too early to proclaim this new drug has "far fewer complications" than hydroxychloroquine which has about a 40 year history of use with extremely low risk. You and other Trump haters just want to dismiss this highly effective treatment because it is associated with Trump. Why would anyone want to dismiss ANY treatment that is proving very effective with very little in the way of negative side effects?

You don't consider people's heart stopping as a negative? That's really not the way to increase your voting base.
Study of Trump-touted chloroquine for coronavirus stopped due to heart problems, deaths
So why isn't this headline news and why isn't every pharma co. ramping up for mass production? Could it be they like keeping us locked up?

Remdesivir: Covid-19 patients recovering quickly after getting experimental drug
By Maggie Fox, CNN 1 day ago

Covid-19 patients who are getting an experimental drug called remdesivir have been recovering quickly, with most going home in days, STAT News reported Thursday after it obtained a video of a conversation about the trial.

The patients taking part in a clinical trial of the drug have all had severe respiratory symptoms and fever, but were able to leave the hospital after less than a week of treatment, STAT quoted the doctor leading the trial as saying.

"The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We've only had two patients perish," Dr. Kathleen Mullane, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Chicago who is leading the clinical trial, said in the video.

Mullane did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CNN.

The University of Chicago said Mullane's comments constituted partial information.

It's a trial. There's also no control group information either so we don't know how the group that didn't get the drug fared. Even if it is 100% certified as safe and effective tomorrow, the patent belongs to Gilead. You think they're going to just share it to let other companies manufacture it in the name of "ramping up"? It's a small sample size. Not even close to being conclusive.
Who wants to be in the control group that DOES NOT get the new drug?

I have an idea

administer it to trump voters and let libs be the control group

Got nothing to do with it. We don't know the results of giving nothing. Therefore, nothing to compare the results of the drug against. Basic clinical trial knowledge.
We can find out

take 100 people near death

50 trump voters and 50 lib trump haters

give the new drug to trump voters and nothing to the trump haters

then record who lives and who dies
I haven’t heard Trump mention hydroxychloroquine in days.

That's because the initial reviews are coming back as mixed. While still positive, doctors are finding that the dosage levels are so high, they may stop people's heart. Kind of a non-starter. This is why you have clinical trials, research, data gathering and an approval process. Not a miracle cure to tout to enhance the guy in the White House's chance for re-election. Reality. Something that Trump supporters are about to get very familiar with.
We can find out

take 100 people near death

50 trump voters and 50 lib trump haters

give the new drug to trump voters and nothing to the trump haters

then record who lives and who dies

You're probably just being snarky, but then again, this almost seems like a perfect example to demonstrate why those of you on the left wrong are so prone to claiming that “science” supports your side, but then getting the science all wrong, or even disregarding it completely.

There is indeed an accepted scientific protocol for administering a drug to a group of patients, and administering a placebo to another group of patients, in order to test the effectiveness of the drug. Your posting seems to indicate that you have no grasp of the necessary protocols or the reasons behind them, or even an understanding of why the protocol that you propose would only produce entirely invalid findings.

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