Remember when America was "American"? Did politicians F*Ck this up?

Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
  1. Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
  2. Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
  3. Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
  4. Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
  5. Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
  6. Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Are you suggesting America has become something of a nation of misanthropes?
  1. Yes. That happens almost weekly. It certainly happens every time I go to the airport, a restaurant or bar where I find myself in the company of strangers.
  2. Acquaintanceships more so than friendships, but yes. That's has been the case throughout my life. It doesn't appear to have stopped happening.
  3. I did exactly that, although the school also had students who held views different from mine and my kids. I think the variety views and backgrounds was a good thing and a thing to welcome not eschew.
  4. Yes. That's what I do when I'm driving/walking through my neighborhood and see someone out front whom I don't know. Mostly I nod or simply say "hi" or "good morning/afternoon," and keep moving. When I'm visible from the street, passers by do the same. (When I'm with a black friend, I observe them nodding whatnot to far more strangers than I ever would. I'm far from anti-social, but I'm not that friendly.)
  5. I don't know that those things have ceased to exist, though I'm not a church-goer.
  6. They still do, at least judging by the foreigners I know well enough to have an opinion about whether they have done or not.
Having now directly answered your questions, please you answer mine.
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?
  • Remember when one's patriotism was more important than one's political party/ideology?

Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

A better question is why do conservatives believe life is static and doesn't change? Fewer people identify as Christians. You don't make friends anymore? You don't wave to strangers and they don't wave to you? I constantly have people that are very courteous on the road and insist that I go first at a stop sign, even when I'm insisting they go first. And we all laugh and wave the thankyou wave. People hold doors for me and I hold doors for others. Be the world you want to create, that is all you can do.

I will say that the advent of doing everything online or on a phone (text) rather than in person I believe is eroding the sociality of people. I'm at work in the bathroom practicing throne work and people in other stalls are having full-throated conversations as toilets are being flushed around them. I find it bizarre, it seems rather disrespectful to who you are talking to. Less and less human contact I don't think is a good thing. Retail stores across the board are seeing a steady drop off in business. Millenials prefer to stay home.

Turn that shit off and go bowling or shoot some pool. I think it a great loss that current generations don't know the ins and outs and joys and foibles of drive in movies.

Remember smiling and waving to strangers?

You don't do that now?

That's your fault. You've gone bad, not America.

You crazies are so fun and predictable.
I'm sure this is all just something I've imagined...and made up.
There's no cultural and or communication barriers at all here in Southern California...the "diversity" is awesome. I much prefer to be surrounded by people who share nothing in common with me...including my language. I love seeing the Mexican flags fly in front yards while the resident waits by the mailbox for the check I send them on the 1st and 15th. I love standing in line at the market and feeling like a foreigner in my native country. I love watching the t.v. monitors at the gas stations which broadcast in a language I can't understand. I love sending my kids to private schools at $2,400 per month to keep them from being surrounded by silver tooth anchors with no moral compass or sense of family values.
You Loons are right...this is a much better country for everyone who isn't truly American.
You crazies

Excuse me? You are the one who posed half a dozen or so questions where in is implicit the notion that the things about which you asked no longer exist or occur. "Remember when this?" and "Remember when that?" You asked those questions, not I.

You crazies are so...predictable.

What I predicted in my mind is that even after I showed the courtesy of directly answering each of your questions, you would not return the courtesy. And my prediction, thus far, was spot on. Indeed, in replying to me, you chose instead to insult me by calling me crazy and stupid.

Now, I'm not going to call you or your failing to return the kindness of a direct answer to the questions crazy. No. It's not crazy, it's just deucedly uncivilized. As for your having asked your OP questions, failure to kindly and directly answer my questions, and upon receiving my reply responding as you did,...well, my picturesquely speaking kin would say that's because you lack the character of a dishrag. I prefer something more precise, which is why I think it's little other than a profound indicator of your being a cantankerously-caterwauling wearisome poltroon.

You Loons are right...this is a much better country for everyone who isn't truly American.

I neither wrote nor intimated anything like that.

"Having now directly answered your questions, please you answer mine.
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?
  • Remember when one's patriotism was more important than one's political party/ideology?"
You have made this assertion many times before and my response remains the same. High iQ does not and should not create a pathway to POTUS. Ones one's ability to simplify and problem solve is far more important than ones iQ one's IQ.
This reminds me; my wife's uncle whom who is much older than me, a highly credentialed M.D. and specialist with his own practice and every cert under the sun hates that I, with my little ole B.S. degree have far more net worth than he. He makes every attempt to make sure I'm fully aware that he is smarter than I am...When he starts that shit I pull out my stock portfolio or my property profiles or even write him a phone number on an ATM receipt that shows my account balance. He honestly believes that because he's smarter he is better qualified for wealth...haha

Matriculation Leads to Masturbation

Some of us got suckered into studying academic subjects instead of learning how to make money. In fact, we were discouraged from working at all before we finished college. That would have made us want to have an adult income at 18 instead of going to college. Also, college is work without pay; no one who is naturally acquisitive would put up with that, no matter how much he is told he will make after the mandated sacrifice of living like a teenager who is afraid to grow up. It's like having a healthy sex drive, but being told your best sexual opportunities will come after you spend years living in celibacy.

I think I get the metaphor.
Happy to see I picked up a literacy bitch...nothing is more flattering. It's awesome to have someone follow me around the internet fixing my spelling and grammatical errors. It's like having someone wipe my ass for me.
Thanks...whoever you are!

Clearly things you can't do for yourself.
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
  1. Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
  2. Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
  3. Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
  4. Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
  5. Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
  6. Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Are you suggesting America has become something of a nation of misanthropes?
  1. Yes. That happens almost weekly. It certainly happens every time I go to the airport, a restaurant or bar where I find myself in the company of strangers.
  2. Acquaintanceships more so than friendships, but yes. That's has been the case throughout my life. It doesn't appear to have stopped happening.
  3. I did exactly that, although the school also had students who held views different from mine and my kids. I think the variety views and backgrounds was a good thing and a thing to welcome not eschew.
  4. Yes. That's what I do when I'm driving/walking through my neighborhood and see someone out front whom I don't know. Mostly I nod or simply say "hi" or "good morning/afternoon," and keep moving. When I'm visible from the street, passers by do the same. (When I'm with a black friend, I observe them nodding whatnot to far more strangers than I ever would. I'm far from anti-social, but I'm not that friendly.)
  5. I don't know that those things have ceased to exist, though I'm not a church-goer.
  6. They still do, at least judging by the foreigners I know well enough to have an opinion about whether they have done or not.
Having now directly answered your questions, please you answer mine.
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?
  • Remember when one's patriotism was more important than one's political party/ideology?

Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

A better question is why do conservatives believe life is static and doesn't change? Fewer people identify as Christians. You don't make friends anymore? You don't wave to strangers and they don't wave to you? I constantly have people that are very courteous on the road and insist that I go first at a stop sign, even when I'm insisting they go first. And we all laugh and wave the thankyou wave. People hold doors for me and I hold doors for others. Be the world you want to create, that is all you can do.

I will say that the advent of doing everything online or on a phone (text) rather than in person I believe is eroding the sociality of people. I'm at work in the bathroom practicing throne work and people in other stalls are having full-throated conversations as toilets are being flushed around them. I find it bizarre, it seems rather disrespectful to who you are talking to. Less and less human contact I don't think is a good thing. Retail stores across the board are seeing a steady drop off in business. Millenials prefer to stay home.

Turn that shit off and go bowling or shoot some pool. I think it a great loss that current generations don't know the ins and outs and joys and foibles of drive in movies.

Remember smiling and waving to strangers?

You don't do that now?

That's your fault. You've gone bad, not America.

You crazies are so fun and predictable.
I'm sure this is all just something I've imagined...and made up.
There's no cultural and or communication barriers at all here in Southern California...the "diversity" is awesome. I much prefer to be surrounded by people who share nothing in common with me...including my language. I love seeing the Mexican flags fly in front yards while the resident waits by the mailbox for the check I send them on the 1st and 15th. I love standing in line at the market and feeling like a foreigner in my native country. I love watching the t.v. monitors at the gas stations which broadcast in a language I can't understand. I love sending my kids to private schools at $2,400 per month to keep them from being surrounded by silver tooth anchors with no moral compass or sense of family values.
You Loons are right...this is a much better country for everyone who isn't truly American.
You crazies

Excuse me? You are the one who posed half a dozen or so questions where in is implicit the notion that the things about which you asked no longer exist or occur. "Remember when this?" and "Remember when that?" You asked those questions, not I.

You crazies are so...predictable.

What I predicted in my mind is that even after I showed the courtesy of directly answering each of your questions, you would not return the courtesy. And my prediction, thus far, was spot on. Indeed, in replying to me, you chose instead to insult me by calling me crazy and stupid.

Now, I'm not going to call you or your failing to return the kindness of a direct answer to the questions crazy. No. It's not crazy, it's just deucedly uncivilized. As for your having asked your OP questions, failure to kindly and directly answer my questions, and upon receiving my reply responding as you did,...well, my picturesquely speaking kin would say that's because you lack the character of a dishrag. I prefer something more precise, which is why I think it's little other than a profound indicator of your being a cantankerously-caterwauling wearisome poltroon.

You Loons are right...this is a much better country for everyone who isn't truly American.

I neither wrote nor intimated anything like that.

"Having now directly answered your questions, please you answer mine.
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?
  • Remember when one's patriotism was more important than one's political party/ideology?"
You have made this assertion many times before and my response remains the same. High iQ does not and should not create a pathway to POTUS. Ones one's ability to simplify and problem solve is far more important than ones iQ one's IQ.
This reminds me; my wife's uncle whom who is much older than me, a highly credentialed M.D. and specialist with his own practice and every cert under the sun hates that I, with my little ole B.S. degree have far more net worth than he. He makes every attempt to make sure I'm fully aware that he is smarter than I am...When he starts that shit I pull out my stock portfolio or my property profiles or even write him a phone number on an ATM receipt that shows my account balance. He honestly believes that because he's smarter he is better qualified for wealth...haha

Matriculation Leads to Masturbation

Some of us got suckered into studying academic subjects instead of learning how to make money. In fact, we were discouraged from working at all before we finished college. That would have made us want to have an adult income at 18 instead of going to college. Also, college is work without pay; no one who is naturally acquisitive would put up with that, no matter how much he is told he will make after the mandated sacrifice of living like a teenager who is afraid to grow up. It's like having a healthy sex drive, but being told your best sexual opportunities will come after you spend years living in celibacy.

I think I get the metaphor.
..nothing is more flattering. It's awesome to have someone follow me around the internet fixing my spelling and grammatical errors.
Thanks...whoever you are!
Apostrophe Catastrophe

Your education is defective, so you don't deserve the job you got from it. You're obsessed with making money and bragging about it. Your whole identity is based on your bank account and nothing else.
With all the surrounding chaos, I wonder how many are missing those “good ole days” right now.
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

YOU are the nutjob and you do mean white.
60s and 70s were no big deal as the cities had problems with small internal population of 'dem party ' enemies in as i said big cities . Now the USA is dealing with the lefty kids and 'grandkids' of those lefty enemies from the 60s and 70s .

Money fucked this up.

If you really look at the history and build up of the lobbying and influence INDUSTRY after WWII - D.C. going from a dirty backwater town to a Neiman Marcus in Tysons Corners...

The bard nailed it - The First Thing We Do, We Kill All The Lawyers...
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?
--------------------------------------------------------- certainly politicians , but i blame the people themselves mostly . I mean , on the subject of imported foreigners . Who with functioning brain cells believes that 'diversity ' of population equals strength ??
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

I do. I also remember on holly days how our hug ass family would do the political talk, and while it got warm at times,it never got bad, and itnever got personal.

These days, in my mind since around 1995 with Clinton and Newt it got nasty. It became okay to kick’em in the nuts so to speak, and in 2000 the situation ran off the rails.
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?
--------------------------------------------------------- certainly politicians , but i blame the people themselves mostly . I mean , on the subject of imported foreigners . Who with functioning brain cells believes that 'diversity ' of population equals strength ??
------------------------------------------ and happening NOW . probably going to be a big fight over the common sense issue of ARMED Security in schools .
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

IMO, it all started in the 60s.

Enlighten us Marion.
America is the same America it's always been. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out. I think Saudi Arabia may be a perfect fit for you.

The soil is the same...just full of fucked up twisted sub-human trash

People who have a different opinion than you = "sub-human trash." This is why conservatives have no future in America.

Haha..."no future"?
We own all of

Have you seen how millenials vote? It's overwhelmingly democrat.
------------------------------ millenials and these kids deserve what they get !!
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

IMO, it all started in the 60s.

Enlighten us Marion.

Okay, I'm copying from a post I just made:

  • During the first decade of the 20th century there were 16 (1903 (2 shootings), 04 (3), 05 (2), 07 (2), 08 (2), 09 (5).
  • During the 1910s there were 19 (1910 (3 shootings), 1911, 12 (2), 14, 15 (2), 16 (2), 17 (2), 18 (2), 19 (3).
  • During the 1920s there were 10 (1920 (7 shootings), 22 (2), 26).
  • During the 1930s there were 9 (1930, 31, 34, 35, 36 (2), 37 (2), 38).
  • During the 1940s there were 8 (1940 (2 shootings), 42, 46, 47, 48, 49 (2)).
  • During the 1950s there were 17 (1950, 51 (4), 52 (2), 53, 54 (2), 55, 56 (2), 57, 58 (2), 59).
  • During the 1960s there were 18 (1960 (3 shootings), 61 (2), 66 (4), 67, 68 (4), 69 (4)). <<Enter taking God out of schools
  • During the 1970s there were 30 (1970 (5 shootings), 71 (2), 73 (2), 74 (4), 75 (3), 76 (3), 77, 78 (7), 79 (3)). <<Whoah! That escalated quickly!
  • During the 1980s there were 39 (1980 (4 shootings), 81 (3), 82 (3), 83, 84 (4), 85 (5), 86 (5), 87 (5), 88 (6), 89 (3)). And moar!
  • During the 1990s there were 63 (1990 (2 shootings), 91 (6), 92 (7), 93 (10), 94 (10), 95 (4), 96 (7), 97 (6), 98 (7), 99 (6)). And Moar!
The trend continues in the 2000s


    • During the 1st decade there were 63 (2000 (5 shootings), 01 (5), 02 (7), 03 (4), 04 (3), 05 (5), 06 (11), 07 (5), 08 (11), 09 (7))
    • During the 2010s (as of 20 February 2018) the total number is 145 shootings (2010 (11 shootings), 11 (7), 12 (11), 13 (26), 14 (36), 15 (21), 16 (16), 17 (9), 18 (8)).

School shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
SURE , Money and people and politicians like whores doing whatever they can do to get the money . Looks like we agree on the money HNut .
Last edited:
60s and 70s were no big deal as the cities had problems with small internal population of 'dem party ' enemies in as i said big cities . Now the USA is dealing with the lefty kids and 'grandkids' of those lefty enemies from the 60s and 70s .
Yeah I have noticed all the assassinations of political figures occurring nowadays......(eye roll)

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