Remember, as always Donald Trump will prove that he was Correct once again!

Nothing dehumanizing in that quote. When did he call anyone a "maggot", "subhuman", etc? Not sure if you know what the word "dehumanizing" means?
As a proud supporter of the police, first responders, our military and our President Donald Trump I once again say that this corrupt, cowardly, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, must be defeated.
We as America First supporters of President Trump need to adopt the massive, nonviolent, peaceful and courageous protest methods of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have to reach deep down in our souls and find the courage to call out, and throw out all of those corrupt or complacent RINO and Democrat politicians that are selling our country out. If we truly love our grandchildren and want to save our Republic for them, we will sacrifice our comfortable lives and get active like never before. I know I could never live with myself if we lose this country to a globalist, Communist, tyrannical Democrat party. Trump/Lake 2024???? “Our most powerful nonviolent weapon is . . . Organization, people must be organized to work together in units of power.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. If we can reach just ten percent of the population, we can begin to reach a tipping point; that’s where true social movements take place - it’s a numbers game. And when you reach that number, the truth becomes obvious and empires of injustice crumble and fall. And whether or not you agree or disagree with what President Trump did or did not do, abandoning him now will only give way to the alternative which will end up destroying America as is the plan and we cannot allow that.
While I believe a VETO would have been a better strategy, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. I personally believe though that his intentions were honorable and he did it for a stronger military to keep America safe. But with the continued funding to sanctuary cities, his stance on that issue might now have no legs to stand on along with the funding for Planned Parenthood to continue murdering babies and selling their body parts.
Keep in mind my fellow patriots before you throw down the towel, the Democrats held our military hostage in order to expand their evil agenda. So keep the faith my friends, Remember as always before Donald Trump will eventually be proven right again.

Trump educated.jpg
Nothing dehumanizing in that quote. When did he call anyone a "maggot", "subhuman", etc? Not sure if you know what the word "dehumanizing" means?

Of course I know what it means .

Of course I know what it means .

That isn't dehumanizing...he is recognizing their humanity by calling them "people". That quote could be classified as conniving, to be fair..
It's not dehumanizing.
As a proud supporter of the police, first responders, our military and our President Donald Trump I once again say that this corrupt, cowardly, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, must be defeated.
Supporter of the police? What about the more than 140 police officers injured during Trump's insurrection while he sat on his ass and watched for over three hours?

Supporter of the military? What about POWs? Trump only likes people who weren't captured.

Corruption? What about Trump stealing from cancer kids and the elderly? What about Trump removing sanctions from ZTE so China would give $500 million toward a project in Indonesia benefitting Trump, and his daughter being fast-tracked for trademarks in China? What about Trump refusing to sanction Saudi Arabia and selling $8 billion of arms to the Saudis with his son-in-law getting $2 billion in kickbacks?

Cowardly? Trump campaigned on his catch-phrase, "You're fired!" and yet he never once fired anyone to their face while he was president.

Liberal? How about those far left protectionist tariffs of Trump's which increased our trade deficit with China to record levels?

Progressive? How about the $8 trillion of debt by Trump in half the time it took Obama?

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