Remember the time Zelensky gave the legislative floor to a Nazi from the Azov battalion?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
...and remember the time secular progressive trustees who represent the duopoly said, "here, take my money...''

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Ah well. Speaking only for myself, I really have no confidence left in the American electorate's ability to collectively reason any more.

Eventually the trustees in the duopoly are gonna rob this once great nation of all of its prosperity entirely.

The funny thing is that they really do think they're different from one another in some way.

About the only ones I have any respect left for any more are the ones who have the courage to speak up and call a spade a spade.
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To Putin and Nikolai Patrushev. Patrushev's brain fritz call the seaman of Azov all Nazi's since they refuse to give over Mariupol to the Russians and also refuse to give up on allowing Russia to keep their invasion of Crimea. Since these people and those who have joined them to fight for Ukraine's liberty and they refuse to live under the thugs of Russia's boots they must be Nazi's right? Only in a simpleton's mind.

Women and the Azov battalion in Kyiv, Ukraine | DW Documentary​

Ah well. Speaking only for myself, I really have no confidence left in the American electorate's ability to collectively reason any more.

Eventually the trustees in the duopoly are gonna rob this once great nation of all of its prosperity entirely.

The funny thing is that they really do think they're different from one another in some way.

About the only ones I have any respect left for any more are the ones who have the courage to speak up and call a spade a spade.
If Russia had invaded and claimed large portions of the USA are you going to turn away those willing to fight for her?
If a frog had wings, he wouldn't thump his little bottom blue on the rocks.
The leader of Azov said he could care less what the enemy (Russian invaders) called him. Can't say I blame him one bit. There were 11 pro-Russian political parties that were in Ukraine up until Marshal law was put into place because of Russia's invasion. Ukraine doesn't advocate for torture of gays either and that doesn't go over well with some of the Russians like the Kadyvorites and others who do torture anyone they suspect of being gay or not in line with their thuggery.
Yet Zelensky chose to send the Nazi from the Battalion to the legislative floor.

And just who is this fellow? Do they say he is a nazi just because he is from Asov? Did he say he was a neo-nazi?

The Asov battalion was formed by a neo-nazi man, and the initial membership consisted of neo-nazis. It was a very small group, that waved the swastika in defiance of the Russians, who had bad history with the nazis. Over time, membership contained Ukrainians with differing ideologies, not all of them good, not all of them bad.

The Ukrainian people saw the Germans as liberators during WWII. Russia had sentenced them to starvation, rape and murder via the Communist Party. Ukraine despises Russia. When the Germans swept across Ukraine and into Russia, the Ukrainians were thrilled. They volunteered to help fight the Russians, to aid the Germans, and to punish their tormentor. Remember the adage, "an enemy of my enemy is my friend". That's what happened. To some Ukraine, the nazis were heroes for fighting the Russians, and a lot emulate the symbols of Nazism to show their hatred for Russia. Of course, there are plenty of actual racists in Ukraine using the swastikas too.

This particular Asov member is a fighter, fighting in the heavily besieged city of Mariupol. Kiev is saved, and the fighting is happening in the Donbass. It seems logical to me that you would put forth a member of your armed forces to speak, who is fighting a major battle right now in a city everyone is focusing on...
Anyway. I don't think duopoly wingers will catch up to what's actually going down until after it's over.

As is most often the case.

Just another day in la la land...
Holy shit, people act like the Asov Battalion is the whole Ukrainian military forces. There are only between 900-2,000 men in the Battalion, the Ukrainian military has about 250,000 active members...
They are the approved SS for Ukraine and carry out murder, assassinations and brutality to enforce the Ukrainian political ideal.

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