Remember when Geo W Bush ditched 5 million emails?

No I dont remember that at all. WHo cares? Is Geo. W Bush running for president? Was he SecState? Did he keep a private email server against gov't regs that was certainly hacked by a foreign govt? Did he lie about all of that? Did he take payoffs from foreign governments while in office?
Another pathetic attempt by the Left to deflect frm Hillary's felonies.

Attention, Libs: Hillary Clinton is the ONLY candidate in the race under investigation by the FBI. Deal with it.
You have used "It's Bush's fault" for six years to cover for Obama.
Did he use a private server? NO
Is he being or was it looked at by the FBI? NO
WAS his server hacked by overseas hackers? NO.

Hillary IS going or SHOULD go to prison. Deal with it.
libs never pass up the chance to cover one their corrupted, lying Politicians ass.

when did they become sheep? they used to stand up for the Truth, holding their politicians to a higher standard and have some honor.

now look at them. is it any wonder this Federal Government believes it can do whatever they want and get away with it?

But suddenly millions of the
private RNC emails had gone missing; emails that were seen as potentially crucial evidence by Congressional investigators.

I wonder if the OP can rub both his brain cells together and see the difference between these emails and the ones that Hillary criminally withheld?
"Remember when Geo W Bush ditched 5 million emails?"

Remember when Geo W Bush started started two failed, illegal wars, resulting in the needless deaths of thousands and the wounding of thousands more. .

One of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH.
Were the relevant Laws and Regulations different, in the time-frame that the Bush emails were supposedly lost or destroyed, versus the era when the Clinton emails were supposedly created and transmitted and archived and vetted?

If "yes", and relevant Laws and Regulations allowed for a more lenient treatment or sanction at the time of the Bush email 'scandal', then, we're done here.

If "no", did George W. Bush personally and publicly declare uncategorically that no covered emails existed or were transmitted through such systems?


What does this have to do with whether or not Hillary Clinton broke the law, in (1) using her personal email server(s) for State Department business, (2) processing Top Secret communiques through personally-controlled server(s), (3) making false public declarations about those Top Secret communiques, (4) deleting Top Secret emails on personal server(s), and (5) lying to Congress about it.

Just because the Bush Administration may (or may not) have done something similar, in an earlier time, most likely covered by earlier and more lenient Laws and Regulations, has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether or not Hillary Clinton is guilty of (1) thru (5) above.

"The other guy did it earlier, so I get to do it, too." - that 5th-grade recess-yard shit isn't gonna cut it in our present-day charged political climate.

Try another Deflection Tactic to try to protect one of your own, 'cause this dog won't hunt.
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"Remember when Geo W Bush ditched 5 million emails?"

Remember when Geo W Bush started started two failed, illegal wars, resulting in the needless deaths of thousands and the wounding of thousands more. .

One of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH.
Remember when all the Democrats voted for those wars?????
"Remember when Geo W Bush ditched 5 million emails?"

Remember when Geo W Bush started started two failed, illegal wars, resulting in the needless deaths of thousands and the wounding of thousands more. .

One of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH.

The five million e mails were stored with the 12 billion $$$dollars$$$ stacked on pallets in Iraq. It wasn't Bush's fault. The Dick VP was in charge of both losing and stealing stuff.
"Remember when Geo W Bush ditched 5 million emails?"

Remember when Geo W Bush started started two failed, illegal wars, resulting in the needless deaths of thousands and the wounding of thousands more. .

One of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH.
Don't worry the check and stamps will still come.
And just how does THAT compare with the horror of two illegal wars? I'd take the Bush emails in a heartbeat if it wasn't the least horrific thing his administration pulled off.[/QUOTE]
Congress illegally approved some wars you are saying?
"Remember when Geo W Bush ditched 5 million emails?"

Remember when Geo W Bush started started two failed, illegal wars, resulting in the needless deaths of thousands and the wounding of thousands more. .

One of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH.

And remember when President Obama cleaned up his mess, cut his deficit by 3/4, gave us the jobs that Bush sent to China, gave us a healthy stock market again so we could get back the money the Bush's stole from us. Remember when President Obama worked for peace that would not cost us a trillion bucks and hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed?

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