Remember folks when you read this ...THERE WERE NEVER NEVER any WMDs!!!

VI 9995827 regarding NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Why did the Slimes do an article then?...They HATED BUSH, and now they acquit him of all these false charges!

ISIS Likely Captured Iraqi Chemical Weapons New York Times Confirms

The New York Times in 2002 2003 was a steno pad for the Bush Cheney drive for war. You are nuts if you truly believe what you wrote. Judith Miller ring a bell?

VI 9995827 regarding NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
...England, France and Germany ALL HAD their intelligence networks saying there was WMD...

Germany and France did not say that after the 1441 UN inspections were resumed. The French were adamant about continuing the inspection process which had found no evidence of any active WMD programs and or stockpiles of weapons. Bush lied on March 17 2003 that he had intelligence knowing where these stockpiles were.

It is obvious that old 1970's shells buried 20 years earlier after the war with Iran are not what Bush was eluding to. Rove knows that but Limbaugh doesn't.

VI 9995827 regarding NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
They are STILL finding the WMD in Iraq to this day, you FOOL!

No they aren't. The NYTimes explains exactly why they have not.

Read what you cite *Vigilante. That would be the first step in your recovery from being a Bush-Duped-Fool.

This is the lie by Bush when he announced he was starting a ground invasion into Iraq:

Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised

Here's a peon that never got over his BDS....BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, .....Want me to post Bill Clitoris's Youtube about Saddam and WMD?... You :ahole-1: commies/socialists just NEVER give up, and NOW you are really laughed at after the SOCIALIST N.Y.Slimes says there were plenty of WMD... The entertainment is starting to turn into guffaws:banana:!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
VI 9998645 regarding NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Here's a peon that never got over his BDS....BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, .....Want me to post Bill Clitoris's Youtube about Saddam and WMD?... You :ahole-1: commies/socialists just NEVER give up, and NOW you are really laughed at after the SOCIALIST N.Y.Slimes says there were plenty of WMD... The entertainment is starting to turn into guffaws:banana:!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Excellent display of just another foulmouthed ditto head who cannot put up a coherent defense of the Limbaugh mindless rant that he posted.

Go ahead post President Clinton's words on Saddam Hussein. Nothing you post can explain why Bush 43 wrote in late 2010 his admission that the WMD he claimed was hidden there was not ever found. Bush sent 4484 Americans to their deaths to find and secure WMD that was not there. At least Bush says he is sickened by that reality. That is morally preferable to those who falsely contend that Bush is wrong and they know better. But why is *Vigilante running away from Bush's admission on the WMD matter before us? Why? Why? Why?
VI 9998645 regarding NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Here's a peon that never got over his BDS....BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, .....Want me to post Bill Clitoris's Youtube about Saddam and WMD?... You :ahole-1: commies/socialists just NEVER give up, and NOW you are really laughed at after the SOCIALIST N.Y.Slimes says there were plenty of WMD... The entertainment is starting to turn into guffaws:banana:!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Excellent display of just another foulmouthed ditto head who cannot put up a coherent defense of the Limbaugh mindless rant that he posted.

Go ahead post President Clinton's words on Saddam Hussein. Nothing you post can explain why Bush 43 wrote in late 2010 his admission that the WMD he claimed was hidden there was not ever found. Bush sent 4484 Americans to their deaths to find and secure WMD that was not there. At least Bush says he is sickened by that reality. That is morally preferable to those who falsely contend that Bush is wrong and they know better. But why is *Vigilante running away from Bush's admission on the WMD matter before us? Why? Why? Why?

Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered and soon something else would happen and those would be forgotten, such as with the current CORRUPT president with Fast and Furious, Benghazi, our Marine in Mexico, and the THOUSANDS of little Central American invaders that are STILL coming in.

I know that BDS has got you by the throat, but sonny, let it go and you'll start to feel better about yourself, and NOT look like the fool you are!
VI 9998645 regarding NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Here's a peon that never got over his BDS....BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, .....Want me to post Bill Clitoris's Youtube about Saddam and WMD?... You :ahole-1: commies/socialists just NEVER give up, and NOW you are really laughed at after the SOCIALIST N.Y.Slimes says there were plenty of WMD... The entertainment is starting to turn into guffaws:banana:!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Excellent display of just another foulmouthed ditto head who cannot put up a coherent defense of the Limbaugh mindless rant that he posted.

Go ahead post President Clinton's words on Saddam Hussein. Nothing you post can explain why Bush 43 wrote in late 2010 his admission that the WMD he claimed was hidden there was not ever found. Bush sent 4484 Americans to their deaths to find and secure WMD that was not there. At least Bush says he is sickened by that reality. That is morally preferable to those who falsely contend that Bush is wrong and they know better. But why is *Vigilante running away from Bush's admission on the WMD matter before us? Why? Why? Why?

Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered and soon something else would happen and those would be forgotten, such as with the current CORRUPT president with Fast and Furious, Benghazi, our Marine in Mexico, and the THOUSANDS of little Central American invaders that are STILL coming in.

I know that BDS has got you by the throat, but sonny, let it go and you'll start to feel better about yourself, and NOT look like the fool you are!
YOU ARE 100% right re Rove!
These idiots like Rove kept kissing MSM butts and to no avail! When you have 85% of ABC,CBS,NBC anchors,executives donating $1 million to democrats these traitors i.e. MSM trash would be stupid to tell the truth about Iraq etc.!
Why would they write/show any stories of a positive nature about IRAQ, Bush when they donated $$ to Obama/Democrats?
I mean when you have the editor of Newsweek saying when Bush was President..

"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way Today Cheers Obama s Football Play

YET this same Editor of NewsWeek Thomas...gushed about Obama.....
"mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek s Evan Thomas Obama Is Sort of God

Is it any wonder the grossly uninformed Bush Basher Obama lovers are so dumb? The MSM wants idiots like these in power and
so they write all sorts of BASHING Bush stories while GUSHING over Obama/Democrats!
I mean how absolutely dumb are Obamatrons/MSM !
Here they have a president THAT wants by his actions Americans to die!
Proof??? Why would Obama say our "military is air raiding villages killing civilians"???? Who did that help? Certainly not our military!
Definitely our enemies. Is it any wonder the war in Iraq was prolonged when traitors like Obama and his uninformed passed on to the terrorists negative perceptions of our military? Murtha.."cold blooded killer"! Kerry "terrorizing kids and children" ! How can ANY sane normal person ever believe that calling our troops civilian killers, terrorists would be helpful? They wouldn't and that's why idiots like Obama and supporters did it!
They wanted our troops to be killed so the terrorists would win! Pretty obvious to anyone with common sense!
During WWII there was a very simple common phrase..."Loose Lips can sink ships"!
Well during Liberation of Iraq we had Members of Congress HELPING the terrorists !
VI 9999277 regarding NF 9999248, VI 9998645, NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered and soon something else would happen and those would be forgotten, such as with the current CORRUPT president with Fast and Furious, Benghazi, our Marine in Mexico, and the THOUSANDS of little Central American invaders that are STILL coming in.

I know that BDS has got you by the throat, but sonny, let it go and you'll start to feel better about yourself, and NOT look like the fool you are!

In my post 9999248 I wrote, "Nothing you post can explain why Bush 43 wrote in late 2010 his admission that the WMD he claimed was hidden there was not ever found." And then you respond in post 9999277 with nothing but what your thoughtless repetition of what you originally cited from your buffoon (Rush Limbaugh), "Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered and soon something else would happen and those would be forgotten... " So what continues to NOT be 'explained' by you is, "why Bush 43 wrote in late 2010 his admission that the WMD he claimed was hidden there was not ever found." So why not the next time attempt to try to actually respond to what I have written in fairly plain English? I saw what Limbaugh says about Rove and the Bush Administration, but the Bush Administration thank god came to an end in 2009. I pointed out Bush's admission came in late 2010. Why would Bush continue to deny that WMD were found in Iraq all the way to the present day? What Bush 43 wrote in his memoir turns Limbaugh's screed that you are so addicted to into nothing but mental rubbish. [/QUOTE]
The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons
  1. MAY 2004 Two soldiers exposed to sarin from a shell near Baghdad’s Yarmouk neighborhood.
  2. SUMMER 2006 Over 2,400 nerve-agent rockets found at this former Republican Guard compound.
  3. JULY 2008 Six Marines exposed to mustard agent from an artillery shell at an abandoned bunker.
  4. AUGUST 2008 Five American soldiers exposed to mustard agent while destroying a weapons cache.
  5. 2010 OR EARLY 2011 Hundreds of mustard rounds discovered in a container at this Iraqi security compound.

That makes two threads on this topic....both misrepresenting the matter. Congrats.

Healthmyths certainly misrepresents the NYT report, but even given that, when we see that list and compare it to Bush's announcement as to why he chose war over peaceful disarmament, it really shows the mental and moral bancruptcy of Healthmyths and those who are applauding his OP.

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. " GW Bush Speech on March 17 2003 telling UN inspectors to get out of Iraq because Bush decided to start a decade long war to take the 'most lethal weapons ever devised' stockpiles away from the Baathist regime in Baghdad.
Last edited:
Ma 9975283
4,000+ young American lives, tens of thousands of lost limbs and minds, thousands of destroyed families over one trillion dollars that we didn't have, and an even more destabilized Middle East. For that? No thanks.

HM 9975319 regarding Ma 9975283
1.2 million children ALIVE today because they weren't starved by Saddam's refusal to admit he DIDN"T have WMDs! And now we know he DID!

If the US invasion of Iraq were purely a humanitarian effort and the matter of securing the WMD stockpiles was not the justification for launching the invasion, then an invasion would never have taken place. Bush would not have decided on war over starved children or drained swamps. What Mac1958 wrote is more astute when there is no actual potential national security threat to the US being involved. Starving children are not a threat. Neither is drained Iraqi swamps. Healthmyth's is reaching for anything thing here because his OP has has been ripped to shreds by facts and truth.
OR 9976677
Bush's own team stated that Iraq had no WMD. So what are you silly asses trying to prove stating otherwise?
NY 9976873
Rightwingers can never admit they were wrong. If they do, they get kicked out of the cult.
Yo 9976945
Nimrod., Please cite examples. Otherwise you are simply full of emotional TV bull stein. ADVANCE THE DEBATE.
NY 9976959
90% of the rightwingers on this board won't admit that Saddam didn't have any WMD's, even though Bush himself admitted it. Read the forum.
Yo 9977493 regarding NY 9976959, Yo 9976945, NY 9976873, OR 9976677
Nimrod, The consensus of the forum is irrelevant. Saddam is documented to have used WMD against the Kurds, and likely some Iranians. I know, I was there, This is basic stuff. You cannot refute this. I disagree with your simpleton descriptions of "right-wingers" as it is inaccurate by all measures. Do some idiots on both sides fail to understand? Of course, because emotion is more powerful than knowledge. Sad.

Regarding Yo 9977493

None of the above and myself were or are arguing that Saddam did not use WMD in the past. You have not been paying attention to the content of this thread.

Actually the power of knowledge is within the first post. It is highlighted in blue. It refutes the entire contention and argument in favor of the OP. Bush wrote in his memoir that he is sickened by the thought that the WMD he claimed was there was not there. Bush wrote it in late 2010. That is far beyond all the presently discussed 'finds' of old rusty chemical shells that were apparently haphazardly buried or piled up alongside tons of conventional shells after the Iraq/Iran war.

You demonstrate your emotional zeal and lack of knowledge by calling others nimrods right off the bat. You are hitting nothing but foul balls. Try to do better on the knowledge part.
VI 9999277 regarding NF 9999248, VI 9998645, NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered and soon something else would happen and those would be forgotten, such as with the current CORRUPT president with Fast and Furious, Benghazi, our Marine in Mexico, and the THOUSANDS of little Central American invaders that are STILL coming in.

I know that BDS has got you by the throat, but sonny, let it go and you'll start to feel better about yourself, and NOT look like the fool you are!

In my post 9999248 I wrote, "Nothing you post can explain why Bush 43 wrote in late 2010 his admission that the WMD he claimed was hidden there was not ever found." And then you respond in post 9999277 with nothing but what your thoughtless repetition of what you originally cited from your buffoon (Rush Limbaugh), "Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered and soon something else would happen and those would be forgotten... " So what continues to NOT be 'explained' by you is, "why Bush 43 wrote in late 2010 his admission that the WMD he claimed was hidden there was not ever found." So why not the next time attempt to try to actually respond to what I have written in fairly plain English? I saw what Limbaugh says about Rove and the Bush Administration, but the Bush Administration thank god came to an end in 2009. I pointed out Bush's admission came in late 2010. Why would Bush continue to deny that WMD were found in Iraq all the way to the present day? What Bush 43 wrote in his memoir turns Limbaugh's screed that you are so addicted to into nothing but mental rubbish.

Fucking Fool, apparently you did NOT understand #403, but more likely, it just doesn't FIT YOU AGENDA....which is it FOOL?....
Ma 9975283
4,000+ young American lives, tens of thousands of lost limbs and minds, thousands of destroyed families over one trillion dollars that we didn't have, and an even more destabilized Middle East. For that? No thanks.

HM 9975319 regarding Ma 9975283
1.2 million children ALIVE today because they weren't starved by Saddam's refusal to admit he DIDN"T have WMDs! And now we know he DID!

If the US invasion of Iraq were purely a humanitarian effort and the matter of securing the WMD stockpiles was not the justification for launching the invasion, then an invasion would never have taken place. Bush would not have decided on war over starved children or drained swamps. What Mac1958 wrote is more astute when there is no actual potential national security threat to the US being involved. Starving children are not a threat. Neither is drained Iraqi swamps. Healthmyth's is reaching for anything thing here because his OP has has been ripped to shreds by facts and truth.
Again... YOU keep forgetting the 1991 Cease Fire as obviously Saddam forgot with the ensuing consequences, i.e. he was deposed!
There were WMDs and Saddam kept insisting there were! Why else would he NOT certify their destruction and save millions of children from starvation!
That's all he had to do and there would NOT have been any reason... Saddam certifies the destruction and that's it!
BUT DID HE certify? NOPE.
He was willing to see 100,000+ kids starve a year rather then admit he had NO WMDs!
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports - New York Times

You idiots keep forgetting that!
I would like to have you idiots that supported Saddam and his acceptance of 100,000+ kids starving a year tell me what would you believe?
Believe Saddam was willing to let 100,000+ kids starve just so he could bluff Iran?
Obviously if a leader is willing to sacrifice 100,000+ kids starving a year to maintain a bluff is that humanitarian?
On the other hand if Saddam was such a "good leader" as you obvious supporters believe, why would he NOT certify the destruction and let kids live?
You can't have it both ways!
Either Saddam KNEW he had WMDs and would NOT certify the destruction so has to keep Iran at bay... or
he KNEW he DIDN'T have WMDs but was willing to let 100,000+ kids a year starve.
Either way any leader that had ignored dozens of sanctions, gassed his own people, destroyed land... are you supporters that myopic that you
look ONLY at the issue there were no WMDs...even though Saddam wouldn't certify their destruction?
VI403 9999277 NF 9999248, VI 9998645, NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered ...

Let's see...*Vigilante's post 403 does not address why Bush in late 2010 was still maintaining that none of the WMD he expected to find in Iraq were found. What on earth does *Vigilante think I don't understand about that.

VI410 10000815 regarding NF 9999943, VI 9999277, NF 9999248, VI 9998645, NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Fucking Fool, apparently you did NOT understand #403, but more likely, it just doesn't FIT YOU AGENDA....which is it FOOL?....

Foulmouth cannot respond to the question. Why in late 2010 it is a fact that Bush was still maintaining that none of the WMD he expected to find in Iraq were found. Why? Why? Why? The Bush Administration was done. There is no political need to perpetuate something that is not true unless it is true. Face it losers, Bush knows there were no chemical weapons found that could be defined as the reason he gave us for deciding to invade Iraq in March 2003. Your Limbaugh hero is all wrong. Bush is right. How's that.
HM 10001227
Either Saddam KNEW he had WMDs and would NOT certify the destruction so has to keep Iran at bay...

What do you mean by "certify the destruction"? UN Resolution did not require that. Iraq needed to let inspectors in and cooperate. Which he did.
HM 10001227
Either Saddam KNEW he had WMDs and would NOT certify the destruction so has to keep Iran at bay...

What do you mean by "certify the destruction"? UN Resolution did not require that. Iraq needed to let inspectors in and cooperate. Which he did.

AGAIN read what Saddam SAID...still wouldn't admit he had no WMDs...

Piro, in his first television interview, relays this and other revelations to 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley this Sunday, Jan. 27,2008, at 7 p.m. ET/PT. Piro spent almost seven months debriefing Saddam in a plan based on winning his confidence by convincing him that Piro was an important envoy who answered to President Bush.
This and being Saddam's sole provider of items like writing materials and toiletries made the toppled Iraqi president open up to Piro, a Lebanese-American and one of the few FBI agents who spoke Arabic.

"He told me he initially miscalculated... President Bush's intentions. He thought the United States would retaliate with the same type of attack as we did in 1998...a four-day aerial attack," says Piro.
"He survived that one and he was willing to accept that type of attack."
"He didn't believe the U.S. would invade?" asks Pelley, "No, not initially," answers Piro.

Once the invasion was certain, says Piro, Saddam asked his generals if they could hold the invaders for two weeks. "And at that point, it would go into what he called the secret war," Piro tells Pelley.
But Piro isn't convinced that the insurgency was Saddam's plan. "Well, he would like to take credit for the insurgency," says Piro.

Saddam still wouldn't admit he had no weapons of mass destruction, even when it was obvious there would be military action against him because of the perception he did. Because, says Piro, "For him, it was critical that he was seen as still the strong, defiant Saddam. He thought that [faking having the weapons] would prevent the Iranians from reinvading Iraq," he tells Pelley.

He also intended and had the wherewithal to restart the weapons program. "[Saddam] still had the engineers. The folks that he needed to reconstitute his program are still there," says Piro. "He wanted to pursue all of WMD?to reconstitute his entire WMD program." This included chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, Piro says.

Interview with FBI agent who interrogated Saddam Archive - AnandTech Forums
VI403 9999277 NF 9999248, VI 9998645, NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Of course it's been explained that the STUPID BUSH ADMINISTRATION had a policy NOT to answer any allegations made against it.... It was idiots like Karl Rove that thought it was better to just let those allegations go unanswered ...

Let's see...*Vigilante's post 403 does not address why Bush in late 2010 was still maintaining that none of the WMD he expected to find in Iraq were found. What on earth does *Vigilante think I don't understand about that.

VI410 10000815 regarding NF 9999943, VI 9999277, NF 9999248, VI 9998645, NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Fucking Fool, apparently you did NOT understand #403, but more likely, it just doesn't FIT YOU AGENDA....which is it FOOL?....

Foulmouth cannot respond to the question. Why in late 2010 it is a fact that Bush was still maintaining that none of the WMD he expected to find in Iraq were found. Why? Why? Why? The Bush Administration was done. There is no political need to perpetuate something that is not true unless it is true. Face it losers, Bush knows there were no chemical weapons found that could be defined as the reason he gave us for deciding to invade Iraq in March 2003. Your Limbaugh hero is all wrong. Bush is right. How's that.

Why, you idiot? I explained that it was Bush policy, formed by Rove, to NOT ANSWER any accusations made against him or his administration, as the think at that time, and if you follow the current crop of FECKLESS Republican's in Congress, still follow the policy, that FIGHTING these accusations only makes them last longer, and the longer IN THE HEADLINES, the MORE the SHEEPLE (that's citizens, because I KNOW you have no idea what that meant) TEND to remember a LONG RUNNING story! THAT is why he said there were no WMD in 2010, simply to take pressure off himself, and undoubtedly the stigma that has been placed on Republican's by fools like you with a conspiratorial press, to do the subversives dirty work!

Now please tell me you haven't the foggiest clue what this means...PLEASE!
HM 10002132 regarding NF 10002106, HM 10001227
AGAIN read what Saddam SAID...still wouldn't admit he had no WMDs...

Interview with FBI agent who interrogated Saddam Archive - AnandTech Forums

Unfortunately for your argument Healthmyths, that non-admission policy by Saddam Hussein officially ended in September 2002 when Iraq's Foreign Minister read a letter during a United Nations General Assembly stating quite clearly that Iraq did not have WMD. The letter was signed by Naji Sabri Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq" on September 16, 2002. It is addressed to Mr. Kofi Annan, The Secretary General of the United Nations Here are some relevant excerpts:

I am pleased to inform you of the decision of the Government of the Republic of Iraq to allow the return of the United Nations weapons inspectors to Iraq without conditions. ... The Government of the Republic of Iraq has based its decision concerning the return of inspectors on its desire to complete the implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and to remove any doubts that Iraq still possesses weapons of mass
destruction .
This decision is also based on your statement to the General Assembly on 12 September 2002 that the decision by the Government of the Republic of Iraq is the indispensable first step towards an assurance that Iraq no longer possesses weapons of mass destruction and, equally importantly, towards a comprehensive solution that
includes the lifting of the sanctions imposed on Iraq and the timely implementation of other provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolution 687(1991). ... To this end, the Government of the Republic of Iraq is ready to discuss the practical arrangements necessary for the immediate resumption of inspections.

Read the full letter here: Confirmation of letters sent by Dr Naji Sabri Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Saddam Hussein - a Freedom of Information request to Foreign and Commonwealth Office - WhatDoTheyKnow

What you have done Healthmyths is get yourself all worked up over the FBI Special Agent Piro's interview with Saddam Hussein after he was captured without looking into the timeline of which SA Piro was discussing. You see the above letter signed by Naji Sabri in September coincides with the Piro report had you bothered to read it. I am posting relevant parts of the Piro Report for you edification on this matter. I have bolded in blue points you need to look at Healthmyths if you wish to be honestly informed about all this. A key point is bolded in red. What you cited Healthmyths was a conversation between Piro and SH regarding his 2000 speech. Bush ordered the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 in case you were not aware of that.

US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Baghdad Operations Center June 11, 2004

Para 1: While engaging SSA George L. Piro in casual conversation, Saddam Hussein providing the following information regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD):

Para 2: [conversation about Saddam’s Speeches]

Para 3: SSA Piro then asked Hussein if he wrote his own speeches and they come from the heart, then what was the meaning of his June 2000 speech. Hussein replied this speech was meant to serve a regional and an operational purpose. Regionally, the speech was meant to respond to Iraq's regional threat. Hussein believed that Iraq could not appear weak to his enemies, especially Iran. Iraq was being threatened by others in the region and must be able to defend himself. Operationally, Hussein was demonstrating Iraq's compliance with the United Nations (UN) in its destruction of its Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

Para 4: [Hussein discusses Iran’s threat to Iraq & other nations in the region are too weak in the face of Iran.]

Para 5: Hussein continued his dialogue on the issues relating to the significant threat to Iraq from Iran. Even though Hussein claimed Iraq didn’t have WMD, the threat from Iran was the major factor as to why he did not allow the return of the UN inspectors. Hussein stated he was more concerned about Iran discovering Iraq’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities than the repercussions of the United States for his refusal to allow UN inspectors back into Iraq. In his opinion, the UN inspectors would have directly identified to the Iranians where to inflict maximum damage to Iraq. [Hussein gives an analogy about the forearm and wrist] Hussein indicated he was angered when the United States struck Iraq in 1998. Hussein stated Iraq could have absorbed another United States strike for he viewed this as less of a threat than exposing themselves to Iran.

Para 6: [discussion about Iran’s weapons capabilities and the war of the cities between Iraq and Iran.]

Para 7: Hussein recognized that Iran continued to develop its weapons capabilities, to include its WMD, while Iraq had lost its weapons capabilities due to the UN inspections and sanctions. Hussein was asked how Iraq would have dealt with the threat from Iran once the UN sanction were lifted. Hussein replied Iraq would have been extremely vulnerable to an attack from Iran, and would have sought a security agreement with the United States to protect it from threats in the region. Hussein felt such an agreement would not only have benefitted Iraq, but its neighbors, such as Saudi Arabia.

SSA Piro agrees that such an agreement would have assisted Iraq immensely. SSA Piro noted due to the history between the two countries, it would have taken some time before the United States would have entered into such an agreement with Iraq.

Para 8: Further, SSA Piro advised Hussein that paragraph 14 of UN Resolution 687 states that the disarming of Iraq was part of a total disarmament of the entire region, however , that portion of resolution was not enforceable. The threat from Iran would have loomed over Iraq, especially as Iran had continued to advance its weapons capabilities. SSA Piro commented that under those circumstances, it would appear that Iraq would have needed to reconstitute its own weapons program in response. Hussein replied that Iraq would have done what was necessary and agree that Iraq’s technical and scientific abilities exceeded others in the region.

Para 9: Hussein commented he allowed the UN inspectors back into Iraq to counter allegations by the British Government. Hussein stated this was a very difficult decision to make, but the British Government had prepared a report containing inaccurate intelligence. It was this inaccurate intelligence on which the United States was making their decisions. However, Hussein admitted that when it was clear that a war with the United States was imminent, he allowed the inspectors back into Iraq in hopes of averting war. Yet, it became clear to him four months before the war that the war was inevitable.

Para 10: Hussein reiterated he had wanted to have a relationship with the United States but was not given the chance, as the United States was not listening to anything Iraq had to say. Further he was concerned about the United States advanced technological capabilities and resources.

Para 11: [talk about evasive actions when Hussein was President]

Para 12: [not WMD related]

Para 13: [not WMD related]

I realize this is quite a bit of reading for you Iraq invasion sympathizers. But its the only way to get the truth on record here.
VI 10002619 regarding NF 10001310, VI403 9999277 NF 9999248, VI 9998645, NF 9996220, VI 9995827, NF 9995788, VI 9994725, NF 9994683, VI 9994488
Why, you idiot? I explained that it was Bush policy, formed by Rove, to NOT ANSWER any accusations made against him or his administration, as the think at that time, and if you follow the current crop of FECKLESS Republican's in Congress, still follow the policy, that FIGHTING these accusations only makes them last longer, and the longer IN THE HEADLINES, the MORE the SHEEPLE (that's citizens, because I KNOW you have no idea what that meant) TEND to remember a LONG RUNNING story! THAT is why he said there were no WMD in 2010, simply to take pressure off himself, and undoubtedly the stigma that has been placed on Republican's by fools like you with a conspiratorial press, to do the subversives dirty work! Now please tell me you haven't the foggiest clue what this means...PLEASE!

I know that what it means is that you cannot accept that Bush in 2010 won't say that the WMD was found because it is the truth to say that the WMD was not found because Bush knows what he meant about WMD when he ordered the US ground invasion into Iraq to find and secure the 'most lethal weapons ever devised' that were supposed to be hidden there.

I see what you are saying about "FIGHTING accusations making them last longer" when one is in the political arena as Bush was prior to 2008. But Bush is out and he says he is sickened every time he thinks about the WMD not being found. I don't see how that being constantly sickened by reality takes pressure off Bush by lying about it in his long lasting memoir. If it makes sense to Limbaugh and you it stands to reason that it does not really make senses at all.
Time lines AFTER Naji Sabri Minister letter submission to the UN on

Was this a lie from Naji Sabri Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq
I am pleased to inform you of the decision of the Government of the Republic of Iraq to allow the return of the United Nations weapons inspectors to Iraq without conditions. ... The Government of the Republic of Iraq has based its decision concerning the return of inspectors on its desire to complete the implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and to remove any doubts that Iraq still possesses weapons of mass destruction."
September 16, 2002 - Iraq agrees unconditionally to the return of inspectors.

September 19, 2002 - Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri delivers a letter to the U.N. from Saddam Hussein stating that Iraq has no chemical, nuclear or biological weapons.

October 1, 2002 - The U.N. and Iraq agree on terms they say are consistent with existing U.N. resolutions. The U.S. threatens to veto unless a U.S. resolution is approved that would allow military action for non-compliance by Iraq.

November 8, 2002 - The U.N. Security Council passes Resolution 1441.

November 13, 2002 - Iraq delivers a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, accepting the terms set forth in resolution 1441.

November 27, 2002 - Inspections resume in Iraq.

December 7, 2002 - Iraq submits a 12,000 page report on its WMD programs.

January 16, 2003 - Inspectors discover 12 chemical warheads, 11 of them empty, at the Ukhaider ammunition storage area.

January 20, 2003 - After two days of negotiation, Hans Blix, Mohamed ElBaradei, and Iraqi officials reach an agreement about Iraqi cooperation and concessions regarding the inspections.

February 5, 2003 - Secretary of State Colin Powell briefs the U.N. Security Council on inspections. He presents evidence that the U.S. says proves Iraq has misled inspectors and hid proscribed weapons and equipment.

February 14, 2003 - Blix and ElBaradei brief the U.N. Security Council. Blix reports that the inspectors have not yet found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Blix also reports that Iraq is in violation of U.N. resolutions concerning its al Samoud 2 missile program.

February 19, 2003 - Inspectors visit the Ibn al Haytham factory northwest of Baghdad and tag 32 al Samoud II missiles.

February 27, 2003 - Iraq agrees to destroy the country's al Samoud II missile stock. However, the letter doesn't specify a date that the missile destruction will begin.

March 10, 2003 - It is revealed that Iraq possesses drone aircraft that could have been used to launch a chemical or biological attack against other countries. The plane has a wingspan of 24ft 5in, which suggests that it could fly further than 150km/93 miles, which is the limit imposed by U.N. resolutions.

March 18, 2003 - Inspectors withdraw from Iraq.
Iraq Weapons Inspections Fast Facts -

So there NEVER was any formal proof from the UN inspectors that Iraq destroyed WMDs as was required by the UN.
Inspectors DID find missiles that were in violation of U.N. resolutions.

Remember... the issue was there any proof to show that Iraq had destroyed all their WMDs? There was NO proof.
Just because there wasn't any WMDs FOUND doesn't mean they were DESTROYED!
Do you understand the gross difference??

Proof is in what Saddam told Piro...which was ....Saddam still wouldn't admit he had no weapons of mass destruction, even when it was obvious there would be military action against him because of the perception he did. Because, says Piro, "For him, it was critical that he was seen as still the strong, defiant Saddam. He thought that [faking having the weapons] would prevent the Iranians from reinvading Iraq," he tells Pelley.

He also intended and had the wherewithal to restart the weapons program. "[Saddam] still had the engineers. The folks that he needed to reconstitute his program are still there," says Piro. "He wanted to pursue all of WMDs to reconstitute his entire WMD program." This included chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, Piro says.

Interview with FBI agent who interrogated Saddam Archive - AnandTech Forums

The Iraqis were told to certify they destroyed their WMDs. They didn't certify.
They simply stated in the letter: to remove any doubts that Iraq still possesses weapons of mass destruction."
There was never a statement saying they destroyed...JUST they didn't POSSESS!!!

Moshe Ya’alon, Israel’s Defense Minister, was Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Force during OIF.
Gen. Ya’alon subsequently said much the same as Gen. Clapper: on the war’s eve,
Saddam “transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria. No one went to Syria to find it.”
That view was echoed by Iraqi general Georges Sada, former Deputy Chief of Saddam’s Air Force.

The New York Times Rediscovers Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq The American Spectator

So knowing you won't read the above but it is for more intelligent rational people, in summary for you:
1) Saddam letter you shared DIDN"T say they destroyed.... said they didn't possess!
2) Saddam would never admit the WMDs were destroyed.
3) Same kind of acceptance of the FACT WMDs weren't found also doesn't mean they weren't moved and that possibility has never been

Suffice to say WMDs that Saddam possessed were not found.
But you and other very narrow minded anti-Americans don't care for the benefits that accrued from the Liberation of Iraq.
Bush lied people died is the ONLY pea brained meme you can come up with...and please tell that to the relatives of the US troops that
died that there WAS NO OTHER benefit that came from the Liberation of Iraq!
Keep blasting away with that solitary ONLY justification you have i.e. WMDs weren't found... but remember one thing..
they may not have been found but there was plenty of proof to indicate there were WMDs produced!
"[Saddam] still had the engineers. The folks that he needed to reconstitute his program are still there," says Piro. "He wanted to pursue all of WMDs to reconstitute his entire WMD program." This included chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, Piro says.


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