Remember the debt ceiling

How about Trump's deficits and raising the debt ceiling now?

What about them?

I know, who cares about deficits now? I'm sure that will be the theme.

I am against increasing the debt. I have been against it since Reagan. When Trump increased the debt by a trillion I was irritated, and posted so, but it seem Democrats only care when Republicans raise the debt, we have no business increasing the debt. We need to raise taxes on everyone and cut government spending by 25% across the board, cut corporate welfare out completely and get rid of stupid spending like Amtrak and Public Broadcasting. That is why I didn't vote for him or Clinton, they both were going to raise the debt.

You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

In the last 100 years all Democrats and Republicans have done is raise the debt and then you get dumb asses that claim running up the debt is okay and is no big deal and yet stupid dumb shits continue to vote for them, and then bitch about the other side raising the debt.

If you vote for a Democrat or Republican you have no business complaining about the rising debt because they are contributing to it.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.
Bailing out the auto companies provided near no job growth. Tax cuts have the best economy since Reagan.

Because you say so?
The Auto Bailout Saved 1.5 Million Jobs — and Likely Made $50,000 on Each One

It’s pretty obvious which is better.

BTW- How’s your Solendra stock doing?

And your proof?

Something to think about the next time someone tries to trickle down all over you.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

Income Tax Cuts
Income tax cuts stimulate demand by putting more money into consumers' pockets. That's important because consumer spending drives 68% of economic growth. It creates jobs when businesses ramp up production to meet the higher demand.

Across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. The CBO study found that, at best, they create 4 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor do better. Middle-income families are likely to spend the tax cuts. During a recession, they need every dollar they can get. They pump the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

The CBO study found that providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs per $1 million in credits.

Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? High-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend it. During a recession, they don't need the extra money to maintain their standard of living. They already have savings and lines of credit to do that.

The CBO found that tax cuts for the rich would create 4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts. It reviewed the impact of maintaining higher exemption amounts for the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT gets triggered when taxpayers make more than the exemption. It’s more likely to catch those in higher tax brackets. Keeping the exemption higher would benefit wealthy households.

You want to improve the economy? Don't lower taxes on those that won't notice it. You guys have debts and deficits to hawk over, don't you?
Last edited:
What about them?

I know, who cares about deficits now? I'm sure that will be the theme.

I am against increasing the debt. I have been against it since Reagan. When Trump increased the debt by a trillion I was irritated, and posted so, but it seem Democrats only care when Republicans raise the debt, we have no business increasing the debt. We need to raise taxes on everyone and cut government spending by 25% across the board, cut corporate welfare out completely and get rid of stupid spending like Amtrak and Public Broadcasting. That is why I didn't vote for him or Clinton, they both were going to raise the debt.

You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

In the last 100 years all Democrats and Republicans have done is raise the debt and then you get dumb asses that claim running up the debt is okay and is no big deal and yet stupid dumb shits continue to vote for them, and then bitch about the other side raising the debt.

If you vote for a Democrat or Republican you have no business complaining about the rising debt because they are contributing to it.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.
Bailing out the auto companies provided near no job growth. Tax cuts have the best economy since Reagan.

Because you say so?
The Auto Bailout Saved 1.5 Million Jobs — and Likely Made $50,000 on Each One

It’s pretty obvious which is better.

BTW- How’s your Solendra stock doing?

And your proof?

Something to think about the next time someone tries to trickle down all over you.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

Income Tax Cuts
Income tax cuts stimulate demand by putting more money into consumers' pockets. That's important because consumer spending drives 68% of economic growth. It creates jobs when businesses ramp up production to meet the higher demand.

Across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. The CBO study found that, at best, they create 4 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor do better. Middle-income families are likely to spend the tax cuts. During a recession, they need every dollar they can get. They pump the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

The CBO study found that providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs per $1 million in credits.

Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? High-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend it. During a recession, they don't need the extra money to maintain their standard of living. They already have savings and lines of credit to do that.

The CBO found that tax cuts for the rich would create 4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts. It reviewed the impact of maintaining higher exemption amounts for the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT gets triggered when taxpayers make more than the exemption. It’s more likely to catch those in higher tax brackets. Keeping the exemption higher would benefit wealthy households.

You want to improve the economy? Don't lower taxes on those that won't notice it. You guys have debts and deficits to hawk over, don't you?
It's kind of crazy how you can post shit like this and can still ignore reality. You had eight years of obie tax policy and the economy barely chugged along. you get Trumps tax policy and despite your unhinged rant about people that have more money than you the economy is kicking ass.

I would think you could let your butthurt go and grasp that.
I know, who cares about deficits now? I'm sure that will be the theme.

I am against increasing the debt. I have been against it since Reagan. When Trump increased the debt by a trillion I was irritated, and posted so, but it seem Democrats only care when Republicans raise the debt, we have no business increasing the debt. We need to raise taxes on everyone and cut government spending by 25% across the board, cut corporate welfare out completely and get rid of stupid spending like Amtrak and Public Broadcasting. That is why I didn't vote for him or Clinton, they both were going to raise the debt.

You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

In the last 100 years all Democrats and Republicans have done is raise the debt and then you get dumb asses that claim running up the debt is okay and is no big deal and yet stupid dumb shits continue to vote for them, and then bitch about the other side raising the debt.

If you vote for a Democrat or Republican you have no business complaining about the rising debt because they are contributing to it.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.
Bailing out the auto companies provided near no job growth. Tax cuts have the best economy since Reagan.

Because you say so?
The Auto Bailout Saved 1.5 Million Jobs — and Likely Made $50,000 on Each One

It’s pretty obvious which is better.

BTW- How’s your Solendra stock doing?

And your proof?

Something to think about the next time someone tries to trickle down all over you.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

Income Tax Cuts
Income tax cuts stimulate demand by putting more money into consumers' pockets. That's important because consumer spending drives 68% of economic growth. It creates jobs when businesses ramp up production to meet the higher demand.

Across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. The CBO study found that, at best, they create 4 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor do better. Middle-income families are likely to spend the tax cuts. During a recession, they need every dollar they can get. They pump the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

The CBO study found that providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs per $1 million in credits.

Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? High-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend it. During a recession, they don't need the extra money to maintain their standard of living. They already have savings and lines of credit to do that.

The CBO found that tax cuts for the rich would create 4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts. It reviewed the impact of maintaining higher exemption amounts for the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT gets triggered when taxpayers make more than the exemption. It’s more likely to catch those in higher tax brackets. Keeping the exemption higher would benefit wealthy households.

You want to improve the economy? Don't lower taxes on those that won't notice it. You guys have debts and deficits to hawk over, don't you?
It's kind of crazy how you can post shit like this and can still ignore reality. You had eight years of obie tax policy and the economy barely chugged along. you get Trumps tax policy and despite your unhinged rant about people that have more money than you the economy is kicking ass.

I would think you could let your butthurt go and grasp that.

Trump's economy measures about the same if not a little slower than Obama's. Were you not aware of the news last week? Trump's economy has been revised downward. Trump didn't have to (and probably couldn't) save us form a massive recession. Then again he is redistributing wealth to farmers thanks to a problem of his own making. Are you OK with Trump picking winners and losers?

Anyway, you can take a look, here is a simple google search, you'll find that their respective economies are kind of similar. The difference being Obama actually had to turn it around and Trump only has to keep it going.

obama vs trump economy - Google Search
I am against increasing the debt. I have been against it since Reagan. When Trump increased the debt by a trillion I was irritated, and posted so, but it seem Democrats only care when Republicans raise the debt, we have no business increasing the debt. We need to raise taxes on everyone and cut government spending by 25% across the board, cut corporate welfare out completely and get rid of stupid spending like Amtrak and Public Broadcasting. That is why I didn't vote for him or Clinton, they both were going to raise the debt.

You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

In the last 100 years all Democrats and Republicans have done is raise the debt and then you get dumb asses that claim running up the debt is okay and is no big deal and yet stupid dumb shits continue to vote for them, and then bitch about the other side raising the debt.

If you vote for a Democrat or Republican you have no business complaining about the rising debt because they are contributing to it.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.
Bailing out the auto companies provided near no job growth. Tax cuts have the best economy since Reagan.

Because you say so?
The Auto Bailout Saved 1.5 Million Jobs — and Likely Made $50,000 on Each One

It’s pretty obvious which is better.

BTW- How’s your Solendra stock doing?

And your proof?

Something to think about the next time someone tries to trickle down all over you.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

Income Tax Cuts
Income tax cuts stimulate demand by putting more money into consumers' pockets. That's important because consumer spending drives 68% of economic growth. It creates jobs when businesses ramp up production to meet the higher demand.

Across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. The CBO study found that, at best, they create 4 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor do better. Middle-income families are likely to spend the tax cuts. During a recession, they need every dollar they can get. They pump the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

The CBO study found that providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs per $1 million in credits.

Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? High-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend it. During a recession, they don't need the extra money to maintain their standard of living. They already have savings and lines of credit to do that.

The CBO found that tax cuts for the rich would create 4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts. It reviewed the impact of maintaining higher exemption amounts for the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT gets triggered when taxpayers make more than the exemption. It’s more likely to catch those in higher tax brackets. Keeping the exemption higher would benefit wealthy households.

You want to improve the economy? Don't lower taxes on those that won't notice it. You guys have debts and deficits to hawk over, don't you?
It's kind of crazy how you can post shit like this and can still ignore reality. You had eight years of obie tax policy and the economy barely chugged along. you get Trumps tax policy and despite your unhinged rant about people that have more money than you the economy is kicking ass.

I would think you could let your butthurt go and grasp that.

Trump's economy measures about the same if not a little slower than Obama's. Were you not aware of the news last week? Trump's economy has been revised downward. Trump didn't have to (and probably couldn't) save us form a massive recession. Then again he is redistributing wealth to farmers thanks to a problem of his own making. Are you OK with Trump picking winners and losers?

Anyway, you can take a look, here is a simple google search, you'll find that their respective economies are kind of similar. The difference being Obama actually had to turn it around and Trump only has to keep it going.

obama vs trump economy - Google Search
You’re insane. Obie’s economy if given 32 years was never going to produce unemployment numbers like this. Ever. It would have only got worse. Remember how 1% economic growth was the new normal? Manufacturing needed a magic wand?

Looks like none of that was true. Why do you keep arguing against results?
You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.
Bailing out the auto companies provided near no job growth. Tax cuts have the best economy since Reagan.

Because you say so?
The Auto Bailout Saved 1.5 Million Jobs — and Likely Made $50,000 on Each One

It’s pretty obvious which is better.

BTW- How’s your Solendra stock doing?

And your proof?

Something to think about the next time someone tries to trickle down all over you.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

Income Tax Cuts
Income tax cuts stimulate demand by putting more money into consumers' pockets. That's important because consumer spending drives 68% of economic growth. It creates jobs when businesses ramp up production to meet the higher demand.

Across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. The CBO study found that, at best, they create 4 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor do better. Middle-income families are likely to spend the tax cuts. During a recession, they need every dollar they can get. They pump the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

The CBO study found that providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs per $1 million in credits.

Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? High-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend it. During a recession, they don't need the extra money to maintain their standard of living. They already have savings and lines of credit to do that.

The CBO found that tax cuts for the rich would create 4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts. It reviewed the impact of maintaining higher exemption amounts for the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT gets triggered when taxpayers make more than the exemption. It’s more likely to catch those in higher tax brackets. Keeping the exemption higher would benefit wealthy households.

You want to improve the economy? Don't lower taxes on those that won't notice it. You guys have debts and deficits to hawk over, don't you?
It's kind of crazy how you can post shit like this and can still ignore reality. You had eight years of obie tax policy and the economy barely chugged along. you get Trumps tax policy and despite your unhinged rant about people that have more money than you the economy is kicking ass.

I would think you could let your butthurt go and grasp that.

Trump's economy measures about the same if not a little slower than Obama's. Were you not aware of the news last week? Trump's economy has been revised downward. Trump didn't have to (and probably couldn't) save us form a massive recession. Then again he is redistributing wealth to farmers thanks to a problem of his own making. Are you OK with Trump picking winners and losers?

Anyway, you can take a look, here is a simple google search, you'll find that their respective economies are kind of similar. The difference being Obama actually had to turn it around and Trump only has to keep it going.

obama vs trump economy - Google Search
You’re insane. Obie’s economy if given 32 years was never going to produce unemployment numbers like this. Ever. It would have only got worse. Remember how 1% economic growth was the new normal? Manufacturing needed a magic wand?

Looks like none of that was true. Why do you keep arguing against results?

You actually believe this? The unemployment rate once it started to go down has been on relatively the same trajectory, the only difference being Trump is at the tail end.

Bailing out the auto companies provided near no job growth. Tax cuts have the best economy since Reagan.

Because you say so?
The Auto Bailout Saved 1.5 Million Jobs — and Likely Made $50,000 on Each One

It’s pretty obvious which is better.

BTW- How’s your Solendra stock doing?

And your proof?

Something to think about the next time someone tries to trickle down all over you.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

Income Tax Cuts
Income tax cuts stimulate demand by putting more money into consumers' pockets. That's important because consumer spending drives 68% of economic growth. It creates jobs when businesses ramp up production to meet the higher demand.

Across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. The CBO study found that, at best, they create 4 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor do better. Middle-income families are likely to spend the tax cuts. During a recession, they need every dollar they can get. They pump the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

The CBO study found that providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs per $1 million in credits.

Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? High-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend it. During a recession, they don't need the extra money to maintain their standard of living. They already have savings and lines of credit to do that.

The CBO found that tax cuts for the rich would create 4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts. It reviewed the impact of maintaining higher exemption amounts for the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT gets triggered when taxpayers make more than the exemption. It’s more likely to catch those in higher tax brackets. Keeping the exemption higher would benefit wealthy households.

You want to improve the economy? Don't lower taxes on those that won't notice it. You guys have debts and deficits to hawk over, don't you?
It's kind of crazy how you can post shit like this and can still ignore reality. You had eight years of obie tax policy and the economy barely chugged along. you get Trumps tax policy and despite your unhinged rant about people that have more money than you the economy is kicking ass.

I would think you could let your butthurt go and grasp that.

Trump's economy measures about the same if not a little slower than Obama's. Were you not aware of the news last week? Trump's economy has been revised downward. Trump didn't have to (and probably couldn't) save us form a massive recession. Then again he is redistributing wealth to farmers thanks to a problem of his own making. Are you OK with Trump picking winners and losers?

Anyway, you can take a look, here is a simple google search, you'll find that their respective economies are kind of similar. The difference being Obama actually had to turn it around and Trump only has to keep it going.

obama vs trump economy - Google Search
You’re insane. Obie’s economy if given 32 years was never going to produce unemployment numbers like this. Ever. It would have only got worse. Remember how 1% economic growth was the new normal? Manufacturing needed a magic wand?

Looks like none of that was true. Why do you keep arguing against results?

You actually believe this? The unemployment rate once it started to go down has been on relatively the same trajectory, the only difference being Trump is at the tail end.

It was flat lining.
Because you say so?
The Auto Bailout Saved 1.5 Million Jobs — and Likely Made $50,000 on Each One

And your proof?

Something to think about the next time someone tries to trickle down all over you.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

Income Tax Cuts
Income tax cuts stimulate demand by putting more money into consumers' pockets. That's important because consumer spending drives 68% of economic growth. It creates jobs when businesses ramp up production to meet the higher demand.

Across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. The CBO study found that, at best, they create 4 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor do better. Middle-income families are likely to spend the tax cuts. During a recession, they need every dollar they can get. They pump the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

The CBO study found that providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs per $1 million in credits.

Do tax cuts for the rich create jobs? High-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend it. During a recession, they don't need the extra money to maintain their standard of living. They already have savings and lines of credit to do that.

The CBO found that tax cuts for the rich would create 4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts. It reviewed the impact of maintaining higher exemption amounts for the Alternative Minimum Tax. The AMT gets triggered when taxpayers make more than the exemption. It’s more likely to catch those in higher tax brackets. Keeping the exemption higher would benefit wealthy households.

You want to improve the economy? Don't lower taxes on those that won't notice it. You guys have debts and deficits to hawk over, don't you?
It's kind of crazy how you can post shit like this and can still ignore reality. You had eight years of obie tax policy and the economy barely chugged along. you get Trumps tax policy and despite your unhinged rant about people that have more money than you the economy is kicking ass.

I would think you could let your butthurt go and grasp that.

Trump's economy measures about the same if not a little slower than Obama's. Were you not aware of the news last week? Trump's economy has been revised downward. Trump didn't have to (and probably couldn't) save us form a massive recession. Then again he is redistributing wealth to farmers thanks to a problem of his own making. Are you OK with Trump picking winners and losers?

Anyway, you can take a look, here is a simple google search, you'll find that their respective economies are kind of similar. The difference being Obama actually had to turn it around and Trump only has to keep it going.

obama vs trump economy - Google Search
You’re insane. Obie’s economy if given 32 years was never going to produce unemployment numbers like this. Ever. It would have only got worse. Remember how 1% economic growth was the new normal? Manufacturing needed a magic wand?

Looks like none of that was true. Why do you keep arguing against results?

You actually believe this? The unemployment rate once it started to go down has been on relatively the same trajectory, the only difference being Trump is at the tail end.


It was flat lining.

It was flat lining? Did you see the end of 2018? Trump has not even remotely lowered the rate at the same amount as happened under Obama and I don't think he'll be able to either.
What a big surprise! I bet no one expected this. :rolleyes:

How about Trump's deficits and raising the debt ceiling now?

What about them?

I know, who cares about deficits now? I'm sure that will be the theme.

I am against increasing the debt. I have been against it since Reagan. When Trump increased the debt by a trillion I was irritated, and posted so, but it seem Democrats only care when Republicans raise the debt, we have no business increasing the debt. We need to raise taxes on everyone and cut government spending by 25% across the board, cut corporate welfare out completely and get rid of stupid spending like Amtrak and Public Broadcasting. That is why I didn't vote for him or Clinton, they both were going to raise the debt.

You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

In the last 100 years all Democrats and Republicans have done is raise the debt and then you get dumb asses that claim running up the debt is okay and is no big deal and yet stupid dumb shits continue to vote for them, and then bitch about the other side raising the debt.

If you vote for a Democrat or Republican you have no business complaining about the rising debt because they are contributing to it.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.

Oh, you are just being the partisan hack as usual. I am upset if you want to go back and see my posts, however I was never fooled by Trump and him cutting the debt. I have maintained all along that he is a liberal Republican. I never supported the bailouts either, had we had less debt. Rightwinger and some leftwing moron, whose name I can’t remember who began with D or B, I’m not sure, I believe and is now banned said the same BS. You can complain all you want but you are part of the problem. You dumb asses keep voting to spend and every Dem running for President keeps wanting to add to the debt. I really understand why you can’t split with Democrats, you drink the us vs. them BS. As long as Dems and Republicans keep you ignorant morons fighting each their, the better for them.

Clinton had a higher national debt when he left office than when he entered office, I didn’t vote for McCain because of his support of Tarp and didn’t vote for Obama for the same reason. So again you are wrong in your bullshit assumptions about. I really tire of you stupid, moron and ignorant characterizations of me. But dumb asses that are partisan followers aren’t very intelligent to me. I voted Romney and I regret that vote. I don’t regret not voting third party the last election and will probably vote third party this election as no one stands out as a fiscal conservative.
Last edited:
How about Trump's deficits and raising the debt ceiling now?

What about them?

I know, who cares about deficits now? I'm sure that will be the theme.

I am against increasing the debt. I have been against it since Reagan. When Trump increased the debt by a trillion I was irritated, and posted so, but it seem Democrats only care when Republicans raise the debt, we have no business increasing the debt. We need to raise taxes on everyone and cut government spending by 25% across the board, cut corporate welfare out completely and get rid of stupid spending like Amtrak and Public Broadcasting. That is why I didn't vote for him or Clinton, they both were going to raise the debt.

You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

In the last 100 years all Democrats and Republicans have done is raise the debt and then you get dumb asses that claim running up the debt is okay and is no big deal and yet stupid dumb shits continue to vote for them, and then bitch about the other side raising the debt.

If you vote for a Democrat or Republican you have no business complaining about the rising debt because they are contributing to it.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.

Oh, you are just being the partisan hack as usual. I am upset if you want to go back and see my posts, however I was never fooled by Trump and him cutting the debt. I have maintained all along that he is a liberal Republican. I never supported the bailouts either, had we had less debt. Rightwinger and some leftwing moron, whose name I can’t remember who began with D or B, I’m not sure, I believe and is now banned said the same BS. You can complain all you want but you are part of the problem. You dumb asses keep voting to spend and every Dem running for President keeps wanting to add to the debt. I really understand why you can’t split with Democrats, you drink the us vs. them BS. As long as Dems and Republicans keep you ignorant morons fighting each their, the better for them.

Clinton had a higher national debt when he left office than when he entered office, I didn’t vote for McCain because of his support of Tarp and didn’t vote for Obama for the same reason. So again you are wrong in your bullshit assumptions about. I really tire of you stupid, moron and ignorant characterizations of me. But dumb asses that are partisan followers aren’t very intelligent to me. I voted Romney and I regret that vote. I don’t regret not voting third party the last election and will probably vote third party this election as no one stands out as a fiscal conservative.

Really? You care about deficits but you shit on Clinton for turning it into a surplus at the end of his term? You're calling me a partisan hack? Just shut up and go vote for Trump...again.
What about them?

I know, who cares about deficits now? I'm sure that will be the theme.

I am against increasing the debt. I have been against it since Reagan. When Trump increased the debt by a trillion I was irritated, and posted so, but it seem Democrats only care when Republicans raise the debt, we have no business increasing the debt. We need to raise taxes on everyone and cut government spending by 25% across the board, cut corporate welfare out completely and get rid of stupid spending like Amtrak and Public Broadcasting. That is why I didn't vote for him or Clinton, they both were going to raise the debt.

You were irritated when Trump raises the deficit during economic good times but apoplectic when Obama did to drag us back to some sort of normalcy? I don't see Democrats running around thinking or saying the deficit is their number one concern like Republicans do. What I do see happening is that Clinton lowered the deficit, Bush exploded it, Obama to deal with the recession raised deficits and then eventually they went back down in the right direction and now Trump is raising them again, for not good reason. You're irritated now, how did you feel in 2009 or 2010? I bet you thought raising deficit was a good reason to vote someone out of office. It' called hypocrisy.

In the last 100 years all Democrats and Republicans have done is raise the debt and then you get dumb asses that claim running up the debt is okay and is no big deal and yet stupid dumb shits continue to vote for them, and then bitch about the other side raising the debt.

If you vote for a Democrat or Republican you have no business complaining about the rising debt because they are contributing to it.

Yes, sometimes deficit spending is necessary. It' not now or at least get something out of it that actually benefits people.

I've never voted for a Republican for president and I have every right to complain about Trump's spending because it's unnecessary to give tax cuts to rich people who don't need them. Where as say spending money to bail out the auto industry (that was mostly paid back) was beneficial to all Americans.

Oh, you are just being the partisan hack as usual. I am upset if you want to go back and see my posts, however I was never fooled by Trump and him cutting the debt. I have maintained all along that he is a liberal Republican. I never supported the bailouts either, had we had less debt. Rightwinger and some leftwing moron, whose name I can’t remember who began with D or B, I’m not sure, I believe and is now banned said the same BS. You can complain all you want but you are part of the problem. You dumb asses keep voting to spend and every Dem running for President keeps wanting to add to the debt. I really understand why you can’t split with Democrats, you drink the us vs. them BS. As long as Dems and Republicans keep you ignorant morons fighting each their, the better for them.

Clinton had a higher national debt when he left office than when he entered office, I didn’t vote for McCain because of his support of Tarp and didn’t vote for Obama for the same reason. So again you are wrong in your bullshit assumptions about. I really tire of you stupid, moron and ignorant characterizations of me. But dumb asses that are partisan followers aren’t very intelligent to me. I voted Romney and I regret that vote. I don’t regret not voting third party the last election and will probably vote third party this election as no one stands out as a fiscal conservative.

Really? You care about deficits but you shit on Clinton for turning it into a surplus at the end of his term? You're calling me a partisan hack? Just shut up and go vote for Trump...again.

I didn’t shit on Clinton I stated a fact. I agree with you and you fuckin flip out. Dumb ass.
What would the debt ceiling look like after there is Medicare for all, all student debt paid and everyione gets a home regardless of their ability to pay for it?

Oh, and open borders for aliens. God Bless America. Lord help us. Make people clome to their senses!

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