Remember, as always Donald Trump will prove that he was Correct once again!

/----/ Governors shut down their state economies, Trump wanted to reopen them early, but Gov's said NOPE. And you already knew this.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A growing number of governors ordered a partial shut down of their state economies Monday to limit the spread of the coronavirus, mandating that certain retailers cutoff sales, restaurants kick out diners and fitness centers close their doors.

In other states, governors deferred those decisions to mayors and other local officials who went even further. Six counties in the San Francisco Bay area ordered nearly 7 million residents to stay inside, allowing them to venture out only for necessities during a three-week period starting Tuesday.

“This disease is a challenge unlike any we’ve experienced in our lifetimes,” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Monday as she issued a ban on dining in at restaurants and followed several other governors in closing bars, movie theaters and gyms. “Fighting it will cause significant but temporary changes to our daily lives. ... This is about saving lives.”
And who declared the national health emergency that allowed them to do as such?
And who declared the national health emergency that allowed them to do as such?
/------/ Trump wanted to call the shots, but governors fought back, declaring state's rights.
In the United States, while the federal government wields enormous emergency authorities, the power to regulate public safety and health rests with state and local authorities. This is known as police power, and legal experts say it has expanded exponentially in recent decades as governors have acquired additional emergency authorities. The COVID-19 outbreak led to a muscular use of these broad powers. All 50 state governors nearly simultaneously declared states of emergency, shutting down businesses and schools, imposing travel restrictions and implementing other social distancing measures.
As a proud supporter of the police, first responders, our military and our President Donald Trump I once again say that this corrupt, cowardly, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, must be defeated.
We as America First supporters of President Trump need to adopt the massive, nonviolent, peaceful and courageous protest methods of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have to reach deep down in our souls and find the courage to call out, and throw out all of those corrupt or complacent RINO and Democrat politicians that are selling our country out. If we truly love our grandchildren and want to save our Republic for them, we will sacrifice our comfortable lives and get active like never before. I know I could never live with myself if we lose this country to a globalist, Communist, tyrannical Democrat party. Trump/Lake 2024???? “Our most powerful nonviolent weapon is . . . Organization, people must be organized to work together in units of power.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. If we can reach just ten percent of the population, we can begin to reach a tipping point; that’s where true social movements take place - it’s a numbers game. And when you reach that number, the truth becomes obvious and empires of injustice crumble and fall. And whether or not you agree or disagree with what President Trump did or did not do, abandoning him now will only give way to the alternative which will end up destroying America as is the plan and we cannot allow that.
While I believe a VETO would have been a better strategy, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. I personally believe though that his intentions were honorable and he did it for a stronger military to keep America safe. But with the continued funding to sanctuary cities, his stance on that issue might now have no legs to stand on along with the funding for Planned Parenthood to continue murdering babies and selling their body parts.
Keep in mind my fellow patriots before you throw down the towel, the Democrats held our military hostage in order to expand their evil agenda. So keep the faith my friends, Remember as always before Donald Trump will eventually be proven right again.
Hilarious post…..a cult Humper
And who declared the national health emergency that allowed them to do as such?
/——/ The governors claimed states rights and set their own shutdown rules. Why are you giving them a pass? Besides, Trump wanted to end the shutdown earlier, and Blue sates said no.
/——/ The governors claimed states rights and set their own shutdown rules. Why are you giving them a pass? Besides, Trump wanted to end the shutdown earlier, and Blue sates said no.

Trump extends virus guidelines, braces US for big death toll​

AP News › article › public-health-donald-trum...

Mar 29, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — Bracing the nation for a coronavirus death toll that could exceed 100,000 people, President Donald Trump extended ..

Bracing the nation for a coronavirus death toll that could exceed 100,000 people, President Donald Trump extended restrictive social distancing guidelines through April, bowing to public health experts who presented him with even more dire projections for the expanding coronavirus pandemic.

It was a stark shift in tone by the Republican president, who only days ago mused about the country reopening in a few weeks. From the Rose Garden, he said his Easter revival hopes had only been “aspirational.”

The initial 15-day period of social distancing urged by the federal government expires Monday, and Trump had expressed interest in relaxing the national guidelines at least in parts of the country less afflicted by the pandemic. He instead decided to extend them through April 30, a tacit acknowledgment he’d been too optimistic.
As a proud supporter of the police, first responders, our military and our President Donald Trump I once again say that this corrupt, cowardly, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, must be defeated.
We as America First supporters of President Trump need to adopt the massive, nonviolent, peaceful and courageous protest methods of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have to reach deep down in our souls and find the courage to call out, and throw out all of those corrupt or complacent RINO and Democrat politicians that are selling our country out. If we truly love our grandchildren and want to save our Republic for them, we will sacrifice our comfortable lives and get active like never before. I know I could never live with myself if we lose this country to a globalist, Communist, tyrannical Democrat party. Trump/Lake 2024???? “Our most powerful nonviolent weapon is . . . Organization, people must be organized to work together in units of power.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. If we can reach just ten percent of the population, we can begin to reach a tipping point; that’s where true social movements take place - it’s a numbers game. And when you reach that number, the truth becomes obvious and empires of injustice crumble and fall. And whether or not you agree or disagree with what President Trump did or did not do, abandoning him now will only give way to the alternative which will end up destroying America as is the plan and we cannot allow that.
While I believe a VETO would have been a better strategy, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. I personally believe though that his intentions were honorable and he did it for a stronger military to keep America safe. But with the continued funding to sanctuary cities, his stance on that issue might now have no legs to stand on along with the funding for Planned Parenthood to continue murdering babies and selling their body parts.
Keep in mind my fellow patriots before you throw down the towel, the Democrats held our military hostage in order to expand their evil agenda. So keep the faith my friends, Remember as always before Donald Trump will eventually be proven right again.

People who say they're a "proud support of the police" and then will attack the FBI for being corrupt.

Then you attack the corrupt, after saying you support a corrupt person from a corrupt political party.

I mean.... it's like people supporting a sports team. You're not following politics, just a team. Cheer it on, feel good about supporting them. Nothing else.

And when has Trump ever been "proven right"?

I'm guessing there's the monkeys and typewriters thing.... he might get lucky once in a while, but mostly... the things people have said he's been right about were so wrong it was embarrassing.

Trump extends virus guidelines, braces US for big death toll

View attachment 817810
AP News › article › public-health-donald-trum...
Mar 29, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — Bracing the nation for a coronavirus death toll that could exceed 100,000 people, President Donald Trump extended ..

Bracing the nation for a coronavirus death toll that could exceed 100,000 people, President Donald Trump extended restrictive social distancing guidelines through April, bowing to public health experts who presented him with even more dire projections for the expanding coronavirus pandemic.

It was a stark shift in tone by the Republican president, who only days ago mused about the country reopening in a few weeks. From the Rose Garden, he said his Easter revival hopes had only been “aspirational.”

The initial 15-day period of social distancing urged by the federal government expires Monday, and Trump had expressed interest in relaxing the national guidelines at least in parts of the country less afflicted by the pandemic. He instead decided to extend them through April 30, a tacit acknowledgment he’d been too optimistic.
/——/ Thanks for proving my point. Trump wanted to end the restrictions s as bd get the eco moving.
President Donald Trump has defended tweets in which he appeared to endorse protests against stringent lockdown measures in several US states.
At his Friday briefing, he said some measures imposed by Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia had been "too tough".
Earlier, he wrote in a series of tweets: "LIBERATE MINNESOTA", "LIBERATE MICHIGAN" and then "LIBERATE VIRGINIA".
The curbs, which include stay-at-home orders, are needed to slow the spread of coronavirus.
But protesters say they are hurting citizens by limiting movement unreasonably and stifling economic activity.
The three states the Republican president referred to in Friday's tweets are all led by Democratic governors. Mr Trump may be seeking to encourage his political base to protest against Democrats, the BBC's Anthony Zurcher says.—-BBC
People who say they're a "proud support of the police" and then will attack the FBI for being corrupt.

Then you attack the corrupt, after saying you support a corrupt person from a corrupt political party.

I mean.... it's like people supporting a sports team. You're not following politics, just a team. Cheer it on, feel good about supporting them. Nothing else.

And when has Trump ever been "proven right"?

I'm guessing there's the monkeys and typewriters thing.... he might get lucky once in a while, but mostly... the things people have said he's been right about were so wrong it was embarrassing.
/——/ Instead of hyperbole, post some actual facts about your claim.
/——/ Thanks for proving my point. Trump wanted to end the restrictions s as bd get the eco moving.
No he didn't.
From MY link.

Trump was clearly moved by the scenes from New York, particularly hard-hit Elmhurst Hospital in his native Queens.

“I’ve been watching that for the last week on television,” he said. ”Body bags all over, in hallways. I’ve been watching them bring in trailer trucks — freezer trucks, they’re freezer trucks, because they can’t handle the bodies, there are so many of them. This is essentially in my community, in Queens, Queens, New York,” he continued. “I’ve seen things that I’ve never seen before.”

President Donald Trump has defended tweets in which he appeared to endorse protests against stringent lockdown measures in several US states.
At his Friday briefing, he said some measures imposed by Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia had been "too tough".
Earlier, he wrote in a series of tweets: "LIBERATE MINNESOTA", "LIBERATE MICHIGAN" and then "LIBERATE VIRGINIA".
Of course...........Trump was parroting FOX.

April 17 2020
Just after 11:21 am Eastern time on Friday, President Donald Trump posted a trio of tweets endorsing the so-called liberation of a trio of states with Democratic governors from measures they’ve taken to slow the spread of coronavirus.

These posts — which are among the most dangerous of Trump’s tenure — appear to have been inspired by a segment he saw on Fox News minutes earlier.

“LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” Trump began, with two further tweets saying “LIBERATE MICHIGAN” and “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd amendment. It is under siege!”

At 11:19 — two minutes before Trump’s Minnesota tweet — Fox News ran a segment about small groups of right-wing protesters in Minnesota and Virginia who have been agitating for governors there to relax stay-at-home orders so they can resume normal shopping and traveling activities.

The curbs, which include stay-at-home orders, are needed to slow the spread of coronavirus.
But protesters say they are hurting citizens by limiting movement unreasonably and stifling economic activity.
The three states the Republican president referred to in Friday's tweets are all led by Democratic governors. Mr Trump may be seeking to encourage his political base to protest against Democrats, the BBC's Anthony Zurcher says.—-BBC

Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020​

Wikipedia › wiki › Timeline_of_the_CO...

According to figures released by Johns Hopkins University, 58,773 people had died as a result of COVID-19 and there were at least 1,094,068 confirmed cases. 4 ...

Coronavirus: April was death. April was hope. April was cruel.​

Washington Post › 2020 › national

April's coronavirus death toll surpassed the Vietnam War's, and it tested almost everyone, yet Americans found ways to come ... and Lori Rozsa May 2, 2020.


  • 1692691622676.jpeg
    657 bytes · Views: 6
No he didn't.
From MY link.

Trump was clearly moved by the scenes from New York, particularly hard-hit Elmhurst Hospital in his native Queens.

“I’ve been watching that for the last week on television,” he said. ”Body bags all over, in hallways. I’ve been watching them bring in trailer trucks — freezer trucks, they’re freezer trucks, because they can’t handle the bodies, there are so many of them. This is essentially in my community, in Queens, Queens, New York,” he continued. “I’ve seen things that I’ve never seen before.”

Of course...........Trump was parroting FOX.

April 17 2020
Just after 11:21 am Eastern time on Friday, President Donald Trump posted a trio of tweets endorsing the so-called liberation of a trio of states with Democratic governors from measures they’ve taken to slow the spread of coronavirus.

These posts — which are among the most dangerous of Trump’s tenure — appear to have been inspired by a segment he saw on Fox News minutes earlier.

“LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” Trump began, with two further tweets saying “LIBERATE MICHIGAN” and “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd amendment. It is under siege!”

At 11:19 — two minutes before Trump’s Minnesota tweet — Fox News ran a segment about small groups of right-wing protesters in Minnesota and Virginia who have been agitating for governors there to relax stay-at-home orders so they can resume normal shopping and traveling activities.

Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020

View attachment 817815
Wikipedia › wiki › Timeline_of_the_CO...
According to figures released by Johns Hopkins University, 58,773 people had died as a result of COVID-19 and there were at least 1,094,068 confirmed cases. 4 ...

Coronavirus: April was death. April was hope. April was cruel.

View attachment 817816
Washington Post › 2020 › national
April's coronavirus death toll surpassed the Vietnam War's, and it tested almost everyone, yet Americans found ways to come ... and Lori Rozsa May 2, 2020.

/——/ Trump wanted to end it in early spring, so why did democRAT governors refuse? Why did the shutdowns extend into the Dementia Joe admin?
As a proud supporter of the police, first responders, our military and our President Donald Trump I once again say that this corrupt, cowardly, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, must be defeated.
We as America First supporters of President Trump need to adopt the massive, nonviolent, peaceful and courageous protest methods of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have to reach deep down in our souls and find the courage to call out, and throw out all of those corrupt or complacent RINO and Democrat politicians that are selling our country out. If we truly love our grandchildren and want to save our Republic for them, we will sacrifice our comfortable lives and get active like never before. I know I could never live with myself if we lose this country to a globalist, Communist, tyrannical Democrat party. Trump/Lake 2024???? “Our most powerful nonviolent weapon is . . . Organization, people must be organized to work together in units of power.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. If we can reach just ten percent of the population, we can begin to reach a tipping point; that’s where true social movements take place - it’s a numbers game. And when you reach that number, the truth becomes obvious and empires of injustice crumble and fall. And whether or not you agree or disagree with what President Trump did or did not do, abandoning him now will only give way to the alternative which will end up destroying America as is the plan and we cannot allow that.
While I believe a VETO would have been a better strategy, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. I personally believe though that his intentions were honorable and he did it for a stronger military to keep America safe. But with the continued funding to sanctuary cities, his stance on that issue might now have no legs to stand on along with the funding for Planned Parenthood to continue murdering babies and selling their body parts.
Keep in mind my fellow patriots before you throw down the towel, the Democrats held our military hostage in order to expand their evil agenda. So keep the faith my friends, Remember as always before Donald Trump will eventually be proven right again.
Don't use King with this garbage.
IDK, maybe because people were still DYING?

They didn't.
/------/ NOPE. They spiked while Dementia Joe was licking ice cream cones.

/------/ NOPE. They spiked while Dementia Joe was licking ice cream cones.
View attachment 817843

Of course, you wanted Biden to institute mandatory vaccinations.
At least when leading a horse to water, you have a chance of them drinking the water.
NOT with teabaggers.

"Free" state of Florida No 1 for COVID deaths among ...

Palm Beach Post › story › 2022/11/09
Nov 9, 2022 — Gov. Ron DeSantis' attacks on masks and vaccines during the pandemic helped make Florida the nation's leader in COVID death rates among ...

Despite 80000 deaths, COVID fades as Florida politics issue

Orlando Sentinel › 2022/09/12 › as-de...
Sep 12, 2022 — As the race for governor enters the final stage, COVID has barely played any role in the campaigns.

For red and blue America, a glaring divide in COVID-19 death ...

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Health › story
Mar 28, 2022 — Cumulative death rates in red states were 38% higher than in blue states, post-vaccination availability, data shows.

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