Remember when Democrats promised to be civil after they got power in the election...

Democrats never promised to be civil. They promised that republicans would be civil. Democrats displayed their anger on inauguration day by smashing windows and torching cars and the mainstream media didn't even flinch. When Sanders supporter and democrat activist James Hodgkinson opened fire on a republican baseball team the MSM pretended the NRA was the problem. When Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock opened fire on a Trump Country/Western rally in the biggest mass shooting in history the FBI pretended they didn't have a freaking clue and the MSM forgot about it.
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?
Actually HILLARY called for more violent intolerance and a lack of civility until Democrats won back power.

....whattaya know? Hillary is a LIAR. Who'd a thunk it?!

Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?

What are you talking about?

You’re such a fucking whiner hypocrite it’s hard to understand how you can manage to get out of bed in the morning.

Civility has no place in politics as long as the least civil morherfucker in the nation sits in the top job.

You’re almost as insecure as the fuckwit in chief.

So as long as you don’t get your way you don’t have to be civil.

No, weirdo.

Nobody has to be civil until the least civil man in America is out of office. Many will. There is plenty of civility in Congress. But they certainly don’t have to and they never made any kind of pledge to do so.

Obama was first class civil and you fuckers were merciless. Civility now needs to be earned. By you.
Yes, he was. So was Bush.

Why not emulate them?
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?

What are you talking about?

You’re such a fucking whiner hypocrite it’s hard to understand how you can manage to get out of bed in the morning.

Civility has no place in politics as long as the least civil morherfucker in the nation sits in the top job.

You’re almost as insecure as the fuckwit in chief.

So as long as you don’t get your way you don’t have to be civil.

No, weirdo.

Nobody has to be civil until the least civil man in America is out of office. Many will. There is plenty of civility in Congress. But they certainly don’t have to and they never made any kind of pledge to do so.

Obama was first class civil and you fuckers were merciless. Civility now needs to be earned. By you.
Yes, he was. So was Bush.

Why not emulate them?
Mr. 'I won'?

Mr. ' The Cambridge Police Are Racists Even Though I Have No Idea What I'm Talking About'?

Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?

What are you talking about?

You’re such a fucking whiner hypocrite it’s hard to understand how you can manage to get out of bed in the morning.

Civility has no place in politics as long as the least civil morherfucker in the nation sits in the top job.

You’re almost as insecure as the fuckwit in chief.

So as long as you don’t get your way you don’t have to be civil.

No, weirdo.

Nobody has to be civil until the least civil man in America is out of office. Many will. There is plenty of civility in Congress. But they certainly don’t have to and they never made any kind of pledge to do so.

Obama was first class civil and you fuckers were merciless. Civility now needs to be earned. By you.
Yes, he was. So was Bush.

Why not emulate them?
Mr. 'I won'?

Mr. ' The Cambridge Police Are Racists Even Though I Have No Idea What I'm Talking About'?


Compare that to the cess that is Trump.
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?
Poor conservative republicans. Setting the level of civility and then whining whining whining whining whining about it.

Yes. We do set the level of civility. And in response you lie about us. You accuse onus of vile things that you do. You call us names. Some of have gotten tired and desired to descend to your level. Be nice if you for once in your life you guys would try to raise the level of discourse

Trump is the bar you set.

Why the race to the bottom. It is always the other guy.
Obama was first class civil and you fuckers were merciless. Civility now needs to be earned. By you.
Yes, he was. So was Bush.

Why not emulate them?

Bush effectively destroyed McCain's primary campaign by spreading rumor McCain had fathered a love child with a colored woman. After 9/11, he chose to lie relentlessly until he got his war on Iraq.

If that's "civility", I, for one, can do without it, and certainly don't wish to see it emulated by anyone.

Civility is supposed to be the outgrowth of respect for others - their humanity, basically. There is, in the realm of communication, no expression of disrespect louder than systematically to lie to others in order to manipulate them.
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?
Poor conservative republicans. Setting the level of civility and then whining whining whining whining whining about it.

Yes. We do set the level of civility. And in response you lie about us. You accuse onus of vile things that you do. You call us names. Some of have gotten tired and desired to descend to your level. Be nice if you for once in your life you guys would try to raise the level of discourse

Trump is the bar you set.

Why the race to the bottom. It is always the other guy.
what bar?

90% of the BAD TRUMP crap comes from a liberal media who hates him. why should i believe CNN? why should i believe CBS or FOX?

because they say things i agree with and want to hear? and why do you think they say that? cause you want to hear it and "validate" hate they gave you.

trump is far from perfect. he begs to be picked on and "spar'd" with. that's what he loves to do and look at him, he's got the world doing it with him. good, bad, indifferent. but i don't believe the press so i won't believe the press when they say he's racist when there simply isn't longstanding proof of this. hell, he was fine when he was a "democrat" and the bad things came out AFTER he swapped sides;. so to speak.

sounds more like bitter "ex" friends than a sudden change in a mans behavior.

people are never going to give trump a fair shake anymore than they will hillary. there's just segments of people so deep rooted in their emotional correctness they won't allow puts people into an irrational state where they simply see negatives even if the other day that's exactly what they would have done.

is the level of civility set when you:
accuse kavanaugh of rape w/o proof or witnesses
accept obama spying on the journalists and doing far worse than trump, but all you see is trump and CNN going at it so trump is bad.
call people racist and nazi for simply not agreeing with you
lie about "attacks" from MAGA hat wearers
attack MAGA hat wearers and have the media blame the victim and people dogpile onto them now
take a gun to a softball game and open fire on (R)'s.

the left went crazy saying YOU WILL BE TOLERANT OF US (but hey, you can't say shit or we'll ANTI-FA on you and call you all the names that describe how we act).

oh yea - anti-fa; are they civil?

now rest assured i do believe there's a good portion of us in the middle who are and want to be civil. but we get led astray by that CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT THEY JUST DID "journalism" out there so common today. it teaches us to hate then reinforces it every chance they can.

such as calling a (D) wearing either blackface *or* a KKK outfit a (R) and tell him to deny is long after he's admitted it.

that the civility you're pulling into this and saying the OTHER side is name calling?

you can't attack the other side for using actions and methods your side is doing while you say "but i understand why my side does, the other side made us" cause that simply isn't something any parent would let their child get away with.

what would you parents say when you were growing up when you said "they started it"? or "they called me a name first"? my dad would just tell me to stop being stupid and grow up.

we all got a lot of growing up to do in this country but it ain't gonna happen if we pretend only the other side is guilty of the very things you're condoning from your side.
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?
Real funny how republicans don't like the same shit they threw for 8 years thrown back in their faces Need a towel to wipe it off Gramps?
when did the right make up thinks like SCOTUS nominations being a rapist? not taking a vote is one thing, attacking the man is completely another the left justifies cause they didn't get their way.
Republicans were trying to rush through the nomination before the facts of rape allegations could be heard

I didn’t see any such allegations against Gorsuch.....he had a clean past
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?
Poor conservative republicans. Setting the level of civility and then whining whining whining whining whining about it.

Yes. We do set the level of civility. And in response you lie about us. You accuse onus of vile things that you do. You call us names. Some of have gotten tired and desired to descend to your level. Be nice if you for once in your life you guys would try to raise the level of discourse

Trump is the bar you set.

Why the race to the bottom. It is always the other guy.
what bar?

90% of the BAD TRUMP crap comes from a liberal media who hates him. why should i believe CNN? why should i believe CBS or FOX?

because they say things i agree with and want to hear? and why do you think they say that? cause you want to hear it and "validate" hate they gave you.

trump is far from perfect. he begs to be picked on and "spar'd" with. that's what he loves to do and look at him, he's got the world doing it with him. good, bad, indifferent. but i don't believe the press so i won't believe the press when they say he's racist when there simply isn't longstanding proof of this. hell, he was fine when he was a "democrat" and the bad things came out AFTER he swapped sides;. so to speak.

sounds more like bitter "ex" friends than a sudden change in a mans behavior.

people are never going to give trump a fair shake anymore than they will hillary. there's just segments of people so deep rooted in their emotional correctness they won't allow puts people into an irrational state where they simply see negatives even if the other day that's exactly what they would have done.

is the level of civility set when you:
accuse kavanaugh of rape w/o proof or witnesses
accept obama spying on the journalists and doing far worse than trump, but all you see is trump and CNN going at it so trump is bad.
call people racist and nazi for simply not agreeing with you
lie about "attacks" from MAGA hat wearers
attack MAGA hat wearers and have the media blame the victim and people dogpile onto them now
take a gun to a softball game and open fire on (R)'s.

the left went crazy saying YOU WILL BE TOLERANT OF US (but hey, you can't say shit or we'll ANTI-FA on you and call you all the names that describe how we act).

oh yea - anti-fa; are they civil?

now rest assured i do believe there's a good portion of us in the middle who are and want to be civil. but we get led astray by that CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT THEY JUST DID "journalism" out there so common today. it teaches us to hate then reinforces it every chance they can.

such as calling a (D) wearing either blackface *or* a KKK outfit a (R) and tell him to deny is long after he's admitted it.

that the civility you're pulling into this and saying the OTHER side is name calling?

you can't attack the other side for using actions and methods your side is doing while you say "but i understand why my side does, the other side made us" cause that simply isn't something any parent would let their child get away with.

what would you parents say when you were growing up when you said "they started it"? or "they called me a name first"? my dad would just tell me to stop being stupid and grow up.

we all got a lot of growing up to do in this country but it ain't gonna happen if we pretend only the other side is guilty of the very things you're condoning from your side.
90 percent of the Bad Trump shit happens when Trump opens his mouth
There is no civility in politics anymore

Went out with Gingrich
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?
Poor conservative republicans. Setting the level of civility and then whining whining whining whining whining about it.

Yes. We do set the level of civility. And in response you lie about us. You accuse onus of vile things that you do. You call us names. Some of have gotten tired and desired to descend to your level. Be nice if you for once in your life you guys would try to raise the level of discourse

Trump is the bar you set.

Why the race to the bottom. It is always the other guy.
what bar?

90% of the BAD TRUMP crap comes from a liberal media who hates him. why should i believe CNN? why should i believe CBS or FOX?

because they say things i agree with and want to hear? and why do you think they say that? cause you want to hear it and "validate" hate they gave you.

trump is far from perfect. he begs to be picked on and "spar'd" with. that's what he loves to do and look at him, he's got the world doing it with him. good, bad, indifferent. but i don't believe the press so i won't believe the press when they say he's racist when there simply isn't longstanding proof of this. hell, he was fine when he was a "democrat" and the bad things came out AFTER he swapped sides;. so to speak.

sounds more like bitter "ex" friends than a sudden change in a mans behavior.

people are never going to give trump a fair shake anymore than they will hillary. there's just segments of people so deep rooted in their emotional correctness they won't allow puts people into an irrational state where they simply see negatives even if the other day that's exactly what they would have done.

is the level of civility set when you:
accuse kavanaugh of rape w/o proof or witnesses
accept obama spying on the journalists and doing far worse than trump, but all you see is trump and CNN going at it so trump is bad.
call people racist and nazi for simply not agreeing with you
lie about "attacks" from MAGA hat wearers
attack MAGA hat wearers and have the media blame the victim and people dogpile onto them now
take a gun to a softball game and open fire on (R)'s.

the left went crazy saying YOU WILL BE TOLERANT OF US (but hey, you can't say shit or we'll ANTI-FA on you and call you all the names that describe how we act).

oh yea - anti-fa; are they civil?

now rest assured i do believe there's a good portion of us in the middle who are and want to be civil. but we get led astray by that CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT THEY JUST DID "journalism" out there so common today. it teaches us to hate then reinforces it every chance they can.

such as calling a (D) wearing either blackface *or* a KKK outfit a (R) and tell him to deny is long after he's admitted it.

that the civility you're pulling into this and saying the OTHER side is name calling?

you can't attack the other side for using actions and methods your side is doing while you say "but i understand why my side does, the other side made us" cause that simply isn't something any parent would let their child get away with.

what would you parents say when you were growing up when you said "they started it"? or "they called me a name first"? my dad would just tell me to stop being stupid and grow up.

we all got a lot of growing up to do in this country but it ain't gonna happen if we pretend only the other side is guilty of the very things you're condoning from your side.
90 percent of the Bad Trump shit happens when Trump opens his mouth
oh he's an antagonist to be sure.

that's not illegal or most people in here would be in jail also.

grow up.
Poor conservative republicans. Setting the level of civility and then whining whining whining whining whining about it.

Yes. We do set the level of civility. And in response you lie about us. You accuse onus of vile things that you do. You call us names. Some of have gotten tired and desired to descend to your level. Be nice if you for once in your life you guys would try to raise the level of discourse

Trump is the bar you set.

Why the race to the bottom. It is always the other guy.
what bar?

90% of the BAD TRUMP crap comes from a liberal media who hates him. why should i believe CNN? why should i believe CBS or FOX?

because they say things i agree with and want to hear? and why do you think they say that? cause you want to hear it and "validate" hate they gave you.

trump is far from perfect. he begs to be picked on and "spar'd" with. that's what he loves to do and look at him, he's got the world doing it with him. good, bad, indifferent. but i don't believe the press so i won't believe the press when they say he's racist when there simply isn't longstanding proof of this. hell, he was fine when he was a "democrat" and the bad things came out AFTER he swapped sides;. so to speak.

sounds more like bitter "ex" friends than a sudden change in a mans behavior.

people are never going to give trump a fair shake anymore than they will hillary. there's just segments of people so deep rooted in their emotional correctness they won't allow puts people into an irrational state where they simply see negatives even if the other day that's exactly what they would have done.

is the level of civility set when you:
accuse kavanaugh of rape w/o proof or witnesses
accept obama spying on the journalists and doing far worse than trump, but all you see is trump and CNN going at it so trump is bad.
call people racist and nazi for simply not agreeing with you
lie about "attacks" from MAGA hat wearers
attack MAGA hat wearers and have the media blame the victim and people dogpile onto them now
take a gun to a softball game and open fire on (R)'s.

the left went crazy saying YOU WILL BE TOLERANT OF US (but hey, you can't say shit or we'll ANTI-FA on you and call you all the names that describe how we act).

oh yea - anti-fa; are they civil?

now rest assured i do believe there's a good portion of us in the middle who are and want to be civil. but we get led astray by that CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT THEY JUST DID "journalism" out there so common today. it teaches us to hate then reinforces it every chance they can.

such as calling a (D) wearing either blackface *or* a KKK outfit a (R) and tell him to deny is long after he's admitted it.

that the civility you're pulling into this and saying the OTHER side is name calling?

you can't attack the other side for using actions and methods your side is doing while you say "but i understand why my side does, the other side made us" cause that simply isn't something any parent would let their child get away with.

what would you parents say when you were growing up when you said "they started it"? or "they called me a name first"? my dad would just tell me to stop being stupid and grow up.

we all got a lot of growing up to do in this country but it ain't gonna happen if we pretend only the other side is guilty of the very things you're condoning from your side.
90 percent of the Bad Trump shit happens when Trump opens his mouth
oh he's an antagonist to be sure.

that's not illegal or most people in here would be in jail also.

grow up.
We will see how much of Trumps shit was illegal
Well they got power and they are getting worse. Is there anything they actually honor?
Poor conservative republicans. Setting the level of civility and then whining whining whining whining whining about it.

Yes. We do set the level of civility. And in response you lie about us. You accuse onus of vile things that you do. You call us names. Some of have gotten tired and desired to descend to your level. Be nice if you for once in your life you guys would try to raise the level of discourse

Trump is the bar you set.

Why the race to the bottom. It is always the other guy.
what bar?

90% of the BAD TRUMP crap comes from a liberal media who hates him. why should i believe CNN? why should i believe CBS or FOX?

because they say things i agree with and want to hear? and why do you think they say that? cause you want to hear it and "validate" hate they gave you.

trump is far from perfect. he begs to be picked on and "spar'd" with. that's what he loves to do and look at him, he's got the world doing it with him. good, bad, indifferent. but i don't believe the press so i won't believe the press when they say he's racist when there simply isn't longstanding proof of this. hell, he was fine when he was a "democrat" and the bad things came out AFTER he swapped sides;. so to speak.

sounds more like bitter "ex" friends than a sudden change in a mans behavior.

people are never going to give trump a fair shake anymore than they will hillary. there's just segments of people so deep rooted in their emotional correctness they won't allow puts people into an irrational state where they simply see negatives even if the other day that's exactly what they would have done.

is the level of civility set when you:
accuse kavanaugh of rape w/o proof or witnesses
accept obama spying on the journalists and doing far worse than trump, but all you see is trump and CNN going at it so trump is bad.
call people racist and nazi for simply not agreeing with you
lie about "attacks" from MAGA hat wearers
attack MAGA hat wearers and have the media blame the victim and people dogpile onto them now
take a gun to a softball game and open fire on (R)'s.

the left went crazy saying YOU WILL BE TOLERANT OF US (but hey, you can't say shit or we'll ANTI-FA on you and call you all the names that describe how we act).

oh yea - anti-fa; are they civil?

now rest assured i do believe there's a good portion of us in the middle who are and want to be civil. but we get led astray by that CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT THEY JUST DID "journalism" out there so common today. it teaches us to hate then reinforces it every chance they can.

such as calling a (D) wearing either blackface *or* a KKK outfit a (R) and tell him to deny is long after he's admitted it.

that the civility you're pulling into this and saying the OTHER side is name calling?

you can't attack the other side for using actions and methods your side is doing while you say "but i understand why my side does, the other side made us" cause that simply isn't something any parent would let their child get away with.

what would you parents say when you were growing up when you said "they started it"? or "they called me a name first"? my dad would just tell me to stop being stupid and grow up.

we all got a lot of growing up to do in this country but it ain't gonna happen if we pretend only the other side is guilty of the very things you're condoning from your side.
Why do you only attack the left? I cant help but notice how yoj you largely give a free pass to what comes from Trump et really makes your argument appear to be little more thsn condoning your side. I get this impression from multiple arguments I have seen.

Regardless of who did what first, Trump lowered the bar to unprecedented levels and his supporters not only condoned it but applauded it, in the name of "authenticity". To ignore this is to ignore the very sharp drop in public discourse set by Trump and his supporters. Lets hope it is not a trend tbe Dems and Non Trump Republicans will follow. We need adults and I am not seeing them in the Trump Whitehouse. It really is time to calla spade a spade.

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