Remember January 25, 2019...The Beginning of the End


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.
I fully expect one of these mornings to wake up to the news that Trump has suddenly resigned via twitter. He simply is not receiving enough adulation to suit him anymore.
I fully expect one of these mornings to wake up to the news that Trump has suddenly resigned via twitter. He simply is not receiving enough adulation to suit him anymore.

And the proclaim himself A WINNER!
It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.
1USMBomanbad (copy 1) (copy 1)_edited-3.jpg
It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.
.The Beginning of the End....It sure seems like it to me..
dam you are in bad shape....geezus talk about paranoia....
If, however, a potential dictator had to rely entirely on those whose uncomplicated and primitive instincts happen to be very similar, their number would scarcely give sufficient weight to their endeavours. He will have to increase their numbers by converting more to the same simple creed.

Here comes in the second negative principle of selection: he will be able to obtain the support of all the docile and gullible, who have no strong convictions of their own but are prepared to accept a ready-made system of values if it is only drummed into their ears sufficiently loudly and frequently. It will be those whose vague and imperfectly formed ideas are easily swayed and whose passions and emotions are readily aroused who will thus swell the ranks of the totalitarian party.

It is in connection with the deliberate effort of the skilful demagogue to weld together a closely coherent and homogeneous body of supporters that the third and perhaps most important negative element of selection enters. It seems to be almost a law of human nature that it is easier for people to agree on a negative programme, on the hatred of an enemy, on the envy of those better off, than on any positive task. The contrast between the "we" and the "they, the common fight against those outside the group, seems to be an essential ingredient in any creed which will solidly knit together a group for common action. It is consequently always employed by those who seek, not merely support of a policy, but the unreserved allegiance of huge masses. From their point of view it has the great advantage of leaving them greater freedom of action than almost any positive programme. The enemy, whether he be internal like the "Jew" or the "Kulak", or external, seems to be an indispensable requisite in the armoury of a totalitarian leader.

- F.A. Hayek, The Road To Serfdom

It sure seems like it to me....

-Stone was arrested and from Indictment verbiage...he appear be the connection between the trump campaign and stolen emails.

-trump caves to Nancy....even for three weeks...enraging the Far Right

-trump appears to stop dying his hair.

I fully expect one of these mornings to wake up to the news that Trump has suddenly resigned via twitter. He simply is not receiving enough adulation to suit him anymore.

It’s further proof that Trump is utterly incompetent, politically inept, and unfit to be president

Hahaha....just like retarded parrots do....
“We REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, him this time....and this time we really mean it!”
Part 11,684.
Well, originally the Democrats wanted to keep the government open, and discuss funding the border wall while it was open. Trump said no, and partially shut down the government for over a month, causing a hardship on over 800,000 workers for the past month.

Then, Pelosi told him that until the government reopens, she wants him to delay his SOTU address, because of security concerns. Trump threatened to do it from someplace else, but then changed his mind and agreed to delay the SOTU until the government reopens.

Today? Trump agrees to reopen the government for 3 weeks, with no border wall funding. The Congress will discuss the funding for the wall while the government is reopened. Basically, Trump shut down the government for no reason, because he's now agreeing to the deal the Dems first offered him.

Gonna be interesting to see what the next 3 weeks are like. Trump has caved in twice this week to the Dems. So much for him being a great deal maker, and people getting tired of "winning".

I'm not tired of Trump's winning, I'm tired of his WHINING.
Trump just proved he cares more about Federal workers thank Pelosi does.

He started the WHOLE DAMN THING!
False, as usual.
Who ended it with no argument from anyone? That's who started it.
Like you have any idea who did what. STOP being a media fed puppet.
Stop trying to defend the indefensible. Trump was literally the only person in Washington that seemed to not know that a shutdown would be a losing proposition.
The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Trump just proved he cares more about Federal workers thank Pelosi does.

He started the WHOLE DAMN THING!
False, as usual.
Who ended it with no argument from anyone? That's who started it.
Like you have any idea who did what. STOP being a media fed puppet.
Stop trying to defend the indefensible. Trump was literally the only person in Washington that seemed to not know that a shutdown would be a losing proposition.
Pretending like you possess facts is not desirable thing.

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