Remember when America was "American"? Did politicians F*Ck this up?

  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?...
Ah yes, in the Era of Fantasyland.
That seems to be were you are coming from. I will repost this JUST for you :
"The hard left sure as hell isn't spreading sunshine and rainbows, sweet pea. The left has their own brand of accepted hate, nobody is perfect. Please. We all have to learn to be more civil, and just relax and understand not everyone accepts our views. Some Libs are having a hard time grasping that. And that's sad, because it violates the very heart of liberalism"
and concerning the vile 'dripping poo' . he doesn't care , he makes his paycheck catering to imported people both legal and illegal MaryL .
Unko gets to ride on the special need bus. He is ONE of THOSE spelling grammar nazis that doesn't want incidental overriding facts to cloud the issue. Reminds me of my mother, god rest her soul.
America is the same America it's always been. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out. I think Saudi Arabia may be a perfect fit for you.

The soil is the same...just full of fucked up twisted sub-human trash

People who have a different opinion than you = "sub-human trash." This is why conservatives have no future in America.

Haha..."no future"?
We own all of

Have you seen how millenials vote? It's overwhelmingly democrat.
Overall, Trump won one-third of young voters, a greater number than pre-election polls suggested he would. Notably, 32 percent of these young Trump supporters were excited by the prospect of a Trump presidency while only 18 percent of young Clinton supporters reported being excited about their candidate.

Not as much as you think. I am a millenial unfortunately and have NEVER voted nationally for a democrat. I did vote democrat for sheriff but only bc the sheriff at the time arrested me LOL...

Republican youth has gone UP by 1% and democrats have lost 8% over the past 8 years.
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?...
Ah yes, in the Era of Fantasyland.
That seems to be were you are coming from. I will repost this JUST for you :
"The hard left sure as hell isn't spreading sunshine and rainbows, sweet pea. The left has their own brand of accepted hate, nobody is perfect. Please. We all have to learn to be more civil, and just relax and understand not everyone accepts our views. Some Libs are having a hard time grasping that. And that's sad, because it violates the very heart of liberalism"

Go tell a liberal all about it.
Unko gets to ride on the special need bus. He is ONE of THOSE spelling grammar nazis that doesn't want incidental overriding facts to cloud the issue. Reminds me of my mother, god rest her soul.

Trolling again? Typical.
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?...
Ah yes, in the Era of Fantasyland.
That seems to be were you are coming from. I will repost this JUST for you :
"The hard left sure as hell isn't spreading sunshine and rainbows, sweet pea. The left has their own brand of accepted hate, nobody is perfect. Please. We all have to learn to be more civil, and just relax and understand not everyone accepts our views. Some Libs are having a hard time grasping that. And that's sad, because it violates the very heart of liberalism"

Go tell a liberal all about it.
Wow, that flew over your head. Imagine that.
Remember when America was "American"? Did politicians F*Ck this up?

Was that about the time a dollar was worth a dollar?
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?...
Ah yes, in the Era of Fantasyland.
That seems to be were you are coming from. I will repost this JUST for you :
"The hard left sure as hell isn't spreading sunshine and rainbows, sweet pea. The left has their own brand of accepted hate, nobody is perfect. Please. We all have to learn to be more civil, and just relax and understand not everyone accepts our views. Some Libs are having a hard time grasping that. And that's sad, because it violates the very heart of liberalism"

Go tell a liberal all about it.
Wow, that flew over your head. Imagine that.

Wow, you trolling instead of addressing the thread topic. Imagine that.
Politicians have never been trustworthy, Americans still interact with neighbors and even complete strangers in public settings, and this has always been a country of many peoples and languages.
Politicians have never been trustworthy, Americans still interact with neighbors and even complete strangers in public settings, and this has always been a country of many peoples and languages.
Do the Chinese have their own "street Eaze" lingo?
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Yeah, like when the Germans came over, or the Italians, or the Irish, or... wait, what the fuck?
Politicians have never been trustworthy, Americans still interact with neighbors and even complete strangers in public settings, and this has always been a country of many peoples and languages.

It's nothing like it was...and it's not even close. You wouldn't understand.
Politicians have never been trustworthy, Americans still interact with neighbors and even complete strangers in public settings, and this has always been a country of many peoples and languages.

It's nothing like it was...and it's not even close. You wouldn't understand.

I'm pretty sure I would understand better than you, youngster. Sorry if that contradicts your little fiction.

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